F.A.M.E., Inc.


F.A.M.E. Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM


3128 Constance Street

Directors Present

B. Levine, C. Tucker, D. Mipro, H. Leblanc, K. Wilkins, L. Moran, R. Fernandez

Directors Absent

C. Lebas, J. Perez

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

R. Fernandez

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Corbett

Non Voting Members Present

S. Corbett

Guests Present

A. Collopy, A. Dupre, D. Kohl, K. Bourgeois

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Moran called a meeting of the board of directors of F.A.M.E., Inc. to order on Monday Dec 18, 2023 at 6:09 PM.


Approve Minutes

H. Leblanc made a motion to approve the minutes from F.A.M.E. Board Meeting on 10-23-23.
D. Mipro seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Motion to Amend the Bylaws

K. Wilkins made a motion to adopt the new agenda with amended action items.
C. Tucker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Discussion


Principals Report

Dustin updated us on the schools. Dance team participated in a televised performance. Upper school had live French Museum at campus. Athletics is in full swing with basketball and soccer. The lower campus had a visit from the Mardi Gras Indians. Upper School is having a Chinese New Year performance. Gentilly hosted its first annual Picnic, and it was a huge success as was the Fall Fete for Uptown.

R. Fernandez arrived at 6:27 PM.


Financial Update

Darius gave a financial update. We are currently forecasted net income of $389K, which is $230K above budget. FY23 is nearly complete with LaPorte. The school will end the year with 101 days of cash. This is above recommended. 


Governance Report

Lourdes discussed with the board the amended changes made to the number of directors and removal of directors for two-thirds attendance. Lourdes also shared the committees and who was in each committee. 

K. Wilkins made a motion to amend the number of directors and the removal of directors.
C. Tucker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Merrill Lynch Account Resolution

B. Levine made a motion to adopt the Resolution to add Steve Corbett (CEO) and Lourdes Moran (Board President) to the Merrill Lynch Account.
K. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Closing Items


Academic Update

Adrienne updated everyone on our SPS for each school. Reminder that the scale is changing next year for the state. Next year an A school will be between 95-150. This year Uptown is an A (91.9) 7.7pt gain and far exceeding our pre-pandemic goal. Gentilly is a C (64) with a 14.2 pt gain overall and has an A rating for Progress Index (growth). This gives Gentilly an automatic renewal. 


Operations Update

Alisa updated the board on facilities. We're working with Mathis Brierre for renovations/ projects at Live Oak and Gentilly. We're planning to update the play area to make it more age appropriate. We need more classrooms at Gentilly, so we are using the auditorium to split into four classrooms for the Arts. Both projects completed by August. 


CEO Remarks

Darleen updated us on the Fall Fete sharing how successful it was. We made around $35K-$40K. Elections for PTA have wrapped up and newly elected officials will start attending meetings. 


Steve completed the compensation study with EdFuel and started focus groups for staff interested. We are looking to be more competitive with pay. We have a couple of members stepping off and Steve recognized all their services. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Moran