Escuela Avancemos! Academy
Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting (Virtual)
Date and Time
Tuesday November 16, 2021 at 6:30 PM
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MISSION STATEMENT: Prepare, educate, and inspire every child, every day to be lifelong leaders and learners in our 21st-century world.
Directors Present
A. Bordeianu (remote), C. Stamatin (remote), L. Chittum (remote), M. Barbour (remote), M. Gonzalez (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
M. Barbour
Guests Present
A. Ulloa (remote), Beatrice Hill (remote), Dahime Gordon (remote), J. Joubert (remote), L. Coggins (remote), L. McClintic (remote), S. Johnson (remote), S. Ovares (remote), S. Yassine (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Stamatin called a meeting of the board of directors of Escuela Avancemos! Academy to order on Tuesday Nov 16, 2021 at 6:36 PM.
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
L. Chittum made a motion to made a motion to approve November 16, 2021 board meeting agenda.
M. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
L. Chittum |
C. Stamatin |
M. Barbour |
M. Gonzalez |
A. Bordeianu |
III. Consent Agenda Item
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
M. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes from Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting (Virtual) on 10-26-21.
L. Chittum seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Gonzalez |
M. Barbour |
L. Chittum |
C. Stamatin |
A. Bordeianu |
IV. Reports
21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report
Stephanie Yassine presented the 21st CCLC monthly programming report to the Board of Directors in Dahime Gordon, Site Coordinator, and Michelle Kerry Khatib, Program Director absent. Dahime Gordon later join the virtual meeting and presented the budget report to the Board of Directors. Madam President Stamatin inquired if the program had reached its minimum enrollment requirements. Dahime Gordon informed the Board of Directors of 26 students currently enrolled in the program. Recruitment efforts are ongoing. Without having the ability to offer transportation students that want to participate in the after-school program cannot due to lack of transportation. Ana Ulloa informed the board that the school buses are transporting students home during the time of the after-school program. Dahime Gordon shared that the 21st CCLC cannot allocate funds for transportation. Ana Ulloa stated that if it was possible to offer transportation for the program it would become a general fund expense for the academy.
M. Barbour arrived.
Sanga Monthly Management Report
A. Bordeianu made a motion to amend the agenda order of reports to move item (D) Sanga Monthly Management Report to item (B) Charter Schools Program Grant Monthly Report.
M. Barbour seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. Bordeianu |
M. Barbour |
M. Gonzalez |
C. Stamatin |
L. Chittum |
The Sanga Monthly Management Report was presented by Ana Ulloa, Stephanie Yassine, Lyndsey McClintic, and Dr. Steven Ovares. Dr. Ovares shared with the Board of Directors academics updates for Escuela Avancemos Academy. Weekly Teacher Observations and coaching is ongoing at the academy. The purpose of these observations is to aid in teacher growth and development, and with the ultimate goal of increasing student achievement and academic success, all teachers are observed at least once a week by a specific coach and mentor. Feedback is provided directly to the teacher during the coaching debrief, occurring within the same week. This continued support is to truly build a coaching framework for the academy teachers. Madam President Stamatin posed a question to the leadership team, "Who are the coaches?" The academy coaches consist of Dr. Steven Ovares, Lyndsey McClintic, and Joanne Formigan. Lilybeth LaFevre, a 6th-grade teacher, is inspired to become a coach and is being trained for growth development. As the leadership team builds and adapts the academy's professional development strategic planning goals, the team is focusing on the needs of the staff and students. After each professional development session, the staff is surveyed about the effectiveness of the information presented. The scope of teacher development is used to aid in supporting our teachers on their growth as educators, a scope of teacher development has been created by the leadership and instructional teams and is aligned with the classroom visit tool. Dr. Ovares shared an overview of the Classroom Visit Tool (CVT) indicators that are being used. Madam Vice President Bordeianu suggested adding student gender as a CVT indicator. Dr.Ovares agreed with the suggestion. Madam Vice President Bordeianu asked how teachers are responding to the CVT. Dr. Ovares mentioned anecdotally that positive feedback has been expressed from staff and will provide data to the Board of Directors at a later date. Madam Vice President Bordeianu asked Dr. Ovares if the I-Ready usage time was connected to homework? I-Ready engagement is mostly during WIN time blocks.
