WEBVTT 1 00:01:50.250 --> 00:01:52.170 Courtney Russell: Glad you got an sorry about that everyone 2 00:01:56.400 --> 00:02:01.170 Courtney Russell: I see Adrian and Rob got in this time and time so I'm glad this link seem to work. I apologize, guys. 3 00:02:03.750 --> 00:02:04.500 robb@commonbond.co: Thanks, Courtney. 4 00:02:04.830 --> 00:02:06.240 Courtney Russell: No problem. Hi, everyone. 5 00:02:06.480 --> 00:02:14.280 Courtney Russell: Yeah, it's funny, about half the people can get in consistently and the other ones can't. So I don't know what it is, but at least for we're starting to come in now. So 6 00:05:57.870 --> 00:05:58.770 Jennifer Clayton: Nice touch. 7 00:05:58.800 --> 00:05:59.610 robb@commonbond.co: Nice touch. 8 00:06:06.180 --> 00:06:07.620 robb@commonbond.co: medley of whole music 9 00:06:21.750 --> 00:06:29.370 Javier Lopez-Molina: I have a question, which is, is it possible to not have a password for this meeting. 10 00:06:32.220 --> 00:06:39.810 Courtney Russell: I checked in. I know last time we had problems and I checked in with our CTO and he said he didn't need it. And I think there's some new zoom rolls around. 11 00:06:40.470 --> 00:06:48.150 Courtney Russell: Like waiting rooms, but I'll reach back out to them because I don't want you guys to keep having to, like, you know, work around all this every month. So I'll reach back out to him and 12 00:06:48.150 --> 00:06:54.060 Javier Lopez-Molina: Speaker, it's not so much for us. We have parents who want to file them. 13 00:06:56.100 --> 00:06:56.460 Courtney Russell: I know 14 00:07:02.610 --> 00:07:04.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: She's having some issues as well. 15 00:07:09.690 --> 00:07:11.490 Courtney Russell: There's a few others that are coming in as well. 16 00:07:13.290 --> 00:07:16.590 Courtney Russell: I'm Nikki Lee was a yes I think you have a few others coming in and just to feel 17 00:07:58.680 --> 00:08:00.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: I see some guns out for Tom 18 00:08:06.750 --> 00:08:14.490 Tom: I haven't had a weekend in like I would say seven weeks. So, any chance I can get some sunlight. 19 00:08:17.490 --> 00:08:17.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: Excellent. 20 00:08:28.380 --> 00:08:30.300 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're waiting for one more word six right 21 00:08:36.300 --> 00:08:38.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: Prior said, Yeah. 22 00:08:40.770 --> 00:08:42.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: She said her account got locked 23 00:08:43.980 --> 00:08:49.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: She's trying to dial in. But she said the first time she said she was the only person. So she's gonna try 24 00:08:53.280 --> 00:09:00.120 Tom: Hey, I'm just a heads up. I'm here to I have to drop for a work call from seven to 730 but then I'll rejoin after that. 25 00:09:01.980 --> 00:09:05.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, we're trying to get through voting stuff. 26 00:09:49.590 --> 00:09:51.630 Courtney Russell: Alright, we've got an alien Briar here. 27 00:09:59.640 --> 00:10:02.100 Javier Lopez-Molina: That case we will officially call the meeting to order. 28 00:10:03.870 --> 00:10:06.090 Javier Lopez-Molina: With the board now in a quorum. 29 00:10:07.140 --> 00:10:18.900 Javier Lopez-Molina: I will open 650 only 10 minutes late for public comments I'll wait the requisite couple seconds for anybody who has things to say for public comments. 30 00:10:23.460 --> 00:10:23.820 Okay. 31 00:10:26.220 --> 00:10:28.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: The next item on the list is 32 00:10:30.030 --> 00:10:30.810 Javier Lopez-Molina: should read 33 00:10:33.600 --> 00:10:39.330 Javier Lopez-Molina: PCs staff presentations, instead of be LCS bail CPA. 34 00:10:40.500 --> 00:10:43.530 Javier Lopez-Molina: So alternate over to travel. So we have any step presentations today. 35 00:10:44.550 --> 00:10:47.280 Travis Brown: We don't have any staff presentations today. 36 00:10:48.450 --> 00:10:49.950 Travis Brown: Everyone just went on summer break 37 00:10:51.030 --> 00:10:52.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, cool. 38 00:10:53.640 --> 00:11:01.350 Javier Lopez-Molina: The next item on the agenda is the board governance, so the minutes from last meeting two people have a chance to look at the Minutes. 39 00:11:03.390 --> 00:11:06.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any questions for we cast a vote. 40 00:11:10.500 --> 00:11:15.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right, I motion to approve the meeting from the last minutes from the last board meeting. 41 00:11:20.220 --> 00:11:21.090 Javier Lopez-Molina: All in favor. 42 00:11:22.200 --> 00:11:22.590 Stacy Sutherland: Aye. 43 00:11:24.660 --> 00:11:29.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. Let the record show that we have unanimously approved the meeting minutes from the last meeting. 44 00:11:30.270 --> 00:11:35.700 Javier Lopez-Molina: next item on the agenda is the board succession plan. Alright, so this is something that came up last 45 00:11:36.360 --> 00:11:41.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: Couple weeks as we were going through some of the things that the do he looks at 46 00:11:42.270 --> 00:11:58.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, one of the things that they asked us to create last time was a succession plan for the school leadership, which we did and we approved, but also there was a succession plan for the board that we didn't have. And so we took some time and it's actually attached to the 47 00:12:00.420 --> 00:12:08.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: To the board packet today. We took some time to to create one offline Courtney and Travis and I and 48 00:12:09.900 --> 00:12:13.080 Javier Lopez-Molina: You guys can read it in your in your time. I don't think we need to vote on it. 49 00:12:15.060 --> 00:12:26.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: But I wanted to let you guys know that there is a little bit of change for how we run our meetings going forward, which is we're going to try and 50 00:12:28.140 --> 00:12:43.860 Javier Lopez-Molina: One of the things around developing future succession talent for the board is to have give the board members opportunities to participate and lead in board meetings. And so in the future. Stop that. 51 00:12:45.180 --> 00:12:50.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: In the future, I've had a very curious dog right here who is being very naughty. 52 00:12:54.480 --> 00:13:05.850 Javier Lopez-Molina: In the future, we're going to have some board members sort of take turns reading and reading the board meeting, I think that will be a good way to get people to start to 53 00:13:06.870 --> 00:13:14.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Take ownership of it. And that way. I'm also less like on a soapbox all the time, which I don't like 54 00:13:16.440 --> 00:13:21.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: So that's it. Take me through it. It's pretty forward. 55 00:13:22.710 --> 00:13:28.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, next item before I before I move on to the next item. Any questions about that. 56 00:13:37.890 --> 00:13:54.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: next item on the agenda is fair Ross Academy Charter School Board member referral survey and actually I think before we get into that, Courtney. Do you want to talk about the the the name change briefly since your call. 57 00:13:54.990 --> 00:14:04.950 Courtney Russell: Yeah, I'd love to have you here. Thank you. So I think it was on Monday, I was part one of the the Board of Regents July board meeting. They had two parts Monday and Tuesday. 58 00:14:05.910 --> 00:14:13.500 Courtney Russell: Actually live stream the meeting I had the opportunity to tune in for quite a bit bad they got to the section where a introduced 59 00:14:14.010 --> 00:14:26.430 Courtney Russell: Bronx house charter school and talk about the sentence, my house, as well as proposed nature and it was, I'm a little bit of healthy discussion and I shared both Travis and hobby or that 60 00:14:27.300 --> 00:14:38.190 Courtney Russell: The region super impressed with the recent academic tried the school has made in recent years, particularly without necessarily having like healthy handed 61 00:14:39.510 --> 00:14:47.610 Courtney Russell: Them a lot of assurance that the school's headed in the right direction and that they will be able to really thrive and more than independent said 62 00:14:48.480 --> 00:15:02.490 Courtney Russell: The word intimacy to the name change. So the goal is now officially Ferris Academy Charter School effect of July one, and then the like agreement, we went out and try it first. So really great news. 63 00:15:04.710 --> 00:15:09.030 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thank you, Courtney. I'm your connection is a little choppy so 64 00:15:10.260 --> 00:15:12.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: Your audio is coming in and out. 65 00:15:13.620 --> 00:15:13.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: But 66 00:15:15.510 --> 00:15:26.370 Javier Lopez-Molina: But thanks for the update. So we will try and expand on that mention of the LCS and BL CPA since those are no longer acronyms will be will be going by. 67 00:15:28.080 --> 00:15:39.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: Right. So then, so let's talk about the board member referral survey we have we, you know, if you guys probably didn't know. I found out a couple days ago that one of our board members Terrence was unfortunately 68 00:15:40.620 --> 00:15:52.830 Javier Lopez-Molina: Because of personal reasons he had to resign. And so we're going to look for, you know, additional board members as we're always usually on the lookout for additional board members, but we wanted to sort of send out 69 00:15:53.670 --> 00:16:06.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: Have every board member here. Think about who in their network they think might be a potential candidate. I think it's always better to have a personal referral, even if it's your friend of a friend. 70 00:16:08.700 --> 00:16:20.430 Javier Lopez-Molina: Then sort of just going out with a, you know, an ad and having someone respond to it which knocks too but I think it's you. We have a higher hit rate, if you will, from people who know people 71 00:16:23.520 --> 00:16:24.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: And there's a link in the 72 00:16:25.980 --> 00:16:28.380 Javier Lopez-Molina: In the meeting packet to the referral survey. 73 00:16:30.150 --> 00:16:31.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Coordinators anything else about 74 00:16:40.380 --> 00:16:40.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Your um you 75 00:16:47.040 --> 00:16:52.650 Courtney's Cell: Know Nothing further. Thank you. I got in by phone. So it's a little bit more clear. But we're, we're all set up and everything up. Well, thank you. 76 00:16:53.820 --> 00:16:58.680 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. Alright so next item on the agenda is the LCS Innovation Award 77 00:16:58.860 --> 00:17:04.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: And I think we've spent a couple weeks was plenty of this 1711 talk to this. 78 00:17:10.050 --> 00:17:12.000 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay, I think maybe we can we continue to 79 00:17:14.250 --> 00:17:18.960 Javier Lopez-Molina: Maintain and it's real. Mike and Chris, the one who wants that one. 80 00:17:20.730 --> 00:17:25.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay, so the next item on the agenda is orange update. Do you want to take 81 00:17:27.930 --> 00:17:35.730 Courtney's Cell: I Sure thing. So I've been in regular communication with Allison radicchio the woman who oversaw the bond yield from the 82 00:17:36.210 --> 00:17:40.710 Courtney's Cell: Legal side of things. And basically, she's working with Nixon Peabody to get some things in place. 83 00:17:41.310 --> 00:17:46.740 Courtney's Cell: So really I spoke with her today and there's no new updates, but she's pushing. There's two things that need to happen with the 84 00:17:47.160 --> 00:17:51.840 Courtney's Cell: Salt being the sole member of the LLC. And so hopefully I'll have an update for you next month. 85 00:17:52.410 --> 00:18:01.200 Courtney's Cell: But I did prepare the material to submit to a number of stakeholders around the elections that happened last month. So specifically, the 86 00:18:01.770 --> 00:18:12.690 Courtney's Cell: Changes with folks, such as how goals and Corey and then of course the addition of tier and Tom, where appropriate, and so I'll be submitted most materials, but she looked over everything, and said, we're in good shape. So 87 00:18:13.080 --> 00:18:17.160 Courtney's Cell: Again, hopefully a little bit more information August, but we are regularly meeting with Allison. 88 00:18:19.980 --> 00:18:20.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright. 89 00:18:21.810 --> 00:18:24.330 Javier Lopez-Molina: Next item is number five, follow up. 90 00:18:24.330 --> 00:18:28.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: Items. Let's general category. Do we have any follow up items from previous board meetings. 