28 00:09:21.150 --> 00:09:26.400 JLopezMolina: Great let's let's get started, then I call the meeting to order, it is 6:35pm. 29 00:09:27.810 --> 00:09:37.320 JLopezMolina: The first order of business is to report all the attendees so we guys got that next order of business is public comments do we have any public comments there. 30 00:09:39.240 --> 00:09:43.710 JLopezMolina: Any public comments from the internet's inter webs. 31 00:09:45.600 --> 00:09:46.980 Sharon Beier: What a beautiful baby. 32 00:09:48.930 --> 00:09:56.220 JLopezMolina: Yes, there's no comments from them other than perhaps a little cranky cranky us, so we are we're good alright. 33 00:09:58.110 --> 00:10:04.320 JLopezMolina: next item of business is to look at the Minutes from the last board meeting so did ever have a chance to look at the Minutes. 34 00:10:06.810 --> 00:10:10.560 JLopezMolina: Excellent i'm motion to approve the Minutes from the last meeting. 35 00:10:13.200 --> 00:10:13.800 Keyur Shah: Second. 36 00:10:14.430 --> 00:10:15.480 JLopezMolina: All those in favor. 37 00:10:16.770 --> 00:10:17.250 Robb: I. 38 00:10:19.080 --> 00:10:21.960 JLopezMolina: Let the record show the meeting Minutes have been unanimously. 39 00:10:21.960 --> 00:10:22.650 approved. 40 00:10:23.820 --> 00:10:27.510 JLopezMolina: The next order of business is the bronx property holding company dissolution. 41 00:10:28.530 --> 00:10:32.940 JLopezMolina: Did everyone have a chance to read those documents and understand what we're doing there. 42 00:10:34.830 --> 00:10:35.730 JLopezMolina: Any questions. 43 00:10:39.570 --> 00:10:45.330 JLopezMolina: The vote is to approve that the solutions that right verifying people who've been closer to this than me. 44 00:10:45.840 --> 00:10:50.100 Courtney Russell: chair so basically just a brief update alyssa has been working with the dissolution. 45 00:10:50.160 --> 00:11:01.950 Courtney Russell: attorney in Delaware she's made just a few revisions to the resolution, and so the vote tonight, would be to allow Sarah as the Secretary to sign the resolution I did under separate cover. 46 00:11:02.550 --> 00:11:14.490 Courtney Russell: provide an update regarding the bronx property holding company to those board members so they should be aware of where things are in the process, but essentially we would just be asking on the board to grant access tonight. 47 00:11:16.080 --> 00:11:22.230 JLopezMolina: So all right, so all of those in favor of granting Sarah our signed up see the solution document. 48 00:11:24.390 --> 00:11:24.930 Robb: I. 49 00:11:25.260 --> 00:11:34.560 JLopezMolina: I guess I should motion to approve that first sorry I let's try that again i'm a little i'm not i'm a little rusty at this. 50 00:11:36.510 --> 00:11:38.850 JLopezMolina: i'm i'm motion to. 51 00:11:40.650 --> 00:11:44.670 JLopezMolina: To grant Sarah the power to sign that the PhD at this document. 52 00:11:46.860 --> 00:11:47.370 Robb: I second. 53 00:11:48.540 --> 00:11:50.550 JLopezMolina: All right, rob second all those in favor. 54 00:11:51.270 --> 00:11:52.530 Keyur Shah: Aye Aye. 55 00:11:54.510 --> 00:11:55.500 JLopezMolina: Any dissenters. 56 00:11:57.450 --> 00:12:02.160 JLopezMolina: All right, let the record show we have unanimously approved granting Sarah the power. 57 00:12:03.570 --> 00:12:09.390 JLopezMolina: next item on the agenda rockin through this the school leader and board succession plan. 58 00:12:10.770 --> 00:12:16.740 JLopezMolina: Sir, is there any discussion on the this topic, or are we ready to vote on it. 59 00:12:17.340 --> 00:12:22.830 Sara Madavo: um well, so you guys should see the updated version Tina. 60 00:12:23.400 --> 00:12:37.050 Sara Madavo: alyssa and I spent about an hour and a half or two hours marketing was off and just really thinking through like what the purpose was and trying to streamline things so it made marks back they made more sense and they were just also internally. 61 00:12:37.920 --> 00:12:49.710 Sara Madavo: Consistent as well as consistent with one another, so I don't think that we did anything wild and crazy China I don't know if you had wanted just to just share anything. 62 00:12:51.660 --> 00:13:00.210 Sara Madavo: or any thoughts on on what we did, but I think that what we did, makes a lot more sense than what we had before. 63 00:13:11.280 --> 00:13:21.930 Courtney Russell: I was on mute so I don't know if you took off if you want to say that again I said no, Sir, I didn't have much to add we just like you so try to make it more streamline and much clearer. 64 00:13:24.030 --> 00:13:32.940 Sara Madavo: yeah and I guess the board succession, is the one that we didn't have before the the K through 12 school leaders succession plan is something we didn't have before. 65 00:13:34.530 --> 00:13:40.080 Sara Madavo: So that's just much more streamlined and then the board succession plan and something that's. 66 00:13:51.060 --> 00:13:53.490 JLopezMolina: anyone have any questions on those documents. 67 00:13:58.500 --> 00:14:06.180 JLopezMolina: Alright, so it sounds like we're ready to vote on, so I motion to approve the newly revised school leader and board succession plan documents. 68 00:14:08.370 --> 00:14:08.820 Sara Madavo: Second. 69 00:14:09.690 --> 00:14:10.650 JLopezMolina: All those in favor. 70 00:14:13.020 --> 00:14:13.320 Nikali Jones: say. 71 00:14:13.530 --> 00:14:19.920 JLopezMolina: All right, let the record show the the board, leader of the school leader on board succession plan documents have been unanimously approved. 72 00:14:21.030 --> 00:14:23.280 JLopezMolina: Next board recruitment. 73 00:14:24.330 --> 00:14:37.980 JLopezMolina: We need to ramp up for recruitment we haven't had too many people come for interviews in a while from my recollection so I want to sort of make a pitch here for one second a little lesson. 74 00:14:39.060 --> 00:14:40.680 JLopezMolina: make a pitch here for. 75 00:14:42.960 --> 00:14:51.660 JLopezMolina: us to reach out to our our networks and have a think on anyone that you think might be a good fit or might might want to ditch. 76 00:14:56.640 --> 00:14:57.240 JLopezMolina: Any other. 77 00:15:02.010 --> 00:15:02.400 Sharon Beier: Sorry. 78 00:15:07.050 --> 00:15:07.440 Courtney Russell: The dog. 79 00:15:08.910 --> 00:15:09.360 Courtney Russell: baby. 80 00:15:10.020 --> 00:15:20.940 Courtney Russell: And yeah just the only other node around this is that we are still waiting on approval for Sharon, as well as alyssa we finally got approved. 81 00:15:21.450 --> 00:15:33.360 Courtney Russell: And we did submit alyssa in May and Sharon in June so i'm hoping that we get that from the do in the coming months, but that's The only other note that I have they're heavier. 82 00:15:35.190 --> 00:15:38.700 Sara Madavo: I think we want to try to recruit apparently, which is something we talked about. 83 00:15:40.470 --> 00:15:45.900 Sara Madavo: Oh, and that's something that we put in now I can't remember what it was, but yeah. 84 00:15:48.120 --> 00:15:52.380 Keyur Shah: Are we suggesting like one from the lower school and one from the upper. 85 00:15:52.950 --> 00:15:54.360 Keyur Shah: But we're trying to do. 86 00:15:57.630 --> 00:16:00.780 Sara Madavo: yeah I think that's what we were hoping we said Ideally, we would have one. 87 00:16:02.010 --> 00:16:02.250 Keyur Shah: know. 88 00:16:06.750 --> 00:16:15.390 JLopezMolina: How active is the PTA these days, no, it was it was covered because of the like jinx it, but like after after all of this, you know. 89 00:16:17.160 --> 00:16:24.750 JLopezMolina: i'm just the reason I ask is, is there a is there an outreach plan that that can involve the PTA the parent teacher association. 90 00:16:28.380 --> 00:16:35.580 Sara Madavo: Maybe what we could do is travis with like the first week of school materials that you send home, we could think about putting on. 91 00:16:36.540 --> 00:16:51.120 Sara Madavo: A flyer out there to parents saying you know Have you considered being part of the board, please like join us for some of our meetings and consider whether you would want to be participate, the part that. 92 00:16:53.100 --> 00:16:53.880 Travis Brown: Definitely doable. 