WEBVTT 1 00:08:27.180 --> 00:08:27.390 Keyur Shah: What's 2 00:08:42.540 --> 00:08:42.660 Up. 3 00:09:20.610 --> 00:09:21.450 Javier Lopez-Molina: Can everybody hear me. 4 00:09:27.390 --> 00:09:30.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: Can you, can you talk, I just want to make sure because 5 00:09:31.650 --> 00:09:32.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're actually got audio. 6 00:09:34.770 --> 00:09:36.150 Jennifer Clayton: Did you say, Jen. Did you say 7 00:09:36.450 --> 00:09:37.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I suggest. Yeah. 8 00:09:38.850 --> 00:09:46.470 Javier Lopez-Molina: The only reason is because I forward you that the end and I didn't know if like it was forcing us to use the same audio connection, but it seems like a time. So let's not wait 9 00:11:55.110 --> 00:11:57.060 Courtney Russell: I think you're technically set with 10 00:12:01.080 --> 00:12:03.270 Javier Lopez-Molina: Everybody ready to go. 11 00:12:07.080 --> 00:12:07.800 Nikali Jones: Yeah, I'm 12 00:12:09.120 --> 00:12:11.160 Nikali Jones: So sorry. I was just gonna 13 00:12:13.140 --> 00:12:14.400 Javier Lopez-Molina: Say anything important than 14 00:12:16.950 --> 00:12:17.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: Chris so 15 00:13:02.340 --> 00:13:08.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: Pure has been in desperate need of a restart. So I apologize, as it looks like it's 16 00:13:11.850 --> 00:13:12.060 Like 17 00:13:18.570 --> 00:13:18.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright. 18 00:13:23.580 --> 00:13:30.030 Javier Lopez-Molina: Folks here today. I say we begin the meeting the current time is 636 call the meeting to order. 19 00:13:33.510 --> 00:13:38.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Maria, I think you can record all the guests, not forgetting to work out, everybody's name. 20 00:13:42.480 --> 00:13:42.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. 21 00:13:44.610 --> 00:13:45.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: So, 22 00:13:46.890 --> 00:13:59.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: The first item on the agenda is public comments, so I will open up the floor to any public comments will actually know, is this something that I've been meaning to ask. Courtney, this isn't a password protected. 23 00:14:04.200 --> 00:14:13.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Meeting right the zoom meeting should be open to the public and just want to confirm that and make sure that like when we post it we post the link to the 24 00:14:15.150 --> 00:14:15.990 Javier Lopez-Molina: To the zoom meeting. 25 00:14:16.800 --> 00:14:27.720 Courtney Russell: Yes, that's correct. So two different things. Maria post that on the door at the school and then also attend the public portal and both of those include the password. 26 00:14:29.040 --> 00:14:29.550 Courtney Russell: And 27 00:14:32.640 --> 00:14:33.660 Courtney Russell: I think that that's all 28 00:14:35.700 --> 00:14:49.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: I just want to make sure, because we haven't. We've had virtual meetings I think three times now. We haven't had any public anyone from the public. So just wanted to make sure we're making every opportunity to have people 29 00:14:53.850 --> 00:15:00.300 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, so I will open up the floor public comments. Going once, going twice. 30 00:15:02.070 --> 00:15:11.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: For public comments. I will move to the next part of the agenda, which is the ALCS the CPA staff presentation, I will turn it over to Mr. Brown. 31 00:15:12.810 --> 00:15:14.040 Travis Brown: Yes. Good evening, everyone. 32 00:15:16.140 --> 00:15:21.900 Travis Brown: And I would like to introduce everyone to miss Jacqueline Young, who 33 00:15:23.340 --> 00:15:42.240 Travis Brown: Really before I let her go. One of the things when we first met, she said she wanted to be the Teacher of the Year. And when we first met, and I think she lived up to that this year. And I'm really excited to for the board to meet her. She's been with us for a year. 34 00:15:43.350 --> 00:15:52.920 Travis Brown: It was a interesting story. I'll let her tell how she was connected with us before but just really an amazing educator, that really has really 35 00:15:54.030 --> 00:16:02.820 Travis Brown: exceeded expectations and really has a great heart great educator, but even a better person. So without further ado, Miss Jacqueline, yo. 36 00:16:06.030 --> 00:16:15.480 Jacqueline Young: Hi everyone. I hope everyone's doing well. I actually prepared something to share with you. So I will begin. 37 00:16:16.470 --> 00:16:24.540 Jacqueline Young: So obviously, my name is Jacqueline Yun and I think the best way to really introduce myself. And the reason that I am an educator 38 00:16:24.870 --> 00:16:36.930 Jacqueline Young: Is to tell you a little bit about my life so I grew up in the projects on Crotona Avenue with my mother's four siblings and her parents and I went on to attend. 39 00:16:38.250 --> 00:16:48.330 Jacqueline Young: Off the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, which is the title one public school that was actually closed a little after I graduated, because it was failing children. 40 00:16:49.620 --> 00:16:55.170 Jacqueline Young: But not me. They did not feel feel me, at least not under my mother's watch 41 00:16:56.190 --> 00:17:10.890 Jacqueline Young: I scored a 90% on my state math test and and 96% on my state la tasks making me the saluted Horry and at my fifth grade graduation. Yes. Somebody actually beat me by a point in LA, I was pretty upset about it. 42 00:17:12.360 --> 00:17:21.960 Jacqueline Young: But this was no easy feat. My mother made me sit in her office every day after school to do my homework and read books and watch PBS. 43 00:17:22.560 --> 00:17:36.360 Jacqueline Young: And my mother did not mess around. She was a secretary to with attorneys, so I had to sit there and be absolutely quiet and well behaved, or I knew she could lose her job so 44 00:17:36.990 --> 00:17:45.180 Jacqueline Young: You know, after years of listening to her speak to attorneys and clients I became really intrigued with her fields and I admired. My mother. 45 00:17:45.630 --> 00:17:55.860 Jacqueline Young: So much so that when an opportunity came around at my school to take a mock bar exam and work with district attorneys once a week, I was like, all in 46 00:17:56.400 --> 00:18:10.410 Jacqueline Young: I tested out of writing instruction for the remainder of the school year and I was instead taken to Bronx criminal courthouse, where they trained me to prosecute in a courtroom alongside da attorneys. 47 00:18:11.280 --> 00:18:17.100 Jacqueline Young: I was even featured in the local newspaper called the Bronx speak. It's like a really small newspaper. I don't know if you've heard of it. 48 00:18:17.910 --> 00:18:25.050 Jacqueline Young: So this is where my path to law school started. But now here comes the experience that changed my life. 49 00:18:25.830 --> 00:18:33.480 Jacqueline Young: After graduating from that public school. My mother decided to put me in private school. And when I tell you that I cried. 50 00:18:34.140 --> 00:18:46.110 Jacqueline Young: Every single day of the sixth grade. Like, I am not lying, the rigor and the caliber of homework and exams that I received are astronomically more challenging than any of my public school work. 51 00:18:46.860 --> 00:18:56.940 Jacqueline Young: And I wasn't prepared and my mother could no longer support me academically as the topics and subjects that I learned in school became just beyond her abilities. 52 00:18:57.570 --> 00:19:08.490 Jacqueline Young: So of course I didn't let to stop me. I went on to take advanced math courses throughout Middle School, which open doors for me to take advance and AP courses in high school. 53 00:19:09.420 --> 00:19:19.920 Jacqueline Young: Um, and, like, now I'm sure you're probably wondering, what does all this have to do with my current role, I'd be LCS know when I was a senior in college. 54 00:19:20.610 --> 00:19:29.400 Jacqueline Young: I was recruited by Teach for America. And I had never heard of the organization before, but I was intrigued by their mission so 55 00:19:29.880 --> 00:19:38.640 Jacqueline Young: I reflected back on how I had gotten where I was in the middle of State College at this huge university that cost 32,000 a year. 56 00:19:39.120 --> 00:19:44.970 Jacqueline Young: I was double majoring in political science and psychology, I was working 20 hours a week at the dean's office. 57 00:19:45.330 --> 00:19:56.640 Jacqueline Young: And balancing extracurricular activities like being an ADP on pet a lot of counsel a Penn State tour guide and just a lot of other things that I did, um, 58 00:19:57.090 --> 00:20:03.150 Jacqueline Young: And in addition, I had only accumulated 40,000 in student loans throughout my four years. 59 00:20:04.080 --> 00:20:15.330 Jacqueline Young: So when I thought about the leap that I had taken from the projects on Crotona avenue to that day sitting at my desk with just all my thoughts. 60 00:20:15.810 --> 00:20:24.210 Jacqueline Young: I knew that like education had changed my life. So I set all the years aside, I spent working at a law firm through high school and college 61 00:20:24.570 --> 00:20:34.800 Jacqueline Young: My internships at the attorney general's office in New York and in Pennsylvania and all of my restless nights studying for the outset such a hard test. 62 00:20:36.450 --> 00:20:46.020 Jacqueline Young: And I applied to DFA and decided that I would let fate, take me where I should be so I ended up being placed in New York. 63 00:20:46.500 --> 00:20:55.830 Jacqueline Young: And I was set to start teaching at success academies in Harlem. But before I would step into a classroom. Of course there is teacher training. 64 00:20:56.340 --> 00:21:16.470 Jacqueline Young: And I started my teacher training at Summer Institute at Bronx lighthouse. So literally full circle 10 years ago I was teaching, I believe, rising Second or third graders. Um, and so, technically I started teaching at the LCS 10 years ago. 65 00:21:18.030 --> 00:21:27.000 Jacqueline Young: Um, so after Institute. I was a third grade teacher for three years at success academies while I studied at teacher you at Hunter College. 66 00:21:27.390 --> 00:21:40.260 Jacqueline Young: Which is actually now known as the really Graduate School of Education and after my third year at success. I decided that I wanted to pursue my very long standing goal of attending law school. 67 00:21:40.710 --> 00:21:55.740 Jacqueline Young: So I did enroll at Pace University Law, but after my first year I just knew it wasn't the right fit for me, I decided to step back into the world of education and I literally took the first position. I was offered 68 00:21:56.820 --> 00:22:15.930 Jacqueline Young: Right, right, from that experience. So that was a sixth grade teacher at Grand Concourse Academy and clearly I was super excited and thrilled to be back. And now flash forward a few years. I'm just wrapping up my first official year at Bronx lighthouse and my seventh year teaching 69 00:22:17.400 --> 00:22:22.950 Jacqueline Young: I think I've learned a lot along the way from all of the different environments that I've taught in 70 00:22:23.340 --> 00:22:33.690 Jacqueline Young: And from all of the different leaders that have refined, so I practice, but I think this year was especially impactful because we had to navigate through the coven 19 pandemic. 71 00:22:34.410 --> 00:22:44.670 Jacqueline Young: And to be honest, I was just as tough on my kids in our online worlds as I was in real life. When they didn't show up to power hour I called 72 00:22:45.030 --> 00:22:54.390 Jacqueline Young: When they didn't complete an assignment I was disappointed and they knew and when the work wasn't quality I sent it back for revision I'm 73 00:22:54.780 --> 00:23:06.060 Jacqueline Young: Just as tough on them as my mother was on me growing up and everything I do. And I say to them, I learned from my mom and all of the teachers who just 74 00:23:06.630 --> 00:23:19.770 Jacqueline Young: never accepted anything but my very best. And so I do it with love and I do it because I firmly believe that every day. I'm trying my best to give them a private school education, like I had 75 00:23:20.760 --> 00:23:35.790 Jacqueline Young: And also give them the same tough love that my mother gave me and I hope that like one day they'll get the chance to be in like their dorm room sitting at their laptops wondering how they got where they are. And honestly, I hope they think of me. 76 00:23:44.280 --> 00:23:50.400 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thank you. That's awesome. I was trying to figure out where the because I see everyone using this little icon. 77 00:23:51.630 --> 00:23:52.110 Javier Lopez-Molina: There we go. 78 00:23:53.760 --> 00:23:59.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: It's like I think hearing these stories. It's just like, it's really inspiring for us. 79 00:24:02.610 --> 00:24:13.590 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're hoping to make sure we get quality talent and we get people who are all aligned behind the same mission and it's so great to hear. To hear individual stories of 80 00:24:15.270 --> 00:24:21.030 Javier Lopez-Molina: Get to know your best. So, so thank you for talking. I really appreciate it. Thank you. 81 00:24:25.440 --> 00:24:35.100 Nikali Jones: Thank you. Also, I was just wondering, we almost always ask this, but I'm from the board. Is there anything we can do to help support you, particularly during this 82 00:24:35.790 --> 00:24:44.880 Nikali Jones: Crazy time with Kovac or anything that would look forward to the next school year of what you think can help help you succeed even more or help the students 83 00:24:47.190 --> 00:24:47.760 Jacqueline Young: Um, 84 00:24:51.300 --> 00:24:53.610 Jacqueline Young: I don't know exactly. 85 00:24:56.250 --> 00:25:10.530 Jacqueline Young: Anything specific at the moment I feel very well supported as it is. And so it's kind of hard to me hard for me to think of something extra that you guys could do to help me out. Um, but I think that 86 00:25:14.760 --> 00:25:17.790 Jacqueline Young: I don't know, I guess just supporting my leadership team. 87 00:25:18.810 --> 00:25:20.970 Jacqueline Young: So that they could continue to support me 88 00:25:24.870 --> 00:25:31.200 Nikali Jones: Awesome, that's great. Well, just know I appreciate hearing, hearing in your passion comes so so strongly through. It was awesome to hear 89 00:25:32.130 --> 00:25:40.140 Nikali Jones: But just know that we're also here as a as a resource or at least you know you can come in us and we can try to work through what what we can do to help support you guys 90 00:25:42.210 --> 00:25:42.780 Jacqueline Young: Thank you. 91 00:25:46.620 --> 00:25:50.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: So we'll move on to the next item on the agenda, which is board governance. 92 00:25:52.050 --> 00:25:55.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: Does everyone have a chance to review the minutes from the previous meeting. 93 00:25:59.550 --> 00:26:01.320 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'll take silence is golden. 94 00:26:02.940 --> 00:26:18.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think we're voting to approve two minutes so minutes from 521 minutes from 526 we have a emergency session around the naming of the school so I MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM 521 2020 95 00:26:22.350 --> 00:26:41.040 robb@commonbond.co: Maybe there's one small thing. I was hoping he just strike on the minutes. Um, I think he gets a little bit nuanced with the PPP loan. There's a third bullet around forgive ability that I think if everyone's okay with if we just took that bullet out 96 00:26:43.020 --> 00:26:47.910 robb@commonbond.co: It says if the funds are used in accordance with the intent, there's a high level of forgiving ability for the loan. 97 00:26:50.640 --> 00:26:52.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, let's just remember that. Hello. 98 00:26:53.550 --> 00:26:56.070 Javier Lopez-Molina: Maria Do you have access to that document. 99 00:26:57.060 --> 00:26:57.690 Maria Dorsey: Yes, I do. 100 00:27:00.180 --> 00:27:11.430 Javier Lopez-Molina: We'll just make that. So then I am and what I just said to say aye. Motion to approve the meeting minutes from 521 20 with that bullet removed. 101 00:27:18.300 --> 00:27:20.220 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any second everyone's on you. 102 00:27:23.430 --> 00:27:24.660 robb@commonbond.co: Take an emotion here. 103 00:27:25.920 --> 00:27:27.120 Javier Lopez-Molina: It's all in favor 104 00:27:28.020 --> 00:27:28.380 Aye. 105 00:27:32.940 --> 00:27:33.360 Stacy S: Aye. 106 00:27:34.080 --> 00:27:34.530 Aye. 107 00:27:37.980 --> 00:27:43.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: Great. It sounds is I am so let the record show that the most 108 00:27:44.670 --> 00:27:49.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Famously approved move over to the next seven minutes, which is from 526 109 00:27:50.910 --> 00:27:55.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: To one have a chance to look at those. Is there anything that we need to amend and and that sort of minutes. 110 00:28:02.550 --> 00:28:08.580 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. Silence is golden. Again I MOTION TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES FROM 05 26 2020 111 00:28:10.350 --> 00:28:10.860 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Again, 112 00:28:12.150 --> 00:28:12.990 Javier Lopez-Molina: All in favor. 113 00:28:13.680 --> 00:28:14.310 Say, 114 00:28:15.450 --> 00:28:15.930 Stacy S: Aye. 115 00:28:18.660 --> 00:28:25.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. Okay, so let the record show that all the meeting minutes have been unanimously approved. 116 00:28:26.250 --> 00:28:30.810 Javier Lopez-Molina: So move on to the next item on the agenda, which is the innovation award. 117 00:28:33.930 --> 00:28:35.880 Javier Lopez-Molina: And I don't see all my here. 118 00:28:37.170 --> 00:28:43.830 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is that it can anyone else speak to this agenda item or should we move on to the next one. For the Culture Committee. 119 00:28:47.400 --> 00:28:52.620 Javier Lopez-Molina: Right. I think it might be on hold. It's, it's quite alright well we'll keep we'll keep it on the agenda and we'll bring it up next time. 120 00:28:53.190 --> 00:29:09.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: The next item on the agenda is the annual meeting and elections so is something that I have on my agenda, I should never married this but I'm actually going to turn it over to Courtney because she's got the list of things that we need to vote on 121 00:29:11.100 --> 00:29:12.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: Because we need to vote on 122 00:29:15.840 --> 00:29:16.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: So, 123 00:29:17.610 --> 00:29:18.330 Javier Lopez-Molina: Do we have 124 00:29:18.510 --> 00:29:20.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: Anything. Yeah, I think we need to us. 125 00:29:20.820 --> 00:29:21.180 To 126 00:29:22.260 --> 00:29:26.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: There are a couple positions and things that we do to sort of housekeeping notes on 127 00:29:30.930 --> 00:29:43.770 Courtney's cell: Absolutely have here my internet just disconnected and my zoom kicked off. I'm just trying to reconnect. So if I'm not on in the next minute, maybe we jump and then come back, but I'm sure, no problem. 128 00:29:43.800 --> 00:29:48.300 Javier Lopez-Molina: While you're while while we're revamping a little bit. I can also look at my 129 00:29:49.530 --> 00:29:53.850 Javier Lopez-Molina: bottomless pit. That is my inbox and see if I can find 130 00:29:54.960 --> 00:29:55.530 Javier Lopez-Molina: That 131 00:30:02.430 --> 00:30:11.730 Courtney's cell: And I'll restart my computer. The name of the document in Google Docs is the LCS and board term. And if you can get to it before I restart. 132 00:30:28.140 --> 00:30:30.630 Myself a couple minutes to find us. And then I'm gonna 133 00:30:31.860 --> 00:30:32.790 Move on to the next thing. 134 00:30:53.190 --> 00:30:59.490 Courtney's cell: Howdy. I just pulled it up in my Google Docs or send it over to you if that helps in my computer's almost there. 135 00:31:04.920 --> 00:31:06.150 Courtney's cell: And so, I guess, while we're 136 00:31:07.260 --> 00:31:13.050 Courtney's cell: Working through the technical difficulties. Sorry about that, guys. And just to give you all an introduction, basically. 137 00:31:13.920 --> 00:31:26.550 Courtney's cell: Maybe about two years ago or so you all worked with the schools attorney Susan breaks in order to revise the bylaws as a part of that process. You all wrote in that you would have annual 138 00:31:26.550 --> 00:31:32.940 Courtney's cell: Elections. And so basically what has happened is in your bylaws, you have two terms or two classes. 139 00:31:33.540 --> 00:31:45.480 Courtney's cell: You have a number of people who are in class A and those people, their term doesn't expire until next year june of 2021 and then on the other side, we've got some folks in class B. 140 00:31:46.080 --> 00:31:57.390 Courtney's cell: Who are set to expire June 30 and so will be going through the general board positions and selecting those folks will also be reviewing and selecting the officers. 141 00:31:58.590 --> 00:32:07.470 Courtney's cell: Similarly, going through each of the committee's and relaxing the chairs of those committees, we've got some ad hoc work groups. And then finally, there's some business to take care of in terms of 142 00:32:08.730 --> 00:32:21.900 Courtney's cell: To matters with the 1005 building, specifically the Bronx property holding company and the rocks from support Corp. So you'll see all of those items reflected, but just again wanted to give you some background as to why we're doing this today. 143 00:32:23.550 --> 00:32:26.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'm just gonna work. So I'm opening it up. 144 00:32:30.630 --> 00:32:33.060 Javier Lopez-Molina: Just a little bit in a better state than us. 145 00:32:33.240 --> 00:32:34.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: But just a little bit. 146 00:32:37.290 --> 00:32:38.610 Courtney's cell: Not too far from you. 147 00:32:40.410 --> 00:32:41.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay, here we go. 148 00:32:59.760 --> 00:33:09.210 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay, so what what Courtney was just talking about. We have different classes, two different classes and the ones that are up for voting. Here are the ones that are highlighted so 149 00:33:10.350 --> 00:33:11.220 Javier Lopez-Molina: We need to 150 00:33:12.450 --> 00:33:13.