Escuela Avancemos! Academy


Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting (Virtual)

Date and Time

Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM


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MISSION STATEMENT:  Prepare, educate, and inspire every child, every day to be lifelong leaders and learners in our 21st-century world.

Directors Present

A. Bordeianu (remote), C. Stamatin (remote), L. Chittum (remote), M. Barbour (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Gonzalez

Guests Present

A. Ulloa (remote), Breenah Grace Donahue (remote), J. Joubert (remote), L. Coggins (remote), L. McClintic (remote), Michelle-Kerry Khatib (remote), S. Johnson (remote), S. Yassine (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Stamatin called a meeting of the board of directors of Escuela Avancemos! Academy to order on Tuesday Dec 14, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

II. Approval of Agenda


Approval of Agenda

M. Barbour made a motion to approve December 14, 2021 board meeting agenda.
A. Bordeianu seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Stamatin
M. Barbour
M. Gonzalez
A. Bordeianu
L. Chittum

III. Consent Agenda Item


Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

A. Bordeianu made a motion to approve the minutes from Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting (Virtual) on 11-16-21.
L. Chittum seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Barbour
C. Stamatin
A. Bordeianu
M. Gonzalez
L. Chittum

IV. New Business


Fall 2021 Board Policy Updates for Escuela Avancemos! Academy

M. Barbour made a motion to approve the Fall 2021 revised board policies updated by the National Charter Schools Institute as presented.
A. Bordeianu seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Bordeianu
L. Chittum
M. Gonzalez
C. Stamatin
M. Barbour

V. Reports


21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report

Michelle Kerry Khatib, Program Director presented the monthly programming and budget report to the Board of Directors. Ms. Khatib is very grateful for the academy's administrator, instructional leaders and teachers participation and support.


Sanga Monthly Management Report

The Sanga Monthly Management Report was presented by Stephanie Yassine and Lyndsey McClintic.  Dr. Steven Ovares is currently on paternity leave and will not be joining the board meeting.  Lyndsey McClintic presented the Detroit Children's Fund SC2 Cohort, where each year the academy's teaching staff engage in a nationally normed survey called the TNTP Insight Survey. Through Insight, teachers have the opportunity to share their thoughts on the leadership practices and conditions at our school that support strong instruction. The report summarizes the domain responses in relation to the national norm as well as to the DCF cohort schools. The Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University COVID impact report data was shared with the Board of Directors.  The data presented showed the percentage of students in grades 3-8 who are currently meeting NWEA Fall Achievement National Norms, as well as a comparison of data from the last 4 years. The report is populated for both math and reading. From last fall to this fall, the academy has remained steady in the percentage of students meeting national norms in math (15.8%) and increased slightly in reading (22.7 to 23.3%), though across both subjects we have not yet made up for the lost ground from pre-pandemic (Fall 2019). Though there was a significant uptick in the growth this fall when compared to last fall for both reading and math, leadership knows that to meet CMU expectations we minimally need to be achieving a 50. In order to work to bring our students below grade level to grade level, that number needs to be higher than 50, ideally at  65 or better. 
M-STEP students are projected to be proficient or advanced on the spring MSTEP based on their Fall NWEA percentiles in both reading and math over the last 6 years. The second table shown to the Board provided the change in achievement status for all students in grades 3-8 who have been enrolled for 2 or more consecutive years. It can be seen for both reading and math that there is 5-6% of students who are no longer meeting national norms in Fall 2021.  Ms. McClintic enlightened the Board of Directors of Central Michigan University's portfolio-wide findings.  Reading and math achievements have continued to decline, especially in math.  The declines were especially pronounced in the lower grades (3rd-5th).  In addition, the data shows a decrease in student growth from before the pandemic.  Since the fall of last year, math growth has increased but is still not back to the pre-pandemic rate of growth. The recommendations based on findings are to focus on student growth. Many students will need to earn a fall-to-spring conditional growth percentile of greater than 50.  Leadership will continue to encourage good faith discussions among the Board, school leadership and management about the difficulty they are experiencing and the efficacy of interventions throughout the course of the pandemic. Madam Vice President Andreea Bordeianu questioned what are the teachers observing in the classroom versus the test data findings?  It would be good for the Board of Directors to receive the teacher's feedback regarding this.  Breenah Grace Donahue, a third grade teacher at the academy chimed in to echo Ms. McClintic's statement of last year being a very difficult time in education for everyone.  However, she is confident that the teachers and leaders of Escuela Avancemos Academy will find a solution to assist students with academic growth.
Stephanie Yassine notified the Board of Directors of 6 positive COVID cases that were reported to the Detroit Health Department since the last board meeting in November. Staffing updates remain the same from November's 16th board meeting.  
The Drinking Water and Environmental Division of the State conducted water testing at the academy on November 19, 2021. The test results detected no lead and a very low acceptable amount of copper. Each staff member received updated Emergency Operations Plans to ensure that all staff are equipped with the most recent procedures and reference guide.  Central Michigan University came and inspected the academy's building facilities and reported no findings. 
In the area of mental health and support for the staff members at Escuela, the school has secured "Teladoc" services with a $0 copay and unlimited services. This is a service that provides access to medical professionals, therapists, dermatologists, etc. for our dedicated colleagues from the security of their homes.  The academy also received $15,000 from the Skillman Foundation as part of their school wellness grant. This money will be used to support the well-being of our school community.  The team congratulated Dr. Steven Ovares and his wife on their new bundle of joy.  



Charter Schools Program Grant Monthly Report

Dr. Lorilyn Coggins arrived.
Dr. Coggins informed the Board of Directors that the Charter Schools Program Grant report is due on December 15, 2021 to MDE.  More information will be provided at the next board meeting.


November Financials

November 2021 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting cash on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund balance in a summarized format. The financials are in order.
Dr. Lorilyn Coggins made a request to the Board President and Treasurer in an effort to encourage the signing of the necessary positive pay documents for Comerica Bank to close the account.  Acknowledgments were made of great teamwork and commitment demonstrated from the academy's teachers and leadership during the Title III Audit Meeting.


Escuela Avancemos Board Treasurer Linda Chittum Oath of Public Office

The Oath of Public Office was administered by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins and accepted by Board Treasurer Linda Chittum. 

VI. Extended Public Comment:


This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.

No extended comments at this time.

VII. Board Comments


Authorizer Comments

The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University Field Operations School Lead Jennifer Joubert encourages Stephanie Yassine and the academy's school leadership to remain positive as they navigate the best solution to student academic growth.  Congratulations and acknowledgments were expressed to the Board Treasurer for her continued service as a member of the board of directors. The Board of Directors were informed of contract amendments questionnaires being due in January.  


Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Comments

The Board of Directors acknowledged standing proud to be a part of the Escuela Avancemos Academy Board. Outstanding collaborations are being exemplified amongst the management team and the school's leadership. The school leadership team and management were congratulated for being awarded the Skillman Foundation and no findings on the CMU facility site review.  Madam President Cristina Stamatin reminded everyone of the upcoming board retreat scheduled for January 7-8, 2022. The Board of Directors is looking forward to collaborating with the team during the retreat.  One of the goals is to build out communities to aid in supporting management and the school leadership team where needed.  Happy Holidays to everyone!

VIII. Closing Items


Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos Academy; 2635 Howard St Detroit, MI 48216. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Johnson