93 00:17:01.620 --> 00:17:02.490 Something. 94 00:17:04.770 --> 00:17:05.610 That we didn't talk about. 95 00:17:12.960 --> 00:17:16.380 JLopezMolina: The other thoughts or comments on on the topic. 96 00:17:25.980 --> 00:17:31.500 JLopezMolina: Agenda is the deal we charter renewal and i'll turn it over to Courtney to discuss that. 97 00:17:32.940 --> 00:17:34.020 Courtney Russell: I think you'll have here. 98 00:17:35.790 --> 00:17:43.920 Courtney Russell: So hopefully excuse me most of you saw the attachments and the email that I sent out on Monday with some documents we'll talk about that in just a moment. 99 00:17:44.610 --> 00:17:55.980 Courtney Russell: But before we get to that, I just wanted to share we we did receive an update from lori Hayes Lee who's the director of authorizing for the New York City Department of Education, many of you who are on the board last time around. 100 00:17:56.610 --> 00:18:02.670 Courtney Russell: had the opportunity to meet with her and interview her so she's still in a very similar role and she's going to continue to be our point person. 101 00:18:03.150 --> 00:18:08.790 Courtney Russell: And we do have some dates which i've put into the agenda for this evening we. 102 00:18:09.420 --> 00:18:18.270 Courtney Russell: We know that the board hearing or the board interview, excuse me, will be on Tuesday December 7 or Wednesday December 8 from eight to 9pm. 103 00:18:18.900 --> 00:18:23.520 Courtney Russell: So what I will do, following this meeting is I will send out a calendar invite to everyone on here. 104 00:18:24.300 --> 00:18:29.280 Courtney Russell: So we can have a hold in your calendars and then, once we get a confirmed date i'll delete the one that's not necessary. 105 00:18:30.210 --> 00:18:40.680 Courtney Russell: But the piece under this that I wanted to get your input on is how we best prepare you for the interview If you recall from last time it is very much conversational it's a. 106 00:18:41.160 --> 00:18:45.540 Courtney Russell: You know laurie is a great collaborator and from our perspective, we think that. 107 00:18:46.410 --> 00:18:51.270 Courtney Russell: she's going to do everything within her power to help us present the best case possible for the school. 108 00:18:51.690 --> 00:18:55.350 Courtney Russell: IE you know, can we get a five year renewal, which is the ultimate goal. 109 00:18:55.710 --> 00:19:02.370 Courtney Russell: And so we, as a school want to do everything that we can to support the board and feeling prepared for those conversations we feel like. 110 00:19:02.700 --> 00:19:07.740 Courtney Russell: Based on your active participation in the meetings and committees you guys are going to be in great shape, as it is. 111 00:19:08.310 --> 00:19:13.380 Courtney Russell: But we'd love to do a little bit more prep like we did last time as well, and so the question is really. 112 00:19:13.830 --> 00:19:20.280 Courtney Russell: Would you like, for me and travis and others to start to prepare you, you know as soon as next month or the Month after. 113 00:19:20.820 --> 00:19:27.960 Courtney Russell: We have the board meetings and set aside time for that, or does the board private prefer to have a separate session or to set aside. 114 00:19:28.500 --> 00:19:35.100 Courtney Russell: Perhaps in November, or whatever works for people, so we can do some standalone you know practice interview questions. 115 00:19:35.700 --> 00:19:44.340 Courtney Russell: Sharing some relevant academic points and highlights from the application, we can do it, however you'd like, but I just wanted to best prepare for that as the board sees fit. 116 00:19:49.470 --> 00:19:59.040 JLopezMolina: My recommendation would be to use the existing time since we're all going to be gathered it's a call to sort of find another time in people's schedules, I think we add it as a. 117 00:19:59.550 --> 00:20:09.420 JLopezMolina: You know, a 30 minute item at the next board meeting and then another 30 minutes or 45 minute item at the board meeting after and then you know before that. 118 00:20:10.710 --> 00:20:12.150 JLopezMolina: That meeting with the. 119 00:20:13.800 --> 00:20:19.500 JLopezMolina: doa on the seventh or the eighth of December we you know do what we did last time, which is like let's do a prep session. 120 00:20:20.910 --> 00:20:26.670 JLopezMolina: 7pm or 6pm What if what have you look at that time to like give us a little refresh. 121 00:20:29.610 --> 00:20:31.530 Courtney Russell: That sounds great heavy or any other thoughts. 122 00:20:35.640 --> 00:20:36.930 Nikali Jones: I don't really well her pen. 123 00:20:37.020 --> 00:20:49.830 Nikali Jones: Sorry rob I felt really well prepared last time we did it started every time during exactly the same way, we thought about all the potential questions mental issues and just having that data and look up those numbers and all that kind of stuff was really helpful. 124 00:20:51.270 --> 00:21:04.350 Robb: yeah I was gonna say that I completely agree and Kelly, and it was a is actually really good refresher on some things that we should kind of know as a board anyway, so I thought it was a really good kind of primer on everything going on, so. 125 00:21:05.640 --> 00:21:09.570 Robb: yeah just ECHO I, and I think using the time in the board meetings makes a lot of sense. 126 00:21:12.570 --> 00:21:17.040 Courtney Russell: Okay wonderful Thank you all for that input, if you have any additional feedback, let us know. 127 00:21:17.610 --> 00:21:24.510 Courtney Russell: But otherwise we'll start to integrate that in September and moving forward, so that everyone feels really good going into that December meeting. 128 00:21:24.930 --> 00:21:28.950 Courtney Russell: I will say she hasn't indicated yet whether it will be in person or virtual, but I am. 129 00:21:29.700 --> 00:21:35.760 Courtney Russell: Seeing as per my email that I think she's going to prioritize visiting classrooms for in person. 130 00:21:36.120 --> 00:21:48.060 Courtney Russell: And then the other components, such as the public hearing the board interview and other pieces to be virtual so I can't say for sure, but we can likely expect that you won't need to come to the school that day so i'll keep you posted on that as well. 131 00:21:49.500 --> 00:22:06.510 Courtney Russell: One one it's a it's a group interview, I know that last time no one from the school or lighthouse was allowed to be in the room, it was simply the board and lori, and so I guess it would be the as many people can attend with lori maybe a colleague or two and likely on zoom yep. 132 00:22:09.720 --> 00:22:11.850 Courtney Russell: And you will be on your renewal so. 133 00:22:13.020 --> 00:22:19.740 Courtney Russell: yeah and basically the way it works with a three year by the time you need to start submitting your application it's like two years later, so. 134 00:22:20.070 --> 00:22:32.910 Courtney Russell: For that, and many, many other reasons, a five years really the the gold star of you know, renewal so that's what we're really pushing for this time around, and I think it was a it was another short term before that was like two or three years before so. 135 00:22:33.930 --> 00:22:34.260 yeah. 136 00:22:36.660 --> 00:22:45.690 Courtney Russell: Alright, the next component of this just to wrap this part up is the documents that I sent out on Monday so first of all thank you a few of you have. 137 00:22:46.140 --> 00:22:54.600 Courtney Russell: interacted with those documents and provided some really solid feedback, so those of you that have we've already begun to integrate those changes nothing material. 138 00:22:55.410 --> 00:23:04.320 Courtney Russell: That, I feel the full board needs to see but certainly i'm really strong feedback that we've been able to make some modifications to just make those applications stronger and. 139 00:23:05.220 --> 00:23:17.070 Courtney Russell: Our editor is going away next week, but if there's anyone that's reading the application or any of the materials and has something they feel very strongly about, we absolutely can make it, you know, a part of the the package so not to worry if you didn't get a chance, yet. 140 00:23:18.090 --> 00:23:23.280 Courtney Russell: To give all of your feedback, but what we would ask for tonight is a vote on three important documents. 