11 00:24:04.680 --> 00:24:13.350 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: So there's a packed agenda today, first of all can everybody hear me I don't know everybody's on mute so all right, so we have a packed agenda so we're going to move. 12 00:24:14.640 --> 00:24:17.130 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: At a dangerously rapid velocity. 13 00:24:20.970 --> 00:24:25.110 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: first item on, so let me first call the meeting to order, it is 6:37pm. 14 00:24:29.490 --> 00:24:35.160 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: The first item on the agenda is public comments, so I will open the floor to public comments. 15 00:24:42.540 --> 00:24:54.180 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Okay, no public comments I will move on to the next item on the agenda, which is the first academy charter school staff presentation so i'll turn it over to Mr Brown, to introduce Mr swanee. 16 00:24:55.560 --> 00:24:57.480 Travis Brown: awesome good evening everyone I. 17 00:24:59.910 --> 00:25:07.410 Travis Brown: Hope everyone is doing well this well this evening, we have a real treat tonight, I want to introduce everyone to Andrew. 18 00:25:08.760 --> 00:25:21.930 Travis Brown: has been with us for what is it going on now five six years so he's been with us for quite a long time, one of the most amazing things about Mr sway be he is a new day so. 19 00:25:22.350 --> 00:25:30.750 Travis Brown: we'd love for you to talk to him about that he has adorable Sir, but Mr sweetie is our technology middle school technology teacher and he really. 20 00:25:32.010 --> 00:25:48.810 Travis Brown: Since i'm coming to come into ferrous on before formally bronze lighthouse has really just been engine behind innovation in stem and stem education for our school so without further ado, Mr wavy. 21 00:25:52.410 --> 00:25:53.670 Andrew Swaby: Thank you, thank you, Mr Brown. 22 00:25:55.230 --> 00:25:57.390 Andrew Swaby: When when you say five years it. 23 00:25:59.520 --> 00:26:01.440 Andrew Swaby: feels longer than it actually is. 24 00:26:02.490 --> 00:26:07.500 Andrew Swaby: But, good evening everyone, good evening everyone I hope everyone is doing well. 25 00:26:09.120 --> 00:26:11.940 Andrew Swaby: Or should I say what's going on everybody. 26 00:26:14.730 --> 00:26:30.900 Andrew Swaby: So that is just me giving you a taste of way and really the Jamaican inside but, as Mr Brown said, I am the middle school teacher here at pharaoh's for computer science or technology. 27 00:26:32.010 --> 00:26:45.930 Andrew Swaby: i've been with us for years and i'm really grateful for the opportunity to serve our students so in middle school the technology Program. 28 00:26:46.710 --> 00:27:02.250 Andrew Swaby: is all about exposing our students to the fundamentals of computer science, but at the same time we're giving them like hands on experience with coding, so they are learning about html CSS Python javascript. 29 00:27:03.570 --> 00:27:09.000 Andrew Swaby: And you know, five years ago, I had my first eighth grade class. 30 00:27:10.290 --> 00:27:25.020 Andrew Swaby: And, last year I was blessed with the opportunity to see that class graduate and this year, my first seventh grade class I pharaoh's is going to be graduating 12th grade all right. 31 00:27:26.310 --> 00:27:26.850 Andrew Swaby: and 32 00:27:27.870 --> 00:27:32.130 Andrew Swaby: That in and of itself is very fulfilling because. 33 00:27:34.140 --> 00:27:44.370 Andrew Swaby: You get a chance to see the students you've had from seventh grade now transitioning into adulthood into becoming responsible citizens. 34 00:27:45.480 --> 00:27:49.440 Andrew Swaby: And I thought that was you know all there is to it but. 35 00:27:50.910 --> 00:28:00.660 Andrew Swaby: There are a few of my students who are actually going to be pursuing degrees in computer science, which is. 36 00:28:01.800 --> 00:28:07.620 Andrew Swaby: awesome that for me is the icing on the cake lab for me is take. 37 00:28:09.390 --> 00:28:10.650 Andrew Swaby: Your sea. 38 00:28:11.670 --> 00:28:11.910 Andrew Swaby: Of. 39 00:28:13.140 --> 00:28:14.880 Andrew Swaby: so to speak, you know. 40 00:28:16.350 --> 00:28:19.230 Andrew Swaby: And you know as as we we. 41 00:28:20.400 --> 00:28:34.710 Andrew Swaby: Make Pharaohs a great place or one of the greatest place to work in New York, I was given the chance to pilot or first gaming program right um and. 42 00:28:35.880 --> 00:28:48.660 Andrew Swaby: We have very you know we have a lot of goals in line and then are we had a lot of goals in mind, and then the pandemic hit, but that didn't deter us, because we had students who were able to compete. 43 00:28:49.380 --> 00:29:04.200 Andrew Swaby: In online games gaming competitions and they actually went in and crushed it so that is very fulfilling as well you know to see something that to some may have seen. 44 00:29:05.460 --> 00:29:23.370 Andrew Swaby: insignificant or just something else that or students they're doing on in their past time but those students were able to get first hand taste of victory, you know of winning something of. 45 00:29:24.720 --> 00:29:45.270 Andrew Swaby: You know, playing something that they like, and being rewarded for it, so that was a highlight of my year, as Mr Brown alluded to, I am Noah a new dad all right um so throughout this pandemic, it has been challenging. 46 00:29:46.350 --> 00:29:51.360 Andrew Swaby: But at the same time, it has been very rewarding because. 47 00:30:03.750 --> 00:30:04.470 Travis Brown: Did we lose it. 48 00:30:09.060 --> 00:30:09.750 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: looks like he's frozen. 49 00:30:15.450 --> 00:30:16.560 Courtney Russell: I messaged him right now. 50 00:30:36.060 --> 00:30:37.650 Andrew Swaby: we're back to regular programming. 51 00:30:39.120 --> 00:30:47.610 Andrew Swaby: And so I as I would say I wouldn't want to you know, be doing this work with anywhere else. 52 00:30:48.780 --> 00:30:56.910 Andrew Swaby: Just because of you know, the consideration that goes into the safety of scholars oh and that's my son saying hello, as well. 53 00:30:58.350 --> 00:31:06.330 Andrew Swaby: My Internet is a bit shaky so in the evenings because everyone comes online it's the bandwidth is a bit tricky but um. 54 00:31:07.590 --> 00:31:20.340 Andrew Swaby: yeah to do this with any I wouldn't want to do anyone else I have grown to become a part of the firewalls family and that shows so as I was saying, the the. 55 00:31:21.060 --> 00:31:38.100 Andrew Swaby: Consideration that goes into the safety of our scholars, the safety of our teachers, but at the same time ensuring that we're leveraging all our resources, so we are giving the students, the best in this time that came front and. 56 00:31:38.100 --> 00:31:38.640 Center. 57 00:31:39.840 --> 00:31:44.700 Andrew Swaby: Yes, we have a lot to do a lot more growing to do. 58 00:31:45.780 --> 00:31:57.540 Andrew Swaby: And that is the exciting thing because the leadership team that we have they are embarking on a journey to make fire was not only. 59 00:31:58.770 --> 00:32:00.120 Andrew Swaby: Good but great. 60 00:32:01.230 --> 00:32:09.330 Andrew Swaby: And I am just another roar on this boat looking to do great things, so thank you for having. 61 00:32:14.970 --> 00:32:16.110 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Thank you um. 62 00:32:16.740 --> 00:32:33.450 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Does the board, have any questions for for you, I have a question i'd like to ask, which is we get a lot of our discussion today later today will be driven by rob around some additional funding that has materialized. 63 00:32:34.500 --> 00:32:41.880 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: aren't there are other resources that you need like what are the kinds of things that would help you do your job more effectively. 64 00:32:45.150 --> 00:32:45.720 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: um. 65 00:32:46.500 --> 00:32:52.380 Andrew Swaby: So, because of the nature of the program that i'm that I teach. 66 00:32:53.940 --> 00:32:56.850 Andrew Swaby: We have a lot to do a lot. 67 00:32:58.170 --> 00:32:58.800 Andrew Swaby: We have. 68 00:32:59.970 --> 00:33:02.520 Andrew Swaby: For example, the curriculum that we're currently using. 69 00:33:03.900 --> 00:33:12.420 Andrew Swaby: it's it's good to take our students to levels that would allow them to access ap computer science, etc. 70 00:33:13.860 --> 00:33:22.530 Andrew Swaby: as it relates to impersonating we have the equipment that we would equipment that we would need, but I think having. 71 00:33:24.690 --> 00:33:40.020 Andrew Swaby: Students, be able to access their own personal devices, not only a chromebook that is able to do so much and no more, but something of quality that would enable them to like run different programs or. 72 00:33:43.080 --> 00:33:45.570 Andrew Swaby: For example, if they were they were supposed to. 73 00:33:46.620 --> 00:33:47.430 Andrew Swaby: Create. 74 00:33:48.900 --> 00:33:56.490 Andrew Swaby: A game or an APP to be able to run it on a chromebook may be a bit tricky so if they were. 75 00:33:57.540 --> 00:34:02.700 Andrew Swaby: able to access devices that were off higher quality that would be. 76 00:34:04.290 --> 00:34:07.650 Andrew Swaby: The resource that I would say, would really you know. 77 00:34:12.870 --> 00:34:14.760 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: anybody else have additional questions. 78 00:34:17.820 --> 00:34:20.520 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: I do i'm kind Mr swabi. 79 00:34:21.570 --> 00:34:28.890 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Funnily enough, I used to teach it and bronx lighthouse and for part of that time I actually was the technology teacher. 80 00:34:30.150 --> 00:34:36.270 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: K through six so I could like see the room i'm like my I definitely feel. 81 00:34:37.500 --> 00:34:39.360 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Connected i'm just wondering. 82 00:34:40.410 --> 00:34:46.170 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: When things went virtual how I guess like did it just feel different for you. 83 00:34:47.640 --> 00:35:04.530 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: As a tech teacher and how did you like well like what was that transition like for kids to be virtual did you feel like it's like they kind of use your class to like catapult to being like yep where we got the computer thing the virtual space and then also. 84 00:35:05.610 --> 00:35:06.240 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: You know. 85 00:35:07.590 --> 00:35:10.800 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: What are you thinking about in terms of like how you. 86 00:35:11.310 --> 00:35:24.240 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Go back to teaching technology next year when probably more kids are going to be in the building probably full time and, like what what lessons are you taking from this year that you're like hey I wouldn't have done it this way, but given this year, this might be a new way to try things. 87 00:35:28.170 --> 00:35:29.220 Andrew Swaby: That you Thank you. 88 00:35:30.210 --> 00:35:31.560 Andrew Swaby: Thank you for that question so. 89 00:35:33.150 --> 00:35:39.360 Andrew Swaby: For me, the most challenging part about going virtual was. 90 00:35:42.180 --> 00:35:42.600 Andrew Swaby: Have. 91 00:35:44.730 --> 00:35:47.010 Andrew Swaby: Trying to differentiate for every student. 92 00:35:49.170 --> 00:35:54.150 Andrew Swaby: Those who needed me to be over them point and to show them things. 93 00:35:55.290 --> 00:36:01.110 Andrew Swaby: Those who needed me to pull them into a room to say hey you need to get the work done. 94 00:36:02.340 --> 00:36:03.390 Andrew Swaby: Those who. 95 00:36:04.530 --> 00:36:10.350 Andrew Swaby: Would you really go on to a different website now, I can tell they're on a different website. 96 00:36:11.400 --> 00:36:17.160 Andrew Swaby: So those things pose a challenge for me, but. 97 00:36:18.930 --> 00:36:25.800 Andrew Swaby: One thing that the pandemic taught is that wherever there's a challenge it's an opportunity to do something different. 98 00:36:27.090 --> 00:36:28.260 Andrew Swaby: and also to. 99 00:36:29.610 --> 00:36:40.530 Andrew Swaby: come up with new ways to connect with our students So for me, developing a relationship with appearance really helped in getting work done. 100 00:36:41.580 --> 00:37:01.590 Andrew Swaby: And it also helped with you know, ensuring that the students are staying accountable and completing what they're supposed to do in the when I was in the building of course I had you know the the superpower, of being right there with them and being able to look over the shoulder. 101 00:37:02.610 --> 00:37:05.580 Andrew Swaby: So, being in a remote space. 102 00:37:06.810 --> 00:37:15.900 Andrew Swaby: It felt different and, yes, even though we're doing technology, even though most of the things that we're doing our own is online. 103 00:37:16.920 --> 00:37:22.860 Andrew Swaby: That ability to be there was really a pain for me. 104 00:37:26.670 --> 00:37:30.180 Andrew Swaby: I there was another point that I wanted to make what I forgot. 105 00:37:30.840 --> 00:37:32.190 Andrew Swaby: The part of the question that. 106 00:37:35.940 --> 00:37:45.090 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: I think you got there hey when I think it was like I already heard you kind of mentioned we're thinking about for next year and, like the accountability being able to see what they're doing. 107 00:37:45.540 --> 00:37:46.740 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: In the end, even though. 108 00:37:46.860 --> 00:37:52.560 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: The teaching has always been on the computer there were still like new and different challenges. 109 00:37:53.670 --> 00:37:55.170 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And so thank you. 110 00:37:56.220 --> 00:38:10.710 Andrew Swaby: So I wanted to add on to the piece for next year, so um I want to incorporate some of the things that we didn't virtually in the in person space so, for example. 111 00:38:12.090 --> 00:38:28.650 Andrew Swaby: Having students being on zoom so that they can share their screen and I can like give them individualized instructions, I think that's going to be like a game changer if we still have access to zoom but let's see how that plays. 112 00:38:33.420 --> 00:38:36.690 Alexandra Abreu: I have a comment, not a question i'm so glad that. 113 00:38:37.770 --> 00:38:58.860 Alexandra Abreu: you're part of the school as a parent i'm very temple and every time I go and I have done parent teacher conferences and you know you have concerns or comments about like Sebastian when Carlos when you had him. 114 00:39:00.120 --> 00:39:06.420 Alexandra Abreu: It has been great some very thankful that i'm part of the school. 115 00:39:08.700 --> 00:39:09.060 Andrew Swaby: Thank you. 116 00:39:22.560 --> 00:39:27.210 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Alright Thank you so much, I really appreciate and we really appreciate you coming to talk to the board. 117 00:39:28.590 --> 00:39:29.370 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: We. 118 00:39:30.540 --> 00:39:35.070 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: You know anytime you want to come back and give us an update on how things are going, we would love to have you back. 119 00:39:37.230 --> 00:39:56.850 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: So i'm going to move on to the in the agenda, we are on a 727 20, we have to pivot over to the scholarships, but I think because 720 10 we gave them why don't we try and cover off some other things on the agenda. 120 00:39:57.030 --> 00:39:58.320 Courtney Russell: actually here Javier. 121 00:39:58.740 --> 00:39:59.550 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: everyone's there. 122 00:39:59.850 --> 00:40:06.780 Courtney Russell: have been the first few ready to go, so I can just want to go over process with me and then we can start to let them in individually, so I have some of the waiting room. 123 00:40:07.290 --> 00:40:12.030 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Okay, so let's talk process i'm Courtney, do you want to talk through how this is going to go. 124 00:40:12.690 --> 00:40:23.520 Courtney Russell: Sure thing thanks Javier so that's your mind or everyone we had our original application, open to all the Ferris seniors we received, I think it was seven applications. 125 00:40:24.180 --> 00:40:32.010 Courtney Russell: which was great I know, last month, we were kind of worried, how many we're going to get we got plenty in just before and right in under the deadline and so. 126 00:40:32.550 --> 00:40:38.940 Courtney Russell: The scholarship committee narrowed it down to five individuals five scholars, who are all excited to be here this evening. 127 00:40:39.510 --> 00:40:48.660 Courtney Russell: One really exciting piece of news, one of our vendors actually also contributed a $2,000 scholarship over four years. 128 00:40:49.380 --> 00:40:56.040 Courtney Russell: His only asked was that we make sure that the scholar who's chosen for that third scholarship is going to a stem field. 129 00:40:56.400 --> 00:41:05.880 Courtney Russell: And he's delegated that power to the board to make the decision on who gets that scholarship so really awesome news and, in addition to the general scholarship we have. 130 00:41:06.390 --> 00:41:11.700 Courtney Russell: As well as the Roberto granados scholarship so three scholars were looking for this evening. 