Vertus High School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 20, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Trustees Present
C. Gantt, C. Garrett (remote), D. Johnson (remote), E. Gallina, F. Johnson, J. O'Connell, V. VanVoorhis
Trustees Absent
M. Mandina, S. Ash
Guests Present
A. Brisson, J. Locey, L. Bennett, Margit Brazda Poirier
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Consent Agenda Items
Month At A Glance
Board Statistics
The School currently has 331 students enrolled, which is a record for the school!
School Safety Plan
The Board is going to review the School Safety Plan individually and vote digitally via the Board Portal.
III. Finance
Budget vs Actual & Cash Flow
Ms. Brisson presented on behalf of the Finance Committee and brought the Board up to date on the current finances of the school. With the school budget based off an enrollment of 290 students, and current enrollment being 331 students, the actual revenue should be much higher than the budgeted revenue. The school is entering into a Sweep Option with our bank, which will allow the school to earn interest on the money in the bank account.
IV. Committee Reporting
Board Committee Structure & Monthly Reporting
Ms. VanVoorhis presented on behalf of the Governance and Nominating Committee and stated that she has a strong candidate for the board.
V. Discussion Items
Renewal Year & Expansion
Grants Update
As part of the Fundraising Committee, Margit Brazda Poirier presented to the Board on behalf of Grants 4 Good. Grants 4 Good has been a partner of Vertus since December of 2020 and has helped Vertus receive funds of nearly $300,000. There were continued discussions of areas of need for the school and how to identify potential funding sources.
Recruitment and Enrollment Report
Mr. Bennett updated the Board on the ongoing recruitment efforts, which have been extremely successful as we now have a record number of students enrolled. As the school year kicks off, applications continue to come in and enrollment is ongoing.
Ms. Locey updated the Board on recent school activities including that the fall semester is in full swing. The school kicked off the year with Warrior Week, which is a weeklong based around team building activities, school spirit and overall comradery amongst the students and staff. Fall sports have also commenced and currently there are 68 students participating in some capacity.