141 00:23:24.240 --> 00:23:33.600 Courtney Russell: The first would be the revised Charter that's that super lengthy charter probably you know 100 pages or so the rationale for revising That is because. 142 00:23:34.290 --> 00:23:39.540 Courtney Russell: We started that process last year I know heavier had some time and some others to take a look at that and give some feedback. 143 00:23:40.020 --> 00:23:45.960 Courtney Russell: And so the purpose of that document is really the Charter that governs our school that's if we say you know we're going to take. 144 00:23:46.530 --> 00:23:55.560 Courtney Russell: Excuse me this curricular approach or This is our hiring model we really based it off of that Charter document that is the the binding document that we have with the city on the state. 145 00:23:56.550 --> 00:24:06.930 Courtney Russell: The second document that you received was a brief two page executive summary that's really the the story of you know, the headline here's who we are and here's why we, we think that. 146 00:24:08.070 --> 00:24:22.290 Courtney Russell: We should get a five year renewal and the final piece is going to be the full 30 page narrative there is a page limit of 30 pages on that document and. 147 00:24:22.950 --> 00:24:32.550 Courtney Russell: That is the final piece that you've reviewed so absolutely happy to take any questions or concerns that we have about the documents, but ultimately we would love to. 148 00:24:33.210 --> 00:24:38.580 Courtney Russell: You know, receive a vote, because that is something that we have to put forth to the deal with that the Board has reviewed and wrote a. 149 00:24:51.300 --> 00:24:56.160 Robb: corny reminder When did the documents go out to the to the doing. 150 00:24:56.610 --> 00:25:07.200 Courtney Russell: Yes, everything is due on September 1 so ideally, I would like to get them submitted on the 30th 31st, if possible, if not, I absolutely can go until you know end of day on the first. 151 00:25:11.130 --> 00:25:22.410 Robb: cool and procedurally How would it work if we were to approve the documents now and then have subsequent edits and kind of it's in progress, who would we have a another vote or would we. 152 00:25:22.950 --> 00:25:29.790 Robb: Are we kind of approving the them in this substantial form there and now understanding and will change up until the 30th. 153 00:25:30.720 --> 00:25:33.720 Courtney Russell: I think the latter would be appropriate, I think, if there were any. 154 00:25:34.620 --> 00:25:43.080 Courtney Russell: Material changes something really, really significant I think we would have to reconvene for a board votes which could be done pretty easily with a quorum and remotely. 155 00:25:43.920 --> 00:25:54.420 Courtney Russell: I think, if possible, it would be good to avoid that, and so I think your suggestion of largely approving it minus any you know factual edits grammar mechanics things like that would would be just fine. 156 00:26:14.190 --> 00:26:18.360 JLopezMolina: need our vote today on the shorter at the summary and the narrative. 157 00:26:19.380 --> 00:26:29.340 JLopezMolina: Yes, please Okay, so does anyone have any edits or changes that we need to make to these documents as ever had a chance to review them another the actual chart. 158 00:26:30.600 --> 00:26:34.470 JLopezMolina: Lord recommend if you haven't been following it editing. 159 00:26:35.760 --> 00:26:39.420 JLopezMolina: The past months it's quite a task all the changes have been made. 160 00:26:45.390 --> 00:26:46.770 Robb: yeah I appreciate the. 161 00:26:46.800 --> 00:26:49.200 Robb: summary of changes table that was a very helpful. 162 00:26:49.440 --> 00:26:51.180 Robb: guide to the to the Charter. 163 00:26:54.360 --> 00:27:02.670 Robb: i'm comfortable you know procedurally approving it understanding that it would it's going to be workshop for the next. 164 00:27:03.840 --> 00:27:05.730 Robb: 10 days or so before it goes out the door. 165 00:27:11.130 --> 00:27:15.540 JLopezMolina: So what would be the the conditions under which you would be approved. 166 00:27:16.770 --> 00:27:19.440 Sara Madavo: We approve it prove it. 167 00:27:21.210 --> 00:27:35.160 Sara Madavo: prove it, as is with the understanding that changes may be made as long as they're not material, but to the extent there are material changes made that the the documents would need to be reapproved. 168 00:27:37.980 --> 00:27:38.130 JLopezMolina: got it. 169 00:27:39.510 --> 00:27:45.030 JLopezMolina: Alright, so, then I motion to approve the revised Charter, the executive summary and the renewal narrative. 170 00:27:46.080 --> 00:27:46.980 JLopezMolina: conditionally. 171 00:27:49.650 --> 00:27:51.390 JLopezMolina: boring any material changes. 172 00:27:54.330 --> 00:27:54.750 Sara Madavo: again. 173 00:27:55.980 --> 00:27:56.550 JLopezMolina: Those in favor. 174 00:27:57.660 --> 00:27:58.530 Keyur Shah: hi hi. 175 00:27:58.620 --> 00:27:59.340 Nikali Jones: hi hi. 176 00:28:00.360 --> 00:28:06.540 JLopezMolina: All right, let the record show that we have unanimously approved a new school charter that's kind of a big deal guys right. 177 00:28:08.550 --> 00:28:11.940 Robb: to proceed really Courtney, will you eating, it makes sense to. 178 00:28:11.970 --> 00:28:17.550 Robb: kind of circulate it one last time before it goes out the door and then we'd be look for just kind of a. 179 00:28:19.470 --> 00:28:22.350 Robb: kind of a thumbs up that it's good to go is that is that the old it. 180 00:28:22.860 --> 00:28:32.700 Courtney Russell: Sure thing I can I can definitely circulate those documents to you all that will be part of the preparation on the to do anyway, for the interview and so i'll make sure that everyone has those for sure. 181 00:28:34.440 --> 00:28:45.990 Courtney Russell: When you have a hobby or repeat what he said after approving revise chart executive summary new narratives barring what he said, did you hear that Javier can you repeat after this boring. 182 00:28:46.410 --> 00:28:47.970 JLopezMolina: boring material changes. 183 00:28:51.660 --> 00:28:56.640 Courtney Russell: On material changes Okay, yes, thank you, thank you very good. 184 00:28:57.000 --> 00:29:00.780 Robb: And just a question for folks who have been through this process a few times. 185 00:29:02.190 --> 00:29:15.030 Robb: The the Charter, the DVDs decision on the renewal and the renewal length that's going to be a holistic assessment based on interviews and based on their own review of the data right. 186 00:29:16.530 --> 00:29:23.820 Robb: You know what I, what I want to manage against it's not as if in the request for the application. 187 00:29:24.360 --> 00:29:35.820 Robb: That that we're going to kind of miss date something by accident or they're going to hold us to the application itself versus like our actual performance right, I guess what i'm looking at. 188 00:29:36.870 --> 00:29:42.450 Robb: What i'm looking for is like there there's no risk in. 189 00:29:44.400 --> 00:29:59.580 Robb: The kind of the document the application itself, obviously we want to put it put our best foot forward and have it well constructed and have it tell a really good story, but it's not as if the the renewal decision is based on that document itself, or is it. 190 00:29:59.970 --> 00:30:09.330 Courtney Russell: You know it you're exactly right it's not rap it's obviously important to have a strong document well polished but, at the end of the day, the date the deal we will bring their own data. 191 00:30:10.140 --> 00:30:20.940 Courtney Russell: of certain points that they're looking for We already know that they're going to be looking at the recruitment retention and performance of special populations think that at this point, not that we can or can't change them, but it is what it is and so. 192 00:30:21.630 --> 00:30:30.450 Courtney Russell: Yes, this document is critical, but you know the school will stand on its own, in terms of the the performance in those three key areas so exactly right. 