131 00:41:12.540 --> 00:41:23.370 Courtney Russell: And so the five scholars, that will be with us, they each have 10 Minutes it can kind of go, however, you all wish certainly an open dialogue, but the one thing that we did prepare scholars with. 132 00:41:23.760 --> 00:41:30.030 Courtney Russell: This was a question that I think rob posed the question we asked them to be prepared to speak on his. 133 00:41:30.630 --> 00:41:40.620 Courtney Russell: Tell us about a personal difficulty or obstacle that you've overcome to achieve a goal or seat or solve a problem that seemed unachievable or other solvable. 134 00:41:41.190 --> 00:41:48.660 Courtney Russell: And so i'll type that into the chat so just so everyone has it as a reference, but we have the five scholar so i'll let them in individually. 135 00:41:49.320 --> 00:41:57.090 Courtney Russell: We can you know have them exit when they're done i'll let the next one in and then you all, can have a discussion and a vote about who to award to. 136 00:41:59.430 --> 00:42:00.180 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Take notes. 137 00:42:01.080 --> 00:42:03.750 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Because we'll probably have the discussion during executor session. 138 00:42:04.650 --> 00:42:06.540 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Just so we can move from for the agenda. SCHOLAR INTERVIEW SECTION REDACTED DUE TO PERSONAL INFORMATION 607 01:45:40.800 --> 01:45:42.750 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Should we move on to the agenda. 608 01:45:50.310 --> 01:45:51.300 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Okay yeah Thank you. 609 01:45:52.350 --> 01:45:57.960 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: um so okay so i'm gonna we're going to accelerate this a little bit Mr Brown unless there's. 610 01:45:58.980 --> 01:46:04.770 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: a really important cope at 19 update, I suggest we skip the covered 19 update for this week or this one. 611 01:46:06.600 --> 01:46:22.050 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: I will, however, make a pit stop to do the Minutes from the last meeting so did ever have a chance to look at the Minutes from the last meeting just nod your heads um I motion to approve the board meeting minutes from our last meeting. 612 01:46:23.820 --> 01:46:25.290 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: I can, I can say that now. 613 01:46:25.410 --> 01:46:26.100 yeah. 614 01:46:28.350 --> 01:46:28.950 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All right, all. 615 01:46:30.810 --> 01:46:31.200 Tom: Right. 616 01:46:35.640 --> 01:46:36.390 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Now I know right. 617 01:46:36.660 --> 01:46:37.680 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: that's a big night for me. 618 01:46:41.340 --> 01:46:55.200 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All right, um let the let the record show that the board meeting Minutes have been unanimously approved i'm Sarah is not at today's board meeting she had a conflict and so i'm going to we're going to skip over the mentoring opportunity. 619 01:46:57.090 --> 01:46:59.100 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Also, just in the in the. 620 01:47:01.980 --> 01:47:13.680 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Just for time sake, I, Mr Brown, I think it is do you mind if I skip over the genesis works thing for this week alright so we're going to skip over that Courtney just make a note to add it to the next. 621 01:47:14.820 --> 01:47:16.080 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: next agenda next meeting. 622 01:47:17.100 --> 01:47:28.740 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: The my world consulting recommendations I also recommend that we're going to skip I don't know that there's anything that's significantly changed from last time, the only thing that we'd want to reviews the Charter stuff and we can take care of that next board meeting. 623 01:47:29.790 --> 01:47:45.000 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: The next item on the agenda is the board member resumes which I also recommend that we skip then follow up items which I also recommend that we skip and then we move to the Culture Committee report and I don't recommend the risk of book because there's some items in there. 624 01:47:46.680 --> 01:47:47.130 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: hey. 625 01:47:47.970 --> 01:47:51.450 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: I think I agreed to share that right, Mr Brown and the yo. 626 01:47:52.080 --> 01:48:03.690 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Like adding anything I forget okay um so go for it alright so i'm Stacey Mr Ryan, and I had a chance to meet and we discussed quite a few things. 627 01:48:05.430 --> 01:48:10.290 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: as it relates to the Culture Committee so i'll go over a few things one, we are just thinking of what we're trying to help. 628 01:48:10.980 --> 01:48:21.210 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Think about what the end of year gift might be for for the teachers for the Faculty you know something nice to send them off of just like for the year for their appreciation. 629 01:48:21.600 --> 01:48:28.290 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: So you know we were trying to think, because that swag box that we got in the teachers got was so amazing so we're just trying to think of. 630 01:48:29.070 --> 01:48:36.030 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: New innovative different ideas so if you all have any that come to mind that you really like that you've got and please let us know. 631 01:48:36.990 --> 01:48:43.470 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Right now, I think the front right or it might be a personalized engraved cutting board, we know that you know. 632 01:48:44.340 --> 01:48:52.920 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: folks became chefs and all kinds of things and these at least quarantine days and so just maybe you know, a nice yeah cutting board. 633 01:48:53.640 --> 01:49:00.480 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: With a skyline on it, and you know or B or Ferris academies and their names could be really cool, but if you have any ideas, please let us know. 634 01:49:01.320 --> 01:49:10.260 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And then we started to think about generally like, how do we bridge the divide between the Board and the staff and particularly thinking about what we got out from the. 635 01:49:10.950 --> 01:49:18.930 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Staff survey around culture wanting to figure out how to get more approximate so one idea was that and that we want to explore for the fall is actually asking. 636 01:49:19.650 --> 01:49:25.980 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: A couple of teachers to teachers to join the Culture Committee and one from Upper school one from lower school. 637 01:49:26.250 --> 01:49:33.840 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And we know that you know if you're trying to impact culture, having the people who are directly impacted have a voice is really critical. 638 01:49:34.470 --> 01:49:40.470 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: So we're excited to think about what that looks like for the next school year also we want to, I know that. 639 01:49:41.460 --> 01:49:51.750 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: You know, because of coven haven't been able to be in the building and whatnot but actually thinking, there is a space to have you know quick coffee coffee zoom conversations with. 640 01:49:52.500 --> 01:50:09.360 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: With faculty right to open ourselves up, it can feel really low lift it can just be honestly like whatever it is, you want to talk about, but we can of course think of you know, questions that you can ask things that you can try to understand better, but it can also just be organic. 641 01:50:11.220 --> 01:50:12.720 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: off the heels, to have. 642 01:50:14.040 --> 01:50:30.900 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: You know, some of these conversations and really the survey thinking about again needing to make the big small, so there are like partners and really great things happening, then there's also clear their pockets, where things is feel really different and so actually wanting to be. 643 01:50:32.610 --> 01:50:37.590 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Like spend some time within the different departments to understand like what is happening. 644 01:50:37.920 --> 01:50:42.390 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: In lower school what's happening in preschool what's happening with the English teachers what's happening with the math teachers. 645 01:50:42.690 --> 01:50:55.980 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Like Why are some people having like such a different experience and we did we came up with a few questions that I think we can put maybe in a follow up email if folks want to win on or you know add. 646 01:50:57.330 --> 01:51:00.270 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: or push on and so we're just thinking about. 647 01:51:01.290 --> 01:51:09.270 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: You know what we'll do in this listening actually listening to her mainly was going to be Mr Brown right you and your VP. 648 01:51:09.720 --> 01:51:23.220 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And I think you're doing those right now actually as we speak so you're already getting some of some of that, and so, Mr Brown is going to be bringing some of what he's hearing to our next Culture Committee, so that we can layer it on to the data that we received. 649 01:51:25.080 --> 01:51:27.180 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And then I think this last piece which. 650 01:51:28.470 --> 01:51:34.710 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: we're still trying to weigh the term and what does it look like, but we know there is a student Council and how do we give agency and voice. 651 01:51:35.130 --> 01:51:46.350 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: To the student Council maybe not like they drove every single time but maybe they come in, provide a report or you know ask us like how we can support them, but really also thinking about how we elevate. 652 01:51:46.980 --> 01:52:04.560 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Student voice to you know, bring it into culture, since, since they are part of since there's such a large part of the culture Ferris academy as well tonight, what did I leave out travis i'm sure I looked at a time, so you know you didn't we. 653 01:52:05.790 --> 01:52:09.660 Travis Brown: We started to listening to it, we actually completed the listening tour, so we met. 654 01:52:09.660 --> 01:52:10.020 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: When. 655 01:52:10.560 --> 01:52:24.300 Travis Brown: We met with all of the all of the departments across the school and we get one on ones with with some with a number of teachers also so at the next Culture Committee will bring those findings, so we can unpack that. 656 01:52:25.200 --> 01:52:26.520 Great Thank you. 657 01:52:37.020 --> 01:52:39.480 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Are there any questions on any of these topics. 658 01:52:47.550 --> 01:52:55.320 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Alright, I will then move on to finance committee review and I will turn it over to rob. 659 01:52:57.510 --> 01:53:01.560 Robb: awesome Thank you Javier everyone Okay, so we had. 660 01:53:02.190 --> 01:53:09.690 Robb: A good Finance Committee session last week quite a bit going on and in the finance world. 661 01:53:10.860 --> 01:53:22.650 Robb: It was the first session, where we welcome our new the new folks who are our contracted comptroller's or the contractors working with us different pair of financials. 662 01:53:23.460 --> 01:53:34.950 Robb: Replacing Mary beth and Brent so we had a nice introductory session and went through all of our financials, let me just hit on a few important things going on. 663 01:53:36.270 --> 01:53:45.330 Robb: First, just kind of housekeeping stuff we reviewed the 2021 financial results so basically the April financial report. 664 01:53:45.870 --> 01:53:55.770 Robb: Which is in the board packet and every every month we review variances to budget and assess compliance with financial covenants and so. 665 01:53:56.280 --> 01:54:05.910 Robb: For the board's perspective, where we continue to be in compliance with all financial covenants and all ratios that we we pledge to and are required to be. 666 01:54:06.720 --> 01:54:19.200 Robb: In compliance with and in terms of the budget and to refresh everyone the budget year runs from July 1 to June 30 so we're heading into kind of the end of 2021. 667 01:54:19.530 --> 01:54:39.180 Robb: And we'll go into 2022 we are on track and continue to be tracking to a significant surplus of about 1.75 million in 2021 fiscal year surplus that surplus is primarily driven by the recognition of the forgiveness component of our PPP loan. 668 01:54:40.290 --> 01:54:49.770 Robb: So main takeaway on 2020 financials is where we're in good shape on covenants and we're we're ahead of pace on the budget. 669 01:54:51.360 --> 01:55:00.240 Robb: And that leads to some the work that principle Brown and I are working on it that we're calling navigating forward. 670 01:55:01.590 --> 01:55:09.450 Robb: As an umbrella term to capture projects that we hope to to to get as close to balancing the budget. 671 01:55:10.020 --> 01:55:28.170 Robb: as possible, but you know, recognizing that we have some excess revenue for the 2021 year and that, if we don't if we don't spend it it's not that that cash goes away we don't lose money but we lose the opportunity to to to spend that within the year. 672 01:55:29.280 --> 01:55:30.600 Robb: So that's the that's, the first thing. 673 01:55:31.740 --> 01:55:45.030 Robb: And maybe just as a as a logistics matter as we do every month i'll just i'll motion that we approve the April financial statements as presented in the board packet. 674 01:55:48.390 --> 01:55:50.010 Robb: Anyone second to second. 675 01:55:52.530 --> 01:55:53.370 Robb: All those in favor. 676 01:55:53.970 --> 01:55:54.390 Alexandra Abreu: I thought. 677 01:55:55.560 --> 01:56:00.000 Robb: Okay cool and, of course, if there are any questions about the the financials always feel free. 678 01:56:01.170 --> 01:56:05.190 Robb: To reach out to anyone on the Finance Committee that's, the first thing 2021 results. 679 01:56:06.240 --> 01:56:10.440 Robb: The second thing i'll get to is the. 680 01:56:11.550 --> 01:56:20.250 Robb: Budget, and this is just be a brief note so we've were required to pass the budget before June 30. 681 01:56:20.910 --> 01:56:28.020 Robb: Typically, we would like to do that, in the main meeting, just in case there's some work to do, we can overflow into the June meeting. 682 01:56:28.740 --> 01:56:38.970 Robb: The Finance Committee and and the and the team and the school leadership we we agree that we need a little bit more time to prepare that budget and present it for approval. 683 01:56:39.390 --> 01:56:49.140 Robb: And i'll get into one of the core reasons why in a moment, but the there's a draft file in the board packet, but it really it's not quite. 684 01:56:49.830 --> 01:57:04.770 Robb: ready for ready for prime time, and so the plan will be to review the budget in the June board meeting and approve it and advance have it approve it on schedule in the June meeting. 685 01:57:06.060 --> 01:57:07.980 Robb: So so that's the budget. 686 01:57:10.770 --> 01:57:15.990 Robb: i'm going to go to number the the number three here on my list, which is. 687 01:57:17.520 --> 01:57:31.590 Robb: there's some exciting funding coming our way as part of the higher education emergency relief fund the coronavirus relief package, all of the legislation that's gone through over the past few months. 688 01:57:32.160 --> 01:57:42.930 Robb: includes pretty big allocations to public education, and so we are expecting the to the tune of $4 million. 689 01:57:44.070 --> 01:57:47.610 Robb: In an allocation to the school. 690 01:57:48.780 --> 01:58:03.840 Robb: it's still we're still in the process of learning more about that i'm going to share my screen here really quick Just to give you a very quick sense of of the the intent of this funding, I attended a webinar yesterday. 691 01:58:05.670 --> 01:58:13.290 Robb: to learn more about this everyone in the Community is trying to you know understand how these funds can be spent, but really, really briefly. 692 01:58:15.240 --> 01:58:16.860 Robb: I think it might be helpful, just to see. 693 01:58:18.030 --> 01:58:25.170 Robb: So the intent is two big buckets one is is minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. 694 01:58:25.890 --> 01:58:31.620 Robb: And then, to which is where I think things get really exciting is addressing student needs, and particularly the gap. 695 01:58:32.190 --> 01:58:45.060 Robb: In learning that may have happened to do you know learning loss So those are the broad buckets under which we're going to be expected to allocate this funding it covers it looks it looks back to. 696 01:58:46.530 --> 01:58:53.100 Robb: And goes ahead to 2023 so it's not it's not necessarily fully going to be in this next budget year. 697 01:58:54.240 --> 01:58:57.360 Robb: But there's there's a lot of faithfulness that has to go into this because. 698 01:58:58.470 --> 01:59:05.010 Robb: You know, we can't necessarily expend expect these funds to be there, beyond that period, and so you don't want to create. 699 01:59:05.280 --> 01:59:17.130 Robb: You know budget budget needs I can hire a big staff for in certain cases, that you would then not be able to maintain when the funding is gone so so all that to say it's exciting. 