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: Renew 151 00:33:13.680 --> 00:33:15.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: Terrence so 152 00:33:16.440 --> 00:33:17.280 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think we just 153 00:33:17.640 --> 00:33:22.260 Javier Lopez-Molina: Coordinate. I think we just, I just make the motion to vote to renew Terrence is a board member right that's 154 00:33:23.790 --> 00:33:26.520 Courtney's cell: Yes, that's correct. So we can go through each of these people. 155 00:33:27.630 --> 00:33:28.260 Courtney's cell: Absolutely. 156 00:33:29.310 --> 00:33:32.700 Javier Lopez-Molina: Right, so I wrote a new task as a board member 157 00:33:33.450 --> 00:33:34.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: After school 158 00:33:38.940 --> 00:33:39.390 Keyur Shah: Second, 159 00:33:43.290 --> 00:33:44.100 Javier Lopez-Molina: All in favor. 160 00:33:45.210 --> 00:33:45.630 Alexandra Abreu: Aye. 161 00:33:49.770 --> 00:33:51.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye vote to sorry I 162 00:33:53.610 --> 00:34:00.480 Javier Lopez-Molina: Wish a bad science it's it's early in the evening I'm emotion to renew the term for Adrian Natalie. 163 00:34:04.260 --> 00:34:04.860 robb@commonbond.co: I second. 164 00:34:05.940 --> 00:34:07.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 165 00:34:08.070 --> 00:34:08.670 Alexandra Abreu: Aye. 166 00:34:08.850 --> 00:34:09.300 Aye. 167 00:34:12.090 --> 00:34:13.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: Adrian our 168 00:34:13.830 --> 00:34:14.310 New 169 00:34:15.960 --> 00:34:20.040 Javier Lopez-Molina: Motion to renew Perry Jones as a board member of the House first 170 00:34:24.390 --> 00:34:24.990 robb@commonbond.co: A second 171 00:34:26.010 --> 00:34:26.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 172 00:34:31.050 --> 00:34:35.820 Javier Lopez-Molina: Emotion to the new interview from Grenada board member of the let the customer school 173 00:34:37.020 --> 00:34:37.560 Briar Thompson: Becky. 174 00:34:38.400 --> 00:34:40.740 Alexandra Abreu: All those in favor, all right. 175 00:34:42.060 --> 00:34:44.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: Mike bucket. These there's gotta be a way to make this more efficient. 176 00:34:46.290 --> 00:34:47.280 Javier Lopez-Molina: Sure that the 177 00:34:47.880 --> 00:34:54.060 Javier Lopez-Molina: Rather than you kind of see the approved I motion to approve a high emotion to 178 00:34:54.120 --> 00:34:54.390 Me. 179 00:34:55.710 --> 00:34:55.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Or 180 00:34:56.460 --> 00:34:58.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: Or position Sarah shock. 181 00:35:05.220 --> 00:35:08.070 Javier Lopez-Molina: I could show that Sarah has been renewed 182 00:35:08.520 --> 00:35:08.670 And 183 00:35:09.690 --> 00:35:11.520 Javier Lopez-Molina: The term for Alexandra Rei 184 00:35:16.110 --> 00:35:16.560 Briar Thompson: River. 185 00:35:19.290 --> 00:35:22.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. Yay. Let the record show that everyone has been renewed 186 00:35:23.730 --> 00:35:25.800 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're down to officer positions. 187 00:35:27.000 --> 00:35:30.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: Just for one year term. Start with the chair. 188 00:35:32.310 --> 00:35:36.120 Javier Lopez-Molina: So first I put it out there. It's. Anyone else have an interest in being the board. 189 00:35:36.690 --> 00:35:37.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'm happy to 190 00:35:38.850 --> 00:35:39.900 Javier Lopez-Molina: Not be worth trying to work. 191 00:35:48.060 --> 00:35:48.570 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright well 192 00:35:48.930 --> 00:35:50.820 Javier Lopez-Molina: Silence is golden. Again, I'm 193 00:35:52.590 --> 00:35:53.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: Emotion to 194 00:35:56.160 --> 00:35:57.120 Javier Lopez-Molina: Renew 195 00:35:59.520 --> 00:36:02.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: The board chair for the 2020 2021 196 00:36:06.990 --> 00:36:07.710 Keyur Shah: I can, I can 197 00:36:08.430 --> 00:36:09.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 198 00:36:10.710 --> 00:36:11.190 Keyur Shah: I 199 00:36:12.570 --> 00:36:13.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let the record show that 200 00:36:14.610 --> 00:36:15.120 Word share 201 00:36:17.700 --> 00:36:19.530 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. Aye. Motion to renew 202 00:36:22.020 --> 00:36:22.380 Javier Lopez-Molina: For 203 00:36:26.580 --> 00:36:27.480 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 204 00:36:28.260 --> 00:36:29.220 Stacy S: Aye. Aye. 205 00:36:36.570 --> 00:36:37.650 Courtney's cell: Aye. Motion to 206 00:36:37.680 --> 00:36:40.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Renew a Sarah Sean shock As the Secretary 207 00:36:41.160 --> 00:36:43.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: Of box that has charter school or 208 00:36:45.060 --> 00:36:45.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any second 209 00:36:47.940 --> 00:36:50.280 Briar Thompson: Second. All those in favor, 210 00:36:51.180 --> 00:36:51.510 I 211 00:36:53.580 --> 00:37:02.040 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let the record show that Sarah has been unanimously approved version to renew rod Coronado as the treasure across like after school board. 212 00:37:03.420 --> 00:37:03.930 Briar Thompson: Second, 213 00:37:05.250 --> 00:37:06.210 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 214 00:37:06.750 --> 00:37:07.140 Hi. 215 00:37:10.050 --> 00:37:10.560 Stacy S: Hi. 216 00:37:11.940 --> 00:37:14.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: Good, thanks though those positions. 217 00:37:16.710 --> 00:37:17.520 Javier Lopez-Molina: Committees. 218 00:37:19.710 --> 00:37:30.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: So the executive committee I motion to reappoint myself and Kelly Sarah and Rob to the executive committee. 219 00:37:31.890 --> 00:37:36.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: And it actually I think we are supposed to have five on this committee. 220 00:37:39.930 --> 00:37:42.660 Courtney's cell: Yes, that's correct. That's what your bylaws read that you should have 221 00:37:44.370 --> 00:37:47.010 Javier Lopez-Molina: Anybody else wants to be on the executive committee. 222 00:37:52.290 --> 00:37:52.710 Keyur Shah: I'm 223 00:37:53.970 --> 00:37:54.330 Keyur Shah: Joined 224 00:37:55.260 --> 00:37:57.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. So we'll put here. 225 00:37:58.050 --> 00:37:58.950 On that list. 226 00:38:00.270 --> 00:38:00.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any second 227 00:38:05.850 --> 00:38:06.210 Courtney's cell: Or sorry, 228 00:38:06.240 --> 00:38:07.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: What I mean there's emotions. 229 00:38:12.750 --> 00:38:15.270 Javier Lopez-Molina: you appoint myself Kelly's 230 00:38:18.990 --> 00:38:19.890 Start a school 231 00:38:21.360 --> 00:38:21.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: Second, 232 00:38:22.890 --> 00:38:24.990 Alexandra Abreu: All those in favor, all right. 233 00:38:27.300 --> 00:38:28.770 Briar Thompson: So that the board is unanimously. 234 00:38:28.770 --> 00:38:29.370 Approved. 235 00:38:30.450 --> 00:38:31.740 Javier Lopez-Molina: By the executive committee. 236 00:38:33.390 --> 00:38:35.400 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, so we now have the 237 00:38:37.020 --> 00:38:39.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: Emotion your point, Rob, Tom. 238 00:38:39.600 --> 00:38:40.620 Javier Lopez-Molina: And gentleman. 239 00:38:40.920 --> 00:38:43.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is there anybody else who wants to join the financing on 240 00:38:45.690 --> 00:38:46.170 Javier Lopez-Molina: A second that 241 00:38:50.370 --> 00:38:51.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: Doesn't want to be on the 242 00:38:51.960 --> 00:38:52.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Committee anymore. 243 00:39:00.780 --> 00:39:04.800 Javier Lopez-Molina: So emotion to reappoint Rob Tom and Joe has to the finance and audit committee. 244 00:39:06.120 --> 00:39:06.570 Courtney's cell: I can't 245 00:39:07.320 --> 00:39:08.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 246 00:39:08.970 --> 00:39:11.130 Stacy S: Price, I 247 00:39:11.820 --> 00:39:14.340 Javier Lopez-Molina: Can show the board has mostly approved. 248 00:39:14.820 --> 00:39:15.840 Maria Dorsey: Who second back 249 00:39:17.940 --> 00:39:18.930 Briar Thompson: Okay. Hey, 250 00:39:19.320 --> 00:39:22.680 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thank you. Back worse. But on top of second thing. All of these 251 00:39:23.580 --> 00:39:24.060 Uh huh. 252 00:39:25.290 --> 00:39:26.190 Briar Thompson: We agree with them. 253 00:39:30.420 --> 00:39:33.060 Javier Lopez-Molina: That's just the education and accountability committee. 254 00:39:34.620 --> 00:39:38.880 Javier Lopez-Molina: Emotion to what before emotion is anybody wants to join. 255 00:39:40.530 --> 00:39:44.100 Javier Lopez-Molina: Now it's the carry Stacey prior Adrian Alexandra. 256 00:39:46.470 --> 00:39:50.970 Nikali Jones: I'm also happy to see the the chair of that committee. If anyone is interested 257 00:39:52.620 --> 00:39:54.270 Nikali Jones: Not happy to, but it's okay. 258 00:40:14.700 --> 00:40:16.410 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I think for now. 259 00:40:16.590 --> 00:40:21.570 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let's since no one stepping forward. Let's keep it with you and 260 00:40:24.300 --> 00:40:24.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: So, 261 00:40:25.830 --> 00:40:26.400 Nikali Jones: Yeah, that's fine. 262 00:40:28.020 --> 00:40:29.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, no, I hear you. 263 00:40:30.900 --> 00:40:41.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay, so in that case let's let me motion to appoint Macquarie Stacy prior Adrian and Alexandra to the education and accountability committee. 264 00:40:44.250 --> 00:40:45.030 Javier Lopez-Molina: You got it, they're 265 00:40:47.070 --> 00:40:48.240 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 266 00:40:49.050 --> 00:40:49.410 Sorry. 267 00:40:52.140 --> 00:40:52.470 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Okay. 268 00:40:53.670 --> 00:40:56.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: But let the record show that the board has approved the education. 269 00:40:58.050 --> 00:40:58.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Committee. 270 00:41:01.110 --> 00:41:02.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: Ad hoc working groups. 271 00:41:06.180 --> 00:41:07.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: We haven't touched these in a while. 272 00:41:10.140 --> 00:41:12.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: Talk about this for a second. Before we do anything. 273 00:41:14.940 --> 00:41:17.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: I anticipate that the CEO support and 274 00:41:17.640 --> 00:41:22.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: Evaluation companies actually going to get some some interesting 275 00:41:23.640 --> 00:41:25.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: Work in the next 276 00:41:25.770 --> 00:41:26.700 Courtney's cell: Couple months. 277 00:41:27.420 --> 00:41:28.290 So, 278 00:41:30.330 --> 00:41:35.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Great. I'm happy with who we have here, I just want to make sure that if anyone wants to be part of this. 279 00:41:36.570 --> 00:41:37.470 Every opportunity. 280 00:41:42.030 --> 00:41:44.370 Javier Lopez-Molina: Interests and tickers so 281 00:41:44.670 --> 00:41:47.490 Keyur Shah: I guess what is that, so what does this work and 282 00:41:57.060 --> 00:42:00.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: He how we support the CEO, that would be Mr. Brown. 283 00:42:02.610 --> 00:42:03.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: How we evaluate. Mr. 284 00:42:10.890 --> 00:42:11.460 Javier Lopez-Molina: You're interested 285 00:42:13.380 --> 00:42:15.270 Keyur Shah: You can add me to that are working are 286 00:42:19.230 --> 00:42:20.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: You still want to be on this working group. 287 00:42:21.630 --> 00:42:21.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: Oh, 288 00:42:24.540 --> 00:42:24.780 Nikali Jones: Yeah. 289 00:42:28.650 --> 00:42:37.530 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right, well then I'm motion to appoint myself and Kelly Rob vilma and here to the CEO support and evaluation. 290 00:42:41.220 --> 00:42:41.580 Second, 291 00:42:45.180 --> 00:42:45.990 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 292 00:42:51.090 --> 00:42:54.750 Javier Lopez-Molina: Of the record show that the board has venomously approve that work. 293 00:42:55.950 --> 00:42:56.370 Javier Lopez-Molina: Um, 294 00:42:57.420 --> 00:43:00.270 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think let's leave the next two 295 00:43:01.440 --> 00:43:09.120 Javier Lopez-Molina: Blanks since they were playing. I thought we had. It's interesting that the school culture is an ad hoc working group. I thought it was a committee. 296 00:43:18.630 --> 00:43:18.990 Javier Lopez-Molina: Well, 297 00:43:19.350 --> 00:43:22.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let's leave it. Let's leave it for now is the school culture ad hoc 298 00:43:22.800 --> 00:43:25.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Working Group. This is Velma Adrian CC and Terrence 299 00:43:27.030 --> 00:43:31.680 Javier Lopez-Molina: Anyone else want to join or anyone want to use this list. 300 00:43:39.210 --> 00:43:48.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. Silence is golden trying to move to this quickly because we got a full night I motion to appoint vilma Adrian Stacy turns to the school culture. Working Group. 301 00:43:50.370 --> 00:43:52.470 Javier Lopez-Molina: Second. All those in favor, 302 00:43:53.160 --> 00:43:54.270 Tom Wethington: Aye. Aye. 303 00:43:56.160 --> 00:43:59.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. Let the record show that the board is unanimously approved the school culture. Working Group. 304 00:44:01.230 --> 00:44:05.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is the Bronx property holding companies. If you recall, this is the company that 305 00:44:08.550 --> 00:44:15.450 Javier Lopez-Molina: Was part of our organization that like manages the. It's like, forgot exactly what it is. Rob, do you know 306 00:44:16.500 --> 00:44:19.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Something that we set up knowing that like own 307 00:44:19.590 --> 00:44:21.570 Javier Lopez-Molina: Part of playing or lease program. 308 00:44:22.470 --> 00:44:24.750 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, it's a management company. 309 00:44:24.930 --> 00:44:27.960 robb@commonbond.co: Tied to the bonds transaction that we set up just 310 00:44:29.220 --> 00:44:31.950 robb@commonbond.co: A structure that enables us if we were ever to get rental 311 00:44:33.450 --> 00:44:37.200 robb@commonbond.co: State that we would be able to take advantage of it. 312 00:44:37.770 --> 00:44:38.070 Right. 313 00:44:39.180 --> 00:44:39.630 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah. 314 00:44:40.560 --> 00:44:44.100 Javier Lopez-Molina: That's right. Alright, so the action here is where we need to 315 00:44:45.990 --> 00:44:50.250 Javier Lopez-Molina: Be approved bit fresher, we need to appoint someone as a secretary and then we need to accept. 316 00:44:50.790 --> 00:45:02.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: We need to accept the resignation of Corey because he's this he's already submitted his resignation, except the resignation of Honduras and accept the resignation of Jerry. So those are the things that are sort of outstanding. 317 00:45:04.860 --> 00:45:06.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: Anybody. Is anybody interested in the 318 00:45:07.560 --> 00:45:15.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: Office. There's absolutely no work to do. Frankly, it's since it's not being really used, but we need to fill the position. 319 00:45:23.760 --> 00:45:24.090 Tom Wethington: Down. 320 00:45:24.840 --> 00:45:26.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: Here we wanted to 321 00:45:27.660 --> 00:45:27.960 Javier Lopez-Molina: Whether 322 00:45:28.380 --> 00:45:29.100 Tom Wethington: You put me down. 323 00:45:29.700 --> 00:45:30.030 Alright. 324 00:45:33.000 --> 00:45:39.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: So let's motion to accept the resignation of Corey Whitaker a secretary of the bronze property holding holding company. 325 00:45:41.580 --> 00:45:41.910 Second, 326 00:45:42.930 --> 00:45:44.070 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 327 00:45:45.180 --> 00:45:45.960 Alexandra Abreu: Aye. 328 00:45:46.410 --> 00:45:50.970 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. All right, let's a motion to accept the resignation of hungry ghosts. 329 00:45:51.990 --> 00:45:54.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: Member of the Bronx property holding company. 330 00:45:55.980 --> 00:45:57.630 Briar Thompson: Second. All those in favor, 331 00:45:58.320 --> 00:45:59.610 Stacy S: Aye. Aye. 332 00:46:00.750 --> 00:46:03.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. Motion to. I could have done. I feel like I could have 333 00:46:03.780 --> 00:46:05.070 Javier Lopez-Molina: Done this all that wants to Sorry guys. 334 00:46:05.940 --> 00:46:12.450 Javier Lopez-Molina: To accept the resignation of Jared Wilson for the Bronx property holding company. 335 00:46:15.390 --> 00:46:15.810 Briar Thompson: Paper. 336 00:46:17.190 --> 00:46:17.610 Keyur Shah: And 337 00:46:18.720 --> 00:46:23.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let the record show that they accepted the resignations of choreography and Jerry 338 00:46:25.860 --> 00:46:29.700 Javier Lopez-Molina: Emotion to a point. Tom as a secretary of the bronze property holding company. 339 00:46:31.260 --> 00:46:33.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: Backing. All those in favor, 340 00:46:33.960 --> 00:46:34.380 Aye. 341 00:46:38.400 --> 00:46:43.800 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. Motion to appoint Rob as a culture of bronze property holding company. 342 00:46:46.920 --> 00:46:47.880 Javier Lopez-Molina: All of those in favor 343 00:46:50.850 --> 00:46:54.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: And emotion to appoint myself as President of the price property holding company. 344 00:46:57.540 --> 00:46:58.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: And paper. 345 00:46:58.800 --> 00:46:59.250 I 346 00:47:00.510 --> 00:47:04.740 Javier Lopez-Molina: Show that myself from and Tom has venomously approved. 347 00:47:06.600 --> 00:47:07.590 Javier Lopez-Molina: Property holding company. 348 00:47:09.120 --> 00:47:11.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: Next company where the next Corporation 349 00:47:13.200 --> 00:47:13.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: We have 350 00:47:16.590 --> 00:47:19.470 Javier Lopez-Molina: Another organization called the Bronx support Corporation 351 00:47:19.770 --> 00:47:22.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: Eric used to be the treasure of this 352 00:47:22.800 --> 00:47:24.240 Javier Lopez-Molina: Since you guys don't have he 353 00:47:24.270 --> 00:47:26.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: Has moved out to Colorado and so we need to 354 00:47:27.030 --> 00:47:33.870 Javier Lopez-Molina: replace him as treasurer. Again, I don't know that there's much on for this role other than 355 00:47:33.960 --> 00:47:35.430 Javier Lopez-Molina: Maybe signing a couple tax. 356 00:47:35.460 --> 00:47:37.410 Javier Lopez-Molina: Documents every once in a while, every year. 357 00:47:39.750 --> 00:47:40.830 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think that's pretty much it. 358 00:47:40.860 --> 00:47:43.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: So is there any interest and 359 00:47:44.700 --> 00:47:47.880 Javier Lopez-Molina: Someone had an interest in the treasure of approximate operation. 360 00:47:53.850 --> 00:47:55.980 Keyur Shah: You can let me down for it. I'm here. 361 00:47:56.940 --> 00:47:57.810 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. Awesome. Okay. 362 00:47:58.920 --> 00:48:03.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I motion to accept Eric Kinsey's resignation from the Bronx support Corporation 363 00:48:05.550 --> 00:48:05.820 Javier Lopez-Molina: And 364 00:48:06.600 --> 00:48:07.620 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 365 00:48:08.010 --> 00:48:08.550 Aye. 366 00:48:09.900 --> 00:48:13.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Aye. Motion to a points here a secretary 367 00:48:15.210 --> 00:48:20.850 Javier Lopez-Molina: Here as Treasurer Courtney a secretary and while I was president of support Corporation 368 00:48:21.960 --> 00:48:23.850 Briar Thompson: Again, learning, I'm learning. 369 00:48:24.300 --> 00:48:25.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 370 00:48:26.040 --> 00:48:26.460 Hi. 371 00:48:28.410 --> 00:48:31.410 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right. Let the record show support as unanimously approved. 372 00:48:32.970 --> 00:48:36.330 Javier Lopez-Molina: And Rob as the as the board of the Brock support Corporation 373 00:48:39.360 --> 00:48:40.530 Javier Lopez-Molina: My friends, 374 00:48:43.230 --> 00:48:44.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let me turn this off. 375 00:48:49.440 --> 00:48:50.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright guys, 376 00:48:50.400 --> 00:48:53.400 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let me look at the agenda. Yeah, exactly. That was, that was 377 00:48:53.670 --> 00:48:54.120 All 378 00:48:55.980 --> 00:49:00.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: But also felt productive. Okay, so the next item on the agenda. 379 00:49:01.920 --> 00:49:02.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is 380 00:49:06.090 --> 00:49:10.