193 00:30:31.470 --> 00:30:40.650 Robb: Okay cool, I think we just all want to make sure that we carve out some time there long documents, but over the next seven to 10 days I think I think we just all want to commit to reading through it. 194 00:30:43.470 --> 00:30:44.070 Courtney Russell: sounds great. 195 00:30:44.250 --> 00:30:45.000 Robb: I throw that out there. 196 00:30:46.530 --> 00:30:46.920 Robb: As a. 197 00:30:46.980 --> 00:30:49.620 Robb: As a personal challenge to myself to read through it more carefully. 198 00:30:57.210 --> 00:30:57.750 All right. 199 00:30:59.280 --> 00:31:05.550 JLopezMolina: Any other questions on the school trader or the daily renewal process, because I think it's a good question. 200 00:31:06.270 --> 00:31:15.900 JLopezMolina: Because this, I think, above and beyond what we are going to be held against in the nvidia we renewal. 201 00:31:17.070 --> 00:31:32.040 JLopezMolina: meetings and it just serves as like what is our focus, you know what is our what is our special sauce what is who who are we, and I think that the team has done a good job, shipping that in in the snoopers charter so. 202 00:31:35.580 --> 00:31:40.050 JLopezMolina: Our next subject is Finance Committee I turn it over to Mr. 203 00:31:42.450 --> 00:31:50.610 Robb: Well head fake this week actually we care is the new treasure in charge here so. 204 00:31:51.780 --> 00:31:54.000 Robb: carrie can I hand the MIC to. 205 00:31:54.660 --> 00:31:55.020 Keyur Shah: Turn i'm. 206 00:31:55.650 --> 00:31:56.970 JLopezMolina: So sorry here. 207 00:31:58.950 --> 00:32:02.460 JLopezMolina: i'm following i've been out so sorry i'm following what the. 208 00:32:03.870 --> 00:32:08.190 JLopezMolina: What our agenda says so let's let's fix that on the agenda, showing. 209 00:32:08.970 --> 00:32:10.260 Robb: A lots changed now there. 210 00:32:10.680 --> 00:32:10.830 Are. 211 00:32:11.850 --> 00:32:15.210 Keyur Shah: No worries um so we had our finance. 212 00:32:15.510 --> 00:32:15.930 Keyur Shah: Committee. 213 00:32:15.960 --> 00:32:29.130 Keyur Shah: meeting last week and we went through the school's financials everything looked to be in great shape, I mean we're just starting off the New Year so we've gone through the budget. 214 00:32:30.540 --> 00:32:37.860 Keyur Shah: All of our ratios look great and we are planning on having probably some excess. 215 00:32:39.180 --> 00:32:42.180 Keyur Shah: I mean right now we're looking at probably there being a surplus. 216 00:32:43.260 --> 00:32:51.600 Keyur Shah: Just because of the grant money that were were slated to be getting this year, so you know we are keeping an eye on that obviously toward towards the. 217 00:32:52.620 --> 00:32:58.950 Keyur Shah: wall to continue to keep an eye on that to make sure that there isn't a huge surplus, you know as we move through the year but. 218 00:33:00.120 --> 00:33:02.790 Keyur Shah: That is something that we are, we do have in mind. 219 00:33:03.900 --> 00:33:10.560 Keyur Shah: Right now on audited we're going through the audit and I think that is slated to be completed. 220 00:33:11.670 --> 00:33:14.070 Keyur Shah: i'm going to say next next month, I believe. 221 00:33:16.200 --> 00:33:18.210 Keyur Shah: That recording so make sure. 222 00:33:18.630 --> 00:33:24.750 Courtney Russell: we're wrapping up this weekend next week, but we can expect the report next month, so we were hopeful, we can share that with you at the September meeting. 223 00:33:25.170 --> 00:33:25.410 yeah. 224 00:33:27.180 --> 00:33:34.650 Keyur Shah: But nothing of note really in going through the financials so anyone have any questions or anything as they were reviewing them. 225 00:33:41.730 --> 00:33:45.330 Keyur Shah: Alright well with that I moved to approve the financials. 226 00:33:48.330 --> 00:33:48.900 Robb: I second. 227 00:33:53.820 --> 00:33:56.160 Keyur Shah: All in favor of approving the financials. 228 00:33:57.030 --> 00:33:57.420 hi. 229 00:33:58.650 --> 00:33:58.920 Robb: hi. 230 00:34:01.410 --> 00:34:01.980 hey. 231 00:34:03.090 --> 00:34:05.190 Keyur Shah: Thanks everyone and it back to have here. 232 00:34:05.790 --> 00:34:10.650 JLopezMolina: All right, excellent sorry this is getting super fuzzy, it is the witching hour for me so. 233 00:34:13.050 --> 00:34:15.300 JLopezMolina: next item on the agenda. 234 00:34:18.480 --> 00:34:18.900 JLopezMolina: Is. 235 00:34:20.490 --> 00:34:25.380 JLopezMolina: Account update to read over any of the want to go over any of our investment. 236 00:34:27.330 --> 00:34:30.540 Keyur Shah: um I don't think there was anything out of the. 237 00:34:30.630 --> 00:34:31.800 Keyur Shah: Ordinary there. 238 00:34:33.840 --> 00:34:39.030 Courtney Russell: we'll have an update in October, so that's more of just a placeholder we're fine there Thank you alright. 239 00:34:39.240 --> 00:34:47.370 JLopezMolina: The next item on the agenda is school fundraising which is texting me I don't have a date for that, but we probably should start thinking. 240 00:34:52.110 --> 00:35:00.210 Courtney Russell: yep just to reinforce what we talked about last month and phil heavy Aaron you all gave me the direction to go live with the. 241 00:35:01.050 --> 00:35:13.650 Courtney Russell: fundraising page with the staging page that was previously just a placeholder and so we've made those updates on our end, I think, will certainly continue to revisit the fundraising conversation, especially as it relates to the unrestricted. 242 00:35:14.670 --> 00:35:22.230 Courtney Russell: Donation that we received from bronx property holding company, but we do now have that live on the website, just in case we need it so we're we're all set there. 243 00:35:28.020 --> 00:35:34.290 JLopezMolina: Alright, so the next item on the agenda is covered making updates, I will turn it over to Mr Brown. 244 00:35:37.830 --> 00:35:38.640 Good evening everyone. 245 00:35:40.770 --> 00:35:49.770 Travis Brown: So, in terms of Cobra 19 update as we share before we're scheduled for all students coming back into the building September 9. 246 00:35:51.000 --> 00:36:02.760 Travis Brown: The new mandates calls for us to have three feet social distancing in the classrooms and all the mask mandates and the hand sanitizing mandates, one thing that came out in the CDC. 247 00:36:03.840 --> 00:36:14.160 Travis Brown: Just believe it was today was around the need if a student test positive in a classroom if students are three feet apart social distance. 248 00:36:14.520 --> 00:36:18.690 Travis Brown: And that they wore their mass properly the students that are required to quarantine. 249 00:36:19.680 --> 00:36:33.480 Travis Brown: So that's the newest mandate out from the CDC so we're looking we're waiting to see what the Department of Education New York City Department of Health has to say about that and give guidance all right now we're scheduled to come back. 250 00:36:34.770 --> 00:36:42.540 Travis Brown: For all students in on September 9 we were right now we're looking at our classrooms we're doing it three feet social distancing. 251 00:36:42.840 --> 00:36:53.190 Travis Brown: we're looking at the cafeterias and other common areas to prepare those areas as well, so I think in terms of like the the equipment PP equipment things like that we're ready to go. 252 00:36:54.120 --> 00:37:03.660 Travis Brown: we've also we're making sure that we're continuing our Monday testing, especially for staff members who have reported that they're not vaccinated at this time. 253 00:37:04.080 --> 00:37:13.560 Travis Brown: And we're just following the procedures that that we've been doing for this past year currently right now we're in new teacher professional development, so. 254 00:37:13.950 --> 00:37:21.390 Travis Brown: We we've been there for since Monday so we've had we're getting good practice, making sure everyone gets their temperature check that the door. 255 00:37:21.780 --> 00:37:39.180 Travis Brown: filling out the hell foams sanitizing hand sanitizing doing wearing a mask mask breaks so every right now, everything has been so far, so good, as he just came back in so Nick where we're prepared we've been going through this for over a year now so we're ready to go. 256 00:37:40.530 --> 00:37:46.740 Travis Brown: You said every Monday to people who are not vaccinated need to test correct. 