Escuela Avancemos! Academy


Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting (Virtual)

Date and Time

Tuesday January 26, 2021 at 6:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting
MISSION STATEMENT:  Prepare, educate, and inspire every child, every day to be lifelong leaders and learners in our 21st-century world.

Directors Present

A. Bordeianu (remote), C. Stamatin (remote), L. Chittum (remote), M. Barbour (remote), M. Gonzalez (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Ulloa (remote), Beatrice Hill (remote), Brennah Grace Donahue (remote), Dahime Gordon (remote), Doug Stutzman (remote), L. Coggins (remote), L. McClintic (remote), Martha Escutia (remote), Michelle Hadous (remote), S. Johnson (remote), S. Yassine (remote), (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Stamatin called a meeting of the board of directors of Escuela Avancemos! Academy to order on Tuesday Jan 26, 2021 at 6:31 PM.

II. Approval of Agenda


Approval of Agenda

M. Barbour made a motion to approve January 26, 2021 board meeting agenda.
M. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Gonzalez
L. Chittum
C. Stamatin
A. Bordeianu
M. Barbour

III. Consent Agenda Item


Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

M. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes from Escuela Avancemos Regular Board Meeting (Virtual) on 12-15-20.
A. Bordeianu seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Bordeianu
M. Barbour
L. Chittum
M. Gonzalez
C. Stamatin

IV. New Business


Monthly Extended COVID-19 Learning Plans (“ECLP”) Actions Resolution. Any public comment on the Extended COVID Learning Report?

L. Chittum made a motion to approve the Monthly Extended COVID-19 Learning Plans ("ECLP") as previously presented to the Academy's board.
M. Barbour seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Barbour
A. Bordeianu
L. Chittum
C. Stamatin
M. Gonzalez


Resolution to Approve the 2021-22 Enrollment Period and Lottery Amendment

L. Chittum made a motion to approve the 2021-22 Enrollment Period and Lottery.
M. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
Madam President Cristina Stamatin posed a question to the management team regarding adding 8th-grade in the fall.  Ms. Ana Ulloa replied, "Yes".  At February's board meeting, the academy will be presenting the Contract Amendment to the Board of Directors for approval to submit to Central Michigan University by the deadline date. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Stamatin
M. Barbour
M. Gonzalez
L. Chittum
A. Bordeianu


Approval of the Innovative Modular Solutions Bid

A. Bordeianu made a motion to hereby approve the base bid provided by Innovative Modular Solutions for a 4 classroom modular addition to be contingent upon Central Michigan University approval of the academy's contract amendment to add 8th grade and expand the existing facility.
L. Chittum seconded the motion.
Ana Ulloa introduced Doug Stutzman from Innovative Modular Solution to provide an overview of the four classrooms and two restrooms proposal bid logistics. St. Anne's church will not charge the academy for the playground space that will be used for the modular. Mr. Stutzman indicated that the deposit and side cost will be adjusted to create a low payment. Madam President Cristina Stamatin asked Doug Stutzman to provide clarity on what are side costs. Mr. Stutzman explained that side cost is simply additional materials items or permits that may be needed to accommodate the completion of the installation. The delivery and installation timeline is anticipated to be completed by the start of school in the fall. Ms. Ulloa mentioned if the academy was to seek a second location, the overhead cost will duplicate. Madam President inquired if the academy decides to relocate within the 36 months of the lease, will there be an additional cost to move the modular. Doug Stutzman stated yes, due to the breakdown of the modular and disconnecting the utilities. The modular contract cannot be signed until the Contract Amendment is approved by Central Michigan University.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Chittum
C. Stamatin
A. Bordeianu
M. Gonzalez
M. Barbour