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: orrick I'm going to turn it over to Courtney to give us the work update 381 00:49:12.510 --> 00:49:19.680 Courtney's cell: Sure thing. Thanks, Javier. So just a quick update this is no action needed at this time, but a two minute update. I've been working with 382 00:49:20.130 --> 00:49:30.090 Courtney's cell: Allison radicchio or a close bond council on the 1005 interval Avenue deal. And I just wanted to give you a heads up the board that there will be 383 00:49:30.450 --> 00:49:38.040 Courtney's cell: A number of things that need to happen in the month of July related to the transition. I was hoping we would have them for you tonight, hence the placeholder on the agenda. 384 00:49:38.670 --> 00:49:47.790 Courtney's cell: But she basically said that what's going to need to happen is will replace the soul member of the LLC from the school number to be the support core 385 00:49:48.390 --> 00:49:57.510 Courtney's cell: So there's going to need to be a review by both on council and then our council and opinions delivered a whole bunch of legal stuff. And so essentially just wanted to let you know there will be some 386 00:49:57.840 --> 00:50:02.400 Courtney's cell: Additional action required at the July meeting just in relation to the transition of the school. 387 00:50:06.000 --> 00:50:07.110 Courtney's cell: Coordinator that's tied to the 388 00:50:07.110 --> 00:50:09.120 robb@commonbond.co: transition away from 389 00:50:09.990 --> 00:50:11.880 robb@commonbond.co: La che not to the name change. 390 00:50:13.950 --> 00:50:27.240 Courtney's cell: There's both. So it's the transition away from the school and then in terms of the name change and I'll send this to you and Javier in here if I got the elections that just happened correctly, but there will also need to be 391 00:50:28.860 --> 00:50:36.060 Courtney's cell: Some work around the name change and the structure of each LLC and information about the officers and signatories, and I did share with her. 392 00:50:37.110 --> 00:50:47.130 Courtney's cell: With Allison. The elections we were having tonight and she didn't have any feedback. So hopefully that aligns with what I'll be looking for get especially getting those old numbers cleaned up and the positions filled 393 00:50:55.890 --> 00:50:56.520 Javier Lopez-Molina: The other 394 00:50:56.820 --> 00:50:59.070 Javier Lopez-Molina: We don't need to vote on that. That's just like an inform 395 00:51:00.630 --> 00:51:05.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: The next item on the agenda is the dissemination agent which is sounds like 396 00:51:05.790 --> 00:51:06.420 Courtney's cell: A toxic. 397 00:51:06.630 --> 00:51:07.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thing that we should be worried about 398 00:51:10.260 --> 00:51:23.160 Courtney's cell: So I know somewhat related know with the 1005 interval Avenue john fan from urban future to weather financial advisor in the deal has left urban futures and he's what now with his own company camp and I'll 399 00:51:23.760 --> 00:51:35.550 Courtney's cell: Interestingly, he told me the story of the camp and I'll name and the inspiration from White House, actually. So he's quite fond of the LCS and the work that he did with us. But anyway, he's 400 00:51:36.870 --> 00:51:43.290 Courtney's cell: Offered to continue to partner with us or we could stay with urban futures. My suggestion. Just because john is 401 00:51:43.950 --> 00:51:53.280 Courtney's cell: The person who knew us throughout the deal and really is expert in the charter school landscape, I would encourage us to stay with him. I think I mentioned this to rob and he was also in favor 402 00:51:53.940 --> 00:52:03.090 Courtney's cell: After you know having gotten to know rock john and so there's no volt needed, but it is just to let you know a change in the dissemination agents. So when we're 403 00:52:03.390 --> 00:52:17.970 Courtney's cell: Doing our quarterly recording and a number of other things we'd be switching to a new company, but essentially saying with the same person. So again, just a quick FYI. If there's any concerns. I'm certainly happy to hear them. But otherwise, and they'll be a really small in good condition. 404 00:52:19.830 --> 00:52:22.440 Recording. Thank you very much. Thank you. 405 00:52:23.490 --> 00:52:24.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: Are there any questions on that. 406 00:52:27.480 --> 00:52:27.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: No. 407 00:52:29.940 --> 00:52:31.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: item on the agenda is 408 00:52:32.580 --> 00:52:35.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: To me charter school board strategy meeting. 409 00:52:35.850 --> 00:52:39.810 Javier Lopez-Molina: So this, there's a link here in the agenda for today, all I 410 00:52:40.170 --> 00:52:51.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: Highly recommend that the board, fill it out because we need to be on this in this meeting. It is basically the meeting to about the strategy for the school to think about what the Charter is 411 00:52:51.840 --> 00:52:53.850 Javier Lopez-Molina: Going to look like for the new school as we're rebranding the 412 00:52:53.850 --> 00:52:54.360 Charter. 413 00:52:55.530 --> 00:53:06.720 Javier Lopez-Molina: And you know Chen will be talking about why we're doing this and why we're thinking about this when she gives her her presentation, but the idea here is there's a lot of language. 414 00:53:07.680 --> 00:53:09.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: Turner's fairly old and 415 00:53:10.320 --> 00:53:20.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: We haven't really taken a good look at updating it to align with the practices that we have right now our philosophies right now in the philosophies of Mr. Brown and the leadership. 416 00:53:21.030 --> 00:53:28.830 Javier Lopez-Molina: And it's a good opportunity for us to do that and to make sure that the things that we're doing on the ground all align with the Charter so that we've got 417 00:53:29.520 --> 00:53:38.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: Now a tree of life that whenever someone says, oh, should I be doing this, should I be doing look Charter and the traders that guiding document. So right now, our charter says things around. 418 00:53:40.020 --> 00:53:48.300 Javier Lopez-Molina: Arts and fusion, which aren't necessarily happening. And we're kind of ambivalent around at the moment but like like to see things from white house so 419 00:53:48.900 --> 00:54:00.060 Javier Lopez-Molina: I highly recommend everybody take a look at the film out, make sure that you can get some times on there so that we're able to be at this meeting together and work on this together. 420 00:54:01.500 --> 00:54:04.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'll give you a couple minutes right now. 421 00:54:06.030 --> 00:54:07.110 Javier Lopez-Molina: Because it's that important. 422 00:54:09.060 --> 00:54:19.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: If you haven't done it yet. It's on. And I'll show you exactly where it is super easy like ready. Hold on, I can see how technology is for me. I'm able to share my screen. 423 00:54:30.630 --> 00:54:31.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: See the agenda. 424 00:54:38.970 --> 00:54:40.320 Javier Lopez-Molina: Good CC 425 00:54:42.450 --> 00:54:47.340 robb@commonbond.co: Um, one thing I noted as I filled it out, have ears it I don't 426 00:54:49.290 --> 00:54:52.260 robb@commonbond.co: Even even with all of the options there might be hard to find. 427 00:54:52.740 --> 00:54:55.050 robb@commonbond.co: Date one one thought I had, I don't know if it's 428 00:54:55.140 --> 00:54:56.430 robb@commonbond.co: Want to spend any time on it here. 429 00:54:56.430 --> 00:54:56.700 Briar Thompson: But 430 00:54:57.030 --> 00:55:00.630 robb@commonbond.co: If we did something like truly before the start of the working day 431 00:55:01.110 --> 00:55:01.470 Like 432 00:55:02.490 --> 00:55:07.020 robb@commonbond.co: Like an eight o'clock type of thing. If that might be easier to schedule. 433 00:55:08.850 --> 00:55:09.750 Javier Lopez-Molina: The idea. I think 434 00:55:10.590 --> 00:55:11.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're gonna do too. 435 00:55:12.840 --> 00:55:14.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: So there's going to be two sessions, not just one. 436 00:55:15.390 --> 00:55:16.800 Javier Lopez-Molina: So, um, 437 00:55:18.300 --> 00:55:21.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: But yeah, you're right. I mean, maybe we can add an eight o'clock. If we don't 438 00:55:21.420 --> 00:55:22.740 Javier Lopez-Molina: If we there's 439 00:55:24.690 --> 00:55:26.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: difficulty finding time 440 00:55:36.480 --> 00:55:40.230 robb@commonbond.co: Maybe, maybe we don't complicate things and just see see where we land with the existing doodle. 441 00:55:42.720 --> 00:55:44.760 Javier Lopez-Molina: I love getting up for eight o'clock meetings. 442 00:55:47.340 --> 00:55:47.940 Javier Lopez-Molina: My favorite 443 00:55:48.960 --> 00:55:50.820 Javier Lopez-Molina: That in like 11 O'clock meetings. 444 00:55:52.410 --> 00:55:54.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: With a PM. Alright, anyway, so 445 00:55:56.100 --> 00:56:00.240 Javier Lopez-Molina: I can move on while I'm talking you guys continue filling out the doodle. Yeah. 446 00:56:02.010 --> 00:56:10.380 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. Um, the next item on the agenda is the follow up items. I actually think we have any follow up items for coordinating will remind me. 447 00:56:12.990 --> 00:56:13.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Where she's still there. 448 00:56:14.880 --> 00:56:15.810 Javier Lopez-Molina: No, man. Thank you. 449 00:56:16.680 --> 00:56:17.340 Courtney's cell: Oh, sorry. I 450 00:56:17.760 --> 00:56:18.210 Courtney's cell: Didn't see that 451 00:56:19.350 --> 00:56:28.170 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right, so then the next item on the agenda. And by the way, we are almost an hour early and I know just to check to justice by saying that but the next item on the agenda is the 452 00:56:29.010 --> 00:56:40.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: LCS packs and we have to get used to seeing that acronym packs directive. So this is to remind you, the consulting work Jennifer quaintness been doing for us. 453 00:56:42.960 --> 00:56:52.170 Javier Lopez-Molina: So yeah, so I'll turn it over to Jennifer to talk about the project and give us the insights that she's been pulling from it. 454 00:56:57.300 --> 00:56:57.840 Jennifer Clayton: So I am 455 00:56:58.980 --> 00:56:59.940 Jennifer Clayton: I'm muting here. 456 00:57:01.410 --> 00:57:04.620 Jennifer Clayton: How do I share my screen. I don't see the thing now all of a sudden 457 00:57:07.710 --> 00:57:09.360 Courtney's cell: A little green box at the bottom. 458 00:57:10.140 --> 00:57:10.650 Courtney's cell: In the middle 459 00:57:12.960 --> 00:57:14.100 Courtney's cell: Yeah, thank you. 460 00:57:16.470 --> 00:57:16.950 Jennifer Clayton: All right. 461 00:57:18.600 --> 00:57:21.630 Jennifer Clayton: So can everybody see a PowerPoint right now. 462 00:57:25.710 --> 00:57:30.870 Jennifer Clayton: Excellent. You can tell I'm from education because I just said PowerPoint instead of slide deck. 463 00:57:34.230 --> 00:57:46.590 Jennifer Clayton: So yeah, so we did the gap analysis at the last board meeting, I gave sort of the preliminary update. And so now we're pretty much at the end of the gap analysis and on to the recommendations. 464 00:57:47.130 --> 00:57:56.490 Jennifer Clayton: So I'm going to be able to share with you some of the gaps that we found. And then some potential solutions. So just for a recap for those of you who weren't here last time. 465 00:57:57.510 --> 00:58:03.690 Jennifer Clayton: The school wanted to identify gaps that needed to be addressed in order to meet or exceed a charter goals and obtain a five year renewal. 466 00:58:05.550 --> 00:58:20.970 Jennifer Clayton: The way that we went about this was we did some document reviews and leadership team interviews from April to June this documents that we requested were the same documents that are required for the renewal process and for the annual comprehensive review every year in January, February. 467 00:58:22.290 --> 00:58:30.000 Jennifer Clayton: Some of the documents were not available or not found somewhere incomplete, meaning that some of the potential gaps that I'm going to mention 468 00:58:31.080 --> 00:58:37.770 Jennifer Clayton: May not be as big of gaps, because there may be documents that can help fill in some of the blanks for us. 469 00:58:39.690 --> 00:58:48.570 Jennifer Clayton: When we did interviews we did interviews with just the leadership team. We did not do teacher interviews, this time for the for the teacher input we looked at the school surveys 470 00:58:50.280 --> 00:59:03.840 Jennifer Clayton: But for the interviews we asked, What practices do you currently use in order to promote student achievement. How do you select those practices develop them and implement them and then what supports are in place to ensure that your staff and students are successful. 471 00:59:05.880 --> 00:59:10.950 Jennifer Clayton: So to do that we talked to Mr. Brown five times, Miss savage four times. 472 00:59:12.270 --> 00:59:23.580 Jennifer Clayton: The instructional coaches, which you guys called directors of teacher leadership Lizzie Pierce Kevin golden and Aaron Kim and then the director of college and career advising Stephanie Angeles and then Courtney 473 00:59:27.720 --> 00:59:36.750 Jennifer Clayton: So just a quick recap, the Department of Education has an accountability framework to guide the Charter renewal process. So during that framework. They're asking three questions. 474 00:59:37.020 --> 00:59:52.020 Jennifer Clayton: Is the school and academic success is the school effective and well run and is the school financially viable be LCS rated demonstrated number three at the last renewal and then partially demonstrated number one and number two. 475 00:59:54.810 --> 01:00:03.540 Jennifer Clayton: For the renewal. History The do he has short term renewals and long term renewals and so the forest. The last for renewals were a short term renewals 476 01:00:04.650 --> 01:00:11.370 Jennifer Clayton: And we're currently in the middle of a three year renewal process so that will end in the 2021 22 school year. 477 01:00:13.800 --> 01:00:18.900 Jennifer Clayton: So looking at this, it would be a nice goal to be able to say, the next one is going to be a five year renewal. 478 01:00:22.740 --> 01:00:26.400 Jennifer Clayton: From the annual comprehensive review that the Department of Education does 479 01:00:27.780 --> 01:00:31.380 Jennifer Clayton: They graph the school's impact and performance over time. 480 01:00:32.610 --> 01:00:40.080 Jennifer Clayton: And so this is the graph of that. So from left to right, is the impact which is based on the school's results. I keep clicking off. 481 01:00:40.890 --> 01:00:49.290 Jennifer Clayton: Thing based on how the school compared to its comparison group of similar students and for that they use test scores disability status and economic need 482 01:00:50.220 --> 01:01:05.430 Jennifer Clayton: So from left to right, the right side is higher impact the left side is lower impact from bottom to top is the school's performance, which is based on how the school's results compared to the city wide average. So that does not adjust for the incoming student factors. 483 01:01:06.840 --> 01:01:13.710 Jennifer Clayton: So over time, what we want to see improvement in is we want to see the school move from the bottom left corner to the top right corner. 484 01:01:14.250 --> 01:01:28.050 Jennifer Clayton: A school in the upper right corner performed above the comparison group and above the city wide average. So looking at this graph, you can see that the lower Academy, which is an orange has actually improved year over year. 485 01:01:29.520 --> 01:01:34.230 Jennifer Clayton: And then the CPA, which is in blue has kind of hung around in the same spot recently. 486 01:01:35.280 --> 01:01:42.390 Jennifer Clayton: But based on what we see from the lower Academy with Mr. Brown in place. I expect to see that the CPA is going to increase in the next year or two. 487 01:01:45.420 --> 01:01:49.770 Jennifer Clayton: The gray dots in the background are all of the other schools. 488 01:01:51.180 --> 01:01:53.340 Jennifer Clayton: So the ones at the very top right corner. 489 01:01:56.370 --> 01:01:57.990 Jennifer Clayton: Those are Success Academy 490 01:02:03.420 --> 01:02:09.150 Jennifer Clayton: So when we started the gap analysis, we were originally looking at charter adherence and then we found that the Charter. 491 01:02:09.630 --> 01:02:18.270 Jennifer Clayton: Needed to be updated so we kind of switched our focus and just looked at gaps that would be related to obtaining the renewal, regardless of what's actually in the Charter. 492 01:02:19.560 --> 01:02:35.460 Jennifer Clayton: So the gaps that we found could be categorized into three different buckets. So the first bucket was operations which consists of policies and procedures, how data is collected and used at the school, the tools and technologies that employees use to do their jobs. 493 01:02:36.690 --> 01:02:42.660 Jennifer Clayton: The second bucket was talent management, which is employee hiring training, coaching and performance evaluation. 494 01:02:43.290 --> 01:02:56.400 Jennifer Clayton: And then the last bucket was board and leadership. So for that bucket. That's where we looked at charter adherence, Department of Education accountability communication branding and innovation and then any special projects that are going on right now. 495 01:02:58.320 --> 01:03:05.160 Jennifer Clayton: So I'll start by sharing the gaps and then after we've got all the gaps out there. Then we'll go over some recommendations. 496 01:03:06.030 --> 01:03:13.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: Might happen real quick. I just want to go through the gaps for anybody has questions about the gaps clarifying questions. 497 01:03:14.850 --> 01:03:16.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: Please feel free to ask 498 01:03:19.140 --> 01:03:21.750 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, definitely. This is this is good when it's interactive 499 01:03:24.900 --> 01:03:32.580 Jennifer Clayton: So starting with the operations gap. The first one we talked about at the last board meeting is the director of the school mission, vision and values from day to day operations. 500 01:03:32.880 --> 01:03:41.370 Jennifer Clayton: And I think Javier summarize that you know tonight earlier in a really good way the Charter is the heart and soul of the school. So ultimately 501 01:03:42.240 --> 01:03:49.590 Jennifer Clayton: You want to be in alignment with that charter and there is a risk of losing that charter. If you are in violation of it. 502 01:03:49.980 --> 01:03:57.210 Jennifer Clayton: So the Department of Education has some processes in place to follow. If you want to update your charter or make certain revisions to the Charter. 503 01:03:58.080 --> 01:04:08.160 Jennifer Clayton: So the other thing that the Charter does, and especially just having a clear mission, vision and values. Is it guides all of your decision making and all of your resources so everyone can be working toward the same goals. 504 01:04:10.380 --> 01:04:27.300 Jennifer Clayton: The second gap that we found was in curriculum at the time of last renewal, there were 51 academic goals that were not met. And so we wanted to take a look at the curriculum to see if there were things that we could do to improve those academic performance goals. 505 01:04:28.710 --> 01:04:40.500 Jennifer Clayton: So what we found was the school is kind of been in emerging in the curriculum area. So at one point the teachers were developing their own curriculum. And so we're kind of in transition from 506 01:04:40.980 --> 01:04:48.090 Jennifer Clayton: The teachers are no longer all developing their own some curriculum has been installed on their curriculum is being researched at the moment. 507 01:04:49.200 --> 01:04:55.110 Jennifer Clayton: So from K to 12 there are different states of sophistication in terms of what curriculum is available to the teachers. 508 01:04:56.910 --> 01:05:06.000 Jennifer Clayton: So when we think about the curriculum, we want to think about it in two ways. One is, is the curriculum sufficient to meet the Department of Education Standards 509 01:05:07.170 --> 01:05:17.790 Jennifer Clayton: And then if you want to keep college prep as part of your mission, then you might have to go beyond the do we standards in order to get to that college prep level. 510 01:05:19.950 --> 01:05:27.450 Jennifer Clayton: The other thing that we found about curriculum is because many of the teachers, our first year teachers and have never been trained as teachers. 511 01:05:28.740 --> 01:05:36.840 Jennifer Clayton: Some of the curriculum is a little bit more difficult for them in terms of complexity. So when you've got new teachers, there's certain curriculum that's really 512 01:05:37.440 --> 01:05:40.920 Jennifer Clayton: Straightforward and very easy to implement it doesn't have a lot of moving parts. 513 01:05:41.520 --> 01:05:54.840 Jennifer Clayton: And then some of the curriculum that's currently in place at the school is very complex. So there's a lot of things to keep track of a lot of decisions to make a lot of things to pull together. So it's harder for newer teachers to follow those types of curriculum. 514 01:05:57.360 --> 01:05:58.980 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions so far about curriculum. 515 01:06:01.980 --> 01:06:02.130 Okay. 516 01:06:03.450 --> 01:06:06.840 Jennifer Clayton: The third thing was academic interventions during the interviews. 517 01:06:08.430 --> 01:06:21.870 Jennifer Clayton: What we were looking for was an idea of what kind of interventions are in place. What kind of system is in place to help struggling students and then it does that system meet sort of the best practices in in the response to intervention realm. 518 01:06:23.160 --> 01:06:28.440 Jennifer Clayton: And so what we found was some of the steps were missing tied to how to identify where the problems are 519 01:06:28.980 --> 01:06:34.590 Jennifer Clayton: And then how to select the effective interventions based on where the identified problem was 520 01:06:35.370 --> 01:06:46.980 Jennifer Clayton: And then one of the other things that came out was that some of the interventions are not effective, so that students we're not moving up from, you know, needing support to getting to the, the general part of the classroom. 521 01:06:49.260 --> 01:06:59.730 Jennifer Clayton: The graduation coach also connected this to earning credits toward graduation and she noted that some students when they get a certain level behind. Then they tend to leave the school. 