State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia


February Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM


Oak Conference Room

854 Twin Towers East

Atlanta, Georgia 30334


Virtual Access Information:
Phone: +1 (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 116-972-045

State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia 


February 2023 Board Meeting

February 22, 2023, 10:00 a.m.

Directors Present

B. Brockway, B. Scafidi, C. Good, J. Cole, L. Millan, M. Dudgeon, T. Lowden

Directors Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Brockway called a meeting of the board of directors of State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia to order on Wednesday Feb 22, 2023 at 10:05 AM.

Chairman Brockway commended former Commissioner Perez for his service on the State Charter Schools Commission.


New SCSC Commissioners Jim Cole and Ben Scafidi were introduced. 

II. Approval of SCSC Meeting Minutes


January 25, 2023 Meeting Minutes

T. Lowden made a motion to approve the minutes from January Board Meeting* on 01-25-23.
L. Millan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Commissioner School Visits


Commissioner School Visits

Commissioners will be visiting the following schools this semester: Genesis Innovation Academy for Boys & Girls, Atlanta Unbound Academy, Atlanta Smart Academy, Ethos Classical, Delta STEAM Academy, and Georgia Fugees Academy.

IV. Legislative Update


Legislative Update

The Executive Director gave an update on the FY23 and FY24 Budgets and House Bill 318. 


SCSC Commissioners and staff discussed the rising cost of the State Health Benefit Plan and the progress of the GOAL schools.


V. Organizational Development


Past Trainings

The SCSC has hosted its first New Schools Orientation & Governance Training of the year.


Upcoming Trainings

The second and final New Schools Orientation & Governance Training will occur on March 22 and April 12-13, 2023, respectively.

VI. Pre-Opening Schools


Pre-Opening Schools

The SCSC currently has seven new schools and two replication schools in the pre-opening pipeline. One of those replication schools, Georgia School of Innovation and the Classics, elected to defer its opening until Fall 2024. As of December 16th, all pre-opening schools still pursuing a Fall 2023 opening were required to submit a copy of their draft lease agreement as part of the pre-opening checklist. To date, the SCSC has received five executed lease agreements, and 2 schools are still finalizing their facility agreements to satisfy pre-opening requirements. One school has not submitted its lease documents nor contacted the SCSC to request an extension.


Commissioners and staff discussed continuing to receive pre-opening schools updates and limiting the number of times a school can defer opening.

VII. Petition Update


Petition Update

The portal remains open for groups that would like to submit a petition for a start-up charter school as part of the FY23 petition cycle. Petitions are due by March 17, 2023. 


In addition, last week the SCSC held calls with and provided feedback to five groups that intend to submit petitions this year through the Early Feedback Program. 

VIII. Accountability


Academic Accountability

On February 1, 2023, the GaDOE submitted an amendment request to the US DOE for the state’s ESSA plan.  Most notably, the GaDOE is proposing no longer creating summative CCRPI scores for schools and districts. This would apply to the current, 2022-23, school year and all future years. If approved, this change would impact the measures included in the academic section of the CPF. SCSC staff are already in the process of drafting edits to the academic measures to account for the updates. We hope to have a formal proposal to share at the April board meeting. 


Commissioners and Staff discussed the implications of this new update.


Operational Accountability

Schools submitted their Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) on February 17, 2023.  CAPs review is in progress.


Financial Accountability

The Chief Operations Officer provided an audit update (see slide here). Atlanta Heights Charter School, Cherokee Charter Academy, Cirrus Charter Academy, Coweta Charter Academy, and Northwest Classical Academy are schools who turned in their audit late or have not turned in the audit at all.


SCSC Commissioners and Staff discussed the reasons why these schools are late in submitting their audit.


CPF Briefing – March meeting

At the March meeting, the SCSC will share the CPF results for all state charter schools for the 2021-22 school year. This includes academic, financial and operational scores. All schools will be receiving their CPF scores in the next couple weeks and will be provided an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions before the scores are publicly posted to the SCSC website. 

IX. Authorizer Standards


Authorizer Standards

The SCSC Director of Research and Evaluation gave an update on the progress of Authorizer Standards. See the presentation here.

X. Action Items


School Renewal Recommendation

L. Millan made a motion to approve the renewal petition for Genesis Innovation Academy for Boys by authorizing the SCSC Chair to execute a five-year charter contract for the operation of a state charter school.
T. Lowden seconded the motion.

See recommendation here.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Brockway
T. Lowden
C. Good
J. Cole
B. Scafidi
L. Millan
M. Dudgeon


School Renewal Recommendation

T. Lowden made a motion to approve the renewal petition for Genesis Innovation Academy for Girls by authorizing the SCSC Chair to execute a five-year charter contract for the operation of a state charter school.
L. Millan seconded the motion.

School Leader Gavin Samms spoke in favor of the recommendation.


See recommendation here.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Good
J. Cole
B. Brockway
T. Lowden
M. Dudgeon
B. Scafidi
L. Millan


School Renewal Recommendation

M. Dudgeon made a motion to approve the renewal petition for Resurgence Hall Charter School by authorizing the SCSC Chair to execute a five-year charter contract for the operation of a state charter school.
T. Lowden seconded the motion.

School Leader Tori Jackson-Hines spoke in favor of the recommendation.



See recommendation here

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Dudgeon
L. Millan
B. Brockway
C. Good
T. Lowden
J. Cole
B. Scafidi


School Renewal Recommendation

T. Lowden made a motion to approve the renewal petition for Scintilla Charter Academy by authorizing the SCSC Chair to execute a five-year charter contract for the operation of a state charter school.
L. Millan seconded the motion.

School Leader Mandy Brewington spoke in favor of the recommendation.


See recommendation here

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Millan
B. Brockway
C. Good
T. Lowden
B. Scafidi
J. Cole
M. Dudgeon

XI. Public Comment


Attania Jean-Funny - Liberty Leadership Academy

Attania Jean-Funny provided an update on Liberty Leadership Academy.


Dr. James Bumpus

Dr. James Bumpus provide an update on Cirrus Charter Academy.


Schools are reminded to provide feedback on proposed rulemakings.

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:44 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
B. Brockway