91 00:18:30.330 --> 00:18:30.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. 92 00:18:31.710 --> 00:18:38.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is next item on the agenda is the LCS PCs strategic directives. 93 00:18:40.320 --> 00:18:41.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: Oh wait, sorry I skipped something. 94 00:18:43.050 --> 00:18:55.260 Javier Lopez-Molina: I skipped the strategy meeting. How can I skip that. So this past Monday we were supposed to get together for a strategy call and we didn't quite have forum to do that a quorum. Excuse me. And he didn't have a forum, but not a quorum. 95 00:18:56.730 --> 00:19:06.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I just wanted to emphasize that this is really an important meeting coming up on Monday or Tuesday. Excuse me. So if you haven't RSVP please RSVP we're 96 00:19:07.710 --> 00:19:11.220 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're having a rethink on the Charter, we're going to rewrite the Charter. 97 00:19:12.300 --> 00:19:16.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, Travis and I have been coming up, you know, working together to come up with a 98 00:19:16.710 --> 00:19:21.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: Solid idea of the mission which we want to discuss and have like a good 99 00:19:22.260 --> 00:19:35.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: Conversation around themes that we want to include in it and and things that we want to actively say, you know what, let's not let's not go after that it's it's going to be a good conversation and it's an important conversation to make sure that we're all aligned 100 00:19:36.450 --> 00:19:51.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think everything right everything flows from our mission and vision. What we do what we believe that how we set up the school. And so it's really important that we that we show up to the meeting and and participate and have a good thing about about it. 101 00:19:53.160 --> 00:19:56.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'm Courtney anything, anything else you want to mention there. 102 00:19:58.800 --> 00:20:02.550 Courtney Russell: No, I just think to emphasize responding 103 00:20:05.220 --> 00:20:05.790 Courtney Russell: Okay, about that. 104 00:20:06.090 --> 00:20:14.850 Courtney's Cell: I was standing in board on track. I'm IT'S CERTAINLY FINE. If you respond via the calendar invite but really where we count the votes for form is in board on track. 105 00:20:15.390 --> 00:20:20.820 Courtney's Cell: So if you have any trouble logging in, or anything like that, just let me know. But otherwise we'll keep an eye on that in the coming days. 106 00:20:21.810 --> 00:20:27.870 Courtney's Cell: And you will see in both the calendar invite as well as board on track. There is an agenda for today's meeting. 107 00:20:28.380 --> 00:20:36.600 Courtney's Cell: The 21st will obviously make some revisions for the one on the 28th wants to Tuesday's happens. But if you want to preview what will be discussed. That's all in there and ready for you. 108 00:20:38.850 --> 00:20:45.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: I just had a thought to another know coordinate, you're going to discuss this later, but Briar mentioned that 109 00:20:45.720 --> 00:20:58.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: And I think I saw to that likely our la chain emails are going to end at the end of the month or so and so we should probably have a plan. I mean, I'm sure we do have a plan to transition, but 110 00:20:59.910 --> 00:21:01.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: As you know, these 111 00:21:01.050 --> 00:21:01.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: Email invites 112 00:21:01.950 --> 00:21:02.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: Them to go to our 113 00:21:03.660 --> 00:21:06.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, our la chain emails. I want to make sure that we're 114 00:21:08.790 --> 00:21:11.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: doubling down on shifting over to a more permanent 115 00:21:11.760 --> 00:21:12.270 System. 116 00:21:13.410 --> 00:21:22.710 Courtney's Cell: Absolutely. We'll be in touch with those in the coming weeks, no. Travis, both to our CTO yesterday or today. And I've been speaking with him full plan to roll those out very shortly. 117 00:21:26.790 --> 00:21:33.090 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright so next item is the strategic directives and don't remember this critiquing your mind me. 118 00:21:36.540 --> 00:21:37.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Number six on the agenda. 119 00:21:40.950 --> 00:21:43.890 Courtney's Cell: I have mentoring Sarah's mentoring. 120 00:21:44.790 --> 00:21:46.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yes. Yes. Thank you. 121 00:21:48.270 --> 00:21:48.750 Courtney's Cell: Everyone 122 00:21:51.120 --> 00:21:52.200 Courtney's Cell: Hi everyone, um, 123 00:21:52.380 --> 00:21:57.540 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: So I reached out to Javier because at my somebody at my firm reached out to me. 124 00:21:58.170 --> 00:22:06.300 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Because they know I am on the board of our school and my firm has basically since everything that's been going on with black lives matter. 125 00:22:06.690 --> 00:22:17.670 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: They've been they formed a Black Lives Matter working group in our office, which is totally voluntary of people who care about the issues. I'm actually the only black attorney in our office. So it's been 126 00:22:18.450 --> 00:22:31.140 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Very nice and awesome to know that there are other people in our office who care about the issues that I care about and who have run this group and started this group really without any of my help, because I've been on maternity leave. I haven't returned back yet. 127 00:22:32.130 --> 00:22:42.720 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: But anyway, as part of what they're doing in this working group they really want to find ways to connect more with the community and to make sure that we are being 128 00:22:43.260 --> 00:22:46.050 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: You know stewards of our community. And so they said to me. 129 00:22:46.590 --> 00:22:56.430 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Is your school interested in any type of mentoring program or really any type of relationship with the firm that would be helpful to our school so 130 00:22:56.670 --> 00:23:05.010 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: You know, they understand that that might not be the most helpful thing for our students. But they really want to just have a dialogue with us about what 131 00:23:05.280 --> 00:23:12.930 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: We might be interested in. And what might be helpful. One thing they brought up was the idea of helping students with their resumes, which I thought, actually. 132 00:23:13.230 --> 00:23:22.020 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Really did align with some of our goals because we had talked about wanting our students to be able to get summer internships in their high school years. So that could be really helpful but 133 00:23:22.440 --> 00:23:32.940 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: I'm all to say they have approached me and I wanted to approach the board to see if we were interested in entering into a dialogue with my firm about ways that we could potentially 134 00:23:34.020 --> 00:23:40.350 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Partner up and and provide some kind of support or services to the school. 135 00:23:44.370 --> 00:23:54.450 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, and I can speak for myself. I think it's a great idea. I love it. Um, how would we get a dime, I guess, is something that I would ask Mr Brown. Can we have 136 00:23:55.980 --> 00:23:58.080 Javier Lopez-Molina: I mean, I think the resume idea is a good idea. 137 00:24:00.750 --> 00:24:02.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think there's other potential ideas here. 138 00:24:04.350 --> 00:24:07.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: So there's other ways that we can engage people on 139 00:24:09.540 --> 00:24:11.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: The group your company. 140 00:24:11.580 --> 00:24:17.820 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Yeah, and it would be, it would be just so everybody knows everybody in the office. My office would be allowed to participate. So it will be both. 141 00:24:18.210 --> 00:24:28.620 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Attorneys and administrative staff so it wouldn't be all lawyers. So, you know, if we had different things that we wanted people to do. We could do that. I was thinking some other things I was thinking of. We're just like 142 00:24:29.010 --> 00:24:34.560 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Zoom, read, read aloud for the younger kids. I mean, you know, we could do. 143 00:24:35.550 --> 00:24:39.810 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: book bag drive, we always do that every year, but we could do it for our kids, you know, 144 00:24:40.170 --> 00:24:46.800 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: All those kind of any of those things are really possible. I know that the people on the committee at my office are happy to 145 00:24:47.130 --> 00:24:59.520 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: To meet with you, Travis, or whoever in the school would be a good liaison. And I'm happy to, to be the board member who participates in that as well. Um, but that's kind of what they had suggested to me. 146 00:25:01.350 --> 00:25:05.010 Travis Brown: I would say yes yes and yes, I'll take all of it. 147 00:25:06.150 --> 00:25:16.380 Travis Brown: And would love to reach out and connect with whomever is running point on it. So we can start to identify some I think some short term things that we can do and then 148 00:25:16.980 --> 00:25:32.310 Travis Brown: If there's appetite to do longer term, long term things that would be pretty pretty awesome. Also, especially when you talk about exposure to career. That's one of the areas that we struggled in the past were having high school students or 149 00:25:33.210 --> 00:25:37.740 Travis Brown: Cage students really talk to people really an industry and getting them to do. 150 00:25:38.940 --> 00:25:45.690 Travis Brown: Getting them to do what we call a non teenage activities and engaging. And I think it's I think it's super important. So I'm all for it. 151 00:25:46.470 --> 00:25:50.970 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Yeah, and once courts, open up and stuff. Well, I mean, we could talk about this offline. But, you know, 152 00:25:51.240 --> 00:26:02.400 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: People could come to court and observe like students could come to court and observe like courts are open. So like, you know, we could come up with a lot of different I think really creative and interesting ideas for the students. 153 00:26:03.570 --> 00:26:05.610 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Okay, so I'll follow up with you, Travis I'll email you 154 00:26:06.180 --> 00:26:06.570 Travis Brown: Thank you. 155 00:26:07.770 --> 00:26:14.910 robb@commonbond.co: Love. I love it. Sarah one thought that crossed my mind here is if it, if it's a successful pilot and the engagement with your firm, I think. 156 00:26:15.420 --> 00:26:31.380 robb@commonbond.co: There'd be you know they're similar. I think interest in appetite. I could kind of shepherd or or channel from from my company as well. And if we ended up with kind of like a almost like a our own our own like 157 00:26:31.830 --> 00:26:39.720 robb@commonbond.co: Career Center for for the school like if if we wanted to scale it and broaden it out. I think there could be potential there. 158 00:26:41.010 --> 00:26:54.690 robb@commonbond.co: And you know, we, if we went abroad in industries, things like that. So I think it's I think it's awesome. And, you know, maybe start small. And then I think there'd be appetite to maybe expand to additional companies within the board network. 159 00:26:55.650 --> 00:27:04.080 Adrian Adderley: It's funny that you mentioned that I've been working with a nonprofit that's trying to build our nation a national national by career day initiative. 160 00:27:04.650 --> 00:27:11.220 Adrian Adderley: That whereas it as a career day because that's the best way to kind of explain it where you have professionals from all across the country. 161 00:27:11.520 --> 00:27:16.950 Adrian Adderley: Actually zoom crane zoom 10 minute zoom meetings where they actually tell what they do, how to go about it. 162 00:27:17.430 --> 00:27:28.560 Adrian Adderley: To explain a little bit about their career success and failures and world events and they're going to package that and provide it to different schools anywhere from elementary to high school and also some communities. 