Approval of the Amended CSP Budget


Approval of Board Training Programs by Gregory M. Meihn

M. Barbour made a motion to approve the board training by Gregory Meihn.
A. Bordeianu seconded the motion.
Dr. Lorilyn Coggins shared with the Board of Directors Mr. Gregory Meihn's expertise in presenting board training. Virtual training sessions will be held on the second Tuesday in February, March, and April and paid with CSP grant funds. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Chittum
M. Barbour
C. Stamatin
A. Bordeianu
M. Gonzalez

V. Reports


21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report

Michelle Hadous and Dahime Gordon presented the 21st Century Community
Learning Centers monthly programming and budget report to the Board of
Directors. The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program has launched an enrollment push for all sites. The program is 100% in compliance with the State of Michigan and is well over the compliance hours' requirement. Shout-out was given to Elizabeth Rodriguez for always taking time to assist parents. Ms. Hadous is diligently assessing the program's strengths and weaknesses for improvement. Big push to provide program supplies to students is in the works. The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program amended budget will be presented at the next board meeting.


Charter Schools Program Grant Monthly Report

A formal report was not presented to the Board of Directors.  Dr. Lorilyn Coggins informed the board that a report will be presented at the February's board meeting.



December 2020 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting cash on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund balance in a summarized format.  The financials are in order. 


Sanga Monthly Management Report

The Sanga Management monthly report was presented by Lyndsey McClintic and Ana Ulloa. The academy is continuing to build upon its experience and blooming expertise in regards to virtual learning. Lyndsey McClintic is honing the academy's focus on three categories: focused instruction, participation and engagement, and assessment strategies. School-wide NWEA comparison data is currently not accessible. Madam Vice President Andreea Bordieanu pointed out that Central Michigan University is one of the leading universities in Michigan in terms of online teaching. CMU is a great resource to reach out to for navigating online teaching. Madam President Cristina Stamatin stated that student engagement is important but how much are the students learning is also important. Assessments are important to understand if students are learning at their grade level. The academy Spanish teachers and support staff have centered their schedules on providing additional support to students for independent learning tasks in small groups. This allows for students to converse in or have support in their first language.

Sanga is happy to announce that the computers from Detroit Children's Fund have been received. Macro Connect will set up the computers for distribution next week. Hotspots will also be distributed to families within the coming week. The family engagement team attended a session with Attendance Works, a National Organization that has been recognized as the gurus in the prevention of chronic absenteeism. Accolades were expressed to Beatrice Hill for her ongoing support with waking students up daily to connect for remote learning, assisting families with connectivity issues, and organizing weekly food distribution. Ms. Ulloa presented the academy families' demographic data to the board. It's important for the academy to know the customers we serve. Madam President Cristina Stamatin thanked Ana Ulloa for gathering this vital information and presenting it to the Board of Directors.

VI. Extended Public Comment:


This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.

Martha Escutia (EA Academy 5th-grade parent), expressed to the Board of Directors how unhappy she was with her child's previous 5th grade teacher. The teacher would play music or videos during scheduled class time with no instruction or Eureka Math. Parent Teacher Conference link was not shared with parent as requested. The parent is very happy with the teacher that is in place. If the previous 5th grade teacher is allowed to return to the academy, parents will get together to try and stop this from happening. Madam President Cristina Stamatin thanked Sanga for addressing the parent concerns.

VII. Board Comments


Authorizer Comments

Jennifer Joubert was unable to join the meeting due to schedule conflicts. Ms.
Joubert reached out to the Board President and Liaison to inquire if any additional
support was needed.


Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Comments

Escuela Avancemos Academy's Board of Directors thanked Sanga Management, Dr. Lorilyn Coggins and the EA Academy staff for their efforts in keeping the academy thriving.   The team is diligently working hard to address all of the pandemic challenges by providing technology and food to families. Madam Vice President Andreea Bordeianu thanked the board members for their hard work and support as we celebrate School Board Recognition Month. Board Madam Board Treasurer Linda Chittum loves the concept of learning the demographics of the academy’s customers.  Accolades to Hope Academy in Detroit for their STEAM program recognition.

VIII. Closing Items


Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos! Academy; Zoom


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Johnson