522 01:07:03.960 --> 01:07:14.640 Jennifer Clayton: The next gaps. The next two gaps in operations are pretty easy. They were both flag that the last renewal of gaps. So the first one is fingerprint clearance 523 01:07:15.570 --> 01:07:25.710 Jennifer Clayton: What the deal we wants to see is that fingerprint clearances received before employees start. And what we found was some employees were starting prior to receiving Clarence 524 01:07:27.120 --> 01:07:38.640 Jennifer Clayton: Mr. Brown clarified for us that some of the problem was related to the connection with Teach for America. And then some of the problem was also trying to get teachers into training. 525 01:07:39.930 --> 01:07:44.880 Jennifer Clayton: Quickly, so that they might be in a training setting that's not in front of students. 526 01:07:45.720 --> 01:07:56.820 Jennifer Clayton: Before they have their fingerprint Clarence, but then he's he's thinking that when we look at the data close more closely, we might find that once school starts and students are actually on campus. Then they have their clearance in place. 527 01:07:59.190 --> 01:08:07.740 Jennifer Clayton: The second one was the complaint procedure. So the school is complaint procedure should have a way that parents and staff and families can can complain 528 01:08:08.490 --> 01:08:19.680 Jennifer Clayton: At the school level, the board level and then the authorized or level, which is the Department of Education level. So at the last renewal they flagged that the complaint procedure was missing the authorized or 529 01:08:23.610 --> 01:08:25.770 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions about the operations gaps. 530 01:08:30.480 --> 01:08:32.340 Tom Wethington: Say hey this is Tom, how are you 531 01:08:32.760 --> 01:08:33.330 Tom Wethington: I'm 532 01:08:33.720 --> 01:08:34.650 Tom Wethington: Good, good. Um, 533 01:08:34.830 --> 01:08:36.600 Tom Wethington: So I was a question on a 534 01:08:36.990 --> 01:08:47.280 Tom Wethington: Two and three. So thank you for so for to I, from what I understood it, you view the complexity, so to speak, of the curriculum as the as the hard part for new teachers to 535 01:08:47.940 --> 01:08:56.370 Tom Wethington: To kind of acquire, um, do you think that that is truly a curriculum problem, or do you think that that is an onboarding slash professional develop 536 01:08:57.120 --> 01:08:58.830 Jennifer Clayton: Hmm. Good question. 537 01:09:00.870 --> 01:09:03.030 Jennifer Clayton: I think it's a little bit of both. I think 538 01:09:04.620 --> 01:09:21.300 Jennifer Clayton: If you are going to purposely hire brand new teachers who have never been in a classroom before then you need to provide curriculum that's easy for them to implement if you are able to hire more seasoned teachers I would always recommend hiring more season teachers. 539 01:09:24.780 --> 01:09:25.590 Tom Wethington: So okay, so 540 01:09:28.800 --> 01:09:29.130 Tom Wethington: Okay. 541 01:09:29.730 --> 01:09:33.870 Tom Wethington: So there's a disk. So you would say that there's a disconnect between hiring practices and 542 01:09:34.140 --> 01:09:39.960 Tom Wethington: The curriculum that's in place in terms of what's what's able to easily be acquired versus not. Yes. 543 01:09:39.990 --> 01:09:41.850 Tom Wethington: Yes. Yeah, yeah. 544 01:09:41.940 --> 01:09:42.270 Tom Wethington: And then 545 01:09:43.080 --> 01:09:51.120 Tom Wethington: And then for three. I'm like, What did you do any deep dives into whether it's the selection of the intervention. 546 01:09:51.180 --> 01:09:58.950 Tom Wethington: Or more, so like the evaluation of the of the scholars specific context. I don't want to call it like diagnosis of the problem, because it's not like 547 01:09:58.980 --> 01:10:00.660 Tom Wethington: Yeah, medical necessarily right but 548 01:10:01.200 --> 01:10:02.250 Tom Wethington: Like is it I'm 549 01:10:02.970 --> 01:10:11.070 Tom Wethington: Like, like the why is the intervention struggling. Is it is it an onsite diagnosis problem, so to speak, or is it the, what do we do with that afterwards. 550 01:10:12.060 --> 01:10:18.600 Jennifer Clayton: It's a little bit of both. So the model is missing certain things that that more mature RTI programs have 551 01:10:19.410 --> 01:10:23.670 Jennifer Clayton: So like for example, one of the analyses. When you look at your student performance data. 552 01:10:24.270 --> 01:10:29.490 Jennifer Clayton: Mature RTI programs will look at the data and they'll be able to go through a decision making process to see 553 01:10:29.850 --> 01:10:36.870 Jennifer Clayton: Is this a school level problem. Is it a grade level problem. Is it a classroom level problem or is it a student level problem. 554 01:10:37.410 --> 01:10:44.340 Jennifer Clayton: And then the next step if you identify that it's a student level problem. The next question is, is it a can't do problem or won't do problem. 555 01:10:44.940 --> 01:10:52.620 Jennifer Clayton: Is that a motivation problem, whereas scale problem. So when I was asking the instructional coaches about their RTI process and how they're making these 556 01:10:53.010 --> 01:11:02.070 Jennifer Clayton: Other identifying where the problem is. And then how they're treating the problem. I wasn't finding that level of analysis present in their answers. 557 01:11:04.170 --> 01:11:13.140 Jennifer Clayton: So part of it is identifying you know where the problem is. And then once you can accurately identify where the problem is. Then you can figure out a solution that's going to be more effective. 558 01:11:13.650 --> 01:11:30.690 Jennifer Clayton: So currently, what's happening is all of the students sort of received two blocks of instruction. One is the on grade level block and then the next block is the intervention block. So if they're behind they're getting a second set of intervention, but it might not necessarily be as targeted. 559 01:11:34.560 --> 01:11:34.770 Jennifer Clayton: Sure. 560 01:11:35.730 --> 01:11:41.760 Alexandra Abreu: Hi. Oh, this is our job. I have a question. In terms of the curriculum. I know. 561 01:11:42.900 --> 01:11:57.660 Alexandra Abreu: You mentioned that I'm part of the curriculum is is a mix of problem, like in some is because is the teachers have to curriculum teachers not having the curriculum. 562 01:11:59.280 --> 01:12:07.170 Alexandra Abreu: Others are like following particular curriculum or the curriculum too hard to, um, 563 01:12:08.550 --> 01:12:13.350 Alexandra Abreu: The thought by new teacher. So it's like different levels of 564 01:12:15.030 --> 01:12:24.390 Alexandra Abreu: Curriculum. I just wanted to know if there's like more on one side and the other like it's more like 565 01:12:25.560 --> 01:12:39.660 Alexandra Abreu: I'm offer Academy of like having trouble with the curriculum or more of like teachers, doing your own curriculum or is it, like is it make it more than one than the other or is it 566 01:12:41.370 --> 01:12:46.350 Alexandra Abreu: More of a particular problem with the curriculum one or the other. 567 01:12:46.830 --> 01:12:59.580 Jennifer Clayton: That's a great question. In the lower Academy, the math and science product goes from K through eight. So it's the same product. So it's going to align for all of those nine grade levels. 568 01:13:00.000 --> 01:13:12.600 Jennifer Clayton: So that's a higher level of sophistication and it's easier to follow for the teachers as well. So I would say that's pretty good to go in K through eight la 569 01:13:13.680 --> 01:13:21.390 Jennifer Clayton: What they're doing is they're sort of piecing together a lot of different curriculum products and then they're developing their own in order to fill in the blanks. 570 01:13:21.840 --> 01:13:31.290 Jennifer Clayton: So what I would like to see in the LA is to find a strong core curriculum that can be used for the majority of those lower grades. 571 01:13:31.710 --> 01:13:43.050 Jennifer Clayton: And then add a supplemental curriculum. If you need additional intervention or if you have additional blanks to fill in. So the LA in the lower area. 572 01:13:43.920 --> 01:14:03.480 Jennifer Clayton: I know Lizzie Pierce is the detail there. And I know she has big plans this summer to find good curriculum and to try to build out what that looks like. So that's where it's both curriculum in K through eight LA is both missing. And it's also difficult to follow in the CPA. 573 01:14:05.250 --> 01:14:14.850 Jennifer Clayton: Which is bit behind in terms of not having had the benefit of Travis as the principal there. Um, there's many of the teachers, I think, are still using their own 574 01:14:15.300 --> 01:14:27.480 Jennifer Clayton: And they're just starting to look at curriculum that goes across the grade levels are across subject level. So I wouldn't say the difficulty is a problem at the CP, but I would say the availability of good curriculum. 575 01:14:28.800 --> 01:14:29.460 Jennifer Clayton: In that level. 576 01:14:30.720 --> 01:14:31.020 Alexandra Abreu: And 577 01:14:32.220 --> 01:14:39.960 Alexandra Abreu: And I guess the other question is, it goes to say wait for that intervention, um, is it like 578 01:14:41.490 --> 01:14:54.450 Alexandra Abreu: How like the more one area school down the other, or is it like pretty much the same problem. That's like the intervention path is knocking for both 579 01:14:56.070 --> 01:14:58.020 Jennifer Clayton: That's a good question. Um, 580 01:15:01.170 --> 01:15:22.800 Jennifer Clayton: If we look at last the last renewal report la was flagged as a gap. And when we look at it based on last year's test results state test results LA is still a gap. So what we're seeing is, we're seeing lower scores in K through eight and then in high school, um, 581 01:15:24.090 --> 01:15:31.050 Jennifer Clayton: I don't know if the scores are still low by the time they get to to the Common Core English exam or not, I would have to look that one up. 582 01:15:32.460 --> 01:15:43.020 Jennifer Clayton: The stem coach in the CPA did mention that she does have some students coming to them in 10th and 11th grade who are still missing some of the basic skills that they should have learned prior to ninth grade. 583 01:15:43.770 --> 01:15:57.600 Jennifer Clayton: So according to her. And that's, you know, this is the this is her anecdotal evidence that she she hasn't shown me the data on this or anything, but it does sound like there are probably some gaps that are carrying on through the continuum upgrades. 584 01:16:04.560 --> 01:16:06.810 Jennifer Clayton: Did that answer the question about that intervention. 585 01:16:13.980 --> 01:16:18.900 Alexandra Abreu: Part of a like probably the tabs from nowhere. It's 586 01:16:20.100 --> 01:16:32.400 Alexandra Abreu: Affecting the upper grades. Um, but I just wanted to know in terms of light that intervention itself when you're saying, well, there was no clear I'm 587 01:16:34.110 --> 01:16:42.210 Alexandra Abreu: Already I'm reading it that there's no clear path of how students are getting intervention is that, um, 588 01:16:42.900 --> 01:16:43.350 Well, you know, 589 01:16:45.570 --> 01:16:46.170 I don't think 590 01:16:47.370 --> 01:16:51.630 Jennifer Clayton: We're getting extra instruction, if they're struggling in a specific area. 591 01:16:53.130 --> 01:17:01.350 Jennifer Clayton: But I just think that we can take it to the next level by doing more diagnosis to figure out what exactly is causing the struggle to begin with. 592 01:17:02.550 --> 01:17:02.730 Well, 593 01:17:03.840 --> 01:17:04.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: You're 594 01:17:05.820 --> 01:17:08.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: Saying that it doesn't make that intervention doesn't exist. 595 01:17:09.060 --> 01:17:09.750 Jennifer Clayton: It exists. 596 01:17:09.990 --> 01:17:15.750 Javier Lopez-Molina: It exists. I think what she's saying is there are steps that we can take as an organization to make it better. 597 01:17:16.110 --> 01:17:16.350 Yeah. 598 01:17:18.570 --> 01:17:19.050 Thank you. 599 01:17:20.160 --> 01:17:20.790 Jennifer Clayton: Thank you. 600 01:17:23.490 --> 01:17:26.430 Jennifer Clayton: Any other questions about the operations gaps. Before I move on. 601 01:17:30.780 --> 01:17:50.040 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, great. I'm going to go ahead and move on to talent management. So this is your people. And so the first gap in terms of talent management was the job descriptions. One of the things that the deal we asked for at renewal time is job description. So that was something that I asked for. 602 01:17:51.660 --> 01:18:00.240 Jennifer Clayton: I don't know how much it's related to the transition away from lake house academies, but a lot of the job descriptions. I was unable to obtain 603 01:18:02.100 --> 01:18:13.290 Jennifer Clayton: And that's current job descriptions and then there are some job descriptions that Mr. Brown has been updating in order to have job postings for the upcoming school year. 604 01:18:13.860 --> 01:18:25.860 Jennifer Clayton: So he's been working on some job descriptions. There also is a system in place of performance appraisals where teachers are having ongoing coaching throughout the year and then three times a year. 605 01:18:26.340 --> 01:18:35.250 Jennifer Clayton: They have a performance evaluation. So they're very clear and specific measures that are being used during those performance evaluations. 606 01:18:36.570 --> 01:18:43.770 Jennifer Clayton: So the thing that I just want to caution you on because it's HR related and that can also relate to legal things down the line. 607 01:18:44.250 --> 01:19:00.720 Jennifer Clayton: Is that employees need to have a job description, when they're hired and then the performance evaluation should align back to that job description and then if an employee is changing roles. They also need to have a job description for the new role that they're transitioning into 608 01:19:02.370 --> 01:19:06.330 Jennifer Clayton: So that was the first one and thats related to employees, you know, knowing what's expected of them. 609 01:19:07.500 --> 01:19:11.640 Jennifer Clayton: The second one is related to teacher turnover. 610 01:19:13.200 --> 01:19:26.400 Jennifer Clayton: And it has an asterisk because the the turnover numbers were difficult to obtain. And I think part of that is that the school was using a lot of low tech ways to 611 01:19:27.600 --> 01:19:37.920 Jennifer Clayton: Keep their records. So with the transition to little bird HR that's automatically going to be solved, because little bird has some software to help you with your personnel files. 612 01:19:39.750 --> 01:19:44.880 Jennifer Clayton: But teacher turnover. When we looked at it, it was about. It was almost 50% 613 01:19:46.140 --> 01:19:57.270 Jennifer Clayton: Well, let me correct that entire employee turnover, with almost 50%. I'm not sure exactly what the teacher number is or the instructional staff number is 614 01:19:58.200 --> 01:20:07.410 Jennifer Clayton: That was one of the numbers that was difficult to obtain. So if we think about this. That's one of two adults in the building that's leaving during the school year. 615 01:20:09.420 --> 01:20:09.960 Jennifer Clayton: If I can 616 01:20:10.200 --> 01:20:19.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: Insert one thing which is, you know, Mr. Brown and Jen and I talked about this yesterday and quick Google search. 617 01:20:21.150 --> 01:20:36.840 Javier Lopez-Molina: Attrition and retention and charter schools in New York City will reveal that this is not just us. This is like that. And this is something that's happening to basically all the charter schools in in this area for some reason. 618 01:20:37.140 --> 01:20:38.460 Javier Lopez-Molina: He would cause 619 01:20:39.510 --> 01:20:48.210 Javier Lopez-Molina: The retention is around the same thing that we're seeing in our schools about 40 to 50% yeah and that's, you know, 620 01:20:50.040 --> 01:20:58.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: To say the least, as you know, if you look on the right hand, there is a lot of literature that suggests that teacher turnover has a negative impact on 621 01:20:59.580 --> 01:21:10.080 Javier Lopez-Molina: student outcomes. And so whatever we can do to close that gap is is something that's going to be good for the patient and I realized this is a gap that 622 01:21:10.440 --> 01:21:20.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're not the only one struggling with that it is gap. So for charter schools in New York City struggle with, but it is still nonetheless something we should 623 01:21:21.480 --> 01:21:29.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: tackle head on and evident that we've been trying to since we both the Harvard and Columbia work that that have been 624 01:21:30.780 --> 01:21:35.520 Javier Lopez-Molina: Tied particular topic I'll stop talking no good. 625 01:21:38.520 --> 01:21:47.820 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, that's a good point. How beer teacher retention teacher retention right now is a national crisis. I mean, if you look at the literature. They're calling it a national crisis. 626 01:21:48.900 --> 01:21:59.520 Jennifer Clayton: So it is definitely to norm, this a little bit hobby or spot on. Is that your retention data or your turnover data. 627 01:22:01.080 --> 01:22:06.090 Jennifer Clayton: Might look okay compared to others. But I think heavier, you said this really well. The other day 628 01:22:06.630 --> 01:22:20.220 Jennifer Clayton: This could be a differentiator. If you guys could solve this problem, right, if you can be the school that figures out how do we hire the right people. How do we retain them when you're going to stand out among all of the other charter schools. 629 01:22:21.270 --> 01:22:22.950 Jennifer Clayton: And then your students are also going to be doing. 630 01:22:25.080 --> 01:22:34.350 Jennifer Clayton: And I'm going to add something from Mr. Brown to not just any teacher that you want to retain but you want to retain the good teachers, right, the effective ones. The high performers 631 01:22:37.290 --> 01:22:51.630 robb@commonbond.co: A curious question of curiosity. If it's a if it's a systemic issue around retention is. I mean, is there is there just a lot of churn from school to school or our teachers, leaving the profession entirely 632 01:22:52.050 --> 01:22:54.870 robb@commonbond.co: Everything, all the math that you would have 633 01:22:56.040 --> 01:23:01.170 robb@commonbond.co: Your tips, I guess, yeah. Just curious on the dynamics there. 634 01:23:01.560 --> 01:23:04.620 Jennifer Clayton: It's both happier. What did you see the other day, one in 635 01:23:05.820 --> 01:23:08.760 Jennifer Clayton: Like 40% were actually leaving the profession. 636 01:23:09.840 --> 01:23:13.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I don't, I don't remember seeing whether they were sort of like exiting the market. 637 01:23:16.200 --> 01:23:18.270 Javier Lopez-Molina: But it's good to see whether or not they 638 01:23:20.010 --> 01:23:20.460 Javier Lopez-Molina: Are 639 01:23:22.350 --> 01:23:22.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Our 640 01:23:25.980 --> 01:23:34.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: Teaching entirely because we know that it so much, just looking at the numbers that must be the case because there are so many 641 01:23:34.830 --> 01:23:48.300 Javier Lopez-Molina: New teachers who are new to the profession that we're in. And so it's just like, there must be there must is that many new teachers coming in there must be quite a few going on as well. 642 01:23:50.820 --> 01:23:53.370 Jennifer Clayton: Rob. Is that something that would be helpful for me to look up for you. 643 01:23:59.610 --> 01:24:04.770 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah you know i think it's it's a partially a curiosity, but I think it would play into this 644 01:24:06.000 --> 01:24:14.700 robb@commonbond.co: Into this into this differentiating point. So yeah, I think it would be good to see you know what I'm, what I'm thinking is, if, if there's a large cohort of 645 01:24:15.390 --> 01:24:24.180 robb@commonbond.co: Of teaching professionals who are viewing teaching in a charter school as part of a career path into into a non teaching path, you know, 646 01:24:25.260 --> 01:24:32.190 robb@commonbond.co: leaning into that might be part of the solution and maybe maybe kind of observing that and and and 647 01:24:33.210 --> 01:24:39.870 robb@commonbond.co: And if that were the case, then retention wouldn't necessarily be the goal, but it would be, it might be something else I think understanding that could be helpful. 648 01:24:40.650 --> 01:25:00.720 Javier Lopez-Molina: Oh, I have a question, which is, if you look up that number. And it turns out that 60% of first year teachers after leaving their school. So there's a brand new teachers, no longer teach ever again. Then I would say, well, then our policy should be. We're not hiring a first year teachers. 649 01:25:03.450 --> 01:25:04.470 Javier Lopez-Molina: Retention numbers. 650 01:25:06.420 --> 01:25:07.800 Jennifer Clayton: That would be one way to address it. 651 01:25:09.570 --> 01:25:10.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: Right. I mean, that would be 652 01:25:11.820 --> 01:25:13.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: To close the gap. I'm not saying that that's what we would do. 653 01:25:13.920 --> 01:25:16.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: But like that information would help inform a decision. 654 01:25:18.330 --> 01:25:30.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: Because, I mean, I suspect that's not what's going on, I suspect, people are probably bouncing a little bit more than than that, but I'd love to know like if there was on when they are leaving teaching because clearly some of them must 655 01:25:31.230 --> 01:25:37.170 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, you know, Mr. Brown had an article to that talked about how for a lot of the high performing teachers. 656 01:25:38.700 --> 01:25:47.700 Jennifer Clayton: When asked in a survey, they said that the reasons that they were leaving were preventable. And if the if the school had address their number one reason for leaving, they would have stayed 657 01:25:49.080 --> 01:25:51.210 Jennifer Clayton: So there's something else to throw into the mix. 658 01:25:53.280 --> 01:25:56.220 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I guess it depends on what their number one reason for leaving. Yes. 659 01:25:56.580 --> 01:25:56.880 Yeah. 660 01:25:58.320 --> 01:26:00.750 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I took that with a grain of salt. 661 01:26:02.130 --> 01:26:06.120 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, that's definitely going to feed into my suggestions, because 662 01:26:07.320 --> 01:26:18.060 Jennifer Clayton: We're sort of talking about turnover as a thing. And we're talking about retention as a thing. But honestly I don't have the data from the school. So without that data. 663 01:26:19.110 --> 01:26:28.830 Jennifer Clayton: I can't, I can't make any strong conclusions or recommendations. So my first recommendation is to start tracking tracking the data so that we can start to look for patterns. 