257 00:37:47.880 --> 00:37:57.840 Travis Brown: And so the other question I have is with the delta variant and they're saying now that it's very likely that you can be vaccinated and still get it, but you will be fine. 258 00:37:58.590 --> 00:38:09.810 Travis Brown: Do you see that changing and i'm asking silly questions about like we're trying to prepare for all the different schools and all the different policies with our teachers feel we're still doing random testing as well. 259 00:38:10.470 --> 00:38:13.890 Travis Brown: So we want to just require so that's a great question we're going to require. 260 00:38:14.280 --> 00:38:21.960 Travis Brown: staff members who report that they're not vaccinate they're going to be required to tense and then we want us to going to still do our random testing as well. 261 00:38:22.560 --> 00:38:29.940 Travis Brown: As rapid so they'll get it right correct yes and allowing people to opt in like if you are vaccinated and you want to get tested and. 262 00:38:30.990 --> 00:38:35.550 Keyur Shah: And then one other layer never like uber's cheaper so sweet. 263 00:38:36.690 --> 00:38:44.490 The also the video you might be providing free testing for students, so we were waiting on a decision on there was a big lawsuit in the city. 264 00:38:45.000 --> 00:38:55.950 And we were not involved in it, but we might reap the benefits, so that happens that you know, money is not a barrier, right now, but it was still open up things a lot more if we have free testing for students and we put our. 265 00:38:56.280 --> 00:39:00.030 hate testing much more towards the staff that we can play around with that too. 266 00:39:04.890 --> 00:39:14.340 Travis Brown: And not dominating for a second so Jersey, he just announced he's about to announce that he's mandating vaccines for teachers. 267 00:39:15.330 --> 00:39:25.980 Travis Brown: And so that's causing a whole thing and i've just been trying to follow the New York and, like the blasio with do it in a heartbeat if he could I don't know what's going to happen with the new governor next week. 268 00:39:26.790 --> 00:39:31.710 Travis Brown: If she's going to make a big splash but if she did and it's not unlikely right new jersey's. 269 00:39:32.190 --> 00:39:40.530 Travis Brown: behaves a lot like New York and whatnot with that, like do you think we have some contingency planning, do you have a sense of how much staff that would affect here. 270 00:39:41.100 --> 00:39:55.590 Travis Brown: Like is it 90% of the staff that's voluntarily told you they're vaccinated or anything like 50% and that could cause like the need for some kind of like you know plans or something like that what happened in New York, if they came with me. 271 00:39:56.820 --> 00:40:07.050 Travis Brown: To the numbers about five people have said they're either partially vaccinated not vaccinated yet or don't have to get vaccinated but then there's another 15 or so people who haven't furniture. 272 00:40:07.590 --> 00:40:15.420 Travis Brown: And they don't need to write record, just like saying yes i've been backstage and here's the dates, so we don't know what that 15 out of 95 is. 273 00:40:16.020 --> 00:40:25.680 Travis Brown: vaccinated or they just haven't reported so we're treating it as if we have approximately 20 people who are unvaccinated meaning around one fifth of the population okay. 274 00:40:31.020 --> 00:40:32.970 Travis Brown: Any other questions about coordinating. 275 00:40:41.850 --> 00:40:42.120 Great. 276 00:40:48.720 --> 00:40:51.600 JLopezMolina: Alright next item on the agenda is the. 277 00:40:53.100 --> 00:40:57.780 JLopezMolina: Culture Committee report we presented to me this past month. 278 00:41:00.330 --> 00:41:03.000 Sara Madavo: We did me i'm sorry. 279 00:41:04.260 --> 00:41:13.050 Sara Madavo: i'm video, and so in the Culture Committee this month we discussed three things that we really want to focus on. 280 00:41:14.190 --> 00:41:19.800 Sara Madavo: The first is getting a gift for this teachers before the school year starts. 281 00:41:20.700 --> 00:41:32.370 Sara Madavo: So we if people have suggestions of what they would think that teachers, we should give the teachers, if you could email it to me or taina or Stacey that would be helpful, or all three of us. 282 00:41:33.360 --> 00:41:37.530 Sara Madavo: want to get those out to the teachers before the school year starts, we never did it rain. 283 00:41:38.490 --> 00:41:51.390 Sara Madavo: The second thing is, we want to do kind of like a coffee and bagels or I guess something a little more covert friendly than that, like Maybe I should go breakfast but with a meet and greet for board members. 284 00:41:52.260 --> 00:42:03.540 Sara Madavo: The teachers are training until September night and so travis I don't know if you have an update on it like a day that would work on your side. 285 00:42:04.920 --> 00:42:11.160 Sara Madavo: I think, or maybe we can talk offline about it and then email it to everybody else on the board, but I know that. 286 00:42:11.700 --> 00:42:22.620 Sara Madavo: We wanted to just create a space where the teachers felt like they could bring up any issues or talk to us about any issues that they wanted to talk to us about good bad all that stuff. 287 00:42:23.220 --> 00:42:30.210 Sara Madavo: And so we wanted to do that before the school year started so once we do pick a date will circulate that the whole board. 288 00:42:31.320 --> 00:42:35.220 Sara Madavo: Unless anybody has an objection to us doing I know the meet and greet. 289 00:42:40.170 --> 00:42:53.550 Sara Madavo: And then the last The third thing third and last thing is that he want to be on campus the first day of school, and I believe that is tember ninth right travis that is correct yeah so. 290 00:42:54.420 --> 00:43:08.910 Sara Madavo: I know that i'm planning to be there, I think stacy's planning to be there and we've told travis we don't want to make we don't want to put any pressure on him and we don't want to cause problems and just be part of the fun and the hype, and so, if anybody. 291 00:43:08.940 --> 00:43:24.810 Sara Madavo: else is interested in going I know it's a little complicated, sometimes with your own kids first dates some schools, they sent that advice, but we do want to be part of the kind of cheer squad on the first day so i'm Stacy and I are planning to do that. 292 00:43:27.420 --> 00:43:27.870 Yes. 293 00:43:29.160 --> 00:43:30.900 I got it was my kids birthdays. 294 00:43:32.880 --> 00:43:33.210 Travis Brown: here. 295 00:43:34.860 --> 00:43:37.830 Sara Madavo: Does anybody know now that they do want to do that with us. 296 00:43:39.390 --> 00:43:45.120 Robb: yeah I definitely want to do it, I gotta I gotta see if I can pull off the fly I love the idea, let me, let me let you know. 297 00:43:45.930 --> 00:43:46.500 Sara Madavo: Okay well. 298 00:43:46.860 --> 00:43:47.910 Travis Brown: we're also having. 299 00:43:47.910 --> 00:43:51.660 Travis Brown: A Back to School event on August 28 that's a Saturday. 300 00:43:52.920 --> 00:44:10.500 Travis Brown: So we were going to have going to give away a lot of stuff we're going to have food trucks out in front of the building we're going to going to get hopefully 500 bags of groceries out to the Community, we plan to feed about 1000 people as well we're giving away school supplies. 301 00:44:11.550 --> 00:44:19.710 Travis Brown: And also uniform vouchers so it's going to be a big day here cuts everything for the Community, so if you. 302 00:44:21.420 --> 00:44:28.830 Travis Brown: If you just happen to be in the bronx and want to come by on Saturday August 28 that's our Back to School event the first. 