163 00:27:30.240 --> 00:27:35.130 Adrian Adderley: So I'll keep you all updated on that as well. That should be rolled out within the next two months, three months or so. 164 00:27:40.320 --> 00:27:40.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. 165 00:27:41.820 --> 00:27:52.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, so we've got a follow up on that, and maybe we can make sure to add that to the next as an agenda item on the next meeting, so that we can follow up and make sure we're 166 00:27:53.670 --> 00:28:01.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're tracking to it. Alright. The next item is the Culture Committee reports. Do we have that happen over the past month. 167 00:28:06.780 --> 00:28:11.610 Travis Brown: I don't, I don't think so. I think there was a scheduling conflict, the last time. 168 00:28:12.960 --> 00:28:17.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: The next item is the finance committee report. I'll turn it over to Rob 169 00:28:19.500 --> 00:28:25.860 robb@commonbond.co: Awesome, thanks have er. So a couple of things to share and 170 00:28:27.120 --> 00:28:30.840 robb@commonbond.co: Just by way of introduction, we've got Mary Beth and Brent on the line, who 171 00:28:33.120 --> 00:28:39.990 robb@commonbond.co: led our finance committee or finance subcommittee meeting last week. And so just couple things to call out 172 00:28:41.190 --> 00:28:46.140 robb@commonbond.co: The if the balance sheet, income statement and financial report or in the board packet 173 00:28:47.580 --> 00:29:04.980 robb@commonbond.co: Really consistent performance or assessment of financials in terms of maintaining covenants and all of our coverage ratios and and staying on track for for budget. So really no change there one thing that's 174 00:29:06.330 --> 00:29:16.110 robb@commonbond.co: Really interesting and I think very grateful for the, the team preparing basically a. So our budget year runs through the end of June. 175 00:29:16.590 --> 00:29:27.180 robb@commonbond.co: And so we've had the opportunity to look back on the full fiscal year and analyze on a line item level like what, how we performed against budget. 176 00:29:27.600 --> 00:29:37.350 robb@commonbond.co: And so that assessment is in the board packet as well. And we went through that as a committee and called out kind of where the the variances were 177 00:29:38.880 --> 00:29:42.930 robb@commonbond.co: And had a good discussion around around each each line item in detail. 178 00:29:44.160 --> 00:29:46.680 robb@commonbond.co: One thing to note in the 179 00:29:47.730 --> 00:30:00.090 robb@commonbond.co: In the draft budget that we went through and that is in the board packet, there is a, there was a deficit kind of ending the year on a minus $97,000 budget deficit. 180 00:30:01.680 --> 00:30:09.150 robb@commonbond.co: Which to put in perspective, or just to just to share a bit of kind of how we how we what we talked about and how I think about that. 181 00:30:10.620 --> 00:30:14.340 robb@commonbond.co: We have, we have substantial cash reserves. Is everyone knows 182 00:30:15.690 --> 00:30:33.180 robb@commonbond.co: But we still have a requirement to balance the budget as part of our charter and to run to basically, even though we have cash surpluses from previous years, and in a very strong, you know, balance sheet in terms of cash, we still need to be ensuring that our expenses. 183 00:30:34.230 --> 00:30:41.970 robb@commonbond.co: Are less than the revenues that we take in, and if not, you know, I think just being very intentional and conscientious about kind of documenting that and making sure 184 00:30:42.480 --> 00:30:59.490 robb@commonbond.co: For a future audit or charter renewal process. So we had a good discussion about around that there at the time we be thought through, potentially, there's some prepaid expenses for the Chromebooks that would that would maybe make more sense in in the 2021 year 185 00:31:00.600 --> 00:31:10.590 robb@commonbond.co: I think that's still a possibility. But the good news is between the time of our finance committee meeting on either Wednesday or Thursday and and where we are now. 186 00:31:11.070 --> 00:31:20.790 robb@commonbond.co: Mary Beth and Brett. Both were able to go through a substantial review of all of our expenses and re categorize certain or basically 187 00:31:21.540 --> 00:31:30.090 robb@commonbond.co: Identify expenses that would account and be credited towards some of our Title three entitled for federal revenue. And so basically 188 00:31:31.050 --> 00:31:45.090 robb@commonbond.co: Basically capture more revenue that we're entitled to, to the tune of an additional hundred and $27,000 of revenue, which basically offsets that negative budget and puts us back on kind of a budget surplus for the year. 189 00:31:46.020 --> 00:31:54.780 robb@commonbond.co: There's still a cruise coming through. And I think best practices. The team would say would be to hold off on closing the books, until, until the 190 00:31:55.470 --> 00:32:05.910 robb@commonbond.co: End of July, maybe into into August is kind of a cruise. Keep coming through. But as of right now, we're looking good for for closing the year on sides with the budget, which is great news. 191 00:32:08.730 --> 00:32:16.590 robb@commonbond.co: So I'll pause there on the on the finances and Brian Marybeth anything you would add or from the rest of the board, any questions that you'd have on that portion 192 00:32:25.980 --> 00:32:27.690 Brent Elliott: Nothing to a rod. OK. 193 00:32:29.550 --> 00:32:32.250 robb@commonbond.co: OK, so I think, then I would motion to 194 00:32:33.330 --> 00:32:38.520 robb@commonbond.co: Approve the June 2020 financials in the board packet 195 00:32:41.550 --> 00:32:42.540 All those in favor, 196 00:32:47.700 --> 00:32:47.970 robb@commonbond.co: Okay. 197 00:32:49.410 --> 00:32:50.070 robb@commonbond.co: And he needs. 198 00:32:51.900 --> 00:32:56.940 robb@commonbond.co: Okay. All those sorry. Let the record show we board is past the 199 00:32:58.500 --> 00:33:00.240 robb@commonbond.co: June 2020 financials. 200 00:33:02.670 --> 00:33:04.800 robb@commonbond.co: Also in the board pack is the investment report. 201 00:33:05.940 --> 00:33:11.940 robb@commonbond.co: Which just kind of details high level, the, the, the fact that we have 202 00:33:13.320 --> 00:33:27.930 robb@commonbond.co: Our cash reserves or internet account that's earning interest and is invested in very highly liquid low risk assets and the return on that has been 2% annualized so there's a note in there. If you're interested in reviewing it. 203 00:33:29.970 --> 00:33:41.430 robb@commonbond.co: They that's really in terms of substantive financial reviews. One thing I'll just add the board should be aware of. We, we did, in fact, as everyone knows, except that PPP loan. 204 00:33:42.240 --> 00:33:59.430 robb@commonbond.co: We have it segregated into into an account. The Small Business Administration PPP is the payroll protect Protection Program. This is the Small Business Administration loan in the cares Act, which is the stimulus program. 205 00:34:01.050 --> 00:34:17.670 robb@commonbond.co: That the SBA made a decision to release the names of of everyone who took a loan. I think it was over a million dollars. And so that was released about 10 days ago in our name is in there so Bronx Lighthouse charter schools listed 206 00:34:18.720 --> 00:34:25.740 robb@commonbond.co: I guess I guess our names not in there. Technically, but Bronx Lighthouse charter school is on that list and 207 00:34:26.220 --> 00:34:33.390 robb@commonbond.co: I perused it like it's a big list. It's available publicly. There are other charter schools on there. A few KIPP schools, a few 208 00:34:34.230 --> 00:34:38.880 robb@commonbond.co: Head starts and I didn't do a comprehensive search, but I did notice a few others. 209 00:34:39.780 --> 00:34:55.140 robb@commonbond.co: So we don't we don't anticipate Javier. And I worked out a brief kind of message talking points around why we why we accepted the loan around maintaining the quality and continuity of education and uncertain funding circumstances. It's pretty basic. It's about a sentence. 210 00:34:56.220 --> 00:35:07.410 robb@commonbond.co: I don't think there'll be any pushback. But if there were, it would be kind of press related, it would be somebody with an agenda. An anti charter school agenda that could pick up some 211 00:35:08.730 --> 00:35:23.310 robb@commonbond.co: some talking points there. So, you know, just for the purpose of this conversation and the board should know. I think we feel good about the decision is we made we've prepared some notes on but that isn't kind of in the public domain that we have accepted the that one. 212 00:35:26.220 --> 00:35:29.490 robb@commonbond.co: That was all. I was going to share for the Finance Committee. 213 00:35:36.990 --> 00:35:43.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Sounds good. Alright, so the next item on the agenda is the academic committee report that was Nicole. 214 00:35:55.470 --> 00:35:58.290 Travis Brown: Well, I can share while she's only for 215 00:35:59.130 --> 00:36:00.600 Travis Brown: A week so we did meet 216 00:36:02.490 --> 00:36:11.730 Travis Brown: It was Adrian and Stacy and I and one of the things that we spoke about during academic committee, the big thing was a real 217 00:36:13.680 --> 00:36:29.280 Travis Brown: repurposing of the agenda to because often a lot of the academic committee meetings prior were was about information sharing and sharing stats and we share that we can do that over email and talk through the numbers and stats that 218 00:36:30.390 --> 00:36:44.580 Travis Brown: That we want to highlight or we find that there are issues or questions that the board members have but to really to make sure that to make sure that we spend a significant time during the academic committee meeting getting really 219 00:36:47.070 --> 00:36:47.400 Travis Brown: I guess. 220 00:36:48.420 --> 00:36:52.410 Travis Brown: Leading the leading the board members on academic committee through 221 00:36:53.670 --> 00:37:00.270 Travis Brown: tough issues or challenges that the school is facing to really get their diverse perspectives and expertise in so 222 00:37:00.750 --> 00:37:17.190 Travis Brown: That's what we spent the bulk of the meeting. Talk about how we're going to redo the academic committee meeting to really have board members engage and conversation around key, key issues or opportunities at the school is going up at the school is facing on academic in 223 00:37:40.080 --> 00:37:41.040 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, so 224 00:37:42.810 --> 00:37:44.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: Was I kind of want to ask 225 00:37:45.810 --> 00:37:50.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: Was it that sounds a little theoretical and maybe it's just me. I'm just wondering if there was 226 00:37:52.560 --> 00:37:53.880 Javier Lopez-Molina: Something more tangible 227 00:37:56.010 --> 00:37:56.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: That came out of 228 00:38:05.880 --> 00:38:13.440 Travis Brown: The tent. I think the tangible item would be the actual reworking of the agenda. So that's what we spoke about around just re 229 00:38:14.460 --> 00:38:25.680 Travis Brown: Figuring out how to how to work the agenda so that the meeting is just not about sharing information updating board members on information, but getting good at getting questions and 230 00:38:27.990 --> 00:38:40.050 Travis Brown: And opportunities that that are coming up from the school to really so board members can help tackle and may help me make decisions on before bringing them to the and also before bringing it to the full board. 231 00:38:41.640 --> 00:38:47.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is there I thinking about like a dashboard would be useful to think about 232 00:38:48.840 --> 00:38:49.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: Like 233 00:38:51.120 --> 00:39:01.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: metrics for you that you discussed during the meeting that you either bring out for understand for discussion during a partner. 234 00:39:04.860 --> 00:39:18.750 Travis Brown: We didn't, we didn't discuss that there. But what we can do is I think what we can do as a as a committee is create a create a board that is aligned to the Charter goals and start, start talking through that stuff. 235 00:39:22.380 --> 00:39:24.060 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I just think it'd be helpful to like have 236 00:39:28.140 --> 00:39:35.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: A starting set of topics or something and you know we can come up with something to sort of stimulate conversation. 237 00:39:42.720 --> 00:39:46.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: So we can make sure we're sort of driving towards data that's most relevant 238 00:39:48.330 --> 00:39:49.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, um, 239 00:39:50.970 --> 00:39:54.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any questions on that before we move on to the next item. 240 00:40:03.600 --> 00:40:07.740 Javier Lopez-Molina: The next item on the agenda is the principles report. So I will turn it over to Mr. Brown. 