Escuela Avancemos! Academy


Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 13, 2022 at 6:30 PM


Escuela Avancemos Academy

2635 Howard St

Detroit, MI  48216

Room 105

MISSION STATEMENT:  Prepare, educate, and inspire every child, every day to be lifelong leaders and learners in our 21st-century world.

Directors Present

A. Bordeianu, C. Stamatin, M. Barbour, M. Gonzalez

Directors Absent

L. Chittum

Guests Present

A. Ulloa, Beatriz Hill, Dahime Gordon, Ivannia Moreno Alvarez, J. Joubert, S. Johnson, S. Ovares, Teresa Nava

I. Opening Items


Oath of Public Office administered to Monica Barbour and Andreea Bordeianu

The Oath of Public Office was administered by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins and accepted by both Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu and Board Secretary Monica Barbour.


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Stamatin called a meeting of the board of directors of Escuela Avancemos! Academy to order on Tuesday Dec 13, 2022 at 6:39 PM.

II. Approval of Agenda


Approval of Agenda

M. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the December 13, 2022 board meeting agenda.
M. Barbour seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Barbour
A. Bordeianu
C. Stamatin
L. Chittum
M. Gonzalez

III. Consent Agenda Item


Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

M. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes from Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting on 11-15-22.
A. Bordeianu seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Chittum
A. Bordeianu
C. Stamatin
M. Gonzalez
M. Barbour

IV. New Business


Fall 2022 Board Policy Updates for Escuela Avancemos! Academy

M. Barbour made a motion to approve the Fall 2022 revised board policies updated by the National Charter Schools Institute as presented.
M. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Gonzalez
M. Barbour
A. Bordeianu
C. Stamatin
L. Chittum

V. Reports


21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report

Dahime Gordon, Site Coordinator for the 21st Century Learning Program (21st
CCLC), presented the monthly programming and budget report. The program site coordinator (SC) has been working closely with the school administration to recruit additional students for the program.  The 21st Century Learning Program has extended homework help time to accommodate parent requests.  The Detroit Zoo, Cooking Matters, and University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) have provided exciting and fun activities for the students.  After-school programming last day before the holiday break is tentatively scheduled for December 21, 2022. More updates to follow regarding the 21st CCLC funding through the MDE grant.


Charter Schools Program Grant Monthly Report

Dr. Lorilyn Coggins presented the Charter School Program Grant current month and cumulative amounts to the Board of Directors as required to be presented monthly at each board meeting. Dr. Coggins expressed gratitude to the leadership team for expediting ordering and invoice processing to meet the grant deadline to utilize funds. An MDE representative may attend an upcoming board meeting to ensure that the board is informed of the grant funds monthly.


November Financials

November 2022 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting
cash on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund
balance in a summarized format. The financials are in order. 


Sanga Monthly Management Report

The Sanga Monthly Management Report was presented by Dr. Steven Ovares (School Principal) and Ana Ulloa (CEO, Founder).  Dr. Ovares presented Michigan’s School Index scores that have recently become public on November 29, 2022, through The academy's overall index score is outperforming 98 of 106 local school districts. Board President Cristina Stamatin is very impressed with the academy's growth which will reflect an upward trend for months and years to come. This information is a positive outliner for the work that is being done by the leadership and staff.  Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu inquired if the index scores had been compared to high-performing schools in the state.  Dr. Ovares is still in the process of analyzing the scores and reviewing other high-performing districts' data. Ana Ulloa asked, "What assessment test scores are used to populate the overall index scores?" Per Dr. Ovares, M-Step and the PSAT assessment scores are used to populate the overall index scores. During the month of November 2022, Kathleen Barker from CMU was onsite for 2 days to complete a Special Education Assisted Self Review with and for the academy.

The official report from CMU is forthcoming. The leadership and instructional team found the process incredibly helpful and informative. The data analysis conducted and feedback from Ms. Barker not only helps with keeping the academy's Special Education programming in compliance, but provides students with the least restrictive environment possible while still supporting their attainment of specific, measurable goals. Ana Ulloa requested to receive a copy of the CMU's Special Education Report from the School Principal as soon as it's received. 

Ana Ulloa provided the Board of Directors with an update regarding the parent concern shared at last month's board meeting. An expert in autism will be observing the student for a 

final recommendation.  The Principal, MTTS coordinator, and the special education resource teacher have also observed the student. The department will convene an IEP review on December 23, 2022 to present the recommendation to the mother. Ana Ulloa has requested from the leadership team that all reports be put in writing. As the fiduciary of the academy's budget, one of Ms. Ulloa's responsibilities is to oversee the funds that are being used for the academy's expenditures compliance. There appears to be an overrepresentation of Speech and Language services within the special education area. The special education files and the administered test will be reviewed by a professional with bilingual education expertise.  The academy received a donation of furniture from Jesse Venegas, who is the owner of the Ideal Group. The furniture is beautiful and has been put to good use at Escuela Avancemos. After receiving the furniture donation, Mr. Venegas requested to visit the school. Mr. Venegas was very impressed with the school and made a donation of $10,000.00 to the academy for end-of-year staff bonuses. The check has been received and deposited in the school account.



VI. Extended Public Comment:


This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.

A parent of the academy expressed gratitude to the office staff, the Principal, and Ana Ulloa for all their support and for always being very helpful. The parent requested a status update regarding student aid being put in place for her son.  Ana Ulloa informed the parent and the Board of Directors of the scheduled upcoming IEP meeting that will provide insight into the request. Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu expressed that parents are the best advocate for their children. Ana Ulloa asked the Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu to explain parental education laws to parents at a future parent meeting. 

VII. Board Comments


Authorizer Comments

The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University Field Operations School Lead, Jennifer Joubert, shared upcoming CMU events and Epicenter required tasks due dates. CMU is always pleased to see board members at the Board Round Table Meetings.  The next meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2023, in Southfield, MI. 


Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Comments

Escuela Avancemos Academy Board of Directors is very pleased with the academy's overall index scores. Each board member is proud and honored to be a member of the board. The effort that everyone puts in to keep the school going forward is what keeps the school moving in the right direction. The board of directors especially thanked Ana Ulloa for her due diligence in investigating school-related issues to make sure the academy remains in compliance. A special thanks to Dr. Lorilyn Coggins for another great financial presentation and support in keeping the academy in financial compliance. Thankful acknowledgments were expressed to Jennifer Joubert and the entire CMU team for their support, professional development classes, and resources. Kudos to Dr. Ovares for doing a great job leading the teachers and students. Thanks to everyone for making magic happen every day at Escuela Avancemos Academy.  Wishes of holiday cheer and great health were also expressed to everyone. Board President Cristina Stamatin requested high transition data to ensure that 8th-grade students are enrolled in area high schools and are being accepted in their schools of choice legally. 

VIII. Closing Items


Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos Academy; 2635 Howard St Detroit, MI  48216.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Johnson