664 01:26:29.430 --> 01:26:33.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I mean, we need to have a digital system. So, have a little bird. 665 01:26:35.280 --> 01:26:40.590 Javier Lopez-Molina: That we can create reports off of really easily and not have to go hunting into 666 01:26:41.550 --> 01:26:46.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: Memory filing cabinets will be great for everybody. 667 01:26:47.340 --> 01:26:49.770 Jennifer Clayton: And then the closest that you have to exit surveys 668 01:26:49.800 --> 01:26:54.600 Jennifer Clayton: Is the annual New York School survey so 669 01:26:55.650 --> 01:27:05.640 Jennifer Clayton: You don't know. You know who have those survey responses, you don't know who stayed in who left and who was a high performer who was a low performer who was knew who was experienced know all those things. 670 01:27:09.540 --> 01:27:11.730 Jennifer Clayton: Any other questions about turnover. 671 01:27:13.260 --> 01:27:21.750 Jennifer Clayton: Okay. The only other thing that I'm going to say, I think, Javier touched on this was you've been struggling with turnover and retention for many years, and you've had a lot of 672 01:27:22.350 --> 01:27:30.690 Jennifer Clayton: expertise to weigh in on these topics. And I think, from where I'm sitting. It looks like a lot of what was recommended is still relevant today. 673 01:27:31.830 --> 01:27:45.780 Jennifer Clayton: So I would encourage going back to that Harvard report in that Columbia report from Tom and just, you know, seeing what's still relevant and then etching away again at implementing the ones that are still based on, you know, good, good. Best practices. 674 01:27:49.470 --> 01:27:56.580 Jennifer Clayton: Well, third gap as far as talent management goes is also a national charter school thing. 675 01:27:57.840 --> 01:28:06.150 Jennifer Clayton: And that's the idea that because you are a charter school because it is harder to hire and retain top talent. A lot of people are being repurposed 676 01:28:07.620 --> 01:28:11.670 Jennifer Clayton: In order to fill positions. So one of the things that I'm seeing at 677 01:28:12.780 --> 01:28:15.420 Jennifer Clayton: The LCS still calling it be LCS right now. 678 01:28:16.620 --> 01:28:17.130 Jennifer Clayton: Is 679 01:28:18.840 --> 01:28:29.100 Jennifer Clayton: Hiring teachers who were not teachers before who may not have been trained as teachers and maybe it's their first time they've ever been in a classroom or been in a school so their first year teachers. 680 01:28:29.580 --> 01:28:34.770 Jennifer Clayton: And then also people in people who are doing other tasks, who are not necessarily trained 681 01:28:35.100 --> 01:28:46.380 Jennifer Clayton: Within that industry to be able to do those tasks. So there's some things going on like curriculum. You know, usually there's a job that is a curriculum curriculum specialist. Their job is to find good curriculum and put it into place. 682 01:28:46.770 --> 01:28:55.560 Jennifer Clayton: So without having a curriculum specialist the instructional coaches are having to fill that role. So they're they're learning how to do it while they're on the job. 683 01:28:56.910 --> 01:29:08.880 Jennifer Clayton: The other thing was some coaching. There's some instructional design going on talent management. I think the talent manager was a social worker before she received the talent management role. 684 01:29:10.050 --> 01:29:16.260 Jennifer Clayton: You're developing assessments in house you're you're creating things that are based on behavioral science without a behavioral scientist. 685 01:29:16.680 --> 01:29:30.840 Jennifer Clayton: And then of course there's right now there's a need for branding and marketing. So some of the skills are not present in house, which means that you either have to develop your people to be able to give them that industry knowledge that they didn't know existed. 686 01:29:31.890 --> 01:29:36.390 Jennifer Clayton: In the roles that they were in or you've got to contract out in order to pull that expertise into the school. 687 01:29:38.460 --> 01:29:49.560 Jennifer Clayton: So if you do that, I suspect that it will nudge the needle on from the framework from the daily framework, the academic achievement and the operational effectiveness. 688 01:29:52.320 --> 01:30:01.080 Jennifer Clayton: Teacher Credentialing is also related to do we compliance. There's a certain number of teachers that need to be certified. And if they're not certified 689 01:30:01.740 --> 01:30:11.340 Jennifer Clayton: They also have to fit other criteria according to the law. So that's another thing where you need a system in place to track that. And then to promote compliance with that. 690 01:30:14.730 --> 01:30:17.700 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions about talent management before I move on. 691 01:30:21.630 --> 01:30:37.020 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: The system that you just talked about to track credentialing. Is that something that we can like pull off the shelf like is there are, there is there software for that or do we need to create that. What do we need to do, because that seems extremely important and 692 01:30:37.920 --> 01:30:45.180 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, little bird HR has a human resource information system or management system HR is 693 01:30:46.170 --> 01:30:56.700 Jennifer Clayton: So your contract with them already allows you to take advantage of that. So that should be able to house credentials. The school also currently pays for a service. 694 01:30:57.510 --> 01:31:15.270 Jennifer Clayton: Where you'll receive credentialing reports and coaching twice a year for the teachers so that service is currently in place and I would say to take better advantage of that, to follow up in between those twice a year coaching periods. 695 01:31:19.440 --> 01:31:22.530 Jennifer Clayton: But yeah, I think little brain is going to give you a system to be able to track it. 696 01:31:25.560 --> 01:31:26.550 Jennifer Clayton: Did that answer, Sarah. 697 01:31:29.820 --> 01:31:31.260 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Yes. Okay. 698 01:31:31.440 --> 01:31:31.740 Jennifer Clayton: Thank you. 699 01:31:34.110 --> 01:31:35.910 Jennifer Clayton: Any other questions about talent management. 700 01:31:41.520 --> 01:31:45.690 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, moving on to board and leadership team fun 701 01:31:47.220 --> 01:31:52.470 Jennifer Clayton: So four main gaps here that I want to talk about the first one. 702 01:31:54.600 --> 01:32:08.010 Jennifer Clayton: Is related to job descriptions and performance evaluations for the head of school. So that's Mr Brown and then if Courtney is going to report to the Board. That's also her position as director of operations as well. 703 01:32:09.630 --> 01:32:21.030 Jennifer Clayton: So need to have the job descriptions and then have the performance evaluations that are tied to the job descriptions and then also tied to the department of education requirements and then charter adherence 704 01:32:25.620 --> 01:32:31.590 Jennifer Clayton: The second one is sort of having a continuous improvement mindset. 705 01:32:32.250 --> 01:32:39.750 Jennifer Clayton: The Department of Education says in the accountability handbook that it expects the schools to have their own internal process for continuous improvement. 706 01:32:40.260 --> 01:32:55.230 Jennifer Clayton: So what I was looking for when I looked at the last renewal report in my interviews and in my document reviews. I was looking to see, is there some kind of corrective action plan or school improvement plan thats related to the gaps that were identified at the last renewal. 707 01:32:56.580 --> 01:33:03.450 Jennifer Clayton: And what I found was the leadership team felt that certain things that it was doing was going to address those gaps. 708 01:33:04.260 --> 01:33:12.270 Jennifer Clayton: But it wasn't written down on paper and it wasn't a clear path between what they were doing and the student outcomes. 709 01:33:13.020 --> 01:33:26.880 Jennifer Clayton: So if they can sort of fill out that plan and flesh it out and spell it out so that anybody from the outside can very clearly see how each of the actions is addressing the gaps that were identified at the last renewal. 710 01:33:27.390 --> 01:33:31.080 Jennifer Clayton: I think that would go very far toward getting you closer to a five year renewal. 711 01:33:35.250 --> 01:33:40.950 Jennifer Clayton: Having those plans also ensures that all of the staff is sort of working toward the same goals moving in the same direction. 712 01:33:43.020 --> 01:33:44.550 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions so far about that one. 713 01:33:49.290 --> 01:33:59.370 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, the last two gaps under the board and leadership team umbrella are related to products that are developed in house. 714 01:33:59.850 --> 01:34:09.450 Jennifer Clayton: So there are a number of different products that the school is developing. And one of the things about charter schools is that it is a place where innovation happens and where you do tailor things 715 01:34:09.870 --> 01:34:14.640 Jennifer Clayton: To your specific mission and goals. So I don't have a problem with developing things in house. 716 01:34:16.650 --> 01:34:23.520 Jennifer Clayton: What I do want to see if you are going to develop things in house is that they're being evaluated against student outcomes. 717 01:34:24.300 --> 01:34:29.910 Jennifer Clayton: And I think the school could benefit from using some of the, the science behind instructional design. 718 01:34:30.720 --> 01:34:42.810 Jennifer Clayton: In order to make those in house develop products even better than they currently are there. There's some good products there. So some of those products are curriculum so filling in some of the gaps where there's missing curriculum that's already been developed. 719 01:34:43.950 --> 01:34:53.520 Jennifer Clayton: In term assessments are being developed in house training and coaching materials for the teachers are being developed in house and then employee evaluations are also being developed in house. 720 01:34:55.560 --> 01:34:58.410 Jennifer Clayton: The Department of Education is used to a certain framework. 721 01:34:59.730 --> 01:35:11.430 Jennifer Clayton: And so they're used to a certain framework for the curriculum and the academic program and then they're also used to a specific rubric for teacher effectiveness and that they follow the Danielson rubric. 722 01:35:12.300 --> 01:35:21.540 Jennifer Clayton: So if you're thinking about how to get closer toward that five year renewal, the more what you do. Looks like what the deal is used to 723 01:35:22.740 --> 01:35:32.310 Jennifer Clayton: The easier it is to get that five year renewal. If you're going to veer from that. That's when you have to explain or you have to show your data to show that it's actually better 724 01:35:33.330 --> 01:35:43.740 Jennifer Clayton: So I would say to install a process so that those in house products always go back to how is this impacting the students, is it improving our student outcomes. 725 01:35:45.420 --> 01:35:57.630 Jennifer Clayton: The second thing with the in house developed products is that there is a BL CS language that's used at the school and that language is not necessarily intelligible to outsiders. 726 01:36:20.970 --> 01:36:22.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think so. I think I thought I was 727 01:36:24.270 --> 01:36:26.100 Javier Lopez-Molina: I thought my computer just exploded. So 728 01:36:27.780 --> 01:36:31.170 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let me, let me messaged her now. 729 01:36:56.880 --> 01:36:57.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: Oh, you're on mute. 730 01:37:01.650 --> 01:37:03.090 Jennifer Clayton: Hi, hello again. 731 01:37:05.040 --> 01:37:07.530 Jennifer Clayton: How do you, what was the last time blessing you heard 732 01:37:08.970 --> 01:37:09.990 Javier Lopez-Molina: Through your screen, we were 733 01:37:11.250 --> 01:37:14.820 Javier Lopez-Molina: From or you're just talking about the LCS language. 734 01:37:15.420 --> 01:37:15.750 Okay. 735 01:37:19.170 --> 01:37:36.930 Jennifer Clayton: Yes so plain language. I think is tied to accessibility and understanding. And this is one of those things because a school is an integrated system. If there are things that people can't understand it's likely trickling down into some of those other gaps that we're seeing. 736 01:37:38.460 --> 01:37:49.140 Jennifer Clayton: Especially when we think of like the idea that a lot of the teachers are first year teachers brand new teachers. So if we can make things as clear and as easy to understand as possible. That's going to serve them better. 737 01:37:53.880 --> 01:37:56.790 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions about board and leadership team gaps. 738 01:38:02.340 --> 01:38:04.440 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, moving on. 739 01:38:10.020 --> 01:38:23.670 Jennifer Clayton: Um, what we did next is we planted these gaps to see what kind of impact, they would have if they were addressed, and then how easy would they be to address so 740 01:38:24.870 --> 01:38:35.640 Jennifer Clayton: On this chart from left to right is feasibility. So things on the right side are easier to do things on the left side take more time and effort and resources in order to do 741 01:38:36.570 --> 01:38:47.550 Jennifer Clayton: from bottom to top is impact. So things at the bottom have lower impact toward getting you to that five year renewal things at the top, have higher impact, we're getting into that five year renewal. 742 01:38:48.900 --> 01:38:50.610 Jennifer Clayton: Have you heard you have anything to add to that one. 743 01:38:54.600 --> 01:38:55.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: Was how I think. 744 01:38:57.030 --> 01:39:05.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is if we did nothing but one thing. How does that move the needle in terms of us getting a five year renewal and 745 01:39:06.030 --> 01:39:18.480 Javier Lopez-Molina: That's why mission is up at the top and things like fingerprints and complaint procedure are sort of those are like procedural things. And so they're not as impactful. But yeah, that's how I was thinking about impact, but it's it's basically what you said. 746 01:39:20.820 --> 01:39:26.610 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah mission is definitely high impact because everything else comes from that once you've got your mission, vision and values that 747 01:39:27.030 --> 01:39:41.580 Jennifer Clayton: You know how to answer any question that comes across your desk right. Should we do this. Oh, check the mission should we do that, check the mission. So when everything is aligned with that that gets everything in line with being ready to tackle that renewal process. 748 01:39:43.470 --> 01:39:56.790 Jennifer Clayton: So sort of looking at the quadrants from the bottom right quadrant. Those are the low hanging fruit. So those are the things that are going to be really easy to do. So fingerprinting and the complaint procedure Courtney could probably do each of those in less than a day. 749 01:39:57.870 --> 01:39:58.890 Jennifer Clayton: I'm looking at to Courtney 750 01:40:00.750 --> 01:40:15.900 Jennifer Clayton: The things in the top right corner have high impact and our and high visibility, so they have high impact and they'd be easy to do. So you've got mission curriculum improvement cycles, changing the LC LC as language. 751 01:40:17.010 --> 01:40:22.200 Jennifer Clayton: Updating the employee job descriptions and then providing leadership job descriptions and evaluations. 752 01:40:24.000 --> 01:40:32.550 Jennifer Clayton: The links at the top left corner, our strategic investments. So even though they would have high impact. It takes more time and effort to address them. 753 01:40:33.540 --> 01:40:45.930 Jennifer Clayton: So those things are academic interventions, the product development that's happening in house and then addressing the turnover and the expertise and credentials in house. 754 01:40:47.190 --> 01:40:56.760 Jennifer Clayton: Originally we had curriculum on the left side and then Mr. Brown inform us that that we could actually move that to the right side. So thank you, Mr. Brown for that one. 755 01:41:02.160 --> 01:41:06.510 Jennifer Clayton: Do we want to stop here, heavier and see if anyone feels any of these need to be moved. 756 01:41:07.980 --> 01:41:11.640 Javier Lopez-Molina: Sure. Just kind of people feel about where these sort of land. I mean, it's just 757 01:41:13.590 --> 01:41:15.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think if this has meant just to sort of be a 758 01:41:16.740 --> 01:41:34.020 Javier Lopez-Molina: way for us to think about prioritize getting some of these done and the way the way we think about them, relative to each other, but it's a good place to sort of stop and sort of our reflection on on these as anybody have any questions or clarity. 759 01:41:35.610 --> 01:41:37.740 Alexandra Abreu: I just have a question in terms of 760 01:41:37.830 --> 01:41:45.000 Alexandra Abreu: Like the meaning for Pokemon cycles. I'm not to parents that I missed on that. 761 01:41:46.740 --> 01:41:58.050 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, that's the one where I'm at the last renewal. There were several gaps that were identified. So just having a plan in place to to correct those gaps were 762 01:42:04.170 --> 01:42:06.420 robb@commonbond.co: Is I think it really helpful framework, I think. 763 01:42:08.160 --> 01:42:09.330 robb@commonbond.co: I think it'd be interesting food in 764 01:42:09.780 --> 01:42:10.200 Alexandra Abreu: Terms of 765 01:42:10.680 --> 01:42:12.480 robb@commonbond.co: What we do first, second, third, 766 01:42:13.080 --> 01:42:18.240 robb@commonbond.co: One question I have around the gaps and kind of the, the, the, the 767 01:42:19.320 --> 01:42:42.090 robb@commonbond.co: Philosophy, I guess of what is a gap if I if I think back and I only have one review cycle of experience under my belt, but I think that the conversation centered when the authorized you're advised us that we are unlikely to get a five year renewal, um, I seem to remember the actual 768 01:42:43.740 --> 01:42:47.190 robb@commonbond.co: Trend on test scores and actual 769 01:42:48.000 --> 01:42:53.070 robb@commonbond.co: Performance academic performance being kind of the core gap. 770 01:42:53.190 --> 01:43:07.290 robb@commonbond.co: Do you do you view that as a gap itself like the actual output or do you kind of focus more on the process, the inputs to get to the output. I guess I'm just curious if we would want to consider. 771 01:43:08.790 --> 01:43:24.360 robb@commonbond.co: It just, just, you know, comparing what I interpreted as the experience is like you could do anything you want, really it comes down to the results from a renewal perspective, whether or not that's true. And then, if you would, how you would fit that into a gap analysis. 772 01:43:24.870 --> 01:43:32.130 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, definitely. Yeah, that the academic performance is the number one on my mind in terms of renewal and in terms of 773 01:43:32.460 --> 01:43:38.310 Jennifer Clayton: Even not even thinking about renewal, but just thinking about what is the goal of the school, right. The goal of the school is to teach 774 01:43:38.820 --> 01:43:51.450 Jennifer Clayton: So everything has to come down to those student outcomes. So when I was thinking about which gaps are important to mention I wanted to look at the ones that more directly impact student outcomes. 775 01:43:51.840 --> 01:44:06.180 Jennifer Clayton: So the things like curriculum and interventions, those are going to have very direct impact on student performance and test scores and outcomes. But things surrounding talent management are also going to have high impact. 776 01:44:07.230 --> 01:44:18.060 Jennifer Clayton: Because if you don't have effective teachers, you're not going to have effective learning, right, so those are also really big ones. And then I think sort of the operations to support that. 777 01:44:19.110 --> 01:44:23.460 Jennifer Clayton: Was the next line of philosophy behind what we were calling a gap so 778 01:44:24.540 --> 01:44:34.110 Jennifer Clayton: Like the improvement cycles. If you don't have a very clear vision of how everything you're doing is supposed to address student performance. 779 01:44:35.370 --> 01:44:40.830 Jennifer Clayton: Then you might not be as targeted at addressing student performance. So things like the improvement cycles to 780 01:44:42.240 --> 01:44:51.510 Jennifer Clayton: The way that the in house developed products came up was because when I was interviewing the leadership team. It felt like their strategy. 781 01:44:52.500 --> 01:45:06.240 Jennifer Clayton: Centered around hiring training, coaching and evaluating the teachers and the materials that they were using to do that. They were developing in house. So that's why we started to look at those in house develop products. 782 01:45:09.600 --> 01:45:20.730 robb@commonbond.co: That's helpful. Yeah. And I think what I'm interpreting is, you know, our objective as award is not explicitly to get a five year renewal, our objective is to get 783 01:45:21.870 --> 01:45:31.320 robb@commonbond.co: Us to achieve our vision and our outcomes for our scholars. Yeah. And I think what you're saying is by doing that, that is the path to a five year Charter. 784 01:45:31.560 --> 01:45:41.850 robb@commonbond.co: Yes. And so as I guess I just kind of tweak my way I was reading this at first is like visa, though these are the items that have the highest impact on our scholars 785 01:45:42.210 --> 01:45:46.080 robb@commonbond.co: Yes, versus on whether or not we get a five year Charter. 786 01:45:47.220 --> 01:46:00.900 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, if you have a healthy school environment. If you're a high performing school you have high performing teachers, you have the tools that the teachers need to be successful, you're going to get those student outcomes and you're automatically going to get your renewal right 787 01:46:04.530 --> 01:46:04.890 Thank you. 788 01:46:05.940 --> 01:46:06.630 Jennifer Clayton: Thank you. 789 01:46:08.730 --> 01:46:11.820 Jennifer Clayton: Any other impressions on this slide before we move on. 790 01:46:16.920 --> 01:46:19.110 Tom Wethington: Question Genesis, Tom, how 791 01:46:20.190 --> 01:46:30.510 Tom Wethington: Do you view so like the academic interventions piece that's something that theoretically every, every school should be doing and arguably are supposed to be doing better than most. 792 01:46:30.810 --> 01:46:44.310 Tom Wethington: You view that as being tied to the other two in these in this quadrant, in terms of like the expertise credentials and the turnover or like general sense as to why you believe that's a low feasibility objective or initiative for us. 793 01:46:45.810 --> 01:46:55.560 Jennifer Clayton: I think the reason I put it as low his ability is because it, it will take more time and resources to address. So for example, the way to address. 