241 00:40:09.180 --> 00:40:11.370 Travis Brown: Yes. Good evening, everyone. A big 242 00:40:12.660 --> 00:40:22.050 Travis Brown: Topic on I think everybody's mind is around on the fall and what's happening in Hall. So I really want to just update the board on 243 00:40:22.380 --> 00:40:35.100 Travis Brown: Our approach and what we're thinking. I think the big piece that we did here was we follow the D departments advocate Department of Education is lead and they released a survey to parents and staff. 244 00:40:35.550 --> 00:40:44.370 Travis Brown: To really get their feelings and thoughts about what forced to look like and their reservations or and questions that they've had. So, Courtney. 245 00:40:45.660 --> 00:40:55.920 Travis Brown: Courtney spearheaded the surveys to both the staff and also our families so that right now. We're waiting that surveys open to, I believe, July 19 246 00:40:56.460 --> 00:41:10.650 Travis Brown: So once we once we get that data back from our families, what we're going to what we're going to do is really look through the data and be able to present the board a high level report around how our staff and families of failing and response to open in the school. 247 00:41:12.240 --> 00:41:28.620 Travis Brown: With the coven 19 pandemic still happening and the Department of Education today just just shared that they will offer fully a full remote learning option for the fall. So we're thinking through the models that have come through the Department of Education. 248 00:41:29.670 --> 00:41:39.090 Travis Brown: Most of them are on a blended type of learning model where students either come in two days a week because it's about reducing the number of 249 00:41:39.450 --> 00:41:46.710 Travis Brown: People in this case children in the building. So they're releasing different models, depending on how many students, you actually have in a school where 250 00:41:47.040 --> 00:42:00.990 Travis Brown: Half the students will come Monday, Wednesday, the other half will come Tuesday, Thursday or another model is a week on week off model. So we we've put those types of questions who our parents to see what they 251 00:42:02.190 --> 00:42:13.230 Travis Brown: What they want for their children and whether what are their questions. So that's where, that's where we are right now, just wanted to share that with the board so that parents survey and staff survey is out and it was 252 00:42:13.740 --> 00:42:29.340 Travis Brown: The survey was modeled off of the survey at the deal we put out and we're waiting, the results to to really hear from our parents and get their input and our staff before we, before we make concrete plans to figure out which models. We're going to offer in the fall. 253 00:42:31.020 --> 00:42:33.690 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: What is the average class size. 254 00:42:34.890 --> 00:42:37.080 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: In both the lower Academy and upper Academy 255 00:42:38.790 --> 00:42:40.620 Travis Brown: Right. Our average class size right now. 256 00:42:42.840 --> 00:42:47.550 Travis Brown: Our average class size and the K eight is 24 and then a high school. It's about 20 257 00:42:52.020 --> 00:42:59.040 Travis Brown: So we're you know where the department of education class sizes range from like 30 to 32 we we 258 00:43:00.600 --> 00:43:07.890 Travis Brown: We have an easier time doing following social distance guidelines, just because we have fewer students already in our classes. 259 00:43:11.850 --> 00:43:17.250 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: And have we thought at all about additional spaces that could be made available for 260 00:43:18.660 --> 00:43:19.740 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Academics 261 00:43:20.070 --> 00:43:24.330 Travis Brown: Yes, so we so it's a great question. So we're thinking because we have to rethink 262 00:43:24.960 --> 00:43:30.900 Travis Brown: How lunch is being served so cafeteria is a number of a number of schools and number of models. 263 00:43:31.080 --> 00:43:43.650 Travis Brown: Actually turning cafeterias into classrooms, because a lot of what happens in the cafeteria, is that bringing a large people in. So now we're now, a lot of the models are eating in a classroom so cafeterias, and Jim spaces. 264 00:43:44.010 --> 00:43:52.320 Travis Brown: Now, can become classrooms also large hallways, which we don't really have anybody. We're looking to and we're looking to 265 00:43:52.800 --> 00:44:02.760 Travis Brown: Just figure out all the spaces in school right now that we can actually repurpose but the biggest the, I think the number one area that we're looking at are the cafeteria Jim spaces. 266 00:44:03.990 --> 00:44:18.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is it possible to look at other buildings and that's a weird thing to say, but there's a lot of open real estate right now in New York, like you know my office building is completely vacant, they're entirely, you know, empty offices around them. Just wondering if 267 00:44:19.980 --> 00:44:27.480 Javier Lopez-Molina: Obviously my offices downtown, which isn't practical for parents, but are there any nearby that my 268 00:44:28.500 --> 00:44:29.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: Have space. 269 00:44:31.200 --> 00:44:34.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: Or is that like opening up some sort of like legal 270 00:44:35.580 --> 00:44:35.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: Like 271 00:44:36.090 --> 00:44:36.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: That we don't want 272 00:44:36.720 --> 00:44:37.230 Javier Lopez-Molina: To go into 273 00:44:38.520 --> 00:44:49.110 Courtney's Cell: Now, I think it's a great idea, Javier side the dump in here but met. Actually, I know that they've rented space in the past for purposes where they need to have additional access points so 274 00:44:49.830 --> 00:44:54.210 Courtney's Cell: I think that's something we've thought about a little bit Travis charged me with looking at some space across the street. 275 00:44:54.810 --> 00:45:04.920 Courtney's Cell: That's currently available. I was just sharing with him. It's only it's only 300 square feet, but I think your ideas and it's a good one. So we can do a little bit more digging to see what might be in the immediate neighborhood. 276 00:45:05.370 --> 00:45:07.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, and I wouldn't, I wouldn't position it 277 00:45:20.190 --> 00:45:22.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: Would you like to donate 278 00:45:22.050 --> 00:45:23.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: Your space which is not used right 279 00:45:23.670 --> 00:45:24.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: Now for tax. 280 00:45:27.780 --> 00:45:28.320 Javier Lopez-Molina: Benefit 281 00:45:28.530 --> 00:45:30.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: But you would normally just recognize us 282 00:45:32.520 --> 00:45:34.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think that is a 283 00:45:38.550 --> 00:45:39.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: Position. That's not we're not paying 284 00:45:41.970 --> 00:45:42.990 Courtney's Cell: A great idea. Thank you. 285 00:45:49.410 --> 00:45:50.220 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: So I'm 286 00:45:50.370 --> 00:45:50.670 Sorry. 287 00:45:51.690 --> 00:45:52.830 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: So, I mean, there's 288 00:45:52.830 --> 00:46:07.560 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Limitations on this, but also outdoor spaces, to the extent that they can be utilized. Obviously it would be weather dependent. So it's not like the best resource, but perhaps depending on how it all shakes out. It could be a flex space. 289 00:46:10.890 --> 00:46:14.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: We have a roof on a lower Academy. That's right. 290 00:46:15.120 --> 00:46:27.900 Travis Brown: Yes, we have. We have to outdoor spaces, you're correct. We have, we have a play deck that's connected with Jason. So the gym and we also have a space in the CPA side that's 291 00:46:28.650 --> 00:46:40.800 Travis Brown: Really the size of two classrooms. That's a that used to be the garden. So we do have these, we do have flexible spaces and movable furniture that we could that we that we could make those spaces as well. 292 00:46:44.250 --> 00:46:52.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: I was thinking this is over the past week. The, the return to the classroom has become a bit of a political issue. 293 00:46:54.120 --> 00:47:00.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: And I don't know how it's going to play out in New York, because I think you know Cuomo is 294 00:47:01.290 --> 00:47:13.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: Less covering by Trump and other states. So I don't think it's going to hold revenues away from us. If we don't hold classrooms, you know, in person, but I'm I'm 295 00:47:14.100 --> 00:47:23.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'm one of the things that I read was like the next essential worker is going to substitute teachers because teachers don't want to put themselves in positions. 296 00:47:24.480 --> 00:47:38.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: Where they're at risk. And so, um, I do wonder if on that survey. It says, well, what, what does a classroom size need to be in order for a teacher to feel comfortable and also what kind of practices we have to have in place in order for teachers to feel safe. 297 00:47:40.080 --> 00:47:52.620 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, do we need to have temperature checks. Do we need to have mandatory masks for the kids during class, what are the what are the practices that we want to be. 298 00:47:53.970 --> 00:48:00.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: Following in order first to just stay safe, but also to make people feel safe. I think 299 00:48:00.870 --> 00:48:09.090 Travis Brown: Is so and I know Courtney, can talk more to this, but it does, it does touch on those pieces. So an ass those types of what 300 00:48:10.590 --> 00:48:21.030 Travis Brown: In what circumstances would you be comfortable students wearing a mask the temperature checkpoints hand sanitizer, the number of times a building is clean, so it 301 00:48:21.510 --> 00:48:38.490 Travis Brown: Gets to it gets at those things that you just mentioned, have you know Courtney is a little bit more intimate with the survey line items but it, I know it does talk to some of those things around comfortability level for both families and also teachers as well and staff. 302 00:48:47.010 --> 00:48:49.620 Javier Lopez-Molina: Will be anxiously awaiting the results of that survey. 303 00:48:50.520 --> 00:48:53.580 Travis Brown: In some but also something that just 304 00:48:54.990 --> 00:49:05.160 Travis Brown: Said they were going 100% remote so that they can prepare for it as well because one of the challenges is that whenever we do. It's a big instructional shift. 305 00:49:05.700 --> 00:49:18.990 Travis Brown: And we have to get good at it quickly so you know saying awful, awful on one off one on one week off one week that poses significant challenge to teachers, you know, in terms of 306 00:49:19.560 --> 00:49:24.180 Travis Brown: Keeping Up with students, you know, academically kids. 307 00:49:25.050 --> 00:49:31.290 Travis Brown: Kids being away for a week and then doing blended learning. And what does that mean for teacher day when happier classes at home. 308 00:49:31.650 --> 00:49:46.920 Travis Brown: Like how do you connect with them. So there are there are challenges that arise and also opportunities, but I think we have to pick either one model or two at most two so that we can get so we can get teachers ready and good at these models. 309 00:49:47.760 --> 00:49:51.720 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any model we do has to have a fully remote 310 00:49:53.430 --> 00:49:59.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Contingency because if there is, you know, if there is someone at the school who ends up 311 00:50:00.270 --> 00:50:08.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: Either being part of a contact racing program to identify the someone who is exposed to cope with 19 we have to close the school. 312 00:50:09.150 --> 00:50:13.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, we need to be prepared to pivot from either a partial 313 00:50:14.160 --> 00:50:19.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, remote learning environment to a full remote learning environment. I think 314 00:50:20.160 --> 00:50:20.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: Gonna happen. 