303 00:44:29.220 --> 00:44:38.490 Travis Brown: Time we're doing something of this magnitude, so it should be really cool for the Community and the best part is there, we want to actually give out groceries to the Community. 304 00:44:39.210 --> 00:44:48.330 Travis Brown: 500 bags of groceries want to give out, which is going to be really super cool and also giving our families uniform vouchers, because we know Cobra 19 pandemic has hit. 305 00:44:48.720 --> 00:44:56.070 Travis Brown: Many people in our Community really hard so it's our opportunity to get back to get kids ready for school but also show the Community and parents that we care so. 306 00:44:56.730 --> 00:45:11.160 Travis Brown: If you're not if you're in a neighborhood or want to stop by it's it's 11 to four on Saturday August 28 11am to 4pm is here it's right here, right industry right in front yep. 307 00:45:13.920 --> 00:45:23.400 Travis Brown: And then I think also Sarah I think I think we did it a couple years ago when we sent out like the board bios like a board newsletter just to the teachers, as a way. 308 00:45:23.640 --> 00:45:30.180 Travis Brown: Because I know, everybody can make it to the first day of school, but I think i'll just be cool for with the new staff to just. 309 00:45:30.810 --> 00:45:45.630 Travis Brown: Have pictures and you know brief bios of everyone on the board as well, almost like a board welcome letter if you're if the Board is up for something like that to just welcome to the new we welcome them to the new year, then could be pretty cool and well received as well. 310 00:45:58.470 --> 00:46:05.430 JLopezMolina: Alright next item on the agenda is the academic committee report, I will turn it over to Nicholas. 311 00:46:13.980 --> 00:46:19.500 Nikali Jones: Not me anymore either update that so don't know better, so let's go. 312 00:46:20.340 --> 00:46:22.290 JLopezMolina: Over to on this one, this was the brier. 313 00:46:22.770 --> 00:46:25.170 Briar Thompson [she|her]: And interest is gonna share an update. 314 00:46:25.590 --> 00:46:26.010 All right. 315 00:46:27.090 --> 00:46:29.580 Travis Brown: i'll jump out jump in here and it kind of. 316 00:46:31.080 --> 00:46:40.410 Travis Brown: mirrors the principal report, the big news that we spoke about during academic committee meeting it's the employee the talent and retention. 317 00:46:40.950 --> 00:46:56.130 Travis Brown: So I would just love to give the board update around as when teacher PD what has happened in terms of the staff so i'll just share my screen really quickly, so we can look at same numbers. 318 00:46:58.320 --> 00:46:59.850 Travis Brown: carries by to see my screen OK. 319 00:47:01.560 --> 00:47:16.380 Travis Brown: OK, so in 2021 the total number of teachers kate's well, we had a 63 as i'm looking at the second table and in terms of at the end of the year terminations were eight and resignations were 16. 320 00:47:17.430 --> 00:47:29.250 Travis Brown: So that's we had roughly 24 positions to to fill for the new year and I wanted to share that because i'm. 321 00:47:30.210 --> 00:47:42.780 Travis Brown: Just so just so everyone knows where we are we, we saw a large just increased number of we did see an increase number resignations more than we were more than we were expecting and. 322 00:47:43.830 --> 00:47:54.720 Travis Brown: So I just wanted to bring that to the board's attention at the bottom right here just shows, as we all know, Courtney was doing she was she conducted the exit interviews, but we seen. 323 00:47:56.100 --> 00:48:05.460 Travis Brown: A lot of a lot of people move either to take new positions and career advancement distance career changes, a lot of this a lot of. 324 00:48:06.120 --> 00:48:14.460 Travis Brown: different reasons, many people, many people shared a lot, a lot of movement was outside in the bronx as well. 325 00:48:14.850 --> 00:48:28.920 Travis Brown: So just wanted to bring that to the boys attention and during our time with the academic committee we started brainstorming ways that we can really involve the Community our community of teachers in the bronx because we've. 326 00:48:30.120 --> 00:48:37.530 Travis Brown: You know we've we've we've known for a while and a lot of research has shown in there's always a lot of movement in the bronx in terms of teacher. 327 00:48:38.130 --> 00:48:48.540 Travis Brown: teacher turnover it's about 42% a year and district in public schools and that we have to as we started talking about prior board meetings, really. 328 00:48:48.960 --> 00:48:57.600 Travis Brown: start thinking about that and it kind of changed our approach in terms of how do we attract and invest people in from the bronx community. 329 00:48:58.260 --> 00:49:05.040 Travis Brown: Those teacher pipeline from the bronx community to really connect with connect who are more likely to stay. 330 00:49:05.850 --> 00:49:17.010 Travis Brown: In schools in the bronx so that was the nature of our our meeting time with academic committee meeting and really started brainstorming some ideas around, how do we attract and retain teachers in the bronx. 331 00:49:21.300 --> 00:49:29.070 Briar Thompson [she|her]: And travis I think you had shared that this was fairly concentrated and they can't have eight members will hire teachers, leaving and the candidate is that right. 332 00:49:29.460 --> 00:49:35.550 Travis Brown: yeah that's correct, so we saw an increase number of teachers leave an hour from kindergarten to eighth grade. 333 00:49:36.630 --> 00:49:40.500 Travis Brown: We had to restaffed almost the entire mathematics department. 334 00:49:43.200 --> 00:49:46.650 Travis Brown: The good The good news is is that we are, we are fully staffed. 335 00:49:49.350 --> 00:49:53.640 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Are you, seeing that this turnover includes like department chairs. 336 00:49:57.270 --> 00:50:06.990 Travis Brown: No, we don't we don't officially have like department chair titles, but but it it, but I think many of our like our high school senior people. 337 00:50:07.830 --> 00:50:20.940 Travis Brown: are still there and we've seen some key we've seen key people and, occasionally, and many of them left to do to look for leadership roles or roles outside of the classroom. 338 00:50:24.420 --> 00:50:35.160 Travis Brown: The terminations was it certification performance attendance yeah many of many, most of them were performance reasons. 339 00:50:36.210 --> 00:50:42.450 Travis Brown: And there were a couple of for certification not being certified, I believe, to we're not being sort of certification. 340 00:50:52.350 --> 00:50:54.600 JLopezMolina: traumas can we it sounds like. 341 00:50:56.100 --> 00:51:07.890 JLopezMolina: distance from the bronx is a risk factor for leaving potentially just from the school, could we be proactive about it, and you know we know where the employees live. 342 00:51:08.610 --> 00:51:26.430 JLopezMolina: At least by zip code, can we generate a list of flight flight risks and every year, and you know engage them keep them keep those individuals will the two thoughts one keep those individuals, you know engaged in the Community and and. 343 00:51:27.870 --> 00:51:37.890 JLopezMolina: Ensuring that we're meeting their needs and also maybe it's a thought we have for you guys discussed already for recruiting where we you know if someone's a really good fit. 344 00:51:38.910 --> 00:51:42.390 JLopezMolina: Maybe we think twice about hiring them if they live in like poughkeepsie or something. 345 00:51:44.100 --> 00:51:49.740 Travis Brown: yeah I agree, and I think that's what that's kind of where our our. 346 00:51:51.210 --> 00:51:58.950 Travis Brown: Our our plans are strategic our strategy kind of shifted where we're saying this person is good, but we know our 15 minutes away. 347 00:52:00.450 --> 00:52:16.830 Travis Brown: is just like that's not a long term that's not a long term commitment to our Community, and what we have seen is that people will take the job to get their foot in the door, and then, as soon as a job opens up in their hometown they kind of run to it and. 348 00:52:17.850 --> 00:52:34.080 Travis Brown: And it's almost that we kind of we kind of knew that, from the beginning, and I think there are better part or more strategic partnerships, I know, Sharon mentioned with Monroe the teacher program with Monroe college my role is a bronx partner. 