700 01:59:17.670 --> 01:59:34.260 Robb: it's definitely a lot of work to figure out how to spend this money we want to incorporate it into the budget and so into the 2022 budget and so principal brown Courtney our team at at CES bm. 701 01:59:35.280 --> 01:59:41.370 Robb: are going to be really thoughtful and putting together the budget for the board to review in next month's meeting. 702 01:59:44.610 --> 01:59:51.540 Robb: So that's that on the grants and principal brown recording anything you would add anything else you would add on this coven 19 funding. 703 01:59:54.810 --> 01:59:59.670 Courtney Russell: And I think you summed it up really nice, thank you, nothing on my end rob okay. 704 02:00:00.030 --> 02:00:04.380 Robb: cool um so that is point three. 705 02:00:05.610 --> 02:00:07.440 Robb: i'm just going to keep giving good news okay. 706 02:00:09.030 --> 02:00:13.560 Robb: The we have as part of our. 707 02:00:15.450 --> 02:00:24.540 Robb: As part of our initial financing for the building we worked with a with a lender called lift Li. 708 02:00:25.620 --> 02:00:38.400 Robb: Low income investment fund and it's a there's some tax advantaged ways that they invest in in organizations like ours help help build the buildings we then refinance with a bond issuance. 709 02:00:40.080 --> 02:00:48.450 Robb: As part of that initial deal we had to set aside alone last reserve and as part of that deal with agreed the day. 710 02:00:48.840 --> 02:01:05.160 Robb: They financed a bunch of schools under the same vehicle and because those loan loss reserves didn't need to be used long story short, they gave they gave it back to us and in 2019 they made a contribution of about $412,000 to. 711 02:01:06.450 --> 02:01:20.370 Robb: To return this loan loss reserve they they they made that contribution to a bronx holding property corporation, which is a separate entity that we have Javier myself and Tom are on that board. 712 02:01:21.630 --> 02:01:36.360 Robb: We don't we don't we don't do too much, but but we're an entity that exists as part of the old structure long story short, that money is unrestricted in terms of being able to be used for scholarships for. 713 02:01:36.930 --> 02:01:54.000 Robb: Really, anything that this board decides it needs to be used there's no restrictions in terms of the year that has to be used, or that it has to be, or that it can't be used for college scholarships, which is is a restriction that is on our title funding is, as we all know, so. 714 02:01:55.590 --> 02:02:04.050 Robb: The Board the board of bronx property holding company met today and we've we've we voted to move that money into Ferris Academy. 715 02:02:04.500 --> 02:02:25.080 Robb: operating budget and so that's some logistics that we're working on, but we now have the opportunity we have a significant amount of of capital of $412,000 that is unrestricted that can be used for for scholarships can be used for for other things that we decide on so. 716 02:02:26.310 --> 02:02:27.810 Briar Thompson [she|her]: rob I have a question on that. 717 02:02:28.020 --> 02:02:32.310 Briar Thompson [she|her]: If you move it into the operating funds osiris Does that mean, it has to be spent on the year. 718 02:02:32.970 --> 02:02:36.510 Robb: It doesn't yeah so it'll it'll sit on our balance sheet. 719 02:02:38.130 --> 02:02:55.320 Robb: And it'd be available for us to use and when, and when we do use it won't count it won't count against our operating budget for the year so you know when a while we have a really strong balance sheet, you know we can't we can't operate a budget deficit because of our Charter rules. 720 02:02:55.680 --> 02:03:01.050 Robb: Right, yes, this is just basically cash that we can we can use outside of those. 721 02:03:01.080 --> 02:03:07.740 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Restricted there's no risk that the do we would look at it and be like we're giving you too much money because you clearly have this all the money. 722 02:03:08.460 --> 02:03:13.140 Robb: yeah so that's a that's a that's in the back of my mind in general. 723 02:03:14.670 --> 02:03:19.440 Robb: We you know we have we've operated budgets surpluses nearly every year. 724 02:03:20.670 --> 02:03:22.320 Robb: for about eight years. 725 02:03:23.790 --> 02:03:33.570 Robb: The and we've accepted PPP funds we have grants coming from the coronavirus Relief Fund and we have this other unrestricted cash. 726 02:03:35.070 --> 02:03:36.720 Robb: i'm not too worried about that. 727 02:03:38.310 --> 02:03:40.110 Robb: We also have a good amount of debt. 728 02:03:41.160 --> 02:03:53.850 Robb: From you know from the from the bond issuance its long term debt over 30 years, so if we if we if we really wanted to kind of put cash to use and kind of clean up our liabilities, we can pay off all the debt. 729 02:03:55.680 --> 02:04:02.370 Robb: And it would take, I think it would take a pretty like a specific. 730 02:04:03.450 --> 02:04:07.530 Robb: A specific agenda to go and say that we have you know we're overfunded. 731 02:04:08.100 --> 02:04:19.800 Robb: um I don't think anyone would say that say that we're overfunded we just have we've been prudent and and risk averse and that's led to significant surpluses and. 732 02:04:20.970 --> 02:04:24.390 Robb: And, and I think we've been proven, I think if we want to give ourselves a little bit of credit. 733 02:04:26.670 --> 02:04:27.120 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: So. 734 02:04:27.480 --> 02:04:32.190 Robb: So we've got we've got this opportunity and I think we need to put some structure around kind of what we want to do. 735 02:04:32.490 --> 02:04:41.940 Robb: You know, high level like we could one option is, we could take $400,000 put it in something that returns three 4% that safe and have basically. 736 02:04:42.270 --> 02:04:50.070 Robb: You know we're going to spend about $12,000 this year on scholarships, we could have that basically perpetually returning about that amount. 737 02:04:50.790 --> 02:05:06.450 Robb: Without without ever you know fundraising is what is one really, really conservative option another would be to develop a fundraising plan, but to spend some of that to spend more than we fundraise basically to start until our fundraising catches up. 738 02:05:07.650 --> 02:05:08.100 Robb: And then. 739 02:05:11.880 --> 02:05:17.220 Robb: And then, and then basically put some of that that cash to use so. 740 02:05:18.270 --> 02:05:26.430 Robb: um I think that's good news I haven't really caught up to it, yet in terms of like who you know who and what and like, how do we get a plan together, but I guess for now. 741 02:05:28.080 --> 02:05:33.960 Robb: For now, more to come as the Finance Committee kind of wraps arms around putting a plan together. 742 02:05:34.530 --> 02:05:35.430 Briar Thompson [she|her]: So, this would be. 743 02:05:35.490 --> 02:05:45.660 Briar Thompson [she|her]: This would be a plan on top of travis's like HARA my exciting wish list plan that we covered in a previous board meeting this is like additional spending. 744 02:05:46.050 --> 02:05:51.750 Robb: yeah so so that so you have three three big buckets here one one is the. 745 02:05:53.310 --> 02:06:03.930 Robb: budget which, which is that that's the 1.7 million where we're ahead of budget are expensive we're tracking to higher revenue and expenses. 746 02:06:05.490 --> 02:06:14.430 Robb: That opportunity expires June 30 basically that budget, then resets so that's that's that's what we've been putting in the in the travis list. 747 02:06:16.230 --> 02:06:36.000 Robb: The second bucket is okay, on top of our normal title funding that we get from the from the state and from the Federal Government for our 2022 budget on top of all that we're going to get this injection of code funds of about $4 million over over a period of time. 748 02:06:37.350 --> 02:06:45.420 Robb: So that's buckets you bucket three is we have this this 412 K. 749 02:06:46.500 --> 02:06:53.280 Robb: And everyone has a bucket, for you know, we do have we do have significant cash on our balance sheet as well from from previous surpluses. 750 02:06:55.080 --> 02:07:01.710 Robb: And all three of those buckets are very are different are different in terms of how we, how we can kind of think about what we can do with it. 751 02:07:02.400 --> 02:07:08.700 Alissa: I rob if I miss this what are their usage requirements timing requirements on the 4 million for 2022. 752 02:07:09.930 --> 02:07:16.680 Robb: Yes, there will be that will be the that will be this the grants that have to be tied to either. 753 02:07:16.710 --> 02:07:18.870 Alissa: That was the first thing the screen okay. 754 02:07:19.140 --> 02:07:20.580 Robb: Thank you yeah sure thing. 755 02:07:21.720 --> 02:07:32.370 Alissa: And then, in terms of transferring the 412 is that is that something that we have to do imminently I mean can we sort of keep it where it is until we figure out what we want to do with it. 756 02:07:33.390 --> 02:07:39.330 Robb: yeah we could there's there's really what we're looking to do is potentially. 757 02:07:41.250 --> 02:07:47.190 Robb: You know there's no real rush to move it over, but we want to put it in control of the school as fast as possible it's not like it. 758 02:07:48.660 --> 02:08:00.000 Robb: it's not like it's protected or set where there's any value in it being separated, so we want to, we want to get it under the school's umbrella and put it in control of this board as soon as possible. 759 02:08:01.740 --> 02:08:06.960 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Probably I just want to confirm the address it's bucket three, which is the 400. 760 02:08:08.040 --> 02:08:12.120 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: And from the bronx lighthouse property holding company. 761 02:08:13.230 --> 02:08:19.320 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: There are it's basically cash right there's like no restriction on how we can spend that it's up. 762 02:08:20.250 --> 02:08:27.240 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: So, in the same way there's no restriction on how we could invest that and I just want to confirm that that's true well. 763 02:08:28.410 --> 02:08:50.400 Robb: That that should be true, I wouldn't want to double check that it because there's a possibility that our investment policy in our our status, our tax status prevents us from investing any cash like could it could be go buy bitcoin or something you know I don't know. 764 02:08:52.290 --> 02:08:56.340 Robb: That like I think we have to, I think we still have to consider it. 765 02:08:58.290 --> 02:09:08.310 Robb: that's a good question wait it's not it's not restricted in this week it's basically the same as if someone had donated it as if we had raised that money. 766 02:09:08.700 --> 02:09:13.890 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: yeah yeah yeah, the answer is, I don't know the answer to that question, which is why i'm asking, I know that. 767 02:09:14.370 --> 02:09:28.620 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Do when we get money from the do we we have restrictions around how we can invest that money has to be in something that's fairly liquid as a return but i'm just wondering if all of those same rules applied to that that second pot of gold, because. 768 02:09:29.850 --> 02:09:30.330 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: You know. 769 02:09:31.380 --> 02:09:41.280 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: That that super conservative option that you mentioned of like renewing you know, putting that into an investment fund and using the new year over year returns to fund. 770 02:09:41.640 --> 02:09:51.180 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: A scholarship all depends on or to fund whatever, whether it be a scholarship or a part of someone's salary all depends on. 771 02:09:53.070 --> 02:09:58.290 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: The ability to to get to invest in something that that is higher yield and yeah. 772 02:09:59.340 --> 02:10:00.780 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: than what we normally credit. 773 02:10:01.770 --> 02:10:11.250 Robb: it's a good point you know the concept is really have kind of an endowment and in you know, in education space, you see. 774 02:10:11.820 --> 02:10:24.000 Robb: You know in downloads are some of the more aggressive and active alternative investors that there are so it's an interesting question, let me, let me, let me do some research on on that. 775 02:10:25.920 --> 02:10:34.650 Robb: Obviously that we've been more aggressive with a return come comes more risk to so we would you know we'd want to be cautious about losing principal. 776 02:10:37.380 --> 02:10:40.830 Robb: principal PA El de la not not principal room. 777 02:10:44.160 --> 02:10:45.480 Robb: and actually I think it's spelled the same. 778 02:10:47.850 --> 02:10:48.330 Robb: So. 779 02:10:50.070 --> 02:10:52.080 Robb: So that that's that's the. 780 02:10:53.490 --> 02:10:59.010 Robb: that's the bronx property holding company donation any other any other questions or thoughts there. 781 02:11:03.090 --> 02:11:08.790 Briar Thompson [she|her]: I mean this might be in travis's update, but when we cover at some point, any update on how the. 782 02:11:11.100 --> 02:11:17.640 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Year, like the current budget yes spending is going and how the progress is going against the list that he had made up. 783 02:11:18.360 --> 02:11:21.060 Robb: Yes, let's go. 784 02:11:21.720 --> 02:11:24.030 Robb: let's go there um. 785 02:11:25.230 --> 02:11:36.870 Robb: So there are and principal ronald's alternatively you in a second we've got in the board packet there are six items that we'd like to vote on. 786 02:11:40.140 --> 02:11:49.860 Robb: we've been we've been meeting weekly that the challenge the challenges is you know, ideally before putting it to a board vote, we would have the full. 787 02:11:51.120 --> 02:11:59.010 Robb: quotes and all the competition required to to make an approval on an expenditure it's just a it's just a lot to get. 788 02:11:59.520 --> 02:12:19.920 Robb: All that done in a short period time, and so what i'm proposing is that we, we have principal brown walk us through to these projects, briefly, and then we vote as a board to authorize the expenditures subject to meeting the requirements and the financial policies and procedures. 789 02:12:21.030 --> 02:12:28.380 Robb: So not that we would necessarily be reviewing quotes and voting on it, but we would be voting to approve the allocation of the of the money. 790 02:12:29.610 --> 02:12:37.920 Robb: And there's there are six items six items, in addition to that, to that we've already spent the Promethean boards and the Van. 791 02:12:39.270 --> 02:12:47.820 Robb: The permian boys in the van or already included in the in the budget prior to getting to that 1.75 million so that's on top of the. 792 02:12:48.930 --> 02:12:58.200 Robb: The 1.75 million is, including that we've already made the expenditure on the band, which we actually ended up capitalizing and on the Promethean boards. 793 02:13:00.420 --> 02:13:02.550 Robb: travis do you want to take us through those six items. 794 02:13:04.080 --> 02:13:04.440 Your. 795 02:13:07.320 --> 02:13:08.100 First, item. 796 02:13:09.270 --> 02:13:16.230 kind of a familiar one chromebooks so we pretty much depleted our entire supply chromebooks. 797 02:13:17.400 --> 02:13:27.630 Know being in being in quarantine or and in a remote setting for pretty much a year and three months, so the first the first. 798 02:13:28.890 --> 02:13:36.840 Item is chromebooks for grades three to 12 so this would be a purchase of a significant number of chromebooks but the goal would be to. 799 02:13:37.350 --> 02:13:51.960 replay the show all of the chromebooks because we really from what we what we've seen around getting chromebooks back from students, a lot of being in the hands of students and families follow a year the chromebooks are pretty. 800 02:13:53.730 --> 02:14:07.830 Robb: Some of them as a pretty bad condition, so we, we will look to begin for the next school year school year 2021 just to do a reset purchase chromebooks but also this time, make sure that we have the proper. 801 02:14:09.660 --> 02:14:21.570 casing protection on them so that they can so we can have a longer lifespan so that's the first purchase and that the chromebooks will be going to students all students in grades three to 12, because one thing that we've. 802 02:14:22.380 --> 02:14:31.200 I don't think we're going back on now since the pandemic kid is just students having access to chromebooks at home and in school. 803 02:14:31.560 --> 02:14:42.150 So this way we would really prepare the chromebook for students to really take back and forth from home at school, as well, but this purchase is just for just to replenish that supply chromebooks. 804 02:14:44.160 --> 02:14:48.480 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: pause there, do we want to comment on each or just run through the list, how would you like to do it. 805 02:14:50.640 --> 02:14:55.020 Robb: Why don't you fly through the list jobs i'll give everyone a perspective and what's out there. 806 02:14:56.790 --> 02:15:06.540 Travis Brown: So, the next item tues ipads we came to this is similar to the chromebooks and grades three to three to 12 we've just found that. 807 02:15:07.350 --> 02:15:14.940 Travis Brown: For kids and cater to ipads a little bit better than chromebooks just in terms of usability. 808 02:15:15.750 --> 02:15:23.310 Travis Brown: The interface is a lot better and young kids think of a kindergarten kid typing is probably a lot better to two point in. 809 02:15:23.790 --> 02:15:27.420 Travis Brown: To point drag and drop so ipads allows allows them to. 810 02:15:27.750 --> 02:15:43.890 Travis Brown: utilize a lot of this software, a lot of key to software is a little bit more accessible ipads so this would be to do the same thing that's happening in grades 312 but do it on a 4k to make it more K to friendly so that those are the iPad purchases. 