315 00:50:21.120 --> 00:50:26.130 Travis Brown: Yeah, and I think that that's some of the things that we've been thinking through and all Nicole's I've had one of the principles, it's 316 00:50:26.580 --> 00:50:35.280 Travis Brown: Now a sick day brings everybody if a teacher calls out sick that could bring everybody send everybody into opera and then when they come back. 317 00:50:35.670 --> 00:50:46.380 Travis Brown: Wow, are you sick, you know, or if a student costs too much or if a teacher costs too much off the teacher has AWS teacher or student has a common cold or the flu. 318 00:50:46.860 --> 00:50:54.210 Travis Brown: You know, those types of things can send the school into a place where we're remote so 319 00:50:55.140 --> 00:51:06.840 Travis Brown: You know we have a lot to think about in terms of contingency plan. So I agree with you. How do we, we, our model has to be a place where we're ready to just go back 100% online because 320 00:51:07.290 --> 00:51:18.570 Travis Brown: The likelihood of half of it happening is, is really high with so many students and so many teachers in the place we're talking about close to 700 kids and 100 adults, so 321 00:51:19.290 --> 00:51:28.920 Travis Brown: And and it's some people for a lot of for for a lot of very, a lot of people. It's a really scary scenario, really. So, and, you know, I think. 322 00:51:30.030 --> 00:51:44.850 Travis Brown: The unknown is scary. Here, especially when kids call for that, you know, or anything. People don't people don't know a lot. I think people speculate a lot. Sometimes could speculate or kids could and we could end up in a place where you know 323 00:51:47.190 --> 00:51:51.390 Travis Brown: You know, we have to shut down because we assume something is happening. 324 00:51:54.300 --> 00:52:07.710 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: So I know that we talked a little bit about laptops, we might need at our last meeting, but do we have, have we acquired or do we have a plan to acquire protective gear like masks face shields. 325 00:52:08.610 --> 00:52:17.520 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Lice all like bleach. Do we have enough that if we started this school year in person, we would feel like we could provide that to the staff. 326 00:52:17.850 --> 00:52:18.300 Me. 327 00:52:19.440 --> 00:52:28.620 Travis Brown: Yes. So one of the that's a great, that's a great question. So we're going, we're going to do some purchasing when our own, but the state. 328 00:52:29.130 --> 00:52:40.380 Travis Brown: The State Department of Education. They just released the survey that was dudes that's due tomorrow, BUT WE THANK YOU, MARIA. MARIA pushed us to get it done yesterday, so it's done. 329 00:52:41.010 --> 00:52:53.910 Travis Brown: The survey, but it asks how how how much of those things, those items would you need. So, the state is going to what it seems like, is it the State Department of Education and state government is going to provide 330 00:52:54.540 --> 00:53:07.020 Travis Brown: A lot of those materials to us but we we need to make sure that we on our end that we we have a reserve also because this is a lot of students and a lot of people. So we want to make sure that we're 331 00:53:08.580 --> 00:53:18.180 Travis Brown: We have, we have the we have enough that we have some a contingency also to deal with all situations and where we have to come up with the protocol for 332 00:53:18.600 --> 00:53:29.490 Travis Brown: Core quarantining students in the school. Question is, what, what do we do have a child comes off the bus and they have a fever, like we check the temperature and child has a fever. 333 00:53:29.760 --> 00:53:37.560 Travis Brown: Like what's the protocol. Where does that child go so there's a lot of new protocols that we have to start thinking about and put in place to keep people safe. 334 00:53:38.310 --> 00:53:46.890 Travis Brown: So with. There's a lot of and the good part about this is that we don't have to do this, thinking alone every week there a charter school calls where 335 00:53:47.430 --> 00:54:00.660 Travis Brown: We're on with the State Department and charter school office and we talked through these these challenges and issues and we hear from the charters, the state charter authorize it and also the local charter Charter School Center as well. 336 00:54:02.310 --> 00:54:10.650 Stacy Sutherland: And Travis and wrappings to to technology. If we are going remote, has there been, have you been able to check in with students to just see 337 00:54:11.700 --> 00:54:23.070 Stacy Sutherland: Is there you know i know summer break is here. So they are doing something school but just making sure that the students that maybe aren't in summer school just making sure that everyone has done a tech check 338 00:54:24.030 --> 00:54:31.650 Stacy Sutherland: That their laptops are up and running and are in a good space if they need to use that in September. 339 00:54:32.460 --> 00:54:43.680 Travis Brown: Yes. So let's, um, yep. So that was one of the recommendations from the last board meeting, and that's what we're going to where we're we're plan is to do that survey for families with students. 340 00:54:44.430 --> 00:55:00.240 Travis Brown: In terms of figuring out who needs new technology and who needs new technology, who needs it repaired. So we're working with our tech provide also MSP that they're going to start coming back to school on the ground to start doing repairs also because MSP because of 341 00:55:01.560 --> 00:55:04.650 Travis Brown: They weren't coming to the school and typically at the school one day a week. 342 00:55:04.980 --> 00:55:14.280 Travis Brown: So we weren't able to get those those quick computer repair that we used to get on our devices, but now they're going to start coming back. So we should have more of a flexible. 343 00:55:14.910 --> 00:55:32.940 Travis Brown: We should be, we should be able to respond to minor computer tech issues a little bit better at not an MSP is coming back online. But to answer your question, that our survey will be going out to parents before August and students to figure out who is figure out the help of our technology. 344 00:55:38.070 --> 00:55:38.490 robb@commonbond.co: Which I was 345 00:55:39.570 --> 00:55:42.300 robb@commonbond.co: Really helpful. Two questions. 346 00:55:44.130 --> 00:55:53.640 robb@commonbond.co: One is around timeline for making a decision around kind of the model and separate is can you see a world where we would 347 00:55:54.300 --> 00:56:05.880 robb@commonbond.co: Diverge from the public school districts nearby like in the area, or do you think this is really a matter of kind of following the lead of of the rest of the schools in the area. 348 00:56:07.770 --> 00:56:10.350 Travis Brown: So, great question. I think we 349 00:56:12.690 --> 00:56:19.230 Travis Brown: I think this year is a crapshoot for so many reasons and no one knows it's just hard to see around these corners, either. 350 00:56:22.260 --> 00:56:33.240 Travis Brown: I think froze as as I listened to the parents and the community to see what they want. I think is smart, for I think it would be smart for us to pick a model. 351 00:56:34.650 --> 00:56:46.170 Travis Brown: Or and really regardless of what the Department of Education doing pick a model that puts Safety first, so that we can really get good at it, to really to really 352 00:56:47.970 --> 00:56:54.780 Travis Brown: Get because we have to ramp up and get good at it, to provide the best quality education we can to students. So I think if 353 00:56:56.040 --> 00:57:05.100 Travis Brown: If parents come back and a lot of them say, hey, we want to do the remote thing I think we just have to get really smart and really good at being a remote school for the time being. 354 00:57:05.700 --> 00:57:22.470 Travis Brown: Or there's a there's other there's other schools that say, hey, we're gonna wait and see. So we're going to be remote for the first three months of school and then see where everything is. And then bring kids back. So I think it's good that we're having this conversation. Now, I think. 355 00:57:24.030 --> 00:57:31.860 Travis Brown: It's, it's tough because you want to keep people safe. That's kind of my big, but I think if we're going to do school. We have to get good at a model really 356 00:57:32.310 --> 00:57:53.130 Travis Brown: With the understanding that at the model is in person to hobbyists point that might blow up as soon as we have you know there's some there's someone that's sick or or believe that they are that they that they have Cogan it so I don't know if I answered your question, but uh yeah with 357 00:57:54.720 --> 00:57:59.400 robb@commonbond.co: That that's helpful. And then what do you think in terms of a timeline, I imagine. 358 00:58:00.780 --> 00:58:08.820 robb@commonbond.co: I imagine people are eager to at least have a time frame for when we think they'll hear about what the model is looking like 359 00:58:09.030 --> 00:58:16.740 Travis Brown: I think we, the model to do we put out models. I think we have to come up with a definitive model by August 1 360 00:58:18.390 --> 00:58:27.270 robb@commonbond.co: Okay, until parents are kind of have that date in mind as well as like by August 1 will will receive some some clarity. 361 00:58:27.990 --> 00:58:39.810 Travis Brown: Yeah, I think that the language was getting that feedback first and then we want to put out and and and share, share the vision moving forward for the fall. Gotcha. 362 00:58:39.870 --> 00:58:46.590 robb@commonbond.co: Okay, yeah, I can see this. So this is the first year that I personally gone through it with a rising kindergartener and I know 363 00:58:47.130 --> 00:58:55.410 robb@commonbond.co: I probably you can relate to this as well. I think I think parents are like, hanging on any any shred of clarity. 364 00:58:56.010 --> 00:59:04.950 robb@commonbond.co: And like any any dates or like even milestones around when they'll have some clarity or just from planning purposes, I think, is really valuable. So 365 00:59:05.370 --> 00:59:15.240 robb@commonbond.co: I'm sure this is all part of the communication strategy that's out there just I think it's helpful for parents to have like a date to look forward to, at which they'll have more information. 366 00:59:15.870 --> 00:59:25.860 Travis Brown: And we'll, we'll do a as you share that I think over communication is probably the best best way, even if it is like you said. 367 00:59:26.730 --> 00:59:37.470 Travis Brown: We're, we're figuring this out and we're going to give you this date. So I think we can do a what we can do over the next couple days is make sure that everyone in the community is really clear on it. 368 00:59:39.540 --> 00:59:43.080 Travis Brown: Okay, yeah, there's a lot of planning that parents have to do really 369 00:59:43.620 --> 00:59:49.380 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, I think the tolerance for like not having the answers pretty high. Like, from what I've seen, everyone is like, look. 370 00:59:50.250 --> 01:00:02.160 robb@commonbond.co: We're figuring this out together. Nobody knows the right answer. Um, but I think, to your point, like just having avenues of communication and and some idea of like, when's the next update 371 01:00:03.750 --> 01:00:04.500 robb@commonbond.co: Is helpful. 372 01:00:05.940 --> 01:00:16.800 Travis Brown: And there have been a few parents a small few that have all like discharged his students already to child already to say they want to homeschooling so parents are 373 01:00:17.910 --> 01:00:31.320 Travis Brown: And I'm you know in our school, but also in some other schools where same parents just sit in that coming back. So that's one of the reasons why we wanted to get the survey and a hands to really understand understand 374 01:00:32.400 --> 01:00:36.720 Travis Brown: More about what our parents are thinking and how they're feeling and. But to your point. 375 01:00:37.980 --> 01:00:40.860 Travis Brown: Oh, I think over communication is the best strategy here. 376 01:00:42.600 --> 01:00:52.800 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah. Cool. Sorry to hog the mic here, but just one last point, you know, as you as you say that i i do think there's a there's a financial and budgetary implication here to knowing how many 377 01:00:53.400 --> 01:01:03.720 robb@commonbond.co: Parents are are really interested in sending their, their kids because you know obviously our revenues are going to come from the number of students and we're going to need a 378 01:01:04.140 --> 01:01:12.810 robb@commonbond.co: We're gonna need a budget that reflects that. So if we, if we think there's going to be a large movement towards, towards homeschooling or towards like 379 01:01:14.820 --> 01:01:21.900 robb@commonbond.co: You know, just taking a year off whatever it is, like, it's great that we have that survey. So I'd be interested in those results as well as they come through. 380 01:01:22.260 --> 01:01:29.100 Travis Brown: Yeah, that think because of the Department of Education is move to say we offer a fully 100% remote option. 381 01:01:29.280 --> 01:01:34.020 Travis Brown: Yeah. Yeah, I think that's, I think that's our floor, if you will. 382 01:01:35.070 --> 01:01:39.870 Travis Brown: I don't think we, I don't think we look good, saying that we don't offer that option. 383 01:01:41.370 --> 01:01:44.910 Travis Brown: Especially when you talk about our families who so I think 384 01:01:46.560 --> 01:01:54.120 Travis Brown: We have to figure out what the other models are. But I think it's just smart to offer a fully remote model and we have to figure out what that looks like. 385 01:01:55.680 --> 01:02:04.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is there a possibility that we can run multiple models. So for example, if there are some teachers that are like I'm comfortable with. 386 01:02:04.920 --> 01:02:22.800 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, a classroom size of 10 to one. And then there are some pants that are just wanting to go back and then there are some teachers that are like, no, I wanna, I don't want to show up. You know, I feel like there's we run a risk of losing staff that could be 387 01:02:23.970 --> 01:02:33.