794 01:46:56.130 --> 01:47:05.130 Jennifer Clayton: The intervention program, I think, is to get some trainers into the school and sort of teach people what they don't know, they don't know about the intervention program. 795 01:47:05.820 --> 01:47:15.360 Jennifer Clayton: So training in it's called response to intervention or RTI for short. If we can get some experts in there to train the teachers train the coaches train the leadership and then just 796 01:47:15.810 --> 01:47:23.700 Jennifer Clayton: Double check that system to make sure that it's it's that next level you like I said before, you have an RTI system in place. 797 01:47:24.300 --> 01:47:30.390 Jennifer Clayton: And it's, it's good. Right. It's meeting. Many of the many of the markers of an RTI program. 798 01:47:30.960 --> 01:47:41.910 Jennifer Clayton: What I'm looking at is if you take it to the next level. I think you're going to see faster growth in your scholars and you're going to get them closer to that high proficiency level that you want to get them to 799 01:47:43.110 --> 01:47:48.420 Jennifer Clayton: So it just, it's in that left quadrant, just because it takes time and then 800 01:47:49.710 --> 01:48:01.200 Jennifer Clayton: If, if you've got a 50% turnover every year you're having to train your, your staff all over again every year on that intervention program. So it's all kind of connected 801 01:48:05.040 --> 01:48:05.340 Jennifer Clayton: Sure. 802 01:48:06.180 --> 01:48:13.560 Jennifer Clayton: Where reason it's a little bit lower than curriculum to in terms of impact is the curriculum, obviously, is what most of the students are going to encounter. 803 01:48:13.860 --> 01:48:20.760 Jennifer Clayton: So if you can get a good core curriculum in there to begin with. That's going to automatically decrease the number of students who need an intervention. 804 01:48:26.790 --> 01:48:28.590 Jennifer Clayton: What else can I help answer on this slide. 805 01:48:34.560 --> 01:48:36.420 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, moving on. 806 01:48:38.220 --> 01:48:44.580 Jennifer Clayton: So I started with the bottom right quadrant, because that's the easiest the low hanging fruit. So here are the recommendations now. 807 01:48:45.930 --> 01:48:55.560 Jennifer Clayton: The first one is related to fingerprint clearance. I'm a big policies and procedures person. I think it helps with sustainability and also helps clarify expectations. 808 01:48:55.920 --> 01:49:10.170 Jennifer Clayton: So most of my recommendations are going to include the words, develop and implement a policy and procedure for this. So this is the same thing for fingerprint clearance and then the same thing, just add the authorizers to the complaint procedure. 809 01:49:11.190 --> 01:49:16.650 Jennifer Clayton: When you do add the author Iser obviously you will distribute it again to your staff and your families. 810 01:49:17.820 --> 01:49:32.370 Jennifer Clayton: And then just make sure that you have systems in place to handle complaints if and when complaints come in. So it's more than just having that procedure written on paper, but it's about having the system to be able to handle those complaints in a nice way, if they ever occur. 811 01:49:35.010 --> 01:49:35.820 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions there. 812 01:49:37.740 --> 01:49:49.350 Jennifer Clayton: I didn't think so. That's the low hanging fruit. This one that we're calling obvious choices, but these are the ones from the top right corner. So they were highly impactful and easier to address. So first one is updating the Charter. 813 01:49:50.580 --> 01:49:58.200 Jennifer Clayton: We talked about this at the last board meeting is also developing policies and procedures around making sure that you're adhering to the Charter. 814 01:49:58.950 --> 01:50:10.560 Jennifer Clayton: And then everything else cascades from there. So once you have your clear mission, vision and values, you have a description of the blueprint that's going to get you to meet that mission within your vision and values. 815 01:50:11.370 --> 01:50:20.790 Jennifer Clayton: And then everything else comes out of that. So job descriptions policies and procedures, what you choose to purchase what you choose to, you know, give to your teachers, all that good stuff. 816 01:50:22.200 --> 01:50:30.000 Jennifer Clayton: The other thing is putting an audit process in place to measure charter adherence and make sure that you're not drifting too far from that. 817 01:50:30.840 --> 01:50:41.760 Jennifer Clayton: Because, again, the Department of Education has very strict timelines or timelines and requirements for approval if you want to change within your charter 818 01:50:45.840 --> 01:50:54.240 Jennifer Clayton: The next one about leadership job descriptions. It's actually in in the accountability handbook that it's the Board's responsibility to have those 819 01:50:54.690 --> 01:51:06.000 Jennifer Clayton: So just developing job descriptions for Mr. Brown and Mr. Russell and then having an annual performance evaluation process to go along with it at renewal, they're going to ask to see both of those. 820 01:51:10.110 --> 01:51:21.720 Jennifer Clayton: The next one is job descriptions for everybody else. And again, with little bird HR within the contract. It says that there is a human resources system that you'll have access to so converting your 821 01:51:22.080 --> 01:51:28.260 Jennifer Clayton: Paper personnel files into the HR is system, I think is going to make a big difference. You'll be able to pull reports. 822 01:51:28.710 --> 01:51:34.260 Jennifer Clayton: You'll be able to get me an accurate staff list you'll be able to tell me who's certified and not certified, all that good stuff. 823 01:51:35.250 --> 01:51:50.580 Jennifer Clayton: And then I know Mr. Brown's been in the process of updating job descriptions and employee evaluations. So continuing to to flesh that project out and then using your HR people as that spot check to make sure that you're in compliance with HR laws and different things like that. 824 01:51:53.670 --> 01:52:01.020 Jennifer Clayton: You also want some policies and procedures for when to update the job descriptions, how to make sure that employees get their job descriptions 825 01:52:01.710 --> 01:52:14.160 Jennifer Clayton: And then maintaining your personnel records, and that includes what to include in the records what goes in the records what leaves the records, when do you get rid of records, all that good stuff. 826 01:52:17.970 --> 01:52:28.770 Jennifer Clayton: When next bullet is about the curriculum. And I think the one thing that could really make everyone's jobs easier right now while you're thinking about how to improve the curriculum. 827 01:52:29.160 --> 01:52:39.840 Jennifer Clayton: Is curriculum mapping software. It's also called curriculum management software and what the software does is it has the state standards loaded right into the software. 828 01:52:40.560 --> 01:52:55.350 Jennifer Clayton: So that you can make a map of how your curriculum is aligned to those state standards. You can also import additional standards. So if you want to go beyond state standards to college readiness. You can import more standards that you develop yourself. 829 01:52:57.120 --> 01:53:02.910 Jennifer Clayton: This software is typically less than $2,500 a year. 830 01:53:04.080 --> 01:53:11.700 Jennifer Clayton: To be able to implement and it is really a time saver. Otherwise, people are trying to develop curriculum maps and pacing guides 831 01:53:12.030 --> 01:53:21.090 Jennifer Clayton: manually using paper and Excel and whiteboards, and all kinds of crazy stuff. So the software, I think is a really big time saver. And it also 832 01:53:21.390 --> 01:53:28.080 Jennifer Clayton: Makes it a higher quality map. So at the time of renewal. The do is going to ask for your curriculum maps. 833 01:53:28.500 --> 01:53:40.770 Jennifer Clayton: Your pacing guides and an explanation of your educational program. So if you could pull out. Here's our map from K to 12. Oh, you want to look at fourth grade. Here's the fourth grade map. Okay. You want to look at special ed. Here's the special ed map. 834 01:53:41.370 --> 01:53:45.660 Jennifer Clayton: If you could pull that out for the for the auditor, that would be very impressive. 835 01:53:48.780 --> 01:54:04.410 Jennifer Clayton: I think you're switching from Alma to power school Alma used to have a curriculum mapping component. I have a call out to power school to see if they have one or not. I don't know if anyone else on the call. Who's in the education space can answer that one. 836 01:54:06.360 --> 01:54:11.280 Jennifer Clayton: But then there are a couple of other products as well that that we could talk about in a later time. If you want to 837 01:54:12.750 --> 01:54:19.980 Jennifer Clayton: So policies and procedures again curriculum management is a whole job. And that's a job that is not currently at the school. 838 01:54:20.580 --> 01:54:26.940 Jennifer Clayton: So to help people out. Give them some policies and procedures for how to manage your curriculum that includes how you're going to 839 01:54:27.270 --> 01:54:31.650 Jennifer Clayton: Vet your curriculum, how you're going to choose your curriculum, how you're going to purchase it. 840 01:54:31.860 --> 01:54:39.930 Jennifer Clayton: How you're going to keep track of it when you need to update it how you're going to develop it. If you're going to develop your own. How do you pilot it to make sure it's effective with students. 841 01:54:40.380 --> 01:54:47.010 Jennifer Clayton: And then when do you get rid of your curriculum. When is it no longer useful is it to ragged, is there something else out there that's better. 842 01:54:47.730 --> 01:55:04.560 Jennifer Clayton: All that stuff. Currently, the details are thinking about their kind of learning about that stuff. But if you can just sort of sit down and strategize about how all that's going to happen up front that will improve the curriculum situation that's currently in place. 843 01:55:06.000 --> 01:55:16.590 Jennifer Clayton: And then while you're thinking about purchasing curriculum. Again, just remember who you're purchasing the curriculum for and keeping that in mind as you're determining what curriculum is better than others. 844 01:55:20.340 --> 01:55:24.210 Javier Lopez-Molina: In the context of like first year teachers versus more experienced interest. 845 01:55:24.450 --> 01:55:24.690 Yeah. 846 01:55:26.130 --> 01:55:31.740 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, ease of use is a big one. And this is going to relate to turn over and retention. Right. 847 01:55:32.130 --> 01:55:43.320 Jennifer Clayton: Teachers have a lot to keep track of in their classrooms. It's a hard, hard job they have a bunch of kids, they have to manage behavior. They have to be organized. They have the lesson plan they have to get all these things together. 848 01:55:43.770 --> 01:55:56.340 Jennifer Clayton: So the more you can do to make the teachers job easier and help them do what they do best is, you know, going to have huge impact on student outcomes and de facto it's going to have big impact on renewal. 849 01:56:02.190 --> 01:56:07.920 Jennifer Clayton: The next thing is the school improvement plan. So again, just having a plan on paper that spells everything out. 850 01:56:08.370 --> 01:56:14.970 Jennifer Clayton: How are you going to address this gap specifically for those 51 academic gaps that were identified at the last renewal. 851 01:56:15.510 --> 01:56:30.540 Jennifer Clayton: What specific things are you doing in order to address that. And then once you've identified what those things are. Then you can actually graph it out and you can actually track it and see. Okay. My strategy was, this is that working yes or no. Do I need to adjust this yes or no. 852 01:56:32.670 --> 01:56:40.380 Jennifer Clayton: I would say, go ahead and put it on paper, assign project managers to make sure that it's fully implemented and then make sure, again, it always comes back to student outcomes. 853 01:56:41.730 --> 01:56:47.550 Jennifer Clayton: And then, of course, adding that to the board agenda. I think you had an academic committee that's the Standing Committee. 854 01:56:49.590 --> 01:56:56.160 Jennifer Clayton: I don't know if that's the place, but keeping the board informed, I think, because that's a, that's a very strategic area. 855 01:56:58.620 --> 01:57:03.390 Jennifer Clayton: And then the last one is plain language. I think I already talked about. You know what I would recommend there is just going back and just 856 01:57:04.530 --> 01:57:11.970 Jennifer Clayton: Updating the language so that it's in plain language rather than like sort of buzzwords if you're going to use buzzwords use the Department of Education buzzwords 857 01:57:12.570 --> 01:57:20.640 Jennifer Clayton: They go by the framework for great schools. That's what the school surveys are based on schoolmates school surveys are also part of the renewal criteria. 858 01:57:21.600 --> 01:57:30.390 Jennifer Clayton: And then the Danielson rubric is what they use to evaluate teacher performance. So if you use the same language, it's going to be easier for the evaluators to understand 859 01:57:32.970 --> 01:57:39.210 Jennifer Clayton: And then tie the plain language into the professional development that the employees receive 860 01:57:39.570 --> 01:57:48.780 Jennifer Clayton: So if it's if it's part of your value system that you want your school to be accessible, then you have to have a statement in there about plain language. 861 01:57:49.560 --> 01:58:01.650 Jennifer Clayton: And training around plain language if it's part of your values that you want to appeal to the widest possible audience, then you've got to have a statement in there about plain language. So just tying it all together and everything that you do. 862 01:58:02.760 --> 01:58:03.300 Jennifer Clayton: And then 863 01:58:04.560 --> 01:58:10.380 Jennifer Clayton: Right now I know you guys are also thinking about branding as you're changing from LA che and you're changing the name of the school. 864 01:58:11.280 --> 01:58:27.270 Jennifer Clayton: So in your branding project, usually there's like a brand guidelines document that has your school colors and your fonts and your tone of voice, and you know, all that stuff. So mention that to whoever is doing your branding package to make sure that that's part of it as well. 865 01:58:31.380 --> 01:58:34.140 Jennifer Clayton: Any questions on the obvious choices. 866 01:58:41.460 --> 01:58:42.120 Jennifer Clayton: Okay. 867 01:58:43.320 --> 01:58:46.140 Jennifer Clayton: Moving on to the strategic investments. 868 01:58:49.110 --> 01:58:52.020 Jennifer Clayton: Excuse me. RT I so 869 01:58:53.520 --> 01:59:09.990 Jennifer Clayton: In my interviews I was able to interview specific individuals about specific pieces of the RTI program. But what I would like to do is be able to look at the school wide RTI program as a whole and sort of get the bigger picture and then drill down to the gaps there. 870 01:59:11.340 --> 01:59:22.200 Jennifer Clayton: But you know RTI best practices again policies and procedures develop them implement them get everybody trained on them and then add it to the board agenda for for the academic updates. 871 01:59:25.830 --> 01:59:28.680 Jennifer Clayton: As far as the employee expertise and credentials. 872 01:59:30.840 --> 01:59:35.400 Jennifer Clayton: This is one of those things I would have loved to dive into a little bit more, if, if the data were available but 873 01:59:36.720 --> 01:59:45.330 Jennifer Clayton: Going back to the job descriptions and the roles and responsibilities and the credentials. I think it would be a valuable exercise to go through and just see if they're matching up. 874 01:59:46.860 --> 01:59:50.160 Jennifer Clayton: For example, you know when you've got a social worker in a talent management role. 875 01:59:51.600 --> 01:59:55.860 Jennifer Clayton: What do you need to do to develop that social workers so that they can be an effective talent manager. 876 01:59:56.940 --> 01:59:57.990 Jennifer Clayton: For one of the examples. 877 01:59:59.280 --> 02:00:04.170 Jennifer Clayton: Adding the minimum qualifications to the job postings for new positions are vacant positions. 878 02:00:05.250 --> 02:00:16.470 Jennifer Clayton: So, for example, with your teacher certification. I think you're actually at risk of not having enough certified teachers. So that's got to be part of your hiring strategy and your recruitment strategy. 879 02:00:18.330 --> 02:00:19.140 Jennifer Clayton: And then 880 02:00:20.490 --> 02:00:25.740 Jennifer Clayton: I think Mr. Brown has been doing some of this, I, I am wondering if it's worth 881 02:00:26.760 --> 02:00:34.620 Jennifer Clayton: Another look to see if there are certain roles that might be repurposed within the school. And I think Mr. Brown had mentioned that some of the current roles. 882 02:00:35.100 --> 02:00:44.850 Jennifer Clayton: Were Lighthouse roles and he might have a different idea of what sorts of positions we we might want to have in the next version of of the school outside of my house. 883 02:00:46.500 --> 02:01:00.090 Jennifer Clayton: And then policies and procedures for teacher certification. So if, if you're going to require certification or if you're going to encourage certification. Are you going to reward certification. How are you going to support people towards certification, all that kind of stuff. 884 02:01:03.900 --> 02:01:07.200 Jennifer Clayton: Moving to employee turnover retention and engagement. 885 02:01:08.580 --> 02:01:08.790 Jennifer Clayton: There. 886 02:01:09.900 --> 02:01:17.730 Jennifer Clayton: I think there might need to be a discussion about what the board's values are around that. And then what this what the building leadership teams values are 887 02:01:18.390 --> 02:01:27.420 Jennifer Clayton: To make sure that you're aligned in your vision and values. And I think that's going to come out of the Charter project sort of updating the mission, vision, values and then updating the Charter. 888 02:01:28.800 --> 02:01:37.590 Jennifer Clayton: But I'm looking at the gaps in the talent management system. Once you've got that HR is from little bird HR and you're able to actually pull up 889 02:01:38.700 --> 02:01:45.690 Jennifer Clayton: The necessary data, then you can really start to identify where the disconnects are in terms of retention and turnover and engagement. 890 02:01:47.400 --> 02:01:50.250 Jennifer Clayton: And then going back to those Harvard and Columbia reports. 891 02:01:51.480 --> 02:01:54.750 Jennifer Clayton: Clarifying roles and responsibilities and then adding it to the board agenda. 892 02:01:58.980 --> 02:02:09.030 Jennifer Clayton: Well, last one. Thank you for hanging in there with me is about product development and testing. So for those in house developed products. 893 02:02:09.750 --> 02:02:14.310 Jennifer Clayton: Again, that's one of those areas where you don't know what you don't know because you haven't come up in that industry. 894 02:02:14.640 --> 02:02:25.020 Jennifer Clayton: So getting some instructional design industry best practices in place, just to make sure that you're doing those evaluations of those products and taking it back to the student outcomes, every time. 895 02:02:25.650 --> 02:02:34.980 Jennifer Clayton: And then making sure that the business case for developing those products is actually very clear and that if they're not improving student outcomes, then you're doing something to respond to that. 896 02:02:37.800 --> 02:02:39.120 Jennifer Clayton: And adjust those products. 897 02:02:40.950 --> 02:02:50.130 Jennifer Clayton: On that note, there are also many products that are already available. If you would like to take advantage of them. So, for example, one of your in house develop products is interim assessments. 898 02:02:51.120 --> 02:03:05.340 Jennifer Clayton: There are pre packaged interim assessments that are specific to New York, that you could purchase out the shelf. So if it turns out that you don't want to be spending time developing things that already exist. That's also another option. 899 02:03:07.110 --> 02:03:13.500 Jennifer Clayton: It all depends on how much time and resources. You want to put toward DEVELOPMENT VERSUS use of the products. 900 02:03:18.120 --> 02:03:21.210 Jennifer Clayton: And that is it for the recommendation. 901 02:03:22.230 --> 02:03:32.250 Jennifer Clayton: So I took a stab at Project ownership deadlines and costs. So the projects are on the left hand side of the table. The same names from that. 902 02:03:33.300 --> 02:03:47.850 Jennifer Clayton: Chart with the four quadrants, and then I suggested an owner tentative deadline and then try to find some cost estimates for you. So for the mission and charter. That's a shared responsibility of the board and the school building leadership. 903 02:03:50.400 --> 02:03:56.820 Jennifer Clayton: I think from that doodle poll. It looked like you were trying to get that done by the end of July. So I put to like 30 on there. 904 02:03:58.770 --> 02:04:04.320 Jennifer Clayton: And then for the cost estimate on that one. This one was very interesting. So you have the New York charter center there. 905 02:04:05.460 --> 02:04:17.430 Jennifer Clayton: That advertises a two day workshop to write your charter so that workshop is $600 for three people plus $200 for each additional person. 906 02:04:18.000 --> 02:04:28.080 Jennifer Clayton: And they say that within two days your charter would be rewritten. So that's one option. Another option is to go with a consultant who does it on an hourly basis so 907 02:04:28.770 --> 02:04:47.850 Jennifer Clayton: We don't publish their hourly rate and they don't publish, how many hours it takes, but what I did was I estimated, you have a 69 page charter. So I estimated it at $150 an hour, which is a pretty standard consulting rate and so got to, you know, 50,000 plus and the plus is dependent on 908 02:04:48.870 --> 02:04:52.740 Jennifer Clayton: How much time it takes to pull out what you really want. 909 02:04:54.180 --> 02:05:08.640 Jennifer Clayton: So if you have a pretty strong idea of what you want your school to look like obviously it will take less time. But if you have, you know, more your ideas are not yet as formed and somebody has helped you form those ideas, then it's going to take longer to develop that new charter 910 02:05:10.860 --> 02:05:12.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: I don't know that we have to 911 02:05:13.050 --> 02:05:14.580 Javier Lopez-Molina: cut costs one by one. 912 02:05:14.850 --> 02:05:15.390 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, good. 913 02:05:17.460 --> 02:05:18.