Escuela Avancemos! Academy
Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Escuela Avancemos Academy
2635 Howard St
Detroit, MI 48216
Room 105
Directors Present
C. Stamatin, L. Chittum, M. Barbour
Directors Absent
A. Bordeianu, M. Gonzalez
Guests Present
A. Ulloa, Dahime Gordon, Farida Malik, J. Joubert, L. Coggins, S. Johnson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
Roll Call | |
C. Stamatin |
M. Barbour |
L. Chittum |
M. Gonzalez |
A. Bordeianu |
III. Consent Agenda Item
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
C. Stamatin |
L. Chittum |
A. Bordeianu |
M. Barbour |
M. Gonzalez |
IV. New Business
2023-2024 School Calendar Amendment
Roll Call | |
C. Stamatin |
M. Gonzalez |
M. Barbour |
A. Bordeianu |
L. Chittum |
V. Reports
21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report
October Financials
October 2023 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting
cash on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund balance in
a summarized format. The financials are in order.
Sanga Monthly Management Report
The Sanga Monthly Management Report was presented by Ana Ulloa (Sanga Consulting Management CEO and school founder) and Farida Malik (Interim Principal)
Escuela Avancemos Academy has invested in iObservation as a formal tool for all teacher evaluation purposes. IObservation will use the Marzano teacher evaluation system for all informal and formal teacher observations.
The Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model is divided into four domains.
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
Domain 2: Planning and Preparation
Domain 3: Reflecting and Teaching
Domain 4: Collegiality and Professionalism
The Interim Principal is conducting informal observations for grades kindergarten through 8th and Mid-year formal observations are planned for mid-January.
Escuela Avancemos Academy has purchased many online learning platforms this year which are designed to help English Language Learners and students master reading and math skills.
Within these platforms, explicit instruction is covered.
The purchased platforms are:
Imagine Learning
Imagine Language and Literacy
Imagine Math
Imagine Math Facts
Escuela Avancemos collects and analyzes data from two data objects, NWEA and I-Ready. NWEA was completed on October 13, 2023, and the I-Ready diagnostic tool was taken by all students K-8 and completed on October 31, 2023. Findings from these assessments are studied to determine student and school improvement goals.
A graph of preliminary data was presented to the Board of Directors indicating the total number of students on or above grade level, approaching, one grade level below, two grade levels below, and two or more levels below grade levels. There is an urgency to raise students' academic growth.
Ms. Malik has implemented a plan of action for teacher-led small group instruction to work up to the mastery level. The focus is on progress monitoring.
Ana Ulloa informed the Board of Directors of a violation notification received by Sherry Betcher
Assessment Manager at The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University. The violation includes a group of students receiving NWEA assessment accommodations incorrectly. A plan of action outline will also be included in the correspondence from the Center. Ms. Ulloa spoke with the Interim Principal and teacher involved regarding the selected accommodations. It appears that it was an oversight. Ms. Ulloa spoke with Sherry Betcher regarding the violation via phone. It was discovered that assessment accommodation violations also took place in previous years. Ms. Ulloa requested to be included in all communication from The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University.
Management and the school leadership team have reviewed the current procedures. These procedures have been revised to prevent this situation from occurring in the future at the academy. The Board of Directors will receive a formal out-of-compliance letter from the Center. Jennifer Joubert suggested a check and balance procedure for the school leadership team to review with their protocols.
Ms. Joubert then shared the great news with the Board of Directors that the Academy's English Language Learners (ELL) outperformed DPSCD schools. The Center for Charter Schools appreciates the Board of Directors support.
Board Secretary Monica Barbour inquired if staff would be informed of the accommodation violations. Ms. Ulloa is planning to hold a mandatory meeting with staff to inform them of the violation and other action items to increase student academic growth.
Staffing Updates: Dylan Thompson has joined the academy as a paraprofessional and Ms. Margarita Salas is contracted through The Stepping Stones Group to provide Social Work services for Special Education students twice a week virtually. Ms. Joubert suggested that the school leadership join the Center of Charter Schools "Coffee with Special Education" webinars for a space to discuss various topics surrounding Special Education.
The academy is making progress with supporting ELL students, Tier II and Tier III students, and is taking steps to provide resources for students. This includes a focus on instructional strategies, lesson planning, and classroom management strategies. Escuela Avancemos is providing all-staff classroom management training and support through Steven Elam Educational Solutions.
The school leadership team is proactively implementing a multi-tier instructional system of strategies, interventions, and progress monitoring protocols to personalize instruction for all our students. The goal is to streamline this process with a focus on student academic and behavioral needs.
Michelle Molargik, consultant with Franklin Covey and Leader in Me, facilitated a presentation on November 7, 2023. She engaged our staff with many different strategies to implement the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” in our classrooms.
VI. Extended Public Comment:
This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.
None at this time.
VII. Board Comments
Authorizer Comments
The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University Field Operations School Lead, Jennifer Joubert thanked the Board of Directors for their ongoing support and commitment. The academy Site and Facility Review is scheduled for November 16th at 1 pm.
Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Updates
Escuela Avancemos Academy Board of Directors thanked management and school leadership for full transparency regarding the accommodations testing violation. Madam President Cristina Stamatin thanked everyone for participating in the Fall 2023 Board Retreat, The Board of Directors has a clearer picture of the framework that is needed to assist with moving the academy forward and upholding the school's mission statement. The academy has three contracts up for renewal and committees will be established to assist with the renewals.
VIII. Closing Items
Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos Academy.
Dahime Gordon, the 21st CCLC Site Coordinator, presented the 21st Century Community Learning Center monthly programming. Escuela Avancemos Academy has 35 students enrolled and attending regularly in the after-school programming. The robotic sessions are set to take place every Monday and Wednesday, leading up to highly anticipated competition on December 2nd; 30 students have enrolled at the Roberto Clemente gym to participate in athletics. Madam President Cristina Stamatin inquired about the length of time the Robotics team has been practicing. Ms. Gordon informed the Board of Directors that the team has been practicing since October and is very excited about the upcoming competition.