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: Valuable if we end up running, you know, a three weeks or three days on two days off model or something like that. If there's certain staff that just don't want to. 388 01:02:35.010 --> 01:02:35.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: Return. 389 01:02:37.560 --> 01:02:38.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: In person. 390 01:02:42.720 --> 01:02:43.140 Stacy Sutherland: Saying 391 01:02:43.380 --> 01:02:45.300 Stacy Sutherland: That. Hey, Travis, I want to say something after you 392 01:02:46.020 --> 01:02:50.460 Travis Brown: I was just saying, yeah, I don't know the HR implications around that. 393 01:02:52.710 --> 01:02:57.960 Travis Brown: You know what, I think we can we can talk about that. And we can talk about that with little bird also around 394 01:02:59.700 --> 01:03:03.330 Travis Brown: It. Some teachers say, I don't feel comfortable, but some, you know, like 395 01:03:04.530 --> 01:03:08.340 Travis Brown: Yeah i don't i don't have. I don't. Yes, but I think we do run the risk 396 01:03:08.400 --> 01:03:10.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: Sir, what do you mean by HR implications. 397 01:03:11.550 --> 01:03:18.480 Travis Brown: Well, if some people if you add the organization. Some people say don't feel comfortable. Some people and 398 01:03:19.710 --> 01:03:26.430 Travis Brown: So some people say don't feel comfortable. So we offer a remote learning option for them. But there's some people are required to come in. 399 01:03:27.930 --> 01:03:28.590 Travis Brown: I don't know. 400 01:03:28.800 --> 01:03:33.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I'd be careful about how we use the word require because I think 401 01:03:34.950 --> 01:03:52.470 Javier Lopez-Molina: So, you know, if someone told me, and let's stay away from legal for a second. If someone told me you have to go to work and you have to potentially put yourself in a dangerous situation, you have a you know 20% chance of getting infected. If you get infected, you have a 10% chance of dying. 402 01:03:53.520 --> 01:04:04.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'd be like, Well, I don't want to put myself in that situation. I mean, to hell with the job right. I mean, we are we have an obligation to make sure that we that we 403 01:04:06.420 --> 01:04:20.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: Have an environment that doesn't put our staff at risk. And if we cannot provide that environment, even if it's out of our control. Then there's nothing around. There's no language around requirement to me that fits into this conversation. 404 01:04:21.120 --> 01:04:39.690 Travis Brown: Well, I'm thinking I agree 1,000% but what I'm saying what what I'm sharing is I'm not saying that saying that if a staff member says I'm comfortable coming in giving the rinse and there's certain people that are not comfortable coming in. So then the remote model. 405 01:04:41.100 --> 01:04:49.530 Travis Brown: The work as as as close as we get we're trying to, we want to try to make an apples to apples, whether your remote you're teaching remotely. But then you also teach a 406 01:04:50.130 --> 01:04:54.570 Travis Brown: There's teachers teaching remotely. There's also teachers teaching in person. 407 01:04:55.440 --> 01:05:09.120 Travis Brown: So there then then we just have to we have teachers and a saying Job, Job lame, so to speak, but kind of doing different things really then what if a teacher. That's teaching a person says, hey, you're running this model. 408 01:05:09.690 --> 01:05:24.180 Travis Brown: I don't want to do this anymore. That's what I'm saying. In terms of in terms of HR, things like that. If someone is in doing it in person model and then after three weeks. They say, I am not comfortable doing this, but we're running the model. 409 01:05:25.740 --> 01:05:34.320 Travis Brown: We would have to switch, we would have to switch gears. So I wasn't car sharing in terms of like require like we're requiring people to do things but running different models. 410 01:05:34.650 --> 01:05:44.460 Travis Brown: There are different people are doing the same job but differently to different mode that mode. But then we have to for the teaching call we have to make sure that we match that up. 411 01:05:44.820 --> 01:05:55.140 Travis Brown: And make it apples to apples. So people don't feel like I'm doing more like, do we pay people hazard pay for coming in versus teachers. They're sitting at home. There's just a lot of questions that I would have 412 01:05:55.590 --> 01:06:05.130 Nikali Jones: Said, oh sorry, I'd like to just just offer my thoughts on this because we've been operating during this time and also working with schools, if you don't mind. 413 01:06:05.670 --> 01:06:13.230 Nikali Jones: And we've had this exact problem. So just to kind of let everyone know we've been going through. We've been serving schools and now adults. 414 01:06:13.560 --> 01:06:22.800 Nikali Jones: Through this entire time. And we've been having to run a covert a facility and dealing with all of these problems. And so the reality is, people have a lot of different risk tolerances. So I go into work every day. 415 01:06:23.370 --> 01:06:29.490 Nikali Jones: I don't really have a lot of risk. I live with my cat. I'm good. There's a few people who had asthma. There's a few people who are concerned, blah, blah. 416 01:06:30.900 --> 01:06:35.700 Nikali Jones: What we had decided as a company was for those who could work from home and could do their jobs from home. 417 01:06:36.450 --> 01:06:40.140 Nikali Jones: They were and they were allowed to stay at home and then 418 01:06:40.620 --> 01:06:49.470 Nikali Jones: It was it felt a little unfair to be frank, for those who have to go into work because their jobs require them to be present. So for the ones who are working in my kitchen. 419 01:06:49.800 --> 01:06:51.780 Nikali Jones: You know, they had to be there, they can do their work from home. 420 01:06:52.590 --> 01:06:59.070 Nikali Jones: We did wind up doing kind of like a bonus, where we gave everyone a little bit of a hazard pay bonus and like. Thanks for coming in type thing. 421 01:06:59.490 --> 01:07:07.050 Nikali Jones: And then as things started to open up. We basically said to most of our at home staff. We want you to come back in and starting one to two days a week. 422 01:07:08.070 --> 01:07:17.040 Nikali Jones: There's still a few folks who are uncomfortable with coming in for variety of reasons. Majority of them have just kind of some some medical things that they're just concerned about 423 01:07:17.910 --> 01:07:29.370 Nikali Jones: And for the rest of everyone expectation is that they're starting to come in and so while you have to be cognizant of people's risk tolerance. The, the reality is I think you have to 424 01:07:30.390 --> 01:07:34.350 Nikali Jones: Hold the same san and be like, this is what's going on and we're, we're going to open up 425 01:07:34.740 --> 01:07:45.060 Nikali Jones: And the onus is on us as the school to make sure that the environment does feel safe. And so the biggest thing we did with us was to make sure like immediately we had a 426 01:07:45.450 --> 01:07:51.150 Nikali Jones: Thermometer. We had a person who came and checked everyone's temperature made sure they washed her hands. We had full he provided 427 01:07:51.750 --> 01:07:58.590 Nikali Jones: We have mandatory like can washing we separated everyone we had social distancing signs we like mandated certain breaks and things like that. 428 01:07:59.040 --> 01:08:10.110 Nikali Jones: And people in general have felt in our company like safe coming to and from work and there's a point where they didn't feel safe with transportation and when the subway was very bad. We then provided transportation, things like that. 429 01:08:10.800 --> 01:08:15.780 Nikali Jones: So I think the reality is, is that we have to make the school feel very, very safe. 430 01:08:16.650 --> 01:08:25.830 Nikali Jones: For the staff because otherwise yeah of course they're going to say, you know, we don't feel safe and like I want to also do the remote, you know, from home so 431 01:08:26.310 --> 01:08:34.200 Nikali Jones: Um, that's kind of my two cents of how like the way the world has been. And in talking through with with some schools that are reopening and things like that like 432 01:08:34.500 --> 01:08:39.900 Nikali Jones: Yeah, there are some people who don't want to come in and you kind of have to decide how to deal with them on a case by case basis, but 433 01:08:41.310 --> 01:08:45.300 Nikali Jones: That's kind of where we land it and where I would encourage is, is the fact of like 434 01:08:45.540 --> 01:08:57.120 Nikali Jones: A staff here, all the things we are doing to make sure that you and our students are safe and I know it's tough, because it's in a school environment and kids like to touch each other and all that kind of stuff. So it's very different from my company but 435 01:08:57.720 --> 01:09:01.500 Nikali Jones: That would be my advice to try to try to alleviate some of those concerns. 436 01:09:03.330 --> 01:09:11.880 Javier Lopez-Molina: And the one thing that I would add on that is that, you know, we don't. It's not like we don't have some information around who's not who's a higher risk. 437 01:09:12.180 --> 01:09:22.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I think if we use CDC guidelines on you know whether or not people have comorbidity employees of co-morbidities or with a higher risk age group. I think we can 438 01:09:24.450 --> 01:09:27.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: But I, I feel I would feel uncomfortable. 439 01:09:29.130 --> 01:09:39.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: asking someone if we had a teacher who was 85 years old, and had diabetes, I would feel really uncomfortable asking that person to come back to the classroom. 440 01:09:40.560 --> 01:09:45.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: And that's I mean as as a medical professional. I don't think that's right. 441 01:09:47.730 --> 01:09:56.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: Now most of our teachers don't fit that high risk category. So I think it's okay. But I think if we do have people who are high risk, that's sort of 442 01:09:58.020 --> 01:10:01.320 Javier Lopez-Molina: just my opinion. I guess I'm sure other people think maybe on 443 01:10:01.470 --> 01:10:05.700 Travis Brown: How do how do we how do we know outside of age. 444 01:10:06.930 --> 01:10:16.800 Travis Brown: Like sometimes we we just don't know who's high risk because they don't have to disclose that to us outside of because the the 445 01:10:17.610 --> 01:10:29.130 Travis Brown: The scenario you described, it's, it's kind of easy to see your guesstimate if you will age of someone that's 85 years old but you know you have a 23 year old that has an underlying medical condition and 446 01:10:29.490 --> 01:10:40.950 Travis Brown: We don't know anything about really. So I think that's the challenge. That's the challenge for, for, for us, you know, in terms of, you know, we just don't know. And we don't want to. I don't want 447 01:10:41.490 --> 01:10:41.820 Javier Lopez-Molina: To be 448 01:10:42.690 --> 01:10:43.050 Oh, 449 01:10:44.790 --> 01:10:53.100 Stacy Sutherland: My god, I'm so with the UFC the Union, they have a application going around that is 450 01:10:54.930 --> 01:11:10.560 Stacy Sutherland: That you're requesting to work remotely. So one of the things I just brought up the email if you are at least 65 you fill out the application, your, your, you're good. Like there's no other information acts of you. 451 01:11:11.010 --> 01:11:23.250 Stacy Sutherland: But if you are under the age of 65 and you have underlying medical conditions they're requesting that you complete the application, along with a letter from your doctor. 452 01:11:24.360 --> 01:11:29.940 Stacy Sutherland: Which is going to the letter from your doctor is going to curve a few people from submitting that justice submitted. 453 01:11:30.870 --> 01:11:38.940 Stacy Sutherland: So again, there's two options there you fill out the application you're over the age of 65 you're like automatically granted. 454 01:11:39.270 --> 01:11:49.560 Stacy Sutherland: Or if you're under that age and you have underlining medical conditions, you have to submit a letter. So that's something that I know that UFC is doing just as insight. 455 01:11:50.670 --> 01:11:51.450 Travis Brown: But if you don't 456 01:11:51.510 --> 01:11:54.840 Travis Brown: Questions Stacy. Other than that, you have to come back. 457 01:11:56.610 --> 01:12:04.320 Stacy Sutherland: Then that you got to go back. Um, I mean different departments are handling it differently. So, for instance. Thankfully my department. 458 01:12:05.160 --> 01:12:13.080 Stacy Sutherland: Is going along with staying out. I mean most of my job is going into schools. And at this point, they don't need any 459 01:12:13.770 --> 01:12:26.070 Stacy Sutherland: They don't want to figure out how to get me in and out of schools at this point, they're trying to get the kids into school. So to answer your question, other than that it's really up to the department to decide that, but anyone that is 460 01:12:27.600 --> 01:12:34.650 Stacy Sutherland: Anyone's department that is requesting them to return right away. This is the application that they have to fill out now do keep this in mind. 461 01:12:35.760 --> 01:12:44.430 Stacy Sutherland: This is going out to all teachers as well. So that's going to be a whole other snafu when schools have decided upon the model. 