Lyndsey McClintic informed the Board of Directors of the ESL endorsements pilot program. Currently, 7 teachers are interested in potentially pursuing the TESOL program through Cornerstone University beginning this January. This pilot program covers the cost of tuition and books for the entire TESOL program. Participants will be offered a stipend incentive after each passed class. The leadership team is very excited for the opportunity to work with Kelly Alvarez of MDE who provided guidance on how to make this vision a reality for our staff and students despite that no schools are receiving the aforementioned grant. Madam Vice President Bordeianu asked what was the recommendation for changing Section III to English Language Learners as this might not be the proper name for this section. Ana Ulloa informed the Board of Directors that the academy does not have enough bilingual teachers to teach biliteracy. Every student is learning how to read/write in English and Spanish at the academy. Stephanie Yassine mentioned that the academy's culture is definitely felt throughout the building. The mission and vision live and breathe at the academy. Madam Vice President Bordeianu suggested the leadership team visit Alex & Marie Manoogian School. Madam President Stamatin informed everyone that this is a transition time and understands everyone's points of view and strongly supports biliteracy.
Stephanie Yassine presented the partnership section of the management report. The academy has had 4 positive COVID cases reported to the Detroit Health Department since October's board meeting. The contact tracing process was implemented in response to each case and a range of 20-30 students were in school-imposed quarantine at various times throughout the month. Board Trustee Gonzalez is very pleased with the quick contact tracing response time provided to parents. Sanga Management is actively planning to promote age 5+ vaccination for all our students including an application to host a vaccination fair for the Academy in early January 2022. Madam President Stamatin suggested finding a Hispanic origin doctor that is trusted in the community to speak with families as that may be beneficial in addressing the families' concerns surrounding the vaccine. Ana Ulloa shared an upcoming community vaccination fair incentive hosted by Chass Clinic.
The academy's building maintenance repairs are ongoing. The building has been professionally electrostatic disinfected; Elevator has been inoperable for over a month due to possible low voltage amps coming into the building. DTE has been out twice to troubleshoot the electrical wires to and from the utility pole. The Toledo Elevator theory is that the motor oil valve was the cause of the issue and has since been replaced but is still not working because of the low voltage; Summit Electric has been troubleshooting the electrical wiring and meters to rule out a low voltage issue. It was discovered that when the new modular was installed the outside electrical box wires were snagged causing an electrical shortage to the outside lighting circuits that supply the campus outdoor lighting. Vesta Modulars has been contacted regarding this repair; The building's drain system and replacement have been completed by Moore Brother Plumbing and passed the City of Detroit inspection; Bumbler Mechanical and Bass Controls were onsite November 2nd and 3rd for a full assessment of the HVAC unit. Minor repairs and adjustments were made to maintain a warm building. Ana Ulloa spoke with Anne Marie Fry, Pastoral Associate Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit/ Most Holy Trinity, and she said the parish is willing to work together with the academy to help with the cost of building repairs.
Charter Schools Program Grant Monthly Report
Dr. Lorilyn Coggins arrived.
Dr. Coggins presented an overview of the Charter School Program Grant data that is required to be
presented monthly at each board meeting.
presented monthly at each board meeting.
October Financials
October 2021 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting cash
on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund
balance in a summarized format. The financials are in order.
on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund
balance in a summarized format. The financials are in order.
V. Extended Public Comment:
This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.
No extended comments at this time.
VI. Board Comments
Authorizer Comments
The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University
Field Operations School Lead Jennifer Joubert informed the Board of Directors of Madam President Stamatin's photo featured on the Annual Conference for August 2022 postcard. The Center for Charter Schools will also be hosting two Board Treasurer Roundtable Discussions in December.
Field Operations School Lead Jennifer Joubert informed the Board of Directors of Madam President Stamatin's photo featured on the Annual Conference for August 2022 postcard. The Center for Charter Schools will also be hosting two Board Treasurer Roundtable Discussions in December.
Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Comments
Madam President Stamatin thanked everyone for each element that is used to make the school what it is. Everyone's passion for education and heritage is greatly appreciated. Gratitude acknowledgments were expressed to the Escuela Avancemos Academy Board of Directors for their input and expertise. The Board of Directors is looking forward to the board retreat and working with the management team on strategic goals for the academy. The Board of Directors is very pleased to hear of seven teachers interested in participating in the ESL pilot program. Accolades to Ana Ulloa for getting the parish and/or Archdiocese on board with assisting with the cost of the building repairs since it is their building. Accolades to the management team for encouraging families to do their research about the COVID vaccine and potentially hosting a vaccine fair. Let's continue to be a model for other schools. Happy Native American Heritage Month and Thanksgiving to all.
VII. Closing Items
Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting
Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos Academy; 2635
Howard St Detroit, MI 48216.
Howard St Detroit, MI 48216.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. Johnson