811 02:15:45.000 --> 02:15:57.990 Travis Brown: The third piece is this exciting urban farming project that we we have going as many of you know from being us for what the wow we used to have a Garden on the rooftop of. 812 02:15:59.010 --> 02:16:07.530 Travis Brown: The first floor on on a high school side that garden went away for a number of reasons, but we're looking to actually. 813 02:16:07.860 --> 02:16:21.360 Travis Brown: recreate that garden but also we found a space in the back of the building also another rooftop that we can build on, so the front garden, if you so we have two spaces, there is similar in size, the front space. 814 02:16:21.990 --> 02:16:36.090 Travis Brown: kind of looks like a patio and a plan, there is to create a garden but but also urban garden, but this will be almost a laboratory where students, it will be an outdoor classroom space where students will learn learn. 815 02:16:36.570 --> 02:16:45.060 Travis Brown: learn about farming growing there'll be hydroponics out there will be a vertical vertical farm this they call it. 816 02:16:45.750 --> 02:16:52.770 Travis Brown: Out there on that end, but it will be a laboratory space where students can experiment and in the back of the back of the building the other. 817 02:16:53.130 --> 02:17:01.950 Travis Brown: The other space we would actually build a greenhouse and that will be more where we will have more production and more growing the plan here is to really. 818 02:17:02.490 --> 02:17:13.050 Travis Brown: help students from K 12 be a space for students in K 12 to really learn about growing learn about science horticulture, but also a big plans also we're taking it from. 819 02:17:13.500 --> 02:17:21.450 Travis Brown: The farm being able to take it to farm to the table, but also to products also so we're working with we're working with our food vendor to. 820 02:17:22.080 --> 02:17:32.700 Travis Brown: see if we can grow grow food that they can we can use and our food supply, but also growing enough that we can actually create a product also and sell and entrepreneurial course as well, so. 821 02:17:32.940 --> 02:17:43.890 Travis Brown: So we're working with the organization out of Newark New Jersey, that is doing urban farming around North New Jersey and talking to other schools in a community that have that have. 822 02:17:44.940 --> 02:17:53.100 Travis Brown: done these things, and as many of you know, growing in urban farms is huge in the bronx where we talk about food insecurity, so we really want to get in that. 823 02:17:54.150 --> 02:18:00.660 Travis Brown: In that space in a big way so that's that project, the fourth project is part of. 824 02:18:01.410 --> 02:18:13.350 Travis Brown: redesigning part of the school to create a to create a podcast studio what we're asking for, there is the equipment to put into the podcast studio in a recording studio, so it is a number of. 825 02:18:13.650 --> 02:18:23.100 Travis Brown: As mayor rob says, a number of different items alone, they do not total $50,000 or more, but as you add them up the equipment that goes in there. 826 02:18:24.390 --> 02:18:30.600 Travis Brown: Get i'm not well versed on all the equipment think mike's, and all this other stuff and control boards and things like that, but as you. 827 02:18:31.230 --> 02:18:40.140 Travis Brown: The the equipment itself all of the equipment together totals over it's about $60,000 worth of equipment, so we want to package that all together. 828 02:18:40.410 --> 02:18:47.040 Travis Brown: For the boy to approve but we're looking to transform one of our smaller classroom spaces into a podcast recording studio. 829 02:18:47.310 --> 02:18:58.530 Travis Brown: and, later on, I can show you a podcast that we actually are doing in a school already without the studio that one of our teachers and students of leading as they're talking to many. 830 02:18:59.220 --> 02:19:15.030 Travis Brown: Industry movers and shakers so we want to be able to add that that type of field, the recording the podcast studio recording and also TV studio recording to our to our offering the students in high school, but also in middle school. 831 02:19:16.080 --> 02:19:21.930 Travis Brown: Then we have the shelving five and six kind of go together the shelving and classroom furniture. 832 02:19:23.460 --> 02:19:31.110 Travis Brown: In the lower school the building is a lot older than the high school, so a lot of the furniture hasn't been updated in some time. 833 02:19:31.350 --> 02:19:41.550 Travis Brown: And there's been a lot of the shelving the teacher space in the classroom space hasn't been updated sometime so we want to allocate money, just to modernize and update the classroom furniture and. 834 02:19:41.910 --> 02:19:50.910 Travis Brown: shelving and there to add more space in the classroom for students and also teachers and also modernize the furniture to match kind of where we're going as an organization. 835 02:19:52.350 --> 02:19:56.190 Travis Brown: So i'll pause there for an hour rob you wanted to share something and then for questions. 836 02:20:00.510 --> 02:20:02.910 Robb: yeah just add just like. 837 02:20:03.990 --> 02:20:04.470 Robb: The. 838 02:20:06.900 --> 02:20:23.940 Robb: The reason, the reason we have to vote on these is they'll they'll exceed $50,000 either as themselves or with travis shared kind of as you aggregate up the pieces so that that's why I wanted to bring these for discussion, but ya know interested in the board's thoughts questions. 839 02:20:26.760 --> 02:20:27.960 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: I have a two. 840 02:20:28.170 --> 02:20:30.330 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: thoughts one question one thought. 841 02:20:31.230 --> 02:20:39.690 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Around the one of the first items, which is the laptops one of the things that we heard was also like network hotspots have people not having. 842 02:20:40.710 --> 02:20:46.020 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Enough of those who do we have that in that order because it sounds like a good good place to put it. 843 02:20:48.840 --> 02:20:52.110 Travis Brown: We don't have that an order think we. 844 02:20:53.220 --> 02:20:57.180 Travis Brown: This is something that we that we can add as we move into next year too. 845 02:20:58.230 --> 02:21:07.500 Travis Brown: Because we had a number of families who needed the network hotspots so that would be a good item to make sure we keep we keep replenishing as well. 846 02:21:11.070 --> 02:21:11.820 Briar Thompson [she|her]: As they also. 847 02:21:13.500 --> 02:21:16.680 Briar Thompson [she|her]: found Mr Tommy on the call about. 848 02:21:19.980 --> 02:21:24.510 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Teaching and how it would be useful to have non chromebooks in that class would that also be. 849 02:21:25.530 --> 02:21:27.960 Briar Thompson [she|her]: All together in this tech purchase category. 850 02:21:28.500 --> 02:21:36.810 Travis Brown: yeah is interesting, he does he doesn't have chromebooks with our class in the in the in the remote setting kids have chromebooks. 851 02:21:37.080 --> 02:21:43.350 Travis Brown: Because we realized we didn't give them the more expensive higher quality. 852 02:21:44.460 --> 02:21:56.160 Travis Brown: Computers to go home, but in his text tech class in the building he doesn't he does not have, he does not have the students, they actually they had a computer lab with really high quality yeah. 853 02:21:58.530 --> 02:22:06.690 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Second thought I had was around the podcast recording studio, and this is my like Business School brain but could we potentially rent that out. 854 02:22:07.710 --> 02:22:18.150 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: As a supplemental income from the school and, and I say supplemental income but it doesn't necessarily have to be supplemental income have support Community relationships. 855 02:22:19.230 --> 02:22:21.570 Travis Brown: yeah, I think, so I think we're trying to build. 856 02:22:21.750 --> 02:22:30.600 Travis Brown: One of the things that we're trying to build at the high school is a space where the Community can get involved, so this is not only do we can we have vibrant after school programs but we'll have. 857 02:22:30.960 --> 02:22:36.870 Travis Brown: A real estate in our recording studio podcast studio TV station that's what we're going for so to your point. 858 02:22:37.260 --> 02:22:43.890 Travis Brown: We could, especially in the bronx where sometimes resources are scarce, we could open it to their to Community partnerships. 859 02:22:44.670 --> 02:22:55.500 Travis Brown: Whether there are Community based political things like that I think we have a lot of options at the space and the equipment lends itself to high quality and that's what we're that's what we're really going for you. 860 02:22:56.280 --> 02:22:57.690 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: I mean my brain was thinking like. 861 02:22:59.100 --> 02:23:00.360 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: was thinking of the ultimate. 862 02:23:01.620 --> 02:23:19.770 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Optimal usage of assets, like the first priority is the students so like nine to five or even like during weekdays it wouldn't be we wouldn't even consider having people anyone else outside the school use it, but if no one's using it, you know, on a nine 9pm on a Saturday. 863 02:23:21.390 --> 02:23:25.020 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: I don't see why that couldn't be an opportunity to. 864 02:23:26.460 --> 02:23:27.150 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: open it up. 865 02:23:27.450 --> 02:23:35.610 Travis Brown: Because this is the same honestly, this is insane to happen i'll be i'll be really excited when you can walk back in the building a see the new gym. 866 02:23:35.970 --> 02:23:44.790 Travis Brown: Like the gym it's the same idea we have people asking us to use the gym space almost every day now it's probably one of the best looking gyms. 867 02:23:45.780 --> 02:23:58.320 Travis Brown: That we have in the bronx honestly so we're we're kind of fighting people off to kind of stay on the gym like they people want to come in and use the space so it's kind of that same idea that we can do. 868 02:23:58.920 --> 02:24:12.270 Travis Brown: We can we can create spaces, that really benefit our students but also can really help us connect with the Community to your point have a year and get told me usage, because sometimes you know the space is just there and no one's using it. 869 02:24:13.980 --> 02:24:24.540 Travis Brown: And we're partnering on a note we are partnering with a there's a school out of Newark New Jersey called West side they have a program called lights on Program. 870 02:24:25.080 --> 02:24:27.570 Travis Brown: So were and what they do, there is. 871 02:24:27.750 --> 02:24:43.290 Travis Brown: every Friday night they open a school from think like 6pm and it's pre coated so about 12 o'clock at night, and what they did was asked to stop all of gun violence in Newark New Jersey, so one of the things we're partnering with them to bring that sort of lights all Program. 872 02:24:44.430 --> 02:24:55.590 Travis Brown: Not right now, but in the future to the bronx and be a lights on kind of satellite spot to really help to use the space to encourage really good Community relations. 873 02:24:57.870 --> 02:25:03.360 Alissa: What does that mean they use the space on Friday nights for just like Community programming, or what are they doing on. 874 02:25:03.840 --> 02:25:05.430 Travis Brown: kids to come in. 875 02:25:05.970 --> 02:25:06.690 Alissa: place to go. 876 02:25:07.500 --> 02:25:21.300 Travis Brown: They feed kids yeah have a place for kids to go when they get they have access to just all types of programs information clubs sports things like that to create a safe a safe zone within the Community. 877 02:25:22.770 --> 02:25:26.280 Alissa: travels with the name of the urban farming organization on the work. 878 02:25:26.970 --> 02:25:29.160 Travis Brown: That they let me pull it up. 879 02:25:37.710 --> 02:25:44.190 Alissa: I just know there's a there's a company answering a lot in Jersey city with hydroponics i'm just wondering, with the same. 880 02:25:44.310 --> 02:25:45.000 Travis Brown: use it. 881 02:25:45.600 --> 02:25:46.020 Alissa: huh. 882 02:25:46.680 --> 02:25:47.460 Travis Brown: You know that company. 883 02:25:47.550 --> 02:25:52.440 Alissa: I know you were saying, and I was like Oh, maybe i'll bring about, but i'll look it up on my into. 884 02:25:52.950 --> 02:25:55.860 Travis Brown: The urban agriculture cooperative. 885 02:25:56.370 --> 02:25:57.780 Alissa: Okay, I don't think it's the same. 886 02:26:03.840 --> 02:26:07.050 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: cerner bring us back to the laptops make my question, there is. 887 02:26:08.130 --> 02:26:16.680 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: How many is that it is what we were saying was the laptops that are already went out for this year for chloe like those are just going to stay with the kids. 888 02:26:17.310 --> 02:26:25.170 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Like they don't have to bring them in so it's just like a full replenishment so there's one for every kid at school and then like a little bit extra. 889 02:26:26.340 --> 02:26:32.070 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Is that what you're saying just wanna make sure, but we would actually swap we would we would. 890 02:26:32.160 --> 02:26:42.690 Travis Brown: buy brand new chromebooks outfit them with the protective covers that they call gumdrops and we would take the ones that were at home and kind of try to refurbish those. 891 02:26:43.110 --> 02:26:55.980 Travis Brown: And figure out what we can do, we can do with see how how how much of the the ones that have been at home, we can actually use and put back into and those will be kind of loners cool Thank you. 892 02:26:58.140 --> 02:27:04.680 Alissa: So the refurbishment of the existing ones is that covered in the budgeting we're talking about or it's just the purchase of the new ones. 893 02:27:05.130 --> 02:27:17.040 Alissa: Just the purchase of new ones, because we, we will have to identify the shape, we will work with our tech partner MSP the challenges is that the chromebooks is so cheap that once they've broken or. 894 02:27:17.730 --> 02:27:33.090 Travis Brown: repaired will cost almost as much as the chromebook costs because the chromebooks around $200 $214 so they made to be cheaper once they're broken if you pay you're paying almost $100 to fix the $200 machine you go. 895 02:27:36.210 --> 02:27:42.450 They typically have a two to three year lifespan anyway so they're supposed to be affordable and. 896 02:27:43.470 --> 02:27:47.760 But I think what the case and we can make them reach their two to three lifespan really. 897 02:28:04.350 --> 02:28:08.880 Alissa: So all six of these items collectively get us to the one seven. 898 02:28:12.690 --> 02:28:20.250 Robb: yeah I think I think we're going to have a significant surplus, even with the six items. 899 02:28:23.520 --> 02:28:24.660 Robb: likely. 900 02:28:26.610 --> 02:28:29.850 Robb: likely 500 to 700 K surplus. 901 02:28:32.490 --> 02:28:34.050 Robb: Which is, which is is. 902 02:28:35.100 --> 02:28:44.730 Robb: You know i've evolved me thinking a bit on this, so you know in in previous board meetings have said, we really need to balance this budget and it's our it's our. 903 02:28:45.840 --> 02:28:49.410 Robb: we've got a we've got to end the year balanced. 904 02:28:51.090 --> 02:29:05.370 Robb: The and I believe that, generally the the the the surplus is really it's an accounting surplus because of the way we we accounted for the forgiveness portion of the PPP loan that we got. 905 02:29:06.930 --> 02:29:13.470 Robb: So if we don't if we if we don't spend this this surplus it's not like we're losing actual cash dollars. 906 02:29:14.160 --> 02:29:25.920 Robb: What we're losing is the the opportunity because it's because we have so much cash on our balance sheet, but then we also have this requirement to balance the budget it's hard to spend the cash. 907 02:29:28.560 --> 02:29:34.050 Robb: Now I think that's going to be in a non renewal year I think we're going to be able to find ways around that we could also retired debt. 908 02:29:34.500 --> 02:29:44.580 Robb: And we can make capital investments that was kind of joking around with principal brown yes sure it's like should we start another school, you know that's that's kind of what these types of surpluses can be used for. 909 02:29:46.410 --> 02:29:49.380 Robb: Maybe the north Carolina chapter of Ferris. 910 02:29:50.940 --> 02:29:51.570 Robb: But. 911 02:29:52.680 --> 02:29:53.220 Robb: But. 912 02:29:55.080 --> 02:30:02.340 Robb: But with with this with this accounting opportunity has given us is it's it's given us a way to spend off of the balance sheet without. 913 02:30:03.480 --> 02:30:11.730 Robb: Not balancing the budget so that's good, and I think we, I think we should continue to push on these projects, but I think we're going to get to a limit of. 914 02:30:13.230 --> 02:30:22.230 Robb: You know of we're going to get to a limit of how much we can practically spend and we're going to get to a diminishing return on the investment. 915 02:30:23.820 --> 02:30:35.280 Robb: just given, given the time pressure, so I don't want to go I don't want to go to I don't want to put too much pressure to say, and we have to spend all of this within 2021 fiscal year before the end of June. 916 02:30:37.230 --> 02:30:41.430 Robb: Because it because it's not like we're actually losing money we're not leaving money on the table. 