349 00:52:35.160 --> 00:52:44.640 Travis Brown: Teachers that go to Monroe are probably a little bit more connected to the bronx community, so I think I think, and then we know we have success with people who live in Upper Manhattan and Harlem. 350 00:52:45.030 --> 00:52:53.760 Travis Brown: We know we have successful people that live in lower westchester, so I think proximity to the bronx and also routes to the bronx is something that we have to. 351 00:52:54.540 --> 00:53:05.820 Travis Brown: We have to look into a we're looking for just long term commitment, because our bronx people have longer term commitment or people are lower westchester they just have a longer term commitment to our school. 352 00:53:06.330 --> 00:53:12.390 JLopezMolina: So you mentioned Monroe are there, additional organizations in those areas that we could tap into so yeah. 353 00:53:13.260 --> 00:53:14.610 Sharon Beier: yeah all right um. 354 00:53:14.760 --> 00:53:16.770 Travis Brown: When for them yeah I think we can. 355 00:53:17.190 --> 00:53:18.180 Sharon Beier: House does. 356 00:53:21.030 --> 00:53:25.140 Travis Brown: yeah big even we can look even close in hall my city college, I think. 357 00:53:27.900 --> 00:53:36.030 Can we I don't even know if this is actually our jobs if there's someone on the team who quit like actually call it like what do you have a your next career fairs. 358 00:53:37.380 --> 00:53:44.220 Travis Brown: And just be like we'd love to have a table or virtual whatever I don't know what we'll be doing, and that way we can get in there yeah. 359 00:53:44.940 --> 00:53:49.530 Travis Brown: I think so, and and we know I think that's a great idea and we know they have. 360 00:53:50.040 --> 00:53:59.310 Travis Brown: resident and teacher programs as resident residents needs to know Sharon brought this up, so we can partner with them, so that the teachers can do their residency at our school. 361 00:53:59.550 --> 00:54:07.140 Travis Brown: So they can get a good, you know a good look at the school and decide if they want it, I think we can be sure to more strategic with our partnerships also. 362 00:54:07.440 --> 00:54:15.600 Travis Brown: Like without nyu partnership and why you partnerships have been great, but I think we can still do that thing that you're talking about hobby aware look where this person is coming from. 363 00:54:16.080 --> 00:54:22.530 Travis Brown: Look, where they're connected and make decisions based on are they likely that are they likely to stay after the year commitment. 364 00:54:26.730 --> 00:54:33.990 Travis Brown: I know that we're not that big yet and we haven't had that many graduating classes, but one thing to look into for like years to come, if. 365 00:54:34.500 --> 00:54:41.340 Travis Brown: i'm if you graduated from this school and you go off and you want to be a teacher you're like it's part of like your. 366 00:54:42.300 --> 00:54:57.150 Travis Brown: graduation clauses like you will automatically have a job at your Alma mater and something that I found that to be like it motivates the kids to be like I would go into teaching and they know they can come back and either teacher's aide or. 367 00:54:58.980 --> 00:55:07.980 Travis Brown: I get further along we get with more graduating classes that could be a thing yeah I know in what academy does that you know. 368 00:55:09.300 --> 00:55:12.660 Travis Brown: They they have a program a teacher pipeline program with their students. 369 00:55:15.060 --> 00:55:22.710 Sharon Beier: yeah it's like it's like what we do in you know with medical students or residents, you know that we. 370 00:55:23.640 --> 00:55:29.100 Sharon Beier: You know they work with us, and then the ones that we really love that really shine we want to stay in the institution. 371 00:55:29.610 --> 00:55:37.650 Sharon Beier: And if you had like you know just as what you're doing with that the K through you know 12th grade you're following through. 372 00:55:38.070 --> 00:55:52.830 Sharon Beier: If you had you know you know teachers come and do, or you know student teaching and residency and then have them, you know stay, you know you know what grow your own teachers, you know, make it exciting to you know to be there. 373 00:55:54.180 --> 00:55:55.920 Sharon Beier: and have have. 374 00:55:58.470 --> 00:56:06.450 Sharon Beier: show everybody reasons to love the bronx i'm in the bronx is so exciting there's so many different things here, you can have like you know the different. 375 00:56:07.440 --> 00:56:22.680 Sharon Beier: You know, like a bronx day and every people explore different regions of the bronx and and you know show people that different neighborhoods different foods have different cultures, different institutions it's it's it's I mean it's the best place so. 376 00:56:33.810 --> 00:56:34.260 I agree. 377 00:56:37.470 --> 00:56:39.570 JLopezMolina: I think there's a lot of good ideas to help. 378 00:56:41.250 --> 00:56:42.150 JLopezMolina: address this gap. 379 00:56:45.570 --> 00:56:49.080 JLopezMolina: Any other thoughts before we move on to the next item. 380 00:56:53.400 --> 00:57:10.740 Sharon Beier: Just just in the last meeting travis had brought up that there's a there's a house across the street, and he said he was like half kidding or or or something like that, but if you made that House into like a Ronald McDonald house, if you bought the House, and I mean. 381 00:57:12.030 --> 00:57:14.820 Sharon Beier: And had students learn like you know. 382 00:57:16.260 --> 00:57:27.390 Sharon Beier: You know, hotel management or something like that, if you had these extra rooms, I know that when I you know I spent most of my career in the bronx and I live on long island I have. 383 00:57:27.810 --> 00:57:34.110 Sharon Beier: I have people that take care of on long island, but I know that because I had an on call room. 384 00:57:35.040 --> 00:57:45.690 Sharon Beier: You know the nights that I was staying late writing grants or seeing patients or something like that I could just sleep over and then be out in the Community, having breakfast getting to know, everybody and and. 385 00:57:46.770 --> 00:57:54.360 Sharon Beier: And just knowing that you have this room there makes you know that makes you want to stay later, for you know, a school event. 386 00:57:55.350 --> 00:58:13.350 Sharon Beier: And so I don't know if that's even at all feasible, but it could be something that students learn hospitality things and and there's this room available for you know snow storms, or you know late night, you know writing writing thing you know grants or whatever. 387 00:58:15.120 --> 00:58:16.320 Sharon Beier: Preparing so. 388 00:58:17.580 --> 00:58:20.760 Sharon Beier: I like that idea of the place across the street. 389 00:58:26.760 --> 00:58:28.710 Well, we can look, you can look into it. 390 00:58:30.120 --> 00:58:35.220 Travis Brown: To see the feasibility of it terms of the I don't know that I don't know the cost of it. 391 00:58:40.230 --> 00:58:41.970 Travis Brown: We will be running a bed and breakfast. 392 00:58:44.730 --> 00:58:50.250 Travis Brown: Create like a whole village right get your school and building into supermarket. 393 00:58:50.910 --> 00:58:52.590 Travis Brown: catching it could be. 394 00:58:53.700 --> 00:58:56.760 Sharon Beier: A CAFE with your you know garden or but you know. 395 00:59:04.230 --> 00:59:04.530 Like you. 396 00:59:07.980 --> 00:59:09.810 That the teacher in the village. 397 00:59:10.950 --> 00:59:21.300 Sharon Beier: So I did ask him and he said that they tried they tried really hard, and it was just like really political on the clinic at the beginning of the grant and went to like a whole other company for another project. 398 00:59:22.050 --> 00:59:26.670 Sharon Beier: And then he was saying that It just seems like there wasn't the will to create a teacher's village. 