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: It's good to like have 914 02:05:19.140 --> 02:05:24.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: A sense of what some of these what the investment is in terms of 915 02:05:25.590 --> 02:05:25.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Some of 916 02:05:27.210 --> 02:05:28.800 Javier Lopez-Molina: The other thing my faith. 917 02:05:30.000 --> 02:05:43.620 Briar Thompson: To be investment if we chose to draw an external help buddies right like there are some where we may end up doing something internally or sort of with volunteer time which would negate some of that external costs, yes. 918 02:05:43.890 --> 02:05:48.120 Jennifer Clayton: I put dashes in the cost column, when it was very obvious that you could do it internally. 919 02:05:48.690 --> 02:06:02.040 Jennifer Clayton: And then I put an estimate if you might want to do it outside the things the academic interventions and the product development. I specifically said to obtain an outside provider, because at the school building level, you don't have the expertise in house for those 920 02:06:03.570 --> 02:06:09.000 Jennifer Clayton: So those I would definitely recommend getting an outside provider. Some of the others, you could you could do in house. 921 02:06:10.740 --> 02:06:14.580 Jennifer Clayton: And then again, I'm you know i don't know who's on the board and able to assist that way. 922 02:06:19.350 --> 02:06:26.250 Jennifer Clayton: The asterisks one asterisk. If I had some more specific info. I could get a more specific cost estimate 923 02:06:27.270 --> 02:06:37.980 Jennifer Clayton: The double asterisks are when there might be an organization that is more experienced with new york city charter schools that might be able to hash it out more quickly for you. 924 02:06:39.600 --> 02:06:41.970 Jennifer Clayton: To like one of the examples. Was this past that consulting 925 02:06:43.170 --> 02:06:51.570 Jennifer Clayton: They can help you rewrite your charter and your principal job descriptions and performance evaluation and they're used to new york city charter schools. 926 02:06:51.990 --> 02:07:00.870 Jennifer Clayton: So that might be a valuable resource if you want to contract out I don't know anything about the quality of their services. I just saw that they offer those services. 927 02:07:01.650 --> 02:07:07.710 Jennifer Clayton: As an example, and then the three asterisks just means that I asked somebody for some quotes and I'm waiting on them to get back to me. 928 02:07:15.660 --> 02:07:16.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any questions. 929 02:07:21.960 --> 02:07:36.090 Jennifer Clayton: Okay, thank you. And thank you again to the building leadership for offering your time and Courtney for helping with all the documents gathering the document and then setting up the interviews, it was, it was a great pleasure working with you guys at this 930 02:07:44.100 --> 02:07:47.580 Javier Lopez-Molina: For no other questions we're on to the next. 931 02:07:51.420 --> 02:07:54.030 Javier Lopez-Molina: Which is the Culture Committee report. 932 02:07:57.300 --> 02:08:06.480 Javier Lopez-Molina: Think we have Velma is not here. So is there anyone who do we have that meeting the past month. Anyone who wants to talk to the 933 02:08:09.360 --> 02:08:12.000 Javier Lopez-Molina: I guess Adrian is not okay. So, it's me. 934 02:08:12.060 --> 02:08:15.000 Stacy S: It's Stacie um so we 935 02:08:16.980 --> 02:08:24.210 Stacy S: We had a phone call with Miss Mosley, Miss Melanie was able to join us for the call and she will stand in as the 936 02:08:24.720 --> 02:08:36.420 Stacy S: Direct contact to the school. Unfortunately, we weren't able to have a full meeting because all parties were in President and she also had another meeting to attend. So we are rescheduling for another date. 937 02:08:37.320 --> 02:08:59.280 Stacy S: But our spirits are are happy, we're happy to have a direct contact Liam is mostly and she sounded equally excited. Um, so I actually do need to send a follow up email to identify another date. So I think a lot will progress with us having contact with the school. So we're excited 938 02:09:01.980 --> 02:09:06.390 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, so the next item on the agenda is the Finance Committee, I will turn it over to Rob 939 02:09:07.980 --> 02:09:13.560 robb@commonbond.co: Awesome. I think we can be brief here so 940 02:09:14.640 --> 02:09:24.480 robb@commonbond.co: Finance Committee met last week and the prepared financials from Brent and Mary Beth are in the board packet 941 02:09:25.500 --> 02:09:36.750 robb@commonbond.co: We're remain on budget. We are on track for a balanced budget. We have one more month June is the last month in the in the fiscal year. 942 02:09:37.260 --> 02:09:53.640 robb@commonbond.co: We're in compliance with all covenants by a very long shot. What we'd like to do in the next board meeting is including the packet just a year and reflection on because we are going to go you to have a balanced budget and hit all of our 943 02:09:54.840 --> 02:10:01.860 robb@commonbond.co: requirements in terms of doing so. But not necessarily on a one to one line item level. So we were 944 02:10:02.430 --> 02:10:15.390 robb@commonbond.co: Over uncertain items and under and other and it kind of washed out. So we thought it'd be good to have a line by line just assessment of where we were over where we were under guess does another level of review for going forward. 945 02:10:16.620 --> 02:10:33.780 robb@commonbond.co: There is a pre audit underway. So we have an independent third party auditor who audited audits our financials and our controls every year. And we're we're going through the pre the the preliminary portion of that audit now. 946 02:10:35.430 --> 02:10:48.810 robb@commonbond.co: We also have to approve new financial policies which will vote on next week. So just a preview and next week's board meeting, there'll be a list of financial policies that go into our broader 947 02:10:50.370 --> 02:10:56.910 robb@commonbond.co: Broader. I don't know if it goes into the handbook or fits it stands alone, but we'll be able to vote on that next week, so 948 02:10:57.930 --> 02:11:06.060 robb@commonbond.co: That's really the extent of what I wanted to share. I know we have Mary Beth and Brent on the line. Is there anything you would add specific to call out 949 02:11:10.860 --> 02:11:13.440 Mary Beth Rousseau: I don't have anything specific to add no 950 02:11:16.200 --> 02:11:17.550 Brent Elliott: Nothing additional. Thank you. 951 02:11:20.070 --> 02:11:26.220 robb@commonbond.co: Great happy to take any questions if anyone reviewed the financials, or has any questions. Otherwise, we can move to the 952 02:11:33.150 --> 02:11:37.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Next, I will turn it over to Mr. Brown for the principles report. 953 02:11:41.220 --> 02:11:47.370 Courtney's cell: Heavy. I think there was just a little bit more with the financials and the agenda, sorry, the 954 02:11:48.390 --> 02:11:49.290 Courtney's cell: current owner piece. 955 02:11:52.290 --> 02:11:54.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: There's a scholar program. 956 02:11:54.420 --> 02:11:55.920 And then the credit card orders. 957 02:11:57.420 --> 02:12:00.270 Courtney's cell: And I think Rob, did you want to take that or do you want me feel 958 02:12:01.980 --> 02:12:03.660 Courtney's cell: Great. If you could take that Courtney. Thank you. 959 02:12:04.530 --> 02:12:05.100 Maria Dorsey: Are we voting. 960 02:12:05.160 --> 02:12:05.460 Courtney's cell: On it. 961 02:12:05.940 --> 02:12:08.820 Maria Dorsey: Excuse me guys. Does anybody bolt on the financial 962 02:12:08.970 --> 02:12:09.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: Oh, no. 963 02:12:09.870 --> 02:12:11.250 robb@commonbond.co: Question Maria every didn't 964 02:12:12.480 --> 02:12:20.790 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, so I motion to approve the name financials, as presented in the board packet 965 02:12:21.330 --> 02:12:21.960 Second, 966 02:12:23.460 --> 02:12:23.940 robb@commonbond.co: Ever 967 02:12:27.390 --> 02:12:32.730 robb@commonbond.co: Let the record show the board has passed the may financial statements. 968 02:12:34.440 --> 02:12:34.830 Courtney's cell: Awesome. 969 02:12:35.700 --> 02:12:36.780 robb@commonbond.co: Courtney poverty. 970 02:12:38.310 --> 02:12:47.460 Courtney's cell: Checking job. So just a quick note, I'm just as last month we change check signers from some light helpful to have the air Travis and myself. 971 02:12:48.210 --> 02:12:53.520 Courtney's cell: We are in the process of preparing to switch over a credit card. And so I've been working with 972 02:12:54.090 --> 02:13:03.960 Courtney's cell: Our banker at Chase, who is recommended a particular card that seems to suit the needs of the full on. It's a simple chase ain't business card and so 973 02:13:04.890 --> 02:13:22.500 Courtney's cell: I'd like to suggest that you all vote to approve Maria Dorsey to be the primary cardholder with me being an authorized representative, you know, signing off on the application limit of $10,000 it's all very standard, but just wanted to include that for the board's consideration. 974 02:13:31.980 --> 02:13:35.040 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, and I'd be supported, obviously, supportive there. 975 02:13:37.020 --> 02:13:37.920 Courtney's cell: And that would not 976 02:13:38.550 --> 02:13:42.900 robb@commonbond.co: Obviously change any of our existing controls in terms of procurement controls. 977 02:13:44.730 --> 02:13:45.390 That's totally 978 02:13:47.460 --> 02:14:00.690 Courtney's cell: Yep. And I originally recorded vote because the check centers did need to vote, but I spoke with Savannah. And she said, It's just more of an FYI. So again, if there's any concerns certainly let us know. But otherwise we're in position to proceed without 979 02:14:04.350 --> 02:14:05.550 That's awesome. Hey, thanks heavier. 980 02:14:10.650 --> 02:14:17.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: orient ourselves. The next item on the agenda is the awake, do we do the Scholarship Program, Fundraising money's 981 02:14:20.220 --> 02:14:25.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: Not called explicitly talking about that Rob, your name is next to it on the Finance Committee. 982 02:14:26.910 --> 02:14:39.990 robb@commonbond.co: I you and i don't i don't have anything specific to add there. I know, I know. Adrian circulated in the email with respect to future fundraising. Um, so perhaps you want to roll that one forward. 983 02:14:41.640 --> 02:14:43.230 robb@commonbond.co: Next month we could talk more about it. 984 02:14:43.830 --> 02:14:53.850 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, sounds good to me. We'll put it on next month's agenda next item on the agenda is the academic committee report, and then there's Macquarie still on with us. 985 02:15:01.500 --> 02:15:09.690 Nikali Jones: Yeah, I'm saying, however, you have a sense. Good. So a little bit more of this. But we did have a meeting last week, thank you Brian for organizing 986 02:15:10.740 --> 02:15:18.360 Nikali Jones: We talked about a few things. One was a summer school response plan. So all students and K to eight are invited to summer school 987 02:15:19.530 --> 02:15:22.800 Nikali Jones: During the month of July for focus is going to be math and English. 988 02:15:24.270 --> 02:15:38.940 Nikali Jones: Teachers will do one hour of life teaching each day there's been a bit of learning over the past couple months in terms of what is the best method to keep the kids engaged to make sure that they are you know interactive and all that. 989 02:15:40.170 --> 02:15:50.010 Nikali Jones: We say invited can't be mandatory but they're going to be very strongly encouraged for those who are maybe either at risk of promotion or we're having some trouble. 990 02:15:50.760 --> 02:16:07.260 Nikali Jones: Seeing the past couple months. Typically I think comes around, you said the rate was about half the kids who are enrolled and worked work trying to get us at least 70%. I think that's what you said. Sorry, I'm, again, correct me if I'm wrong, and 991 02:16:08.670 --> 02:16:21.750 Nikali Jones: And for the high school, high school is going to offer credit recovery. There was a decent amount of students who need to try to kind of complete some of their classes. 992 02:16:24.060 --> 02:16:41.520 Nikali Jones: So some schools, the best we can do is a virtual um and to try to get him continuously, you know, engaged. And I think that they are reaching out to parents and kind of brainstorm encouraging the kids who absolutely to attend. 993 02:16:42.810 --> 02:16:44.550 Nikali Jones: In terms of graduation updates. 994 02:16:46.410 --> 02:16:56.790 Nikali Jones: So this is a little bit of a question mark at the moment there are 70% of things are on track to graduate by do percent are on track to graduate. By August 995 02:16:58.290 --> 02:17:06.720 Nikali Jones: Collaborative. Those are the best estimates we think the thing might be a bit less. I'm at the low end about 996 02:17:08.160 --> 02:17:21.210 Nikali Jones: Minus 15 to 20% was Thomas's estimate and it's been very difficult to get students to adapt to online learning and complete the work that they need to do. 997 02:17:22.140 --> 02:17:34.470 Nikali Jones: From Travis's and they've been moved to now again to parents and students to let them know that they need to do, and really trying to encourage kids to finish their, their credits and make sure that they can graduate. Um, so 998 02:17:35.670 --> 02:17:44.610 Nikali Jones: To be fair, it's across the board. I don't know. People read. You know what's going on in the seat in general but graduation rates are are not 999 02:17:45.270 --> 02:17:56.280 Nikali Jones: predicted to be super high because of the transition very quickly to online learning. And then also making sure that that you know 1718 year olds are actually completing the work that they need to do. 1000 02:17:57.960 --> 02:18:11.490 Nikali Jones: So we did express concern about that, you know, Travis express a variety of ways that they were trying to reach out to both students and parents and having the teachers reach out to those students as well to try to make sure that they could graduate 1001 02:18:12.540 --> 02:18:22.080 Nikali Jones: So, Travis. I don't know if you have an update on what's going on in terms of the graduation rate or if there's anything that you can add to that, I'll pause for a minute. If you want to tap it for a second. 1002 02:18:23.220 --> 02:18:28.170 Travis Brown: And not think you we share that accurately. I think for our 12th grade students 1003 02:18:29.190 --> 02:18:34.680 Travis Brown: I think of all the grades for some reason they were they were kind of hit the hardest. This wasn't 1004 02:18:36.120 --> 02:18:46.950 Travis Brown: In terms of so I'll just, I'll just say, yeah, this is great. Here was deeply affected in terms of being offline and not getting the support they were used to it was already a group that was 1005 02:18:47.280 --> 02:18:50.100 Travis Brown: Struggling as a cohort to get across the finish line, and I think 1006 02:18:50.370 --> 02:18:54.240 Travis Brown: Going transitioning to distance learning or remote learning 1007 02:18:55.260 --> 02:18:57.240 Just put an extra 1008 02:18:58.830 --> 02:18:59.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Extra 1009 02:18:59.610 --> 02:19:03.480 Travis Brown: Marissa, and the way. So again, when we had 70% 1010 02:19:04.860 --> 02:19:13.680 For the for June and do graduation and we're trying to get data and this is everyday. Just following up with them, call them constantly getting them to do things. 1011 02:19:14.850 --> 02:19:25.470 Travis Brown: Doing zoom calls from students calling speaking to parents. So this is kind of a push to push to the finish line. And a lot of it is around just finishing work. 1012 02:19:28.050 --> 02:19:28.320 Great. 1013 02:19:29.430 --> 02:19:38.910 Nikali Jones: You know, and for good or for bad. The, the reality is that it really does seem that the students respond very well to the teachers and the teachers respond really well in terms of 1014 02:19:39.510 --> 02:19:49.860 Nikali Jones: When they are able to see them, they're able to kind of push them and encourage them and get them to to do the work. And I think this has been a super big challenge for for everyone across the country. 1015 02:19:51.600 --> 02:19:58.890 Nikali Jones: And so, you know, in terms of wheat, we really push on the academics. Many of like what's going on. I think it seems like we're doing as much as we can do 1016 02:19:59.910 --> 02:20:11.640 Nikali Jones: But it is extremely challenging, I think, to get them to get that route up at the moment, and we are again Travis go for a run, where we are anticipating that it's going to be probably a little bit lower. 1017 02:20:12.540 --> 02:20:23.520 Travis Brown: Yeah, I think so. Especially when we, when we took them on. Honestly, we haven't seen these kids in over three months in terms of like physically. And so I think that's, that's just where we are. 1018 02:20:24.660 --> 02:20:31.560 Travis Brown: But I think as a school, we just, you know, we have to continue to reach out in really match the people who can 1019 02:20:31.950 --> 02:20:44.430 Travis Brown: Low students. I've been a part of. So one of the things that we do is we strategically match teachers or staff members with kids who have, they have connections with. So even if, if I have to jump on a call. 1020 02:20:45.510 --> 02:20:54.690 Travis Brown: Miss savages here. She has a relationship but number of students. So we give those those kicking butt calls in the morning and things like that, just to get them to 1021 02:20:55.860 --> 02:20:59.580 Travis Brown: Get over. Get over the hump. So hopefully, the numbers are love 1022 02:21:01.290 --> 02:21:14.490 Travis Brown: Will look good, but we'll see. I think next week is a big week for all all students. It's a way to finish their work, take, take their assessments and and get the credits. They need to graduate and move on to college. 1023 02:21:18.510 --> 02:21:28.080 Nikali Jones: And they're worse. Some teacher vacancies remaining but Travis kind of mentioned that there wasn't so much, so much of a concern of filling those um 1024 02:21:29.100 --> 02:21:39.420 Nikali Jones: So, and I was actually a little concerned about that were like, I don't know if teachers were high demand or not, but it seems like you think that we real to fill this pretty accurately are pretty quickly. Um, 1025 02:21:40.440 --> 02:21:51.750 Nikali Jones: There was actually traveling want you to speak to this because I think it was great about this corresponds to George Floyd if he can talk about the staff and students listening circle. And even if it says on the call if she is, she can 1026 02:21:52.920 --> 02:21:53.580 Nikali Jones: A pint as well. 1027 02:21:54.960 --> 02:22:06.210 Travis Brown: You Stacy. Thank you again for joining us and Kelly Thank you for bringing it up. I think one of the most part one of the most powerful events of the year was really 1028 02:22:08.520 --> 02:22:19.710 Travis Brown: Getting the staff together over zoom just like this and release to talk about the George Floyd tragedy and everything surrounding police brutality and just to what's happening. Our country right now and 1029 02:22:20.220 --> 02:22:25.500 Travis Brown: Think our educators really brought their voices their perspectives, the ideas and I think it 1030 02:22:26.580 --> 02:22:28.200 Travis Brown: It just really charted 1031 02:22:29.250 --> 02:22:37.680 Travis Brown: Almost a new day in our organization where people want to talk about these issues and want to create spaces for issues like these, but also 1032 02:22:38.400 --> 02:22:48.990 Travis Brown: Additional diversity inclusion and equity issues as well. So we've been excited to really start the conversation and listen and I think 1033 02:22:49.620 --> 02:22:59.670 Travis Brown: With the student listening circle we just we realize also that it was amazing. Just the what listen to our scholars, talk, talk about similar issues really in 1034 02:23:00.780 --> 02:23:07.080 Travis Brown: Part of the Listening, Listening strategy is to listening to your people. And as we talked about this, you know, when we talk about being a crew. 1035 02:23:07.410 --> 02:23:14.820 Travis Brown: It's not enough to just be a crew and just see people. You have to really speak see them here them. 1036 02:23:15.300 --> 02:23:21.720 Travis Brown: Really not there, let them know that they appreciated value and and really elevate and the band state voices. 1037 02:23:22.110 --> 02:23:30.840 Travis Brown: And put all the power behind it. So we started some really cool. We want to continue some really just awesome honestly just listening and hearing 1038 02:23:31.230 --> 02:23:39.870 Travis Brown: What our people really have to say, and that when I said about people. I mean, our, our young people also we have some and we're and we're just 1039 02:23:40.350 --> 02:23:47.340 Travis Brown: And we're just continuing to look at that and that's one of the things that we as we continue into summer in the fall, we want to bring in 1040 02:23:47.730 --> 02:23:53.610 Travis Brown: Some external people with expertise in the area to really help us navigate all these issues of equity. 1041 02:23:54.480 --> 02:24:10.290 Travis Brown: Diversity race in an organization because I think as part of our next chapter around how we treat our people, how we value our people and also our students as well. So I think that's, that was the that was kind of the huge launch launch point for us. 1042 02:24:13.620 --> 02:24:14.340 Great, thank you. 1043 02:24:15.930 --> 02:24:30.360 Nikali Jones: And I think that's awesome. Um, and then the last thing you discuss was student tracking and so we we have done some assessments that NWA kitty and the high school and have your assessments and I think we're still awaiting those results Travis. 1044 02:24:31.440 --> 02:24:33.480 Travis Brown: Yes, those will happen next week. 1045 02:24:36.000 --> 02:24:38.430 Nikali Jones: Um, so that was kind of the academic update 1046 02:24:39.480 --> 02:24:44.490 Nikali Jones: Again, I think there there's, there's a lot of concern about the graduation update 1047 02:24:45.540 --> 02:24:53.640 Nikali Jones: You know, I have to take it with a grain of salt in terms of what I've been reading across the country. It's, I think, that 1048 02:24:57.810 --> 02:25:10.860 Nikali Jones: That our school really reacted very quickly to making sure kids had access to being able to do online learning and acted very quickly and ahead of the curve in terms of getting things set up. 1049 02:25:11.880 --> 02:25:22.740 Nikali Jones: But obviously, it's a really different scenario for kids to learn in their home and you know for parents to have some become teachers and make sure that they're the kids are falling through all that so 1050 02:25:24.570 --> 02:25:36.300 Nikali Jones: You know, I think it's probably in terms of if you can, at some point, compare to how we did across the board will give us a better sense but um yeah that was update for for academic stuff. 