917 02:30:45.150 --> 02:30:55.740 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: This is actually just to understand how this works like is the personnel budget like personnel is also all wrapped up into this. 918 02:30:56.400 --> 02:31:09.360 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And so I see us kind of listening like things that are non personnel like facilities and things for projects, but I guess the question i'm wondering is like are we all short up on the personnel side right like. 919 02:31:10.500 --> 02:31:16.140 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Are their roles that we've not been able to fill or like extra rules that we wanted to have like. 920 02:31:17.670 --> 02:31:22.260 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Not not part of the 4 million right like i'm leaving that alone but i'm thinking just like. 921 02:31:23.700 --> 02:31:29.550 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Is there a kindergarten intervention teacher right for kids who maybe didn't go to pre K, or is there, like. 922 02:31:30.930 --> 02:31:37.200 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Something like i'm just trying to like I don't know the actually just don't know the school structure is what i'm realizing. 923 02:31:37.650 --> 02:31:48.060 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And so I think it's a Co teacher in some places, and not but i'm actually just wondering if some of the funds might also live on the personnel side, which I know typically. 924 02:31:48.510 --> 02:31:57.840 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: I know we're not trying to just spend money to spend it, but I know it's usually more expensive once you put in benefits and all of those things but i'm just wondering like, is there not something there or an adjustment, even in like. 925 02:31:58.830 --> 02:32:09.090 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: The structure of a school that would require extra roles to be present, that have not been able to be built in, so I don't know I guess that's a question for you, Mr Brown, that I wouldn't want to put you on the spot now. 926 02:32:09.630 --> 02:32:18.510 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: But is that part of like as we think of the whole package of what it means to approve the budget for next year again, and the 4 million I know it's kind of like hanging out there. 927 02:32:21.030 --> 02:32:22.620 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: But it seems like there's opportunity. 928 02:32:23.790 --> 02:32:30.750 Travis Brown: The biggest opportunity, so in terms of personnel is a big opportunity to really ramp up personnel for the summer. 929 02:32:31.260 --> 02:32:46.740 Travis Brown: As we do as we do summer school and really try to tackle learning loss and then to your point there's some opportunity as we assess that in the year, what the learning loss looks like, how can we ramp up. 930 02:32:47.400 --> 02:33:00.450 Travis Brown: Staff and some new probably some new position so when you talk about like you said students didn't really fulfill really behind is the say an Elf mathematics, can we add more intervention teachers. 931 02:33:01.020 --> 02:33:03.780 Travis Brown: to certain grades, so I think that will come out. 932 02:33:04.170 --> 02:33:13.050 Travis Brown: As when when we get to the end of the year we reassess we assess the the learning last for the year I think there's two opportunities that you bring up this really important. 933 02:33:13.380 --> 02:33:23.970 Travis Brown: What we do over the summer and how we ramp up and probably spend more money than we have in recent years in the summer to really engage our families and really trying to catch them up over the summer, as we come back. 934 02:33:24.300 --> 02:33:38.760 Travis Brown: That, I think there's an opportunity in a for to create some unique positions that can kind of catch catch students up that have really fell behind, so I think those are two opportunities that we can that we can build into. 935 02:33:39.120 --> 02:33:40.170 Travis Brown: Next year's budget. 936 02:33:44.250 --> 02:34:00.330 Alexandra Abreu: I might have misunderstood the answer previously, because I think I had asked some sort of the same question, and it was kind of my understanding that the answer was that this money was for i'm. 937 02:34:02.970 --> 02:34:11.580 Alexandra Abreu: Late for computer and stuff like that that the the budget or the personnel was not part of this did I miss understood that. 938 02:34:13.020 --> 02:34:27.090 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: We can let me hop in here because I also want to make sure that I understand that so some of this some of these funds or one time funds so like the 400 K from from the bronx property lighthouse holding holding company. 939 02:34:29.220 --> 02:34:38.370 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: For one time funds another example of one time funds would be like the forgiveness funds that were that were just getting from the PPP. 940 02:34:39.240 --> 02:34:48.450 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Those aren't funds that are going to appear on our budget next year because of our mandate to run a balanced budget those funds you couldn't. 941 02:34:48.930 --> 02:35:02.070 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: From button, this is what I understand ravi got it wrong but we couldn't spend that on the set on a salaried employee, because we want that salaried employee to be here next year and the year after that and the year after that. 942 02:35:03.210 --> 02:35:10.650 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Unless we you know we're Okay, with just having you know, a salaried employee that would just you know be there for one year. 943 02:35:11.940 --> 02:35:31.650 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: which I don't I don't know is a great solution, but maybe that is so that's why I was my My belief is that's how the thinking around not spending on on like full time employees or people is that's how that thinking sort of came about is that right rob. 944 02:35:31.980 --> 02:35:32.460 Robb: yeah. 945 02:35:32.850 --> 02:35:34.170 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: fellas pressure perspective. 946 02:35:34.650 --> 02:35:36.330 Robb: yeah it's right. 947 02:35:37.530 --> 02:35:48.150 Robb: In, particularly with respect to the 2021 budget when you know the budget year ends in June it's it's tough to allocate that to people costs, I would say. 948 02:35:48.690 --> 02:36:01.920 Robb: Three three caveats one, to the extent we can use operating budget for for contracts, whether it's like you know in kindergarten intervention contracts. 949 02:36:02.790 --> 02:36:15.870 Robb: You versus full time employees, which which you've got to find the right mix or Tutoring support that that turns into more variable costs, where we can turn it on when we have the budget and turn it off, and when we when we do. 950 02:36:17.490 --> 02:36:28.050 Robb: The second thing is, is that time horizon of these this 4 million in grants that we're going to get is going to go through 2023 so we can you know we can. 951 02:36:28.860 --> 02:36:36.510 Robb: If we can forecast out additional roles, then you know, then the question is like what about after 2023, of course. 952 02:36:36.750 --> 02:36:50.370 Robb: But you can then you can think about natural attrition and you can think about you can think about kind of plussing up your teaching staff over over the immediate future and and not not that you kind of like kick the can down the road and handle the budget. 953 02:36:51.600 --> 02:36:56.640 Robb: The budget issues later, but some things will work themselves out. 954 02:36:57.210 --> 02:37:01.170 Briar Thompson [she|her]: And a lot of our stuff around one year contracts that we renew right and so. 955 02:37:01.500 --> 02:37:10.440 Briar Thompson [she|her]: We could make a conscious choice to say okay to help address the learning loss for the next two years, assuming it's coming out of that 4 million spread over time, we want to bring in. 956 02:37:10.680 --> 02:37:21.600 Briar Thompson [she|her]: X kind of teachers to help address the areas that we have lost the most from what we would have expected right like maybe we're falling behind on math we bring in an extra math teacher at something like this. 957 02:37:23.670 --> 02:37:35.310 Robb: yeah exactly, and I think I think we could kind of you know, in a normal year we wouldn't want to like take that chance because you know you would let's say it works, then like What do you do the next year. 958 02:37:35.430 --> 02:37:35.760 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Right and. 959 02:37:36.060 --> 02:37:36.960 Briar Thompson [she|her]: stain it yeah. 960 02:37:37.170 --> 02:37:37.980 Robb: we've got a winner. 961 02:37:38.430 --> 02:37:54.750 Briar Thompson [she|her]: I guess my perspective is a little shaped by code and that like we we have a unique circumstance, we may see justification for making a one time investment that even if we can't sustain it benefits those students who have some have not benefited from the last year. 962 02:37:55.920 --> 02:38:03.720 Robb: yeah I agree, I agree, and I think the takeaway here i'm principal brown coordinate as you as you go into the budgeting process. 963 02:38:05.520 --> 02:38:09.540 Robb: We could take, we should we should think boldly there around. 964 02:38:11.190 --> 02:38:17.160 Robb: You know I don't want to say think short short term, but we should we don't necessarily need to. 965 02:38:18.330 --> 02:38:21.270 Robb: replicate a status quo budget of a pre coated world. 966 02:38:22.530 --> 02:38:31.560 Robb: Where we should we should we should swing big with with these funds that we're going to have, and I think I think, to the point prior making attain as well as like. 967 02:38:34.050 --> 02:38:39.000 Robb: We can make some short term investments on the people side to try to close some of these gaps. 968 02:38:40.560 --> 02:38:55.230 Alexandra Abreu: Because that's that's kind of and I bought that before it, and again i'm probably misunderstood, that the answer to it um and I guess is also like probably, it is a short term. 969 02:38:56.550 --> 02:39:01.470 Alexandra Abreu: plan, because I was thinking what it is, you know. 970 02:39:04.110 --> 02:39:12.300 Alexandra Abreu: The covered to twit mission goes on studying September and then there's sort of like i'm. 971 02:39:13.530 --> 02:39:16.740 Alexandra Abreu: Virtual and in in school. 972 02:39:17.790 --> 02:39:30.840 Alexandra Abreu: Setting and what I feel, as you know, as a parent educator somehow that does stop stop you know what's available was not enough to cover. 973 02:39:32.250 --> 02:39:35.490 Alexandra Abreu: The needs of the students so many. 974 02:39:36.540 --> 02:39:49.530 Alexandra Abreu: Students did not you know, have the option to go in school because you know, yes, one thing safety, but then another one, I felt it was it's also because. 975 02:39:50.550 --> 02:39:53.970 Alexandra Abreu: There was not enough people to cover both. 976 02:39:55.260 --> 02:39:58.650 Alexandra Abreu: The remote and in person, so. 977 02:39:59.880 --> 02:40:21.270 Alexandra Abreu: I don't know if there's you know even like yes, the intervention, people will probably like a few extra teachers to cover somehow if a teacher is out, I don't know like it again I don't know in terms of like was festival in terms of like because if you're giving a contract to someone. 978 02:40:22.500 --> 02:40:31.560 Alexandra Abreu: If they had to cover it but yeah does that make to have extra people to make sure that you have a plan that will cover. 979 02:40:33.090 --> 02:40:36.360 Alexandra Abreu: The options of the students and the population. 980 02:40:47.070 --> 02:40:49.770 Robb: yeah I think it's I think it's a good point. 981 02:40:51.810 --> 02:40:52.890 Robb: Alexandra and I think. 982 02:40:54.060 --> 02:40:55.590 Robb: I think the general takeaway is we. 983 02:40:56.760 --> 02:41:03.270 Robb: I guess the the High Level takeaway is let's all take as a board let's take this opportunity that we have. 984 02:41:04.290 --> 02:41:10.230 Robb: to review the budget over the next month and vote on the budget to kind of apply this. 985 02:41:10.800 --> 02:41:16.740 Robb: The perspectives that we all have you know, one of the biggest one of the biggest opportunities we have is to shape. 986 02:41:17.220 --> 02:41:26.700 Robb: How resources are spent and applied through the budgeting process and so let's um let's let's bring that feedback and that partnership. 987 02:41:27.120 --> 02:41:38.670 Robb: To travis and Courtney, as they develop the budget and let's make sure that those types of things are considered and reflected in what we come up with for 2022 budget. 988 02:41:51.690 --> 02:42:00.180 Robb: Well i'm awesome any other any other questions on those the six items before reboot. 989 02:42:06.900 --> 02:42:10.800 Robb: I know we're voting without complete information around the specific prices here. 990 02:42:13.620 --> 02:42:17.970 Robb: So I motion to approve the. 991 02:42:19.680 --> 02:42:21.480 Robb: Six items of. 992 02:42:24.060 --> 02:42:27.780 Robb: Greater than 50 K, subject to compliance with the. 993 02:42:29.640 --> 02:42:33.270 Robb: The Board financial policies and procedures. 994 02:42:38.070 --> 02:42:38.730 Second. 995 02:42:40.680 --> 02:42:41.490 Robb: All in favor. 996 02:42:43.260 --> 02:42:43.620 All right. 997 02:42:44.790 --> 02:42:48.210 Robb: Thank you everyone let the record show we've approved the. 998 02:42:49.230 --> 02:42:55.200 Robb: Six purchases listed in the board agreement, the last thing to do, really quick. 999 02:42:56.490 --> 02:42:59.340 Robb: So I believe they're attached in the in the. 1000 02:43:00.450 --> 02:43:03.270 Robb: In the in the board packet but we've. 1001 02:43:04.740 --> 02:43:12.570 Robb: courtney's works very closely with our auditor and with our new finance partner to develop new policies and procedures. 1002 02:43:13.740 --> 02:43:21.810 Robb: Which are an awesome it's an awesome document it's the most robust and detailed set of policies and procedures and protections. 1003 02:43:22.200 --> 02:43:28.230 Robb: and controls that we've we've had it's a really strong document the Finance Committee has reviewed it and we we. 1004 02:43:29.130 --> 02:43:36.570 Robb: We, of course, encourage everyone to read through it and ask questions but it's our recommendation that we that we approve these policies. 1005 02:43:37.230 --> 02:43:47.100 Robb: they're always subject to further amendment the policies include a conflict of interest policy which everyone should read through and just understand as a board member. 1006 02:43:47.790 --> 02:44:01.470 Robb: Most of its common sense, but you want to be just be aware of how to avoid certain conflicts of interest, financially and otherwise with you know with dealing with with with the school and with with your board responsibilities so. 1007 02:44:02.580 --> 02:44:12.330 Robb: Are there any questions off the BAT about the policies and procedures if anyone's had a chance to review it or is that anyone feel uncomfortable learning to approve the policies and. 1008 02:44:12.330 --> 02:44:18.600 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Procedures quick question on where I can find them, I mean I downloaded the board packet two days ago, maybe it wasn't in that position. 1009 02:44:20.280 --> 02:44:20.790 Briar Thompson [she|her]: It in here. 1010 02:44:22.590 --> 02:44:25.470 Robb: um yeah we can we can definitely circulate that Courtney do. 1011 02:44:26.790 --> 02:44:28.710 Courtney Russell: Other in the packet never I or sorry about that. 1012 02:44:29.310 --> 02:44:30.540 Briar Thompson [she|her]: that's right i'll go read only. 1013 02:44:32.910 --> 02:44:37.980 Robb: Strong FLEX humble brag their prior to having a download it and read the board back. 1014 02:44:37.980 --> 02:44:42.270 Briar Thompson [she|her]: I just do it as soon as he emails me, because it seems you all think and i'm like yes download. 1015 02:44:44.070 --> 02:44:44.670 Robb: that's awesome. 1016 02:44:46.110 --> 02:44:47.460 Robb: cool any any other. 1017 02:44:48.750 --> 02:44:49.980 Robb: Any other questions about them. 1018 02:44:52.020 --> 02:44:52.530 Robb: um. 1019 02:44:54.090 --> 02:45:00.120 Robb: let's vote on it and then approve it it's important that we have these policies and procedures, especially going into the budget period. 1020 02:45:00.360 --> 02:45:15.270 Robb: And we could always amend them if there any concerns that they're they're really strong well constructed policies, so I feel good about it, so I propose that we approve the financial policies and procedures document as presented in the board packing. 1021 02:45:16.380 --> 02:45:16.800 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Second. 1022 02:45:17.730 --> 02:45:18.600 Robb: All those in favor. 1023 02:45:19.620 --> 02:45:20.700 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Aye I. 1024 02:45:22.500 --> 02:45:29.130 Robb: Great Thank you the record show we have passed the financial policies and procedures, thank you for your hard work and that Courtney. 1025 02:45:30.570 --> 02:45:31.440 Robb: And that's it. 1026 02:45:33.750 --> 02:45:42.570 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: we're gonna need it alright, so the next item on the agenda is the academic committee reports, and I know it says Nikki haley on this, but. 1027 02:45:43.590 --> 02:45:45.240 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: we're not doing the Kelly right now. 1028 02:45:45.420 --> 02:45:46.980 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: who's going to speak to that. 1029 02:45:49.230 --> 02:45:50.790 Briar Thompson [she|her]: I think travis probably can. 1030 02:46:04.650 --> 02:46:07.050 Briar Thompson [she|her]: The main topic we covered was around summer school. 