Escuela Avancemos! Academy
Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Escuela Avancemos Academy
2635 Howard Street
Detroit, MI 48216
Room 105
Directors Present
A. Bordeianu (remote), C. Stamatin, L. Chittum, M. Barbour, M. Gonzalez
Directors Absent
Directors who left before the meeting adjourned
M. Gonzalez
Guests Present
A. Ulloa, Dahime Gordon, J. Joubert, L. Coggins, S. Johnson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
Roll Call | |
M. Barbour |
M. Gonzalez |
L. Chittum |
C. Stamatin |
A. Bordeianu |
III. Consent Agenda Item
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
M. Barbour |
C. Stamatin |
L. Chittum |
A. Bordeianu |
M. Gonzalez |
IV. New Business
Fall 2023 Assessment Administration Corrective Action Plan
Roll Call | |
A. Bordeianu |
M. Barbour |
L. Chittum |
M. Gonzalez |
C. Stamatin |
Escuela Avancemos Academy Board President Cristina Stamatin Oath of Public Office
Escuela Avancemos Board Trustee Mariva Gonzalez Oath of Public Office
The Oath of Public Office was administered by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins and accepted by the
Board Trustee Mariva Gonzalez.
V. Reports
21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report
Dahime Gordon, the 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, presented the 21st Century Community
Learning Center monthly programming. The robotics competition proved to be an exceptional experience for the students, providing them with a hands-on opportunity to engage in STEM activities. The goal is to offer creative activities to attract more students to enroll in the afterschool program. Interim Principal Farida Malik participated in the 21st CCLC grant compliance required cohort meeting on December 12, 2023.
November Financials
November 2023 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting
cash on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund
balance in a summarized format. The financials are in order.
Sanga Monthly Management Report
The Sanga Monthly Management Report was presented by Ana Ulloa (Sanga Consulting
Management CEO and school founder) and Farida Malik (Interim Principal). The school's leadership team has been analyzing the data provided by the academy's MTSS framework. With 92% of the academy students being English Language Learners, leadership needs to engage in rigorous conversations on how to move the needle toward academic growth. Success For All (SFA) consultant has been scheduled to be onsite for two days for training and strategizing. Success For All has embedded strategies for language development for English Language Learners and the structure needed to propel the growth at Escuela Avancemos Academy. The newcomer students are being serviced by the multilingual service coordinator for the basics of English to comprehend the content in the classroom. Claudia Lara Martinez is scheduled to conduct two Professional Developments for the staff on Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol strategies.
On November 21, 2023, the academy received a Notice of Non-Compliance from the CMU Center for Charter Schools. All findings were quickly addressed to correct the non-compliance items in the notice correspondence. Ana Ulloa shared her concerns regarding the academy's open school campus security. Madam President Cristina Stamatin suggested a work meeting be scheduled to identify the school's challenges and create committees. The work session meeting will be tailored for brainstorming with the management company on potential school-related challenges and how they can be reasonably addressed. The Board of Directors will not take any actions during the work session meeting.
VI. Extended Public Comment:
This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.
None at this time.
VII. Board Comments
Authorizer Comments
The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University Field
Operations School Lead, Jennifer Joubert thanked Board President Cristina Stamatin for attending the MAPSA's Annual MI Charter School Symposium (MiCSS23).
Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Updates
Board Treasurer Linda Chittum thanked Ana Ulloa of Sanga Consulting, Inc. for being transparent and informing the Board of Directors of the security issues at the academy. The Board of Directors is willing to dive into corrective action and attend community meetings to learn more about potential security hazards. Board Secretary Monica Barbour suggested that the school administration visit other school districts for guidance or suggestions for creating a safe school environment. Perhaps adding additional cameras and security measures would assist in the matter.
VIII. Closing Items
Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos Academy.
The Oath of Public Office was administered by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins and accepted by the
Board President Cristina Stamatin.