399 00:59:27.420 --> 00:59:36.150 Sharon Beier: In New York, but that may be like doing registration coming up, and maybe something they would rethink, but you will he was like you would really need the backing of like. 400 00:59:37.020 --> 00:59:43.980 Sharon Beier: political figures, the bronx borough President like it was supposed to be, and I think in the bronx and then one area of brooklyn that was like. 401 01:00:01.980 --> 01:00:04.290 JLopezMolina: Anything else from the academic committee report. 402 01:00:06.480 --> 01:00:08.550 Travis Brown: No that's all that we discussed. 403 01:00:09.420 --> 01:00:11.280 JLopezMolina: All right, shall we move on to the principles. 404 01:00:12.990 --> 01:00:13.320 JLopezMolina: and 405 01:00:13.440 --> 01:00:17.220 Travis Brown: As I shared That was the overlap, the only thing I would add, would be enrollment. 406 01:00:18.570 --> 01:00:30.270 Travis Brown: Our enrollment numbers, we were charted at 696 right now we're at 723 so when a really good position with enrollment to start the year coming off. 407 01:00:32.310 --> 01:00:48.450 Travis Brown: Of a hybrid year and think this this potentially will give us more money not that we need it, but we'll take it, but uh but this potentially because again we're over our right now we're over our projected enrollment by 27 students. 408 01:00:50.970 --> 01:00:56.310 Robb: that's great where are the where's the overage concentrated, or is it spread out across the grids. 409 01:00:56.610 --> 01:00:58.860 Travis Brown: it's mostly concentrated in the ninth grade. 410 01:00:59.340 --> 01:01:06.780 Travis Brown: And that plan, because if we we can hold a knife brave and then, as they go through, we can absorb the. 411 01:01:07.410 --> 01:01:08.370 Travis Brown: The attrition that could. 412 01:01:08.400 --> 01:01:11.130 Travis Brown: Potentially happen as kids moved through high school. 413 01:01:12.900 --> 01:01:28.530 Travis Brown: Because we know as they move through it's harder to get 11th graders than it is to get ninth graders so we just want to make sure that we're trying to start with 80 students at the at the ninth grade and then, if we lose a couple a few. 414 01:01:30.120 --> 01:01:33.570 Travis Brown: As they move through the grades will still be in a good will still be in a good position. 415 01:01:35.310 --> 01:01:43.710 Robb: yeah that's great it makes a lot of sense, do you anticipate any changes to the budget additional staff or anything like that, with the additional scholars. 416 01:01:44.400 --> 01:01:45.630 Travis Brown: No, we can absorb. 417 01:01:47.100 --> 01:01:51.690 Travis Brown: We can absorb that amount, because they pretty much broken into. 418 01:01:52.440 --> 01:02:01.350 Travis Brown: You say 80 students that's essentially a class as at 20 that's essentially four sections or four groups of four core course and the teacher can handle it. 419 01:02:01.770 --> 01:02:15.660 Travis Brown: We may, however, and in terms of staffing, we may need another ll teacher, to support the wide range of students from K two K to 12 so we're looking into that but that's the only additional staff member that we think will need. 420 01:02:18.150 --> 01:02:27.060 Robb: Great awesome yeah let's see um you know see what actual enrollment is in a month into the into the school year and then. 421 01:02:28.290 --> 01:02:29.760 Robb: What the budget implications are. 422 01:02:30.840 --> 01:02:39.720 Robb: You will very likely it even without it, the additional revenue from the additional PR people revenue, we still could support additional. 423 01:02:40.770 --> 01:02:46.680 Robb: staff there, so I would I would be supportive of you know, making that higher. 424 01:02:48.390 --> 01:02:49.080 Robb: Thank you yeah. 425 01:02:49.110 --> 01:02:49.620 Travis Brown: we're in a good. 426 01:02:49.680 --> 01:02:51.510 Travis Brown: I think we're in a good position to start the year. 427 01:02:53.220 --> 01:02:59.130 Travis Brown: So we're looking we're looking forward, but, as you know, this fluctuate, so I think we just have to continue to monitor it and. 428 01:02:59.490 --> 01:03:10.320 Travis Brown: See if we need to make a budget adjustments, because you know this really fluctuates from from month to month, but right now we're we're in a really good we're in a really good position being 27 students over. 429 01:03:14.010 --> 01:03:15.390 Travis Brown: And I think we can go to the next slide. 430 01:03:27.000 --> 01:03:30.120 JLopezMolina: We go over the state test results, or we. 431 01:03:32.190 --> 01:03:33.930 Travis Brown: We don't we don't have them yet. 432 01:03:34.950 --> 01:03:41.070 JLopezMolina: Okay sorry, they are there are cadence so we talked about retention. 433 01:03:44.130 --> 01:03:45.030 Travis Brown: Because we usually. 434 01:03:45.300 --> 01:03:47.430 JLopezMolina: results do we have any do we survey results. 435 01:03:49.620 --> 01:03:52.200 Travis Brown: We haven't gotten anything back from the Department of idiot. 436 01:03:52.950 --> 01:03:56.910 JLopezMolina: Okay anything on attendance or discipline, I guess, we talked about it. 437 01:03:58.230 --> 01:03:59.010 We have something on. 438 01:04:01.560 --> 01:04:09.960 Travis Brown: This Tommy issues is typically just a State test results we haven't gotten those back from the deal, yet i'm sorry state. 439 01:04:11.310 --> 01:04:15.660 JLopezMolina: Alright, so, then the next item on the agenda is the facilities update, I will turn it over to Courtney. 440 01:04:17.160 --> 01:04:18.360 Travis Brown: Checking just a. 441 01:04:18.600 --> 01:04:26.220 Courtney Russell: very brief update I know a few board members Tina and some others have the chance to view the building last month and get a bit more of a tour from travis so. 442 01:04:26.640 --> 01:04:35.100 Courtney Russell: Overall, I think, once everyone is back in person on the board we're really excited to show you there's been a lot of work around rebranding. 443 01:04:35.910 --> 01:04:41.460 Courtney Russell: You know, repairs and maintenance, but the the building is really looking beautiful and so certainly thanks to the board for. 444 01:04:41.940 --> 01:04:55.470 Courtney Russell: Allowing the budget to be able to do some of this work, but um no specific updates at this time, other than you know with teachers being back I think everyone's super excited to see the beautiful changes in and outside of the building, so all that's coming along from our facilities perspective. 445 01:05:00.330 --> 01:05:00.780 JLopezMolina: um. 446 01:05:00.960 --> 01:05:06.570 JLopezMolina: Are there any other last minute items related to the agenda, I can mute happier. 447 01:05:07.950 --> 01:05:08.340 JLopezMolina: I am. 448 01:05:09.390 --> 01:05:11.160 Courtney Russell: Not showing us me up but we can't hear you. 449 01:05:13.080 --> 01:05:13.620 I can hear you. 450 01:05:15.060 --> 01:05:15.750 JLopezMolina: Can you hear me now. 451 01:05:18.900 --> 01:05:19.830 JLopezMolina: looks weird Courtney. 452 01:05:19.920 --> 01:05:21.030 Courtney Russell: I, it was a sorry. 453 01:05:21.450 --> 01:05:21.750 alright. 454 01:05:23.010 --> 01:05:25.560 JLopezMolina: Alright, no problem, so I was just saying is there anything. 455 01:05:25.860 --> 01:05:27.750 JLopezMolina: It feels like we're we've gone through the agenda. 456 01:05:28.140 --> 01:05:34.740 JLopezMolina: Is there any which i'm it's 730 and we've gone through the agenda i'm a little bit in disbelief I feel like I skipped a section, maybe. 457 01:05:38.370 --> 01:05:41.700 JLopezMolina: Are we are we do we need to go to executive session. 458 01:05:47.040 --> 01:06:07.050 JLopezMolina: My goodness, well, it is a summer meeting so all right well Thank you everyone for yeah this has been good Thank you everyone for participating, we look forward to next meeting, where we will do some prep for the deal we and we'll cover additional other topics so exciting thanks everybody. 459 01:06:07.890 --> 01:06:09.090 Courtney Russell: Thank you bye. 460 01:06:09.600 --> 01:06:10.680 Robb: bye night.