1031 02:46:20.850 --> 02:46:32.880 Travis Brown: Yes, so the biggest topic as Brian shared was around our approach to summer school, so they are again we spoke about the options that are on the table, whether. 1032 02:46:33.390 --> 02:46:44.790 Travis Brown: Starting as we move into summer school are we looking at a fully in person option i'll be looking at a remote option or combination of both and. 1033 02:46:46.080 --> 02:46:55.800 Travis Brown: What we what we've come to his first that students that are scheduled for summer school, these are students that most likely struggled in a remote setting so doing some are remote. 1034 02:46:56.430 --> 02:47:06.150 Travis Brown: may not may not be what they need, so the question is that this is what we grapple with in terms of how do we engage our Community, in a way that we. 1035 02:47:06.390 --> 02:47:13.200 Travis Brown: start to understand what our parents need and what they want, for their scholars because they're still Cobra Cobra is still rail. 1036 02:47:13.440 --> 02:47:22.290 Travis Brown: And you know as things starting to loosen up, we still need to gain or what the perspective and concerns their parents have so we so we. 1037 02:47:22.650 --> 02:47:34.800 Travis Brown: The suggestion from an academic Committee was to actually survey their parents, especially around students who have been identified a need summer school like what what needs do they have, what do they want to. 1038 02:47:36.030 --> 02:47:43.470 Travis Brown: would they be open to coming in, especially for students, that are really at risk because of poor performance in a remote setting. 1039 02:47:43.710 --> 02:47:51.300 Travis Brown: So our plan is to survey our parents, as we did at the beginning of the year and halfway through the year around. 1040 02:47:51.600 --> 02:48:01.260 Travis Brown: Whether they feel more comfortable with the in person option or remote option and really target those families of the students who have really struggled in a remote setting but we. 1041 02:48:02.040 --> 02:48:12.180 Travis Brown: Think, we want to offer and we're ready to offer our in person option we have partnered again with our teach for America partner they're ready to go in person. 1042 02:48:12.990 --> 02:48:24.300 Travis Brown: But, again, I think we have to hear the voices the voices and concerns and the ideas from our families and our Community, to see if they're ready to come back in so that's kind of what our. 1043 02:48:25.290 --> 02:48:35.040 Travis Brown: Our our time together was really focused on and then second to that is really as we, especially in the high school, how do we engage teachers. 1044 02:48:35.310 --> 02:48:45.810 Travis Brown: Because oftentimes in during the summer we use our teachers and we know when we use our teachers for summer school they come back and they feel kind of burned out or ready to start the year so we were. 1045 02:48:46.230 --> 02:48:57.570 Travis Brown: really engaged in a conversation around, how do we speak to teachers around balancing these two things were on the X, we need we need kind of our teaching core to help us. 1046 02:48:58.230 --> 02:49:06.180 Travis Brown: Really catch kids up in summer, but on the y like, how do we balance teachers getting that vacation time and and. 1047 02:49:06.690 --> 02:49:17.310 Travis Brown: You know vacation time because there was a Herculean effort to share and the pandemic, so how can we work with teachers to kind of balance those two things so that we can really catch kids up. 1048 02:49:17.520 --> 02:49:31.230 Travis Brown: But also not burn teachers out by working really hard in the summer so when school year 2021 comes up there they're burnt out already from just just a long summer so Those are the two big. 1049 02:49:32.880 --> 02:49:35.250 Travis Brown: items that we discussed during the academic committee meeting. 1050 02:49:41.580 --> 02:49:52.740 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Where the teacher burnout I think that is 100% going to happen, honestly, like, I think this is private a really tough year one thing that i've seen, I see a school in Harlem did. 1051 02:49:54.510 --> 02:50:05.160 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And they've been getting if you if you hear from your parents that they want to do, remote, if you do one school think carlin village academies what they're doing is they're. 1052 02:50:06.270 --> 02:50:12.330 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Doing remote they're hiring teachers, like all over the country essentially with their curriculum. 1053 02:50:12.720 --> 02:50:19.350 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And they're paying them like so much money, I can live i'm just gonna afford you because I got it through Intel they're spending like. 1054 02:50:19.950 --> 02:50:28.050 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: $100 they think it's $100 an hour to come work for them for summer school and they've done it in such a way, where like. 1055 02:50:28.650 --> 02:50:35.250 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: let's say you're qaeda three I don't think he worked more than like like you can choose am shift or PM shift. 1056 02:50:35.730 --> 02:50:40.050 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: And it's like two to three hours and like you're so At that rate which are getting. 1057 02:50:40.770 --> 02:50:55.500 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: are like people who've taught for 1520 years 10 years right, and they can just pick up a curriculum and do it and go and I think that my assumption would be if i'm like in the mind of their principal they're like we're probably going to spend so much time trying to like. 1058 02:50:57.030 --> 02:51:06.600 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: figure out what the new protocol is with our own teachers and they're probably feeling like they're limping to the finish line with them, but we really need to have summer school so again there's is. 1059 02:51:07.020 --> 02:51:12.960 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Virtual you might even be able to get some in person, but I think that what is setting them apart is their rate. 1060 02:51:13.650 --> 02:51:20.220 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Which i'm like and I guess i'm like i'm I don't know if that's how they're choosing to use their money right that's coming down. 1061 02:51:20.850 --> 02:51:27.630 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: From espn or whatnot but like I think there's something to that and I I, I would just offer that as a third way. 1062 02:51:28.350 --> 02:51:38.550 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: Because I don't know that there's enough like incentives and things to make the Ferris teachers feel like they're not going to be working 12 months. 1063 02:51:39.000 --> 02:51:46.740 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: When leave just leave into the same situations all was kind of in the same area for like 18 months inside know you want to start fresh with them. 1064 02:51:47.160 --> 02:51:52.650 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: In August and so i'm just wondering how you like, we can allow that and maybe find a differently. 1065 02:51:53.130 --> 02:52:02.070 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: To staff folks I don't know what that means, with the teach for America core members that are coming, because I know that that's a whole other thing, and they would need some kind of like supervisor lead teacher. 1066 02:52:02.580 --> 02:52:14.550 Tahina (Ty-ee-nah) Perez: But it's an offering if we have the funds and we could get some like we should we could get some seasoned teachers who could really help make a difference in a really short period of time. 1067 02:52:16.110 --> 02:52:16.830 Travis Brown: I love that. 1068 02:52:17.970 --> 02:52:27.330 Travis Brown: As we've actually flowers our Saturday program when we had a lot of when we had a number of struggling students around three years ago we. 1069 02:52:28.050 --> 02:52:40.230 Travis Brown: We up the rate, because you know SUP Saturday is tough, so we up the rate to $75 an hour and we saw an uptake in a number of people willing to do it so big that's pretty clever and to. 1070 02:52:41.490 --> 02:52:47.730 Travis Brown: increase the rate to get you know higher quality people actually do it, so thank you for that. 1071 02:53:01.350 --> 02:53:01.950 Travis Brown: That was. 1072 02:53:02.340 --> 02:53:03.780 Travis Brown: That was the academic committee meeting. 1073 02:53:06.480 --> 02:53:10.050 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: For no other questions, I think we can just move right into the principles for. 1074 02:53:12.930 --> 02:53:13.530 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: One SEC. 1075 02:53:25.980 --> 02:53:28.680 Travis Brown: share my screen can everyone see my screen. 1076 02:53:30.450 --> 02:53:30.900 awesome. 1077 02:53:32.550 --> 02:53:44.850 Travis Brown: So I won't be too long, I know where we're getting up there, but i'm attendance So what we have is April attendance numbers overall it's been 95% from K to 12. 1078 02:53:45.240 --> 02:53:56.160 Travis Brown: So cares that the April number, so we really been doing doing well, and this is in person and remote so again we've shown strong attendance numbers throughout the year. 1079 02:53:57.060 --> 02:54:14.910 Travis Brown: Throughout the as you see from the second chart from Sep tember April we shown really strong numbers, which has been really, really good so we continue the plan is to continue that this pattern and may go into their into the June so attendance has been pretty solid all year. 1080 02:54:16.020 --> 02:54:35.790 Travis Brown: enrollment were probably going to finish the year at 655 the budget and enrollment was 660 so we're going to be probably finish under by five students, which does have some budget implications, but I think we we've kind of adjusted for that along the way, so we should be fine their. 1081 02:54:37.230 --> 02:54:50.280 Travis Brown: enrollment enrollment and a lot of is going well we're looking the anticipated school year 2021 2122 Roman with we're looking to hit the number of 721. 1082 02:54:50.610 --> 02:54:58.830 Travis Brown: And I think we're really on track to hit our enrollment numbers coming in Courtney and her team has done an amazing job getting a lot of. 1083 02:54:59.130 --> 02:55:10.710 Travis Brown: applications and a lottery, we had a successful lottery, and now we're going through the process of just enrolling enrolling students into the school building I paused if there any questions on attendance and enrollment. 1084 02:55:17.790 --> 02:55:19.380 Travis Brown: So then, second, as you as. 1085 02:55:20.640 --> 02:55:31.650 Travis Brown: As you all know that I shared the last board meeting we actually we actually administer the La state test and amassed a test session one session to. 1086 02:55:32.820 --> 02:55:39.210 Travis Brown: hear on this chart you'll see the actual numbers of number of students who actually came in and tested so. 1087 02:55:40.380 --> 02:55:53.250 Travis Brown: So and that's this is what's so showing across us a little Aaron but, on average, on average, we had under 50% of students tested. 1088 02:55:53.730 --> 02:56:05.250 Travis Brown: For each of the sessions, so we projected around 60% but in terms of actually showing up, we were we were under we were we were under our mark. 1089 02:56:06.090 --> 02:56:21.720 Travis Brown: We were we were looking at around 70% but actual day of the test we had a lot of no shows, so these these show the number of the percentage of students that actually showed up take the state test which in most cases where was with under 50% of students. 1090 02:56:29.670 --> 02:56:50.220 Travis Brown: yeah and then So those are the those are more the academic updates and then a couple updates, we want to share in terms of a Community involvement over the last three days the this organization called people's police academy reached out to us and asked if they can use our space to. 1091 02:56:51.330 --> 02:56:53.610 Travis Brown: to retrain police officers. 1092 02:56:55.290 --> 02:57:11.250 Travis Brown: And from from preset 46 and ibrox so what they do this organization people's police academy they bring offices, who have letters in fl and also issues with the issues with the Community they work with them with Community. 1093 02:57:12.480 --> 02:57:14.940 Travis Brown: of people from the Community to actually. 1094 02:57:16.020 --> 02:57:24.210 Travis Brown: teach them how to do better policing and culturally responsive to policing, so we so they've used our space over the last three days to. 1095 02:57:24.960 --> 02:57:33.750 Travis Brown: To do that work, everything was, of course, we have for strict Kobe guidelines and things like that, but it was great to actually see police captain's. 1096 02:57:34.500 --> 02:57:49.380 Travis Brown: Police sergeants the white shirts and lower the officers on our Community, they actually did a probably a tour of what this huge police busted a tour of our neighborhood and things like that met stood outside of our Community i'm. 1097 02:57:49.980 --> 02:57:53.670 Travis Brown: greeted residents of the Community, and this is a program that. 1098 02:57:54.540 --> 02:58:02.850 Travis Brown: You know he's called us up and ask if they can use our space, but it was really great over on a starter continue working with the people's police academy really to. 1099 02:58:03.390 --> 02:58:08.730 Travis Brown: continue to efforts in a Community so that's one big thing and then the second thing I want to highlight. 1100 02:58:09.510 --> 02:58:16.740 Travis Brown: Which which is really awesome is that we, we started, we, we have a partnership with the food bank of Harlem in. 1101 02:58:17.130 --> 02:58:24.240 Travis Brown: New York City food bank and we're going to actually become a food distribution site so once a week we're going to actually. 1102 02:58:24.570 --> 02:58:33.120 Travis Brown: give out food, not only to our families, but to our Community, so we are really excited about that, so the school is actually going to be a hub. 1103 02:58:33.480 --> 02:58:42.240 Travis Brown: For the Community that's the goal that we're trying to do where we're actually going to be going to be able to give out a lot of food to our Community and. 1104 02:58:42.630 --> 02:58:51.570 Travis Brown: Maria dorsey i'm put on the spot, she graciously accepted to her an assistant they they they know what they know their way around the kitchen. 1105 02:58:51.900 --> 02:59:02.790 Travis Brown: I think it was even before Kobe they learned aware around the kitchen, but once a month we're going to also provide hot meals to our community as well, so we're gearing up our first event is next Friday. 1106 02:59:04.200 --> 02:59:06.420 Travis Brown: And we're going to be out there. 1107 02:59:08.250 --> 02:59:12.960 Travis Brown: really just giving giving away lots of food to our Community. 1108 02:59:13.620 --> 02:59:27.090 Travis Brown: we're really excited about that we're really excited about just becoming a Community hub where not only our kids and our families can come to the answers, but our entire community and we've been doing a lot of work you'll see when you come back to. 1109 02:59:27.720 --> 02:59:35.550 Travis Brown: The building a lot of work to around beautification of the block because we're trying to become like an hour day just become a beacon. 1110 02:59:35.940 --> 02:59:41.610 Travis Brown: around what we can do to really support our Community, so when you when you come back. 1111 02:59:42.300 --> 02:59:56.160 Travis Brown: pretty soon I hope back on the block you'll start to see some of the work that we've been doing not only inside the school but outside of school with with planting and beautifying the Community and communities responding really well. 1112 02:59:57.210 --> 03:00:05.220 Travis Brown: And, and we want to continue that but now, with the ramping up of becoming a food distribution Center we want to make sure that. 1113 03:00:05.730 --> 03:00:15.480 Travis Brown: People just know us not only educating our young people that's our core business, but we want to delta know that there's there's there are answers in our doors as well. 1114 03:00:19.530 --> 03:00:19.980 Travis Brown: Thank you. 1115 03:00:26.250 --> 03:00:31.470 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: travis is one item on the agenda that I didn't see you talking about and that's the teacher retention. 1116 03:00:32.610 --> 03:00:34.710 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: alert do we have any data on that. 1117 03:00:35.430 --> 03:00:35.790 Travis Brown: Yes. 1118 03:00:35.820 --> 03:00:50.580 Travis Brown: In terms of yeah right right now, it hasn't it hasn't moved we haven't lost any teachers, since since the last time we reported and projected are you do you want to hear about. 1119 03:00:51.810 --> 03:00:55.470 Travis Brown: In terms of retention in terms of issue or projected for next year. 1120 03:00:57.810 --> 03:01:01.110 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: um if you could just cover both very briefly about agree yeah. 1121 03:01:01.470 --> 03:01:15.660 Travis Brown: So right right now we we've been pretty we've been pretty stable for less over the last couple months, no one has we have been transitioned to the teachers from the staff we've been pretty stable all year. 1122 03:01:17.010 --> 03:01:18.270 Travis Brown: pretty much have we had. 1123 03:01:19.290 --> 03:01:37.920 Travis Brown: Previously, at the start of the year we've had a couple teachers transition to teachers transition but we've been stable over the last the last three or four months and for the upcoming school year we do not anticipate we do not anticipate a lot of teacher turnover. 1124 03:01:45.750 --> 03:01:46.050 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Thank you. 1125 03:01:51.030 --> 03:01:52.110 Alexandra Abreu: I have a question. 