State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia


August Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 31, 2022 at 10:00 AM


You can also dial in using your phone: +1 (571) 317-3122//276-835-573


205 Jesse Hill Jr Dr SE

512 Twin Towers West
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia 

August 2022 Board Meeting 

August 31, 2022, 10:00 a.m.

512 Twin Towers West

Atlanta, Georgia 30334


Virtual Access Information:

Meeting Link:
Phone: +1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 276-835-573

Directors Present

B. Brockway, F. Johnson, J. Perez, L. Millan (remote), M. Dudgeon, T. Lowden (remote)

Directors Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Brockway called a meeting of the board of directors of State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia to order on Wednesday Aug 31, 2022 at 10:01 AM.

The Executive Director introduced the SCSC's new intern, Molly Gassman. In addition, the Executive Director announced that this will be intern Noah Hawkins' last SCSC meeting. Noah has accepted a new opportunity in Washington D.C. We are grateful for Noah's service to the SCSC.

II. Approval of SCSC Meeting Minutes


July 27, 2022 Meeting Minutes

J. Perez made a motion to approve the minutes for the July Board Meeting on 07-27-22.
M. Dudgeon seconded the motion.

No discussion

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Organizational Development


Past Trainings

The Director of Charter Development explained that the Georgia Department of Education held its Data Collections Conference August 23-24. The conference was attended by hundreds of school representatives statewide. Session presentations are available on the Georgia Department of Education website.



Upcoming Trainings

The Director of Charter Development presented on the SCSC's FY23 training and support offerings. Presentation materials are available at the following link: FY23 Trainings and Supports Presentation





IV. Pre-Opening Schools


Schools Open this Fall

The SCSC Director of Charter Development recognized schools opening this fall, including Amana West Academy, Destinations Career Academy of Georgia, DeKalb Brilliance Academy, and Resurgence Hall Middle Academy.




Pre-Opening Pipeline

The SCSC just concluded its post-approval webinar for recently approved schools. The webinar addressed pre-opening requirements and the SCSC's Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF).

V. Accountability


2021-22 Academic Performance Measures

The SCSC's Director of Research and Evaluation presented academic accountability updates, including a review of how the CCRPI is broken down and a proposal for how scores will be calculated moving forward. 


The SCSC's proposed calculations are open for public comment through September 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Comments should be submitted to and


Presentation materials are available at the following link: Academic Performance Measures







Monitoring Update

The SCSC opened the FY23 monitoring portal for document submission on August 8, 2022, following an informational webinar. The SCSC has received positive feedback on its updates to the monitoring process. 


Monitoring documents must be submitted through the monitoring portal on or before September 7, 2022 at 11:59 pm. Health and safety visits for eligible schools will begin September 7, 2022. 


Audit Update

The Chief Operations Officer reminded schools that annual audit reports for FY22 are due November 1, 2022. If audits are timely submitted, schools will not receive point deductions on the CPF.

VI. Research and Evaluation


Leader Advisor Program Report

The Director for Research and Evaluation presented on the SCSC's evaluation of its Leader Advisor Program (LAP), which assists new school leaders and those experiencing challenges in the areas of operational efficiency and student achievement. 


The LAP was implemented in 2017. This year, 12 schools are participating in the program. Ten schools are located in metro-Atlanta. The cohort represents all grades and various educational models. The SCSC used a "goals" based approach to assess the program which included a review of survey results, activity trackers, growth plans, and performance data to determine whether the program is meeting its goals. The SCSC's determined that the LAP is meeting all its intended goals. A copy of the presentation may be viewed here.


In response to questions from commissioners and the SCSC Executive Director, SCSC staff explained that the SCSC maintains a robust roster of Leader Advisors. While school leaders are initially hesitant about the time commitment the program requires, once involved they do not want to exit the program. 


Staff also explained that the SCSC is piloting an Authorizer Standards Evaluation program, wherein the SCSC's performance as an authorizer will be evaluated. The program is currently in phase one. Phase two will include state charter school feedback.

VII. Action Items


Utopian Academy for the Arts Replication

M. Dudgeon made a motion to approve the staff recommendation that the petition for Utopian Academy for the Arts be approved by authorizing the SCSC Chair to execute a charter contract for the operation of a state charter school for an initial term of five (5) years.
F. Johnson seconded the motion.

Prior to the motion, but before debate, the Chairman allowed representatives from Utopian Academy for the Arts and the Fayette County School District to speak.


The CEO and Board Chair for Utopian Academy for the Arts expressed gratitude for an opportunity to replicate their existing school model for students statewide. The Superintendent for the Fayette County School District (District) opposed the replication on grounds that the district has schools that offer opportunities similar to those provided by Utopian Academy for the Arts and that the District's schools outperform Utopian Academy for the Arts academically.


After the motion and second, commissioners discussed that the goal of charter schools is to offer a different option to students that want or need one. In addition, Georgia students should have exposure to the state's billion dollar entertainment industry. Lastly, the hope is that the school and district can work collaboratively to serve the best interests of Georgia's students.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Tabled Items


Virtual Preparatory Academy Start-Up Petition

M. Dudgeon made a motion to remove the item from the table.
J. Perez seconded the motion.

Johnson recused.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Millan made a motion to approve the staff recommendation to deny the charter application for Virtual Preparatory Academy.
M. Dudgeon seconded the motion.

Prior to debate, the Chairman permitted representatives from Virtual Preparatory Academy (VPA) to speak. The Board Treasurer for VPA asked the SCSC to approve the school's charter application or in the alternative, to delay its vote to give the school an opportunity to clarify matters SCSC staff got wrong. 


Commissioners discussed the current enrollment numbers for existing statewide virtual schools; how quickly the school might be able to begin operations if it were to resubmit its application; the governing board's independence from its Education Service Provider (ESP); and, the performance of existing schools operated by VPA's selected ESP.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Brockway
L. Millan
J. Perez
T. Lowden
F. Johnson
M. Dudgeon

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:53 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
B. Brockway