462 01:12:45.270 --> 01:12:49.410 Stacy Sutherland: That works best for them. The next question is how many of these teachers are returning 463 01:12:50.250 --> 01:12:57.330 Stacy Sutherland: And I'm not just for underlying medical issues, but those two teachers to have to be mindful of how their children. 464 01:12:57.960 --> 01:13:06.390 Stacy Sutherland: Are going to move forth as this educational gap becomes a wider and wider gap for a lot of kids. 465 01:13:07.080 --> 01:13:16.470 Stacy Sutherland: You know, not just in economic bracket, but also if you need additional educational services academic services that's becoming a wider gap as well so 466 01:13:17.040 --> 01:13:27.180 Stacy Sutherland: You know, once you choose the model. And that's why I think I had asked you before, Travis and you sounded optimistic that your staff will be returning. But when it becomes reality that 467 01:13:28.230 --> 01:13:39.990 Stacy Sutherland: They realize that. Oh, wow. You know, I have two children. And now one of their schools, you know, it's not going to open, you know, look at the Catholic schools, a lot of the Catholic schools have just, you know, that was a 468 01:13:41.070 --> 01:13:49.890 Stacy Sutherland: financial situation as to why a lot of them had to shut down. So you have some people that are dealing with possibly moving their kids out of one school to another school and then 469 01:13:50.190 --> 01:13:54.180 Stacy Sutherland: They don't really mesh with that model because another thing about the model is 470 01:13:54.990 --> 01:14:04.080 Stacy Sutherland: It doesn't necessarily just work for the school they're going by grades. So your school may be open, but kindergarten second grade may not be 471 01:14:04.560 --> 01:14:12.180 Stacy Sutherland: Eligible to return to the class where you know every school is gonna be different. So there's like an array of things a lot that we're juggling right now. 472 01:14:16.890 --> 01:14:17.370 Travis Brown: I agree. 473 01:14:17.430 --> 01:14:28.470 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: If there. If there are some if if we come up with a plan and we have you have questions around this Travis that you feel like are in some ways legal questions I 474 01:14:29.070 --> 01:14:40.560 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Have a lot of resources around this, because I've been on maternity leave. I haven't been reviewing all those resources in detail. So I can't speak to them all right now but like I am more than happy to run down 475 01:14:41.010 --> 01:14:47.730 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Questions that we have generally to which I have access to resources when it comes to questions that we think 476 01:14:48.570 --> 01:14:52.110 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Could implicate legal issues, you know, even if it's stuff like 477 01:14:52.410 --> 01:15:03.150 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: You know, because there are regulations or there is guidance around even temperature tracks and what kind of log. What kind of log is best to keep and what can information can and can't be written down and how we keep it. 478 01:15:03.450 --> 01:15:13.800 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: And all that stuff. And so I'm sure our HR can help us with that but I'm also happy to to partner with you to the extent possible to answer some of the questions. 479 01:15:14.790 --> 01:15:18.480 Travis Brown: I would love to take you up on it. Okay, thank you. 480 01:15:20.010 --> 01:15:27.090 Jennifer Clayton: This is Jennifer. It also relates to disclosure of disabilities and reasonable accommodations and all that good stuff with the ADHD. 481 01:15:28.470 --> 01:15:45.090 Jennifer Clayton: I'm in Florida where I'm at the school district is offering three options simultaneously. So, one option is a school based option in school. Another option in remote with teachers teaching live. And then the third option is Virtual School 482 01:15:46.680 --> 01:15:48.210 Jennifer Clayton: So they're having parents 483 01:15:49.500 --> 01:15:58.710 Jennifer Clayton: Fill out a form to choose which one they want and then they're running the group separately but simultaneously. So one group of teachers can work remotely when your teachers can come in if they want to. 484 01:15:59.670 --> 01:16:04.170 Jennifer Clayton: And actually, some of the teachers. I actually prefer and going in a lot of the teachers are saying we need to teach 485 01:16:04.860 --> 01:16:13.110 Jennifer Clayton: Need to be able to the archives and teach our kids. So it's interesting to see, you know, different people have different preferences. So that'll be neat to see what comes out of your survey Travis. 486 01:16:17.790 --> 01:16:19.440 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Do most teachers drive to work. 487 01:16:21.630 --> 01:16:22.230 Javier Lopez-Molina: Florida. 488 01:16:22.950 --> 01:16:23.850 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Now I'm in 489 01:16:24.000 --> 01:16:24.510 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: New York 490 01:16:26.370 --> 01:16:26.910 Travis Brown: We 491 01:16:29.100 --> 01:16:38.790 Travis Brown: We have quite a few who do. But, um, we have a lot of people take public transportation. I think more people take public transportation then drive 492 01:16:41.880 --> 01:16:51.690 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: I feel like that's a really big issue. I know from my office. That's a really big issue of like how are people going to get there because even if you make your environment safe people are just in their best. 493 01:16:52.530 --> 01:16:56.610 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: I know the subways are supposedly like really good right now. I haven't been on them, but I've heard 494 01:16:57.120 --> 01:17:12.660 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: That they're very clean, but I think, you know, September the system's going to be more stress than it is now, because everybody has left the city for the summer. And if schools and then it will be an influx of people coming from all these you know Kobe hot 495 01:17:13.680 --> 01:17:16.560 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Hot states and getting on the subway. 496 01:17:19.320 --> 01:17:25.530 robb@commonbond.co: My, my, my view my kind of energy on this is um 497 01:17:26.940 --> 01:17:28.740 robb@commonbond.co: They're, they're gonna be 498 01:17:30.240 --> 01:17:32.580 robb@commonbond.co: There, there is a enough models. 499 01:17:33.660 --> 01:17:39.600 robb@commonbond.co: You know that there's so many different models so many different preferences so many different permutations, you know, 500 01:17:40.710 --> 01:17:49.680 robb@commonbond.co: They're going to be changes to what states of Florida is probably going to revise what they've even put out North Carolina is having a reboot on what we already put out like 501 01:17:50.760 --> 01:18:05.040 robb@commonbond.co: I think there are areas that as a as a charter school we have broad mandate and responsibility to innovate and take advantage of this form that we have right here which we basically are the Department of Education, in a certain sense for our school 502 01:18:05.820 --> 01:18:16.440 robb@commonbond.co: I think this. This strikes me as an area where we don't necessarily want to innovate and customize and as much as I think it's really great that we're going to get data from our community. 503 01:18:18.810 --> 01:18:38.580 robb@commonbond.co: I just I just feel like there's a lot of resources. Also going into establishing the right thing for the rest of the public system within the, within the Bronx. Specifically, and within New York State, but specifically within you know our district that I feel like a straw. I feel like 504 01:18:39.780 --> 01:18:54.120 robb@commonbond.co: Makes a lot of sense to draft behind and and i think that i think the bar for us deviating from what the public system. The rest of the public school system does in our district is got to be really high. Just because just because 505 01:18:55.290 --> 01:18:56.760 robb@commonbond.co: There's so much unknown. 506 01:18:58.470 --> 01:19:05.490 robb@commonbond.co: That I think just leveraging that the all those resources that are going to go into whatever they decide kind of feels like the right thing to do. 507 01:19:08.040 --> 01:19:17.160 Travis Brown: That's kind of been our take. That's why you know I've been doing more listening because sometimes the best ideal day is someone else's, you know, especially when 508 01:19:17.940 --> 01:19:28.380 Travis Brown: There's a lot of money and resources going to figure it out. That's why I didn't think as a school we needed to be a leader. I tried to be expert here really because we're not it, you know, for me that's 509 01:19:28.800 --> 01:19:45.750 Travis Brown: The health and safety in terms of with a virus is not my area of expertise at all. So I think we've been waiting and also is I know, as you know, como and De Blasio have been going at it for a while so Cuomo is still clear that he hasn't ruled on 510 01:19:46.770 --> 01:19:56.610 Travis Brown: What should be for schools yet. So we were still it's still, it's still a waiting game for for Cuomo to rule. 511 01:19:57.300 --> 01:20:03.960 Travis Brown: To share what he he wants to happen as well. So I think, I think we do follow where I think it's just smart. 512 01:20:04.410 --> 01:20:19.740 Travis Brown: To to follow here. And like you said, I'm not trying to do innovative model at all, we've been just listening to the models that the Department of Education put out and and I think that's where I think that's where everyone has landed, it's been 513 01:20:21.150 --> 01:20:32.340 Travis Brown: Hundred percent remote or a blended model based on the capacity or the number of students in the school building really and then figuring out how to make spaces. 514 01:20:32.820 --> 01:20:41.280 Travis Brown: And schools really safe. I think a lot of but a lot hasn't been talked about as we're talking about on this call about people. 515 01:20:41.610 --> 01:20:52.920 Travis Brown: There were talking about structural models that makes sense until we bring people into the equation where there's teachers other staff members students and parents when this goes on so 516 01:20:55.440 --> 01:21:06.510 Travis Brown: We just have to be prepared when the variables come into play really when you know and that's why you know in terms of like HR legal making sure that we have those areas. 517 01:21:07.080 --> 01:21:15.210 Travis Brown: Shampoo and polish so that we, we know what to do in case someone you know says, I am afraid, oh, I am scared now you know like 518 01:21:16.050 --> 01:21:31.290 Travis Brown: I don't want my response to be oh well you chose this, you know, you got it. You know, like we need to really support our people support our families through uncertainty. And yeah, so that's what you know that's kind of what I want. I want to make sure that we get good at this time. 519 01:21:36.150 --> 01:21:42.000 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right, there's no decision really to be made on this. I think it's a good discussion. So 520 01:21:43.500 --> 01:21:49.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let's make sure you keep us updated on on the survey and what actions. We're gonna be taking living for 521 01:21:52.170 --> 01:21:56.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: next item on the agenda is done with the principles for your 522 01:21:57.390 --> 01:21:58.380 Travis Brown: Just one question. 523 01:21:58.710 --> 01:21:59.070 Yeah. 524 01:22:00.330 --> 01:22:01.260 Travis Brown: Would it be 525 01:22:01.470 --> 01:22:05.520 Travis Brown: Would it makes sense for the board to vote on the models that we 526 01:22:06.660 --> 01:22:07.950 Travis Brown: That we go with essentially 527 01:22:10.140 --> 01:22:10.560 Travis Brown: So, yeah. 528 01:22:11.700 --> 01:22:26.160 robb@commonbond.co: I was gonna say that this the August 1 days before August board meeting and I think I think as a board. We're going to be held accountable ultimately for the model, you know, to, to the community. So I think that's a good idea. 529 01:22:30.570 --> 01:22:37.290 robb@commonbond.co: I don't know what other board members think if we want to be part of that review process prior to the final decision. 530 01:22:37.860 --> 01:22:58.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah i mean i i agree. I think if we were not remote if we were sitting, you know, in travail Avenue and there was some fallout from this decision, you know, we'd be answerable to an angry mob. And we need to be informed and educated about about what's going on so 531 01:22:59.670 --> 01:23:15.240 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, and Travis that's as much to give you cover as anything else so that you're so that you're not you're not on an island making this decision, and you, you know, you can share, share and some of any fallout that that happens. 