1126 03:01:53.670 --> 03:01:57.270 Alexandra Abreu: travis I haven't heard anything about graduation. 1127 03:01:58.530 --> 03:02:01.050 Alexandra Abreu: Which is wondering what are the plans. 1128 03:02:03.570 --> 03:02:06.540 Travis Brown: For graduation June 25. 1129 03:02:07.560 --> 03:02:22.560 Travis Brown: And we're working with we're working with the parents right now the parents want the graduation in person, so about seniors so we're looking we're looking to make that happen, the challenge has been a lot of the spaces, that we usually rent. 1130 03:02:22.770 --> 03:02:24.480 Travis Brown: they're not renting it out to. 1131 03:02:24.960 --> 03:02:42.270 Travis Brown: The venues that are renting it out to schools, so a lot of folks have been challenged, that we do have a gym so right now, where we're looking where we're looking to finally figure out how we can do in a gym and in terms of eighth grade graduation it's going to be it's going to be virtual. 1132 03:02:45.180 --> 03:02:46.170 Travis Brown: As it was last year. 1133 03:02:51.720 --> 03:02:52.080 Travis Brown: Yes. 1134 03:02:52.620 --> 03:03:01.980 Travis Brown: Yes, everything's happening June 25th. 1135 03:03:06.900 --> 03:03:08.190 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All right, any other questions. 1136 03:03:31.980 --> 03:03:35.220 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: there's a question from OK OK so. 1137 03:03:36.900 --> 03:03:41.670 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: The next item on the agenda is lottery update let's coordinate. 1138 03:03:43.890 --> 03:03:50.520 Courtney Russell: I think travis covered that in his principal report around the enrollment for next year, so unless there's anything specific there I think we're all set. 1139 03:03:51.390 --> 03:03:54.210 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: So, then, the next item is the benefits update awesome Courtney. 1140 03:03:55.080 --> 03:04:00.750 Courtney Russell: I great, so this is just a reminder, we continue the conversations with China. 1141 03:04:01.380 --> 03:04:11.100 Courtney Russell: As well as our broker we're in the process of looking at submitting what they call census data to start to get quotes and to Essentially, we do expect to have. 1142 03:04:12.030 --> 03:04:19.230 Courtney Russell: About three options for you all to consider in July as we've shared with you previously that transition to try net has been. 1143 03:04:20.190 --> 03:04:28.950 Courtney Russell: A little bit rocky and continues to be continues to be challenging I know many of the schools that were wrapped up into the little bird transitioned over I have decided to leave. 1144 03:04:29.610 --> 03:04:39.210 Courtney Russell: So, certainly, we will explore the option of staying with trying to because we know there are some really strong points, such as the staff benefits, but then we'll also bring to you. 1145 03:04:39.780 --> 03:04:50.250 Courtney Russell: In the month of July, some other options, including the additional peo that you wish to wish to see, and then one broker option so again, that will take place in July so just keeping you posted on that. 1146 03:04:54.510 --> 03:04:55.380 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Right awesome. 1147 03:04:58.380 --> 03:04:59.100 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: facilities. 1148 03:05:01.650 --> 03:05:11.010 Courtney Russell: yeah everything is coming along nicely there I did include one photo which I can open up on my screen and share briefly, but I think. 1149 03:05:12.240 --> 03:05:21.360 Courtney Russell: At one of the last meetings you all had asked me to share, I think you guys got to see the the school during the day in the photo, but we have to get some. 1150 03:05:21.960 --> 03:05:34.530 Courtney Russell: repairs done to some of the electrical components of the lighting and so now, you can see, you can really see how the the school stands out when you're you know driving along on the street or walking along, but this is just a shot of the. 1151 03:05:35.730 --> 03:05:37.890 Courtney Russell: New signage all lit up. 1152 03:05:39.360 --> 03:05:39.990 Courtney Russell: And that was all. 1153 03:05:48.930 --> 03:05:54.300 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: next item on the agenda is board member interview Dr Sharon isn't bear. 1154 03:05:58.980 --> 03:05:59.490 Sharon Beier: fire. 1155 03:05:59.970 --> 03:06:07.290 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Fire fire well you've you've gone through this journey of a very rushed board. 1156 03:06:08.370 --> 03:06:08.760 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Normally. 1157 03:06:09.300 --> 03:06:10.440 Sharon Beier: Great is really. 1158 03:06:11.370 --> 03:06:21.090 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: There we covered a lot, so why don't you introduce yourself and and sort of tell us how you first came across the school and then we'll we'll ask a bunch of questions. 1159 03:06:21.600 --> 03:06:24.270 Sharon Beier: Sure, so i'm a. 1160 03:06:24.780 --> 03:06:38.040 Sharon Beier: pediatrician and adolescent medicine young adults specialist and i've spent most of my career in the bronx I did my training and adolescent medicine at monta fear. 1161 03:06:39.630 --> 03:06:46.830 Sharon Beier: And I was the director of adolescent medicine at St barnabas for a while and worked at other places. 1162 03:06:48.240 --> 03:07:07.200 Sharon Beier: I really work to bring together comprehensive adolescent medicine care and youth development can you hear me yes okay and and US development so building on the strengths of us with with the family and the Community. 1163 03:07:08.700 --> 03:07:09.390 Sharon Beier: and 1164 03:07:10.830 --> 03:07:20.520 Sharon Beier: and mental health so really comprehensive mental health issues so with my bronx us we. 1165 03:07:21.570 --> 03:07:27.120 Sharon Beier: We formed a youth Advisory Board and we visited different places like the. 1166 03:07:28.350 --> 03:07:38.310 Sharon Beier: The bronx zoo we met with board members of the bronx zoo and we told we I taught them to ask questions of. 1167 03:07:38.850 --> 03:07:54.870 Sharon Beier: People open ended questions about themselves, and we were seeking wisdom from each of the people that wherever we went we asked how they got to be where they were and what wisdom, they had to share with us and. 1168 03:07:56.190 --> 03:08:05.370 Sharon Beier: And they told their stories where we we they told what it was like you know growing up in the bronx so they found out that when we went to the bronx zoo. 1169 03:08:06.390 --> 03:08:17.010 Sharon Beier: We met with john covelli who grew up in the bronx and he told what it was like going up there and we went to the botanical gardens and met with Mr Stephen channel. 1170 03:08:18.240 --> 03:08:19.980 Sharon Beier: Who is the director of. 1171 03:08:21.300 --> 03:08:33.720 Sharon Beier: of science, development and he helped us each one we asked them to help us and we went to fordham university and met with the chairman of the board in the forest there and said, you know you guys. 1172 03:08:34.140 --> 03:08:39.840 Sharon Beier: We need some help here, so we with the botanical gardens we created. 1173 03:08:40.830 --> 03:08:53.760 Sharon Beier: gardens throughout the bronx and i'm really Mr Brown i'm very excited to hear all about your gardening gardening plan so wherever I worked with us, we created gardens and. 1174 03:08:54.150 --> 03:09:06.930 Sharon Beier: We created a big Community Garden on Davis and 180 fourth street, which is still there with the gazebo and and the whole Community came down and started working with us and and. 1175 03:09:07.950 --> 03:09:19.530 Sharon Beier: And that we we wrote grants out the reason we started doing the the gardening was when I first met with my youth. 1176 03:09:20.640 --> 03:09:24.270 Sharon Beier: Advisory Board and you can tell me when you want me to stop okay. 1177 03:09:25.380 --> 03:09:27.510 Sharon Beier: I know you're pressed for time when it's late. 1178 03:09:28.680 --> 03:09:38.430 Sharon Beier: But um when when I first met with my youth Advisory Board, I always have them right first I asked them questions and I asked them to write it down. 1179 03:09:38.850 --> 03:09:45.570 Sharon Beier: Because if you just say, if you asked random questions, and you know they'll say oh I don't know but. 1180 03:09:46.260 --> 03:09:55.320 Sharon Beier: When when they write it down, then I could say would anyone like to share what they wrote, so they so they would answer the questions and the first thing I said, is what do. 1181 03:09:55.740 --> 03:10:13.170 Sharon Beier: Young people in the bronx need for their health and well being and they didn't say Oh, we need our immunizations up to date and we need our forms filled out, they said, what we need for health and well being is we need respect we need help in school, we need. 1182 03:10:14.850 --> 03:10:24.930 Sharon Beier: jobs we need people to go to for help and advice and and one one person said we need beauty, so I said. 1183 03:10:25.440 --> 03:10:33.030 Sharon Beier: You know, each one talked a little bit about that, and I said, you know tell me about that we need beauty and they said. 1184 03:10:33.570 --> 03:10:43.050 Sharon Beier: Well, if you grow up surrounded by trash It makes you feel like trash so we went to the botanical gardens and we've talked We said that you know. 1185 03:10:43.440 --> 03:10:57.720 Sharon Beier: We need beauty, we need to create gardens, and so, with the help of the botanical gardens we created six gardens in the bronx a couple in schools, some Community gardens some near health care centers. 1186 03:10:58.770 --> 03:11:04.320 Sharon Beier: And they that we in the Community garden that that we. 1187 03:11:05.370 --> 03:11:13.080 Sharon Beier: It was like just garbage cheap and we spent weekends just cleaning out the garbage and clearing it, it was full of rats and. 1188 03:11:13.470 --> 03:11:20.790 Sharon Beier: And we created this really beautiful garden and the kids were transformed in the doing of this garden and so. 1189 03:11:21.330 --> 03:11:35.130 Sharon Beier: Besides giving excellent medical care, I found that the most important thing is really you know, working with the kids in different ways, so we we what my most recent job was working at. 1190 03:11:38.940 --> 03:11:48.960 Sharon Beier: horizon juvenile detention Center and when it was closed down for coven so none of the programs were able to come in and. 1191 03:11:49.800 --> 03:11:54.720 Sharon Beier: They basically the kids were just like sleeping all day because nothing was happening there. 1192 03:11:55.650 --> 03:12:07.680 Sharon Beier: So it's taking care of the kids who had coven, but we would get up early in the morning and we we created a garden in the courtyard so all these kids came down and they were working together. 1193 03:12:08.190 --> 03:12:19.920 Sharon Beier: And each time that we created a garden, you could see that that as the as a trance as they transformed the garden, they were transformed themselves and they saw with. 1194 03:12:20.280 --> 03:12:26.940 Sharon Beier: Hard work and work everyone working together, they could create beauty and we had vegetables and. 1195 03:12:27.270 --> 03:12:36.540 Sharon Beier: You know kids that would never taste the vegetables were like you know cobbling up principles as we harvest that, and you know and creating you know food from that. 1196 03:12:36.930 --> 03:12:46.200 Sharon Beier: And with with our youth advisory board we we wrote brands together, so I would have groups of kids come in and i'd say. 1197 03:12:46.530 --> 03:12:57.150 Sharon Beier: Okay, so they're asking what are the barriers of kids in the bronx and so tell me what you're you know bear you know I could say what I think the barriers are, but I will you know I want to hear what you say. 1198 03:12:57.600 --> 03:13:06.210 Sharon Beier: And what are your strengths and, and so they told about their strengths, you know, like where you know you know we're funny and we're musical and we. 1199 03:13:06.690 --> 03:13:12.060 Sharon Beier: love you to you know, food and we and we care for each other, and we have each other's back and and. 1200 03:13:12.780 --> 03:13:23.430 Sharon Beier: So we wrote these grants and for one teen pregnancy prevention grant for the New York state health department, we wrote a big grant where you know we would give the. 1201 03:13:23.970 --> 03:13:34.980 Sharon Beier: You know state of the art reproductive health care, and we would go into the schools and teach you know evidence based curriculum, but the curriculum that the kids. 1202 03:13:36.030 --> 03:13:54.630 Sharon Beier: picked was not one just all you know you know just about sex drugs and rock and roll it was about it was about finding your voice, you know list being able to listen to yourself and understand what you really want and how to how to speak say to people what you want it. 1203 03:13:55.650 --> 03:14:14.340 Sharon Beier: But besides that we we put in a whole youth development component into our our our you know teen pregnancy prevention grant so we had a whole job mentorship programs, and we went all over the bronx and we knocked on doors and we went to you know to uh to. 1204 03:14:17.850 --> 03:14:21.870 Sharon Beier: You know, to tinos delicate testing on Arthur avenue always said would. 1205 03:14:22.320 --> 03:14:32.100 Sharon Beier: You know if we give you if we pay for kids to work in tinos delicatessen will you will you teach them all summer and then hire them during the year. 1206 03:14:32.430 --> 03:14:41.040 Sharon Beier: And he's and he said yes and and and and taught them and and and when they had you know problems or issues or anger. 1207 03:14:41.910 --> 03:14:58.410 Sharon Beier: You know, they would they would meet with him with with him in the back in the back office, and he would teach them how to deal with you know, working with other other people, so we put on Shakespeare plays and it would put on a midsummer night's dream and in the bronx and. 1208 03:14:59.610 --> 03:15:09.720 Sharon Beier: And they were going to do a big play at fordham University on the on the green and then they came to me, and they said we you know we don't you know we don't want to put on this. 1209 03:15:10.080 --> 03:15:15.750 Sharon Beier: This play, we want to we you know we're too shy to do it we've never done this before. 1210 03:15:16.050 --> 03:15:26.340 Sharon Beier: And I said oh come on it's so much fun and you know you're you know you've worked on it and you create a beautiful costumes and you're making this so uniquely you and they said. 1211 03:15:26.820 --> 03:15:38.250 Sharon Beier: They so well, they they wanted to video you know video make a big video and then show that, so the video to the botanical gardens and their fordham university and in our. 1212 03:15:39.360 --> 03:15:39.990 Sharon Beier: In our. 1213 03:15:43.440 --> 03:15:51.630 Sharon Beier: In our own community garden and so together we really worked with with us to. 1214 03:15:52.890 --> 03:16:07.500 Sharon Beier: For them to say what they what they needed and and to create programs, so we we made the our most recent grant was that the bronx zoo the wildlife conservation society. 1215 03:16:08.580 --> 03:16:09.090 Sharon Beier: and 1216 03:16:10.410 --> 03:16:16.500 Sharon Beier: They it was also a teen pregnancy prevention grant from the New York State Department of Health. 1217 03:16:17.370 --> 03:16:37.860 Sharon Beier: But they love what we did before with all these different youth development programs, and so they we did it in at the bronx zoo so you can imagine a teen pregnancy prevention grant of the bronx zoo and the though the wildlife conservation society actually built a whole. 1218 03:16:39.750 --> 03:16:42.120 Sharon Beier: buildings for the for the US to have their. 1219 03:16:43.350 --> 03:16:51.390 Sharon Beier: Training for life skills leadership skills job skills and we did health and mental health. 1220 03:16:52.230 --> 03:16:59.220 Sharon Beier: Literacy programs and so there's a whole program there a youth development program at the bronx zoo now. 1221 03:17:00.030 --> 03:17:19.050 Sharon Beier: And there, and now the bronx zoo is the is the biggest employer of bronx us they have that whole program that they they have so so I love working with kids and after I worked for a couple years of the juvenile detention Center i'm finishing up. 1222 03:17:21.360 --> 03:17:23.670 Sharon Beier: I I wanted to. 1223 03:17:25.980 --> 03:17:36.330 Sharon Beier: Go back and work in the Community and make sure that no one ever ends up in juvenile detention every second that youth are in juvenile detention kills their spirit. 1224 03:17:37.380 --> 03:17:50.580 Sharon Beier: So um I would you know i'm interested in i'm a very hands on person I like working with kids I like getting up early and gardening painting and. 1225 03:17:52.680 --> 03:17:59.850 Sharon Beier: Things like that, but I also know my medicine and took care of covert patients and. 1226 03:18:00.900 --> 03:18:03.540 Sharon Beier: I i'm hoping that I could. 1227 03:18:05.040 --> 03:18:06.270 Sharon Beier: be a resource. 1228 03:18:07.620 --> 03:18:07.920 Sharon Beier: and 1229 03:18:09.150 --> 03:18:12.990 Sharon Beier: You know, work with you have here and and and you know. 1230 03:18:14.010 --> 03:18:21.870 Sharon Beier: bring in whatever resources, you need for, for you know medical for health for families. 1231 03:18:23.550 --> 03:18:24.570 Sharon Beier: Mental health. 1232 03:18:27.900 --> 03:18:29.820 Sharon Beier: You could ask me questions yeah. 1233 03:18:31.110 --> 03:18:31.650 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Thank you. 1234 03:18:33.240 --> 03:18:39.840 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: yeah so i'm sorry i'm a little distracted because there's some dogs running around here, but anyone have questions. 