State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia


March Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 29, 2023 at 10:00 AM


1356 Twin Towers East,
2 Martin Luther King Jr., Drive, SE
Atlanta, GA 30334


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+1 (408) 650-3123//814-517-181



State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia 


March 2023 Board Meeting

March 29, 2023, 10:00 a.m.

Directors Present

B. Brockway, B. Scafidi, C. Good, J. Cole (remote), L. Millan (remote), M. Dudgeon (remote), T. Lowden

Directors Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Brockway called a meeting of the board of directors of State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia to order on Wednesday Mar 29, 2023 at 10:02 AM.

Chairman Brockway made several announcements including:

- New SCSC Facility and Assets Manager, Robert Watts, was introduced. 

- SCSC General Counsel Cerrone Lockett is participating in the NACSA Leaders Program.

- The SCSC is currently looking for an Executive Director. NACSA is developing a search committee to aid in the selection process.


II. Approval of SCSC Meeting Minutes


February 22, 2023 Meeting Minutes

L. Millan made a motion to approve the minutes from February Board Meeting on 02-22-23.
B. Scafidi seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Commissioner School Visits


School Visits

SCSC Commissioners and Staff will be visiting the following schools in April:


  • Genesis Innovation Academy for Boys & Girls
  • Georgia Fugees Academy
  • Atlanta Smart Academy
  • Ethos Classical
  • Delta STEAM & Atlanta Unbound Middle

IV. Legislative Update


Legislative Update

Commissioner Lowden arrived at 10:12 am.


The SCSC Executive Director provided an update on legislation.

V. Lauren Presentation


Lauren Presentation

SCSC Commissioners and Staff commended Lauren Holcomb for her hard work as SCSC Executive Director and presented her with commemorative gifts.

VI. Executive Session



T. Lowden made a motion to enter executive session for personnel reasons.
C. Good seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Lowden made a motion to exit executive session.
L. Millan seconded the motion.

SCSC Commissioners agreed to appoint Morgan Felts to serve as Interim Executive Director.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Organizational Development


Organizational Development

The SCSC Director of Charter Development gave an update on past and upcoming trainings.


Please visit the SCSC Training Opportunities page for more information. 

VIII. Pre-Opening Schools


Pre-Opening Schools

The SCSC currently has seven new schools and two replication schools in the pre-opening pipeline. To date, Georgia School of Innovation and the Classics and Savannah Exploratory Charter Academy have elected to defer their opening until Fall 2024. As of March 1st all pre-opening schools were required to receive their facility code from the Georgia Department of Education. To date, three schools are operating on an extension request for that deadline. We are in communication with all those schools and anticipate that they should still be able to submit their facility codes without having a major impact on their pre-opening trajectory. Additionally, on March 24th, all schools were required to submit evidence that they had received applications from students equivalent to at least 65% of the school’s year one enrollment target. All schools met that enrollment target however, some schools were very close to that mark so we will continue to monitor their enrollment at our next April milestone. We anticipate continuing to provide pre-opening updates at upcoming SCSC meetings.

IX. Petition Update


Petition Update

The deadline to submit a petition for a start-up charter school was March 17th. The SCSC received 12 petitions. 


SCSC also received a local transfer petition in March from RISE Prep and RISE Grammar, which serve K-8 and are currently authorized through June 30th by the Fulton County Board of Education. 


The deadline for schools to submit a replication petition is July 14th.

X. Accountability


Academic Accountability

The SCSC Research Analyst provided an update on GaDOE's request to amend the state's ESSA plan to the US Department of Education, which would eliminate the CCRPI grade band and single score.


SCSC staff clarified that these scores can still and will be calculated by the SCSC. The SCSC Executive Director commented that this promotes a lack of transparency and ill-informed families.


Operational Accountability

The SCSC Associate General Counsel annouced that the Communications Policy FAQ Document is published on the SCSC website. Additionally, the SCSC Legal Division completed the review of schools' Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) and disseminated CAP responses to all schools on March 17, 2023.


Financial Accountability

The SCSC Chief Operations Officer provided an update on Annual Audits and the FY24 Approved Auditor Program.



CPF Presentation

The SCSC Director of Research and Evaluation and other staff members presented the 2021-2022 Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF) results. See the presentation here.


Commissioners asked clarifying questions about the results and discussed any technical assistance the SCSC can provide to schools to improve scores.

XI. Authorizer Standards


Authorizer Standards

The SCSC Director of Research and Evaluation gave an update on authorizer standards.

XII. Action Items


Renewal Recommendation

T. Lowden made a motion to approve the recommendation that the SCSC Board of Commissioners approve the renewal application for SAIL- School for Arts Infused Learning by authorizing the SCSC Chair to execute a 5- year charter contract for the continued operation of a state charter school with an increased enrollment limit.
B. Scafidi seconded the motion.

Representatives from the school spoke in favor of the recommendation.


Commissioner Lowden commended the school on its hard work.


See the recommendation here.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Good
J. Cole
M. Dudgeon
T. Lowden
B. Brockway
L. Millan
B. Scafidi


Attendance Zone Recommendation

T. Lowden made a motion to approve the recommendation that the SCSC Board of Commissioners approve an amendment to the Ethos Classical Charter School contract that adds the following school districts to the school’s attendance zone: Clayton County, DeKalb County, Cobb County, and Douglas County.
C. Good seconded the motion.

A representative from the school spoke in favor of the recommendation.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Commissioner Cole added that he was in favor of the previous recommendation for SAIL- School for Arts Infused Learning.


Grade Band Recommendation

B. Scafidi made a motion to approve the recommendation that the SCSC board of commissioners approve an amendment to the SLAM Academy charter contract to permit the school to serve students in grades K-8, in alignment with the board’s Grade Band Policy.
L. Millan seconded the motion.

Representatives from the school spoke in favor of the recommendation.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Rule Adoption Recommendation

T. Lowden made a motion to approve the recommendation that the SCSC board of commissioners adopt the amendments to SCSC Rule 691-2-.06 State Charter School Sites and Facilities as presented.
L. Millan seconded the motion.

See recommendation here.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Rule Adoption Recommendation

B. Scafidi made a motion to approve the recommendation that the SCSC board of commissioners adopt SCSC Rule 691-2-.10 State Charter School Suspension and Probation as presented.
L. Millan seconded the motion.

Commissioners discussed this new policy will impact SCSC schools. See the recommendation here.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
B. Brockway