532 01:23:15.660 --> 01:23:16.470 Travis Brown: Yeah, and 533 01:23:17.610 --> 01:23:33.630 Travis Brown: Is it possible to repurpose the culture team right now to really go over the safety plan for covert 19 so i think so that we can get eyes on it to make sure and I don't know if people feel comfortable, but it would also be 534 01:23:35.550 --> 01:23:41.670 Travis Brown: It could be helpful if there was a walkthrough or something like that. Or, or, or at least 535 01:23:42.300 --> 01:23:48.990 Travis Brown: Getting eyes on a on a drafted safety plan of all the things that we're doing so that the board can or the team can sign off to say 536 01:23:49.470 --> 01:24:01.470 Travis Brown: We believe that this place is safe for. And I think that will be would also add a layer of security for our staff and and teachers to say our staff and also our parents to see that. 537 01:24:01.650 --> 01:24:03.150 Travis Brown: He is one of the steps that we're taking 538 01:24:07.110 --> 01:24:07.350 Javier Lopez-Molina: No. 539 01:24:08.400 --> 01:24:19.170 Stacy Sutherland: Culture Committee, I definitely don't feel that I'm equipped to say whether or not it's safe. But I am open to doing a walker. I think that's going to be really important 540 01:24:20.190 --> 01:24:32.250 Stacy Sutherland: For you know it's funny. We just had a call, where we have clothes every day with God but a view of the schools are saying just that, that they're going to, I'm probably post a video of 541 01:24:33.720 --> 01:24:43.530 Stacy Sutherland: All kind of just to give you a preview because a lot of people are hesitant because they don't know what the layout looks like. So I'm a few to schools are going to do like a 542 01:24:44.910 --> 01:24:53.010 Stacy Sutherland: Like a video like you know your child gets off the bus and, you know, this is the walkthrough of how it looks. So it's going to be lunchtime. This is what it's going to look like. 543 01:24:53.280 --> 01:25:08.460 Stacy Sutherland: Though we don't know what it looks like. Yeah, we do plan and a few to schools to do that sort of situation. And I did think about you guys because you are so I'm active on social media. So thought you might consider doing something like that but yeah I'm open to a walk. 544 01:25:09.180 --> 01:25:14.730 Travis Brown: I love that idea. And I wasn't saying, I'm sorry I wasn't saying that you are taking the place of a, you know, like 545 01:25:15.480 --> 01:25:18.450 Stacy Sutherland: A CBC representative. Okay. 546 01:25:18.960 --> 01:25:24.090 Travis Brown: Training that that they have been outlined in the plan are present in the school and then 547 01:25:24.720 --> 01:25:33.030 Travis Brown: To our best now is like we're finding a guideline we're following the guidelines that have been placed out by the state, because the State Department has 548 01:25:33.450 --> 01:25:43.830 Travis Brown: Put out guidelines for us. And, you know, just in terms of a checks and balances to say we follow the guidelines that have been put out by the state or the Charter authorize it on a school 549 01:25:44.910 --> 01:25:46.860 Stacy Sutherland: Yeah handstand Travis. Absolutely. 550 01:25:47.130 --> 01:25:49.050 Travis Brown: I didn't want to test your CDC schools. 551 01:25:50.130 --> 01:25:53.340 Stacy Sutherland: I mean every hour, it's something different side might have failed that 552 01:26:00.570 --> 01:26:01.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right. 553 01:26:02.430 --> 01:26:04.740 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any other updates from the principal support. 554 01:26:05.490 --> 01:26:06.750 Travis Brown: Know you can move on and 555 01:26:07.980 --> 01:26:09.240 Javier Lopez-Molina: item on the agenda is 556 01:26:10.350 --> 01:26:13.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: Fundraising. I don't see 557 01:26:16.230 --> 01:26:18.390 Javier Lopez-Molina: Do you have any update on fundraising. 558 01:26:19.020 --> 01:26:19.590 Adrian Adderley: No, no. 559 01:26:20.700 --> 01:26:21.300 Adrian Adderley: No, we have 560 01:26:33.690 --> 01:26:34.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Talking about the transition 561 01:26:37.170 --> 01:26:45.090 Courtney's Cell: The air. So just a few brief updates here everyone. So the transition plan. I know I already spoke to the state vote. 562 01:26:45.660 --> 01:26:54.120 Courtney's Cell: The region's vote that happened on Monday. So that was a huge component, we're just kind of winding things down. Now as we conclude the month of July. 563 01:26:54.750 --> 01:27:03.960 Courtney's Cell: So again, continuing the wind down conversation with Lighthouse certainly continuing any internal processes with folks, such as the finance team. 564 01:27:04.590 --> 01:27:13.860 Courtney's Cell: Sp as a little bird and just overall we're in really great shape. There's just a few outstanding items heavier that all I'll talk to you later in the week about 565 01:27:14.640 --> 01:27:27.570 Courtney's Cell: The name and Department of Labor and those types of things that otherwise, you know, everything is coming along quite nicely. So I'll be in touch about those things. But no concerns and everything has been very, very smooth with the transition 566 01:27:28.650 --> 01:27:34.050 Courtney's Cell: Speaking about little bird. We actually ran our first payroll kowtow to Maria for 567 01:27:34.530 --> 01:27:48.120 Courtney's Cell: Learning an entire new system and getting I'm getting in there so Tomorrow's a big day that people will see their, their first paycheck through little bird HR and with Ferris, so really great job there. But no, no concerns or news to report. 568 01:27:49.740 --> 01:27:58.050 Courtney's Cell: In terms of little bird I spoke to that and then HR and compliance. The standard operating procedures are all 569 01:27:58.860 --> 01:28:07.620 Courtney's Cell: In draft mode, the project plan has been updated, which has been linked here. And so my plan is in the near future to share that with the school and then you guys will see that likely 570 01:28:08.220 --> 01:28:21.930 Courtney's Cell: Next month to have a near final version of that to see if you guys have any questions or comments about the standard operating procedure. So again, all in good shape. But certainly if anyone has any questions or comments here, I'd be glad to take those 571 01:28:30.630 --> 01:28:31.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: For free. 572 01:28:34.050 --> 01:28:42.750 Courtney's Cell: Absolutely, absolutely. And then the next component. I'll just run into this, if it's okay but just a reminder, I have gotten a 573 01:28:43.470 --> 01:28:50.910 Courtney's Cell: Number of completed financial interest forms for the annual report. And if you have not sent those if you could please complete them, I realized, a lot of people 574 01:28:51.450 --> 01:28:56.520 Courtney's Cell: Don't have printers right now. And that's no problem. You can do yours electronically sign off as best as you can. 575 01:28:57.150 --> 01:29:08.370 Courtney's Cell: But that is due to the state in just a couple of weeks, so I will be reaching out if I haven't heard from you. But again, I understand. Everyone's super busy and I've gotten a number of them so far. So thank you so much. 576 01:29:12.840 --> 01:29:16.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: You're also on the agenda for facilities. 577 01:29:17.430 --> 01:29:18.420 Courtney's Cell: Great, great. So 578 01:29:19.020 --> 01:29:28.710 Courtney's Cell: We appreciate all of your dialogue and recommendations around the new cleaning contract. And what we did was we took your feedback. We took your ideas and input from the last meeting. 579 01:29:29.130 --> 01:29:37.740 Courtney's Cell: And Maria and I went to pro clean, which was the new vendor contractor that you guys approve last month, we had a really great dialogue with 580 01:29:38.190 --> 01:29:45.780 Courtney's Cell: Their lead as well as someone on the operations side of house and basically where we are is we have a new 581 01:29:46.500 --> 01:29:51.960 Courtney's Cell: Plan and our new revised contract which we were able to share with principal brown today, which includes 582 01:29:52.650 --> 01:30:01.950 Courtney's Cell: Number one, a modification for the month of August, just knowing that we're not fully operational just yet. Number two, some language around 583 01:30:02.640 --> 01:30:11.700 Courtney's Cell: I forget the name of her inoperable sprayers that are used to, you know, sanitize high traffic places and whatnot. So there's language in there about that being used. 584 01:30:12.330 --> 01:30:20.430 Courtney's Cell: As well as additional cleaning protocol that will be put in place. And then finally, I think another piece that came out of that conversation last month was around 585 01:30:21.690 --> 01:30:33.780 Courtney's Cell: flexibility and adaptability and so pro clean is very focused on the relationship and building the partnership with us. And so there's also a component of the agreement that basically says, 586 01:30:34.800 --> 01:30:44.670 Courtney's Cell: There's the possibility that this contract could be null and void or could be modified based on the pandemic and so we obviously want to maintain the relationship and build that out. 587 01:30:45.480 --> 01:30:49.620 Courtney's Cell: But again, based on all the good dialogue and feedback. We have last month we feel like we're in a good place. 588 01:30:50.160 --> 01:31:01.560 Courtney's Cell: And again, Travis has that in hand, just to do the final review but Maria and I feel like we're in a good place with them with Pro clean following my first meeting so we expect everything to move forward from here. 589 01:31:08.880 --> 01:31:10.080 Javier Lopez-Molina: The last item on the agenda. 590 01:31:17.190 --> 01:31:22.380 Javier Lopez-Molina: Do we have a reason to go into Executive Session. And I don't remember. I don't think so. 591 01:31:24.060 --> 01:31:27.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: But looks like a very tasty piece of corn, you 592 01:31:27.990 --> 01:31:29.130 Courtney's Cell: Have your I wondered 593 01:31:29.250 --> 01:31:37.770 Briar: If we want to bring up that the project plan that would had at the end of gin presentation last time. 594 01:31:39.000 --> 01:31:45.030 Javier Lopez-Molina: That's a good point. Um, so there were a couple pieces of fairly low hanging fruit from 595 01:31:46.470 --> 01:31:48.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: John's work and 596 01:31:50.580 --> 01:31:51.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: I wanted to 597 01:31:52.770 --> 01:32:02.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Talk about tracking some of it. Right. So there's a fair bit that was low hanging fruit right the fingerprinting stuff my complaint procedure. 598 01:32:04.590 --> 01:32:07.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: As well as aligning the job description. So I'm wondering 599 01:32:08.370 --> 01:32:10.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Do we have who's tracking that 600 01:32:18.450 --> 01:32:19.350 Travis Brown: I'll be asking 601 01:32:19.650 --> 01:32:21.450 Travis Brown: On a board. Are you asking the school level. 602 01:32:22.440 --> 01:32:23.100 School 603 01:32:26.700 --> 01:32:30.840 Courtney Russell: I don't know. I don't know that we are yet. Yeah, but how are they, how are they happy to take that on. 604 01:32:34.290 --> 01:32:42.810 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'll be great. Um, there are some items that were for the board and there were some items that I think coordinate were like operational stuff that 605 01:32:44.100 --> 01:32:45.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: I just knock out in 606 01:32:45.900 --> 01:32:49.410 Javier Lopez-Molina: A couple hours or days I don't know exactly how long it would take to like 607 01:32:50.370 --> 01:32:52.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: Write a complaint procedure or fix the 608 01:32:52.020 --> 01:32:53.460 Javier Lopez-Molina: Complaint for support example you know 609 01:32:54.690 --> 01:33:05.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: But let's I think let's revisit some of those action items and maybe we put that into the next board meeting as a follow up section. 610 01:33:13.470 --> 01:33:14.040 Javier Lopez-Molina: Hey, Tom. 611 01:33:17.640 --> 01:33:21.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right, so, uh, yeah. So we would like to track some of those 612 01:33:22.950 --> 01:33:24.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: I know we're tracking on the mission. 613 01:33:27.510 --> 01:33:41.700 Javier Lopez-Molina: Which is the hopefully we'll be able to discuss that at the next board at the next meeting that we have this coming Tuesday, so I know at least that one we've got we've got some time on my walk the dogs. They are whining. 614 01:33:42.510 --> 01:33:43.140 Courtney's Cell: So, 615 01:33:43.290 --> 01:33:50.250 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thanks everybody for good board meeting I officially closed during the board meeting at 814 EVERYONE HAVE A LOVELY EVENING. 616 01:33:51.390 --> 01:33:51.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: To 617 01:33:52.230 --> 01:33:52.860 Everyone 618 01:33:57.120 --> 01:33:57.600 Bye everyone.