1235 03:18:41.520 --> 03:18:42.900 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: or whatever questions for. 1236 03:18:47.070 --> 03:18:50.490 Briar Thompson [she|her]: I will i'll start, so the question, so we have a number of different committees. 1237 03:18:50.940 --> 03:18:59.910 Briar Thompson [she|her]: On the board, we have an academic committee a Culture Committee a finance committee and executive committee, am I missing any other. 1238 03:19:02.250 --> 03:19:02.850 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: culture. 1239 03:19:04.140 --> 03:19:04.710 Briar Thompson [she|her]: know that one. 1240 03:19:06.120 --> 03:19:12.690 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Of those four committees, and do you have a particular leaning of maybe thinking that would be interesting to you. 1241 03:19:16.170 --> 03:19:18.330 Sharon Beier: I don't think you want me on the financial community. 1242 03:19:20.730 --> 03:19:29.820 Sharon Beier: prob probably the Cultural Committee and i'm not i'm not quite sure i'm always interested in academics, you know, one of the things that. 1243 03:19:30.360 --> 03:19:46.950 Sharon Beier: One of the questions that I always ask every teenager whether i'm if i'm you know sewing them up in the er or if i'm you know, seeing them in my clinic is how are you doing in school, are you in school, how are you doing in school, are you doing as well, as you know that you. 1244 03:19:48.060 --> 03:19:51.090 Sharon Beier: You know, is, you know that you're able to do. 1245 03:19:52.170 --> 03:20:00.690 Sharon Beier: And you know so kids start bringing me either you know, the report cards, and you know things like that i'm very interested in academics, but. 1246 03:20:01.920 --> 03:20:04.710 Sharon Beier: I was list the bargaining with the cultural. 1247 03:20:05.760 --> 03:20:06.180 Sharon Beier: Committee. 1248 03:20:08.310 --> 03:20:10.860 Sharon Beier: i'm very interested in the Cultural Committee. 1249 03:20:12.540 --> 03:20:13.980 Sharon Beier: But I you know. 1250 03:20:16.080 --> 03:20:18.300 Sharon Beier: Whatever is needed. 1251 03:20:19.740 --> 03:20:23.070 Sharon Beier: You know i'm just I just want to be helpful so. 1252 03:20:24.570 --> 03:20:24.960 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Thanks. 1253 03:20:26.550 --> 03:20:28.170 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: i'll ask a question, I think. 1254 03:20:30.630 --> 03:20:35.790 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: What so yeah we sometimes say at board meetings quickly. 1255 03:20:36.630 --> 03:20:43.320 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: To try and get a good sense of the different issues that we have to face in the perspectives and and. 1256 03:20:43.650 --> 03:20:57.270 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: there's additionally there's some time during the week on committees or just answering emails that we need to take this is volunteer, but I just want to understand like what are your other time commitments that that are your sort of balancing with us. 1257 03:20:58.080 --> 03:21:01.380 Sharon Beier: Well i'm working with different organizations and. 1258 03:21:01.800 --> 03:21:12.660 Sharon Beier: I stepped down from being the medical director at horizon juvenile detention Center because the the the Department of medicine that is working with its the h&h. 1259 03:21:17.250 --> 03:21:22.860 Sharon Beier: correctional health services they were stepping down and that's a whole long story, but. 1260 03:21:23.580 --> 03:21:31.410 Sharon Beier: The organization that came in I didn't I didn't feel that I could give the best medical care with that organization, so now. 1261 03:21:31.920 --> 03:21:43.260 Sharon Beier: I I have time commitments with other organizations, but i'm i'm up early in the morning, I like working so it's that answer your question or. 1262 03:21:44.250 --> 03:21:59.310 Sharon Beier: You know um I also I spent many years when we worked on these brands, I worked in the schools, you know, like I helped when when they were giving the evidence based curriculum in the school I would come in, and you know observe. 1263 03:21:59.760 --> 03:22:10.080 Sharon Beier: And I worked with different principles in in in different schools throughout the bronx mostly middle schools and they would call me, you know, like. 1264 03:22:10.590 --> 03:22:13.230 Sharon Beier: You know and they'd say Oh, you know that. 1265 03:22:13.650 --> 03:22:24.240 Sharon Beier: The buyer you know the kids are bringing alcohol into the school what in their in their juice boxes, you know you know how do we deal deal with us and I go and meet with them, or you know. 1266 03:22:24.540 --> 03:22:32.550 Sharon Beier: You know kids are having oral sex in the stairwells what do we do you know or or parents are saying they don't know how to communicate with their kids and. 1267 03:22:33.150 --> 03:22:51.690 Sharon Beier: You know about you know you know, sex, drugs and rock'n'roll and you know, so we had we had different things where we work with the kids and we work with the parents, how to communicate with each other about different things so i'm hey you know. 1268 03:22:55.020 --> 03:22:57.180 Sharon Beier: What whatever is needed. 1269 03:23:05.700 --> 03:23:06.900 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Questions from the board. 1270 03:23:09.300 --> 03:23:13.590 Robb: Not a question, but a comment just kind of a G was my my dad. 1271 03:23:14.910 --> 03:23:24.630 Robb: passed through several juvenile delinquent centers in the south bronx I don't think they were called horizon, but there are right right near there, so the work that you're doing. 1272 03:23:25.680 --> 03:23:36.060 Robb: feel it's it's meaningful and they know my dad always taught me about his experiences there they unfortunately weren't as transformative as they needed to be, and he. 1273 03:23:36.570 --> 03:23:48.990 Robb: spent time in in in in prison, as well as an adult but reformed and created a life for my family and and and now is actually a Ferris academy graduate. 1274 03:23:52.290 --> 03:23:59.910 Robb: Beautiful brown made that happen so so anyway yeah just a comment, thank you for for being so thoughtful and how you you approach that work. 1275 03:24:00.300 --> 03:24:03.510 Sharon Beier: yeah I know that I mean the the young men. 1276 03:24:05.370 --> 03:24:07.650 Sharon Beier: I think what my gift is is that. 1277 03:24:09.390 --> 03:24:17.490 Sharon Beier: kids you know kids talk to me and i'm spend time talking with them, so I always make time to talk with them, and whenever they want to speak with me. 1278 03:24:17.910 --> 03:24:32.490 Sharon Beier: They could come to my office, so I had, I had a office and and but I went to see all every single use in the detention Center every morning so just as if you were rounding in a hospital, I went to see each person and. 1279 03:24:33.030 --> 03:24:41.280 Sharon Beier: You know, often they were sleeping but I always checked in with them, I asked them how you know how they were doing I said, you know sat in their cell and talk to them. 1280 03:24:41.670 --> 03:24:54.570 Sharon Beier: And, and then they always knew that they could come and talk to me, and they brought me, you know their artwork they you know they they said Oh, I have a new rap I want to sing for you, Dr wires and stuff like that and and. 1281 03:24:56.490 --> 03:25:04.980 Sharon Beier: When I started working there, it was the raise the age I don't know if everyone knows about the rates raise the age program where they took. 1282 03:25:05.820 --> 03:25:25.530 Sharon Beier: A little over 100 youth from rikers 16 to 18 years old and we worked for years and years and years to to ask the governor to please you know 16 and 18 to 18 year olds should not be in rikers you know I don't think 18 to 20 I don't think anyone's fear, I guess, but anyway that's. 1283 03:25:26.730 --> 03:25:37.980 Sharon Beier: So they finally Finally, they said Okay, you know all the 16 or 18 year olds are going to go to horizon juvenile detention Center and the chief of psychiatry at. 1284 03:25:43.170 --> 03:25:45.930 Sharon Beier: asked me to come and be the medical director. 1285 03:25:46.980 --> 03:25:59.670 Sharon Beier: And so they brought their officers there in the beginning, I was standing between the kids and the officers and saying i'm sorry, you may not pick up this kid you know, and these officers were like you know really huge. 1286 03:26:00.360 --> 03:26:12.570 Sharon Beier: Pride foot tall so and and then we started working with the with the corrections officers and saying you have an opportunity to work with these beautiful young men. 1287 03:26:12.960 --> 03:26:24.480 Sharon Beier: And let's you know let's let's learn about youth development and let's learn about about the development of adolescence, and the adolescent brain and and after a while the officers were. 1288 03:26:24.960 --> 03:26:37.740 Sharon Beier: Going outside and they were playing you know playing with the kids they were you know doing all kinds of games they worked in the garden with us, but then the officers went back to rikers and ACS took took over and. 1289 03:26:39.510 --> 03:26:40.200 Sharon Beier: So. 1290 03:26:41.550 --> 03:26:58.710 Sharon Beier: My what i'm working i'm working with people to make sure that the kids that get out of juvenile detention that they get connected with programs like goes so or I don't know if people know this there's different programs that they could get out and they could stay out. 1291 03:26:59.880 --> 03:27:14.040 Sharon Beier: And, but I started realizing as I do adolescent young adult medicine that you have to start younger and younger and younger and younger and really and that's what i've loved about files academy that you know. 1292 03:27:15.330 --> 03:27:17.430 Sharon Beier: this young man is saying you know that. 1293 03:27:18.600 --> 03:27:27.060 Sharon Beier: you're it was his first grade teacher, I mean that's that's it's so amazing to see them, you know going up and let you could watch over them and. 1294 03:27:29.370 --> 03:27:34.170 Sharon Beier: So I just want to make sure that everybody thrives. 1295 03:27:39.120 --> 03:27:40.890 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Any other questions from the board. 1296 03:27:43.650 --> 03:27:56.610 Briar Thompson [she|her]: I have one that I think we're past previous board candidates bit and having seen a full board meeting and as well as probably on the longer side, do you have any reflections on on what we could be doing better. 1297 03:28:02.190 --> 03:28:02.520 Sharon Beier: and 1298 03:28:04.170 --> 03:28:16.500 Sharon Beier: I you know I think I would have to see a few board meetings before we even begin to you know, say that I, I must say that i've been to many, many, many, many meetings and. 1299 03:28:16.950 --> 03:28:18.000 Sharon Beier: This is one of the best. 1300 03:28:18.840 --> 03:28:34.740 Sharon Beier: So I really love that they use for their and that you put that everyone talked to them and, and you know, really, you know appreciated that they were able to talk so openly to two board members I that was that was. 1301 03:28:36.600 --> 03:28:37.290 Sharon Beier: amazing. 1302 03:28:38.370 --> 03:28:49.380 Sharon Beier: And, and I, like the part where it's like we can skip this week it's gives us like a you know, because a lot this i've been to so many meetings where it's like. 1303 03:28:50.100 --> 03:29:02.340 Sharon Beier: You know, like you know all right, this is the next thing on the thing, so I have to talk about it, so I really I like that you know let's let's go on and move on, so I found it, you know I didn't fall asleep so. 1304 03:29:04.080 --> 03:29:05.310 Sharon Beier: That it was good so. 1305 03:29:08.130 --> 03:29:10.530 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All right, do you have any questions for us. 1306 03:29:12.180 --> 03:29:12.600 Sharon Beier: well. 1307 03:29:13.050 --> 03:29:14.850 Sharon Beier: I do, but I don't know if. 1308 03:29:15.120 --> 03:29:28.680 Sharon Beier: You know, this is the time to ask because it's getting late in years you know I know you have a lot of other stuff to do before it, you know sign out, I really am interested to know, and what the medical. 1309 03:29:29.820 --> 03:29:40.020 Sharon Beier: Medical health and mental health needs are for the school so that might be another conversation, you know that. 1310 03:29:41.190 --> 03:29:41.550 Sharon Beier: I don't know if. 1311 03:29:43.830 --> 03:29:49.230 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: that's a big question and I don't have a concise answer, but I think it might be a question for a. 1312 03:29:50.610 --> 03:29:51.930 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Different venue perhaps. 1313 03:29:51.960 --> 03:29:55.380 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Yes, it's like an that's an essay question. 1314 03:30:00.210 --> 03:30:09.120 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All right, well, thank you for for coming to the meeting it's been a pleasure chatting with you and we're going to go into executive session now. 1315 03:30:10.890 --> 03:30:15.210 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: to kick everybody out, except for the board members. 1316 03:30:17.220 --> 03:30:22.140 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Any board members who haven't yet been confirmed as board members and. 1317 03:30:23.610 --> 03:30:29.040 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: i'll ask Courtney and travis to also say. 1318 03:30:30.240 --> 03:30:30.450 hey. 1319 03:30:32.040 --> 03:30:34.620 Sharon Beier: Thank you everyone, it was a great pleasure. 1320 03:30:35.790 --> 03:30:36.420 Robb: To meet you. 1321 03:30:36.870 --> 03:30:37.140 At. 1322 03:30:38.370 --> 03:30:38.880 All right. 1323 03:30:40.590 --> 03:30:54.420 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: And you know what actually i'm just because we've been at this for quite a while I think let's take a five five to seven minute bio break and then we'll reconvene so we can be like. 1324 03:30:54.750 --> 03:30:56.130 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Do we need to stop the recording. 1325 03:30:56.820 --> 03:31:01.620 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: yeah Courtney, can you stop the recording and then you know, like 951. 1326 03:31:02.130 --> 03:31:07.380 Courtney Russell: thing, do you want to make a motion to move into summary can record that and i'll stop the video. 1327 03:31:07.740 --> 03:31:13.560 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: yeah make the motion to go into executive session at 951 and we can stop the recording. 1328 03:31:14.850 --> 03:31:15.690 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: here's a headache. 1329 03:31:19.110 --> 03:31:23.760 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Okay excellent, so we have reconvened as 1029. 1330 03:31:25.200 --> 03:31:26.280 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Two minutes already. 1331 03:31:27.930 --> 03:31:31.290 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: I motion to approve Dr Sharon buyer as a board member. 1332 03:31:34.140 --> 03:31:34.620 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Second. 1333 03:31:35.520 --> 03:31:36.510 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All those in favor. 1334 03:31:37.590 --> 03:31:37.920 Alexandra Abreu: Aye. 1335 03:31:38.250 --> 03:31:50.220 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Aye alright, let the record show that the Board has unanimously approved Dr Sharon buyers a board member alright i'm motion to approve the principal evaluation document for 2021. 1336 03:31:51.180 --> 03:31:51.660 taken. 1337 03:31:52.740 --> 03:31:53.820 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All of those in favor. 1338 03:31:54.480 --> 03:32:06.120 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Aye Aye right like the record show that the Board has unanimously approved the principles evaluation document for 2021 anything else that I need to vote for, we need to go for. 1339 03:32:07.140 --> 03:32:09.360 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Anything required, but given the amount. 1340 03:32:15.840 --> 03:32:17.160 Robb: The scholarships yeah. 1341 03:32:17.220 --> 03:32:33.810 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Okay, so let's you're right because it's, it is a change of plan financially from what we were doing before so let's just fine on it, just to be sure, all right, I motion to approve the necessary funding for four years scholarships for all five of the scholarship applicants. 1342 03:32:36.120 --> 03:32:36.660 Robb: I can. 1343 03:32:37.260 --> 03:32:38.280 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All of those in favor. 1344 03:32:39.810 --> 03:32:40.170 Robb: Okay. 1345 03:32:41.040 --> 03:32:46.680 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: All right, let the record show that the Board has approved the financial obligation for the scholarships. 1346 03:32:47.100 --> 03:32:49.530 Briar Thompson [she|her]: And maybe we just include in the in that. 1347 03:32:52.650 --> 03:32:55.500 Briar Thompson [she|her]: vendor scholarship has been kind of on top. 1348 03:32:58.770 --> 03:33:04.350 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: In my opinion, it's like the vendors money so it's not really the Boards money is it, I mean. 1349 03:33:04.500 --> 03:33:05.760 Briar Thompson [she|her]: Which vendor is it. 1350 03:33:08.910 --> 03:33:10.740 Courtney Russell: At one of our technology vendors. 1351 03:33:15.000 --> 03:33:15.330 Courtney Russell: alright. 1352 03:33:17.340 --> 03:33:21.960 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: Alright that's it we're done it's 1031 meeting is adjourned goodnight everybody. 1353 03:33:24.120 --> 03:33:24.540 Briar Thompson [she|her]: hey. 1354 03:33:26.400 --> 03:33:26.580 Javier Lopez-Molina [He/him]: hey.