1051 02:25:39.060 --> 02:25:46.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, great. So alternative renounce who Mr. Brown's and give us the principles report and the abbreviated or view from this other 1052 02:25:47.850 --> 02:25:48.780 Travis Brown: Yes, so I'll just 1053 02:25:49.950 --> 02:25:57.240 Travis Brown: In the flow of Lima savage she has the report prepared and we could just go through what's been happening in the school. 1054 02:25:58.380 --> 02:26:01.890 Travis Brown: And remote learning and then talk talk more about academics. 1055 02:26:19.320 --> 02:26:21.780 Adebunmi Savage: Sorry. Can you guys hear me now. 1056 02:26:23.850 --> 02:26:29.670 Adebunmi Savage: Yep. Okay. Good afternoon. Good evening, everyone. Just to give a quick update 1057 02:26:30.120 --> 02:26:41.490 Adebunmi Savage: On online learning and not programming. So we still have the same programs in place in terms of what we offer next week is an assessment week so kids in K to 12 will be taking 1058 02:26:42.120 --> 02:26:52.290 Adebunmi Savage: Two types of assessment K to eight students will be taking the NWA and reading and math and nine to 12 students will be taking their final exam and I'll be able to report on those results. 1059 02:26:52.920 --> 02:27:11.670 Adebunmi Savage: In the July meeting in terms of our daily attendance from watch 23rd to June 17 our average daily attendance is 86% last week and I'm sorry. Last month I believe Rob asked me for some comparative yearly data. 1060 02:27:12.900 --> 02:27:18.330 Adebunmi Savage: So I prepared some of that to kind of just provide insight on how the school. 1061 02:27:19.470 --> 02:27:25.320 Adebunmi Savage: Has been doing year over year, Rob. Are you the one that asked me for this last month. 1062 02:27:26.100 --> 02:27:28.620 robb@commonbond.co: Yes, this is great. Thanks message. 1063 02:27:29.070 --> 02:27:39.810 Adebunmi Savage: No problem. I'm just going to go into this briefly and if there's anything you all want to hear more about I can either answer right away or if I don't have the answer. I'll make sure I prepare for the next meeting. 1064 02:27:40.260 --> 02:27:56.280 Adebunmi Savage: So in terms of our K to eight beta i started tracking this we actually presented this toss staff and the beginning of the year. And this has been really helpful in terms of decision making. So here, this is showing la states has performance on 1065 02:27:59.100 --> 02:28:12.960 Adebunmi Savage: And math state test performance from 2015 as well to 2019. So we see that for LA. There was an upward trend and then in 2018 there was a slight dip and then an upward trend again. 1066 02:28:13.680 --> 02:28:37.110 Adebunmi Savage: For mathematics slight dip in 2016 and then from 2017 2019 just consistently improving these were our goals for the 2020 year but unfortunately that did not come into fruition. Another way that this is helpful is that we're able to track cohort data. Sorry I clicked so soon. 1067 02:28:38.250 --> 02:28:42.300 Adebunmi Savage: Okay, we're able to track cohort data. So, for example, 1068 02:28:43.590 --> 02:28:44.040 Adebunmi Savage: The 1069 02:28:45.840 --> 02:29:02.850 Adebunmi Savage: Class that graduated in 2019 better now ninth graders. Here's the history of their performance from when they first took an assessment at the school when they were third graders. So third grade only 6% of these scholars were proficient in LA. 1070 02:29:03.570 --> 02:29:15.660 Adebunmi Savage: They ended with 53% of them being proficient as eighth graders and third grade 27% of these calls are proficient. They ended with 66% in terms of mathematics. 1071 02:29:16.140 --> 02:29:26.790 Adebunmi Savage: One way that we track. We use this data is to just inform which groups, we need to basically put all of our focus on and also to identify which teachers are struggling 1072 02:29:27.210 --> 02:29:33.660 Adebunmi Savage: Year after year, and which teachers have been improving, year after year or so I'll kind of just talk about this a little bit. 1073 02:29:35.190 --> 02:29:52.830 Adebunmi Savage: So if we look right here where we see this 56% and this blue. These were our current seventh graders one day were sixth graders. They were performing at 56% proficiency in mathematics. 1074 02:29:54.000 --> 02:30:06.180 Adebunmi Savage: The year before that they were only 27% of them more proficient. So they basically doubled their proficiency. So we can look at it this way in terms of the cohort, but we can also track the teacher, the teacher has been with us. 1075 02:30:06.540 --> 02:30:18.150 Adebunmi Savage: So this sixth grade teacher is actually miss Lindsay Owens and she's currently still a sixth grade teacher so she got those kids from 27% to 56% if I backtrack. 1076 02:30:18.750 --> 02:30:25.320 Adebunmi Savage: To see when these kids were in sixth grade how they perform that they perform 44% efficient. 1077 02:30:26.040 --> 02:30:42.060 Adebunmi Savage: But at the time, only one Lindsay got DOM only 32% of them are proficient and then the year before that one Lindsay had these sixth graders. That's a really low number 26% but she got them at 10% efficient. So we're able to 1078 02:30:42.570 --> 02:30:51.030 Adebunmi Savage: Look horizontally. I'm sorry. We're able to look back and only and see that every year, Lindsey is increasing her proficiency. 1079 02:30:51.360 --> 02:30:58.380 Adebunmi Savage: And also increasing that cohorts proficiency were able to do the same thing with any teacher that has been with us. 1080 02:30:58.740 --> 02:31:08.970 Adebunmi Savage: Throughout the years, and and I've used that for example and identified that all fourth grade teacher, you're asked to year wasn't hurting kids weren't 1081 02:31:09.510 --> 02:31:13.920 Adebunmi Savage: Growing and they weren't declining. They were just things that it 1082 02:31:14.280 --> 02:31:28.830 Adebunmi Savage: Or fluctuate in one or two percentage points. So when I saw this, I realized, Okay, this is a teacher that I'm putting a lot of focus on this year. And I'm going to use Lindsay as a model for other teachers in terms of transfer transformative growth. 1083 02:31:30.210 --> 02:31:32.430 Adebunmi Savage: Does anyone have any questions about 1084 02:31:33.570 --> 02:31:34.830 Adebunmi Savage: This Speedo right here. 1085 02:31:38.340 --> 02:31:38.760 Adebunmi Savage: Okay. 1086 02:31:41.190 --> 02:31:54.150 Adebunmi Savage: Second thing that I wanted to just highlight is where our level one. Kids are versus our level four kids. So this is our la data in 2018 and 1087 02:31:54.720 --> 02:32:07.470 Adebunmi Savage: Also in 2019 so in 20 1822 students will level four and 20 1929 students will level four and we can also compare the level ones. 1088 02:32:08.400 --> 02:32:31.170 Adebunmi Savage: For mathematics. We saw that this year for the first time we had more kids that will level for that were level one. So last year we had 33 kids level for this year we had 44 that will level four, so we're also looking to see how our groups are shifting and moving up and and how I'm 1089 02:32:32.370 --> 02:32:39.810 Adebunmi Savage: Thinking about the practices that we put in place that year that lead to those shifts. So in order for kids to become level four 1090 02:32:39.990 --> 02:32:53.760 Adebunmi Savage: There had to be a lot of emphasis on conceptual understanding and a lot of problem solving practices. So, reflecting on that continuously to think about how did we shift these kids. And what are we going to replicate in the next year versus what do we need to modify and adjust 1091 02:32:57.000 --> 02:33:13.260 Adebunmi Savage: For our region's pass rates and unfortunately I won't be able to share with you all a 2018 2019 and 2019 2020 comparison but I am able to share with you 2017 2018 and 2018 2019 so I'm 1092 02:33:14.100 --> 02:33:24.030 Adebunmi Savage: Travis entered CPA, I believe 2018 2019. So this is the prior year. Looking at the region's pass rate in terms of how students 1093 02:33:24.810 --> 02:33:30.840 Adebunmi Savage: How many students pass the exam. So were able to see here that six out of 1094 02:33:31.680 --> 02:33:46.050 Adebunmi Savage: 10 exams showed an increase in pass rates and four out of the 10 exams showed a decrease whether slight or significant. So again, taking a look at the classes that showed an increase and then trying to replicate those practices. 1095 02:33:46.980 --> 02:33:57.030 Adebunmi Savage: And then see, you know, look at the classes that showed or the courses that showed a decrease and then thinking about what adjustments needs to be put in place, whether it's instruction, whether it's curriculum. 1096 02:33:58.140 --> 02:33:59.850 Adebunmi Savage: Whether it's the instructor 1097 02:34:05.700 --> 02:34:21.930 Adebunmi Savage: I'm something that our college and career director wanted us to share in this board meeting, which we're all very excited about is last year there were two kids that scored above a 1200 on the essay to 1098 02:34:22.650 --> 02:34:26.280 Adebunmi Savage: This year we have six scholars best scored above or 1200 1099 02:34:27.240 --> 02:34:39.270 Adebunmi Savage: First try also the highest score. We've had I believe was in the last four or so year was Mary Claire tornado and her high score after three attempts was a 1370 1100 02:34:39.660 --> 02:34:49.110 Adebunmi Savage: So Matthew to his sous has already not that high score out of the order on his first attempt and he's going to all of these scholars are going to retake it again in the fall. 1101 02:34:50.340 --> 02:34:51.510 Adebunmi Savage: As seniors. 1102 02:34:52.950 --> 02:34:58.200 Adebunmi Savage: Mary Claire, I believe, got into three Ivy League schools so I can only imagine. 1103 02:34:58.470 --> 02:35:07.650 Adebunmi Savage: What these scholars have ahead of them and I'm super proud because out of these six scholars, I taught five of them. So they're near and dear to my heart. 1104 02:35:07.980 --> 02:35:18.600 Adebunmi Savage: And out of these scholars to have the scholars have staff members that work at our school they're the children of staff members Damien Zuniga 1105 02:35:19.170 --> 02:35:28.740 Adebunmi Savage: Mom is our operations associate on the CPA side and Matthew day his suit is the son of our building manager. So this is just like 1106 02:35:29.040 --> 02:35:35.220 Adebunmi Savage: Close to our community through and through. And we're really excited to see what next year scores are going to be 1107 02:35:35.610 --> 02:35:49.200 Adebunmi Savage: And kind of the difference that led to this Travis and listed and outside partner for sa T practice here and we saw just more success with an outside partner. I don't know if you want to add to that Travis. 1108 02:35:51.450 --> 02:35:53.430 Travis Brown: Thank you doing amazing job. Keep go 1109 02:35:54.120 --> 02:35:54.990 Adebunmi Savage: Okay, thank you. 1110 02:35:56.880 --> 02:36:12.270 Adebunmi Savage: In terms of what's next. Um, so, as I think it was a Kaylee that shared we are having assessments next week, I'll be able to share that in July board meeting the outcomes of those assessments. 1111 02:36:12.600 --> 02:36:19.710 Adebunmi Savage: For our summer instruction we are encouraging all of our students that attend and the way we're trying to basically 1112 02:36:20.610 --> 02:36:24.660 Adebunmi Savage: Be a little bit more. I don't want to use the word core serve, but be a little bit more 1113 02:36:25.200 --> 02:36:33.480 Adebunmi Savage: Demanding and requiring that they attend. Is that the same work that's going to be assigned for summer work is what students are going to be doing it online learning. 1114 02:36:33.810 --> 02:36:44.910 Adebunmi Savage: So it would be an A students benefit to attend online learning. It's a get help and assistance from a teacher than to do it on their own. So regardless kids are going to be required to do that work. 1115 02:36:45.480 --> 02:36:59.790 Adebunmi Savage: They're going to be attending live instruction and on an alternating schedule week as they'll have live instruction we be they'll do an independent instruction and we've hired all of the teachers for these roles already 1116 02:37:00.570 --> 02:37:17.880 Adebunmi Savage: In terms of culture focus. We've had we've had have had a heavy emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion diversity and our school were looking into our curriculum to do a curriculum audit is our curriculum Responsive Enough. 1117 02:37:19.770 --> 02:37:29.520 Adebunmi Savage: We are looking at our calendar events of events we're having conversations with teachers, two weeks ago we hosted the session in response to 1118 02:37:29.910 --> 02:37:47.010 Adebunmi Savage: The murder of George Floyd murders of George Floyd and Ahmad Aubrey and we're going to continue to have these conversations but impact of that the session was felt greatly in our community. So we received 36 feedback. 1119 02:37:48.690 --> 02:38:00.750 Adebunmi Savage: pieces of feedback from teachers and other staff members and, I believe, for me, just add this up really quickly 82% found the session to be effective and then 1120 02:38:01.170 --> 02:38:15.720 Adebunmi Savage: 20 teachers expressed interest in wanting to be part of designing be sessions and 10 teachers said they may want to be part of it. So about 30 teachers expressed some sort of interest in wanting to be part of 1121 02:38:17.550 --> 02:38:31.800 Adebunmi Savage: Designing and leading conversations like this. So we want to make sure that we're not responding in a way that's reactive, or that's isolated, but that this does become a fixed practice in our organization and we're more responsive than we are reactive 1122 02:38:34.380 --> 02:38:41.130 Adebunmi Savage: And that is all I have for today. Does anyone have any questions. Is there anything I can answer. 1123 02:38:49.350 --> 02:38:53.700 Adebunmi Savage: Alright, um, I look forward to giving you guys information next month. 1124 02:38:54.420 --> 02:39:03.180 Adebunmi Savage: In terms of our end of the year assessments, I'll be able to give you a comparison from fall to spring and I'll also be able to give you a comparison from last spring to this bank. 1125 02:39:03.570 --> 02:39:19.110 Adebunmi Savage: Of course there will be some impact because of online learning by little think the data is valuable because if we are going to continue in online learning in any way, perhaps in the fall, then it's useful for us to know how kids are performing in this space assessment wise. 1126 02:39:20.160 --> 02:39:21.030 Adebunmi Savage: Thank you everyone. 1127 02:39:22.410 --> 02:39:32.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thank you so much. I completely agree. I think online learning is something that's that we're going to have to get right. Everyone's struggling with that and 1128 02:39:33.600 --> 02:39:38.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let's, let's take a look at the data because my hunch is that we're gonna be a mess for one 1129 02:39:44.070 --> 02:39:47.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: Mr. Brown to have anything else but the fear update 1130 02:39:48.570 --> 02:39:49.410 Travis Brown: Well, not at this time. 1131 02:39:51.150 --> 02:39:54.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: There was a question from Stacy around the graduation plans. 1132 02:39:55.980 --> 02:40:08.460 Travis Brown: Yes, I'll make sure when we send that out to everyone on the board. It will be a digital graduate virtual graduation. So everybody is invited you can attend right in your homes. 1133 02:40:10.800 --> 02:40:12.210 Javier Lopez-Molina: So that, that's too far away. 1134 02:40:15.510 --> 02:40:17.520 robb@commonbond.co: Miss Darcy gonna sing the national anthem. 1135 02:40:21.180 --> 02:40:21.810 Travis Brown: I hope so. 1136 02:40:27.780 --> 02:40:39.750 Javier Lopez-Molina: Awesome. Alright, so the next item on the agenda is be LCS fundraising, given that Adrian's not here right now. I think we can postpone that until the next meeting. 1137 02:40:40.320 --> 02:40:48.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: The item on the agenda after that is the LCS transition plan. I will turn it over to coordinate to talk about the transition plan and HR updates. 1138 02:40:52.830 --> 02:41:00.570 Courtney's cell: Great things heavier. So just a few updates. After this evening. So first of all, the transition plan. 1139 02:41:01.020 --> 02:41:09.810 Courtney's cell: In terms of moving away from Lighthouse academies is all going very smoothly. I'll start off by sharing. We did have a public hearing. I think it was on Tuesday evening. 1140 02:41:10.470 --> 02:41:20.880 Courtney's cell: Which was really well attended by excuse me several leaders from the school several teachers and several parents Javier and Travis, as well as myself had the opportunity to speak. 1141 02:41:21.300 --> 02:41:33.030 Courtney's cell: And really the purpose of that public hearing was to allow comments, positive or negative in terms of the shift away from my house and the new name of ferrous Academy Charter School 1142 02:41:33.630 --> 02:41:43.860 Courtney's cell: Fortunately I think out of 19 people on the zoom almost all spoke and all of the comments were favorable in terms of both of these changes and so 1143 02:41:44.400 --> 02:41:51.420 Courtney's cell: This will be considered by both in New York City Department of Education, as well as the state when it goes up to that state level on 1144 02:41:51.870 --> 02:42:01.440 Courtney's cell: July 13 and 14th. So overall, in terms of the transition where we're firing very well. I did include a link to the transition plan essentially we're on track with 1145 02:42:02.070 --> 02:42:11.730 Courtney's cell: Everything that we're supposed to be at this time. So I'll pause there and see if anyone has any questions about the move away from lighthouse. The name change or anything else that might be related to that. 1146 02:42:18.810 --> 02:42:19.410 Courtney's cell: Okay, great. 1147 02:42:20.580 --> 02:42:30.270 Courtney's cell: And the second piece is just an update on the little bird HR implementation process. So, on June 1 through June 8 we had our 1148 02:42:30.900 --> 02:42:45.810 Courtney's cell: Open Enrollment, which is the opportunity for staff members to elect their benefits for the upcoming school year effective July one. And I have to say the overall response from the fest was very, very positive lots of 1149 02:42:46.830 --> 02:42:53.760 Courtney's cell: Support around having the New York plan. Lots of support around the different offerings that were included and then 1150 02:42:54.300 --> 02:43:01.620 Courtney's cell: Certainly, I think the most positive feedback I received was around the tiered support with people who have been at the school for longer. 1151 02:43:02.580 --> 02:43:17.430 Courtney's cell: That decreased in the employer contribution, excuse me, employee contributions and really hearing a lot of positive feedback from staff who are going to be, you know, benefiting from those offerings so little bird continues to 1152 02:43:18.510 --> 02:43:32.220 Courtney's cell: Go well in terms of the partnership, we're moving into the next phase which is implementation of payroll pay LA City, which will, I think, going to effectively in July 17 payroll, so everything has been great shape before liberty HR 1153 02:43:34.350 --> 02:43:35.700 Courtney's cell: Any questions or comments on that. 1154 02:43:40.380 --> 02:43:42.270 Courtney's cell: Okay, great. And then 1155 02:43:43.500 --> 02:43:55.170 Courtney's cell: The final piece, as I mentioned last month, and I've had some conversations with Jennifer was Javier and Travis around HR and compliance and so I've also hyperlinks. I'm in the process of 1156 02:43:56.520 --> 02:44:13.470 Courtney's cell: Going through and creating some standard operating procedures, specifically around HR and compliance mainly things like exit interviews that I've had the chance to speak to Javier somewhat extensively about as well as other just related components of HR and compliance and so 1157 02:44:15.600 --> 02:44:22.140 Courtney's cell: I'll take a look at my project plan. I think I have everything spread out over like a six week period from when I first started on June 1 and so 1158 02:44:22.470 --> 02:44:31.230 Courtney's cell: By mid July or so I expect to have a draft of those done. And that's certainly something that we can share with you all, and should you want to see it. But overall, again, everything is 1159 02:44:31.860 --> 02:44:42.360 Courtney's cell: Going as expected with the transition and we're regularly in contact with Lighthouse regularly contact with all of our new partners or continued partners like finance and 1160 02:44:43.680 --> 02:44:45.360 Courtney's cell: Like I said, it's like as expected. 1161 02:44:50.580 --> 02:44:53.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any questions from from everybody. 1162 02:44:54.330 --> 02:45:00.810 robb@commonbond.co: Near there. That's great. Okay, thank you. Are there any meeting notes or from the public. 1163 02:45:02.040 --> 02:45:06.420 robb@commonbond.co: Hearing on the on the name change in the move away from LBJ 1164 02:45:08.220 --> 02:45:18.120 Courtney's cell: It's my understanding that they do record those meetings and in preparation. They had shared a link with some of the previous recordings, and so I will request. 1165 02:45:18.810 --> 02:45:22.110 Courtney's cell: A copy of that from the DLC so that I can share that with you or it might be 1166 02:45:22.860 --> 02:45:27.510 Courtney's cell: You know, sometime early next week, but I'll certainly try to get my hands on that so you guys can take a look at that. But it was them. 1167 02:45:28.290 --> 02:45:37.890 Courtney's cell: You know personally, I thought it was really motivating and just positive and I'm really a great step in the right direction with this important stakeholder. It's awesome. 1168 02:45:38.430 --> 02:45:40.770 Javier Lopez-Molina: Thank you. Do you know if the 1169 02:45:42.240 --> 02:45:43.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: Chancellor's meeting is 1170 02:45:44.910 --> 02:45:45.960 Javier Lopez-Molina: Open to the public. 1171 02:45:46.020 --> 02:45:49.620 Javier Lopez-Molina: Or is that a closed or is there going to be a recording of that as well. 1172 02:45:52.050 --> 02:45:58.620 Courtney's cell: And that way, they haven't explicitly felt about like how and when the do we actually reviews it and the Chancellor. 1173 02:45:59.130 --> 02:46:11.220 Courtney's cell: And so I'm a little bit unclear about that when I request the recording. I'll ask if there is like a formal process or date where the Chancellor approve that, and then sends it up to the, the state level. So I'll inquire about that heavier. 1174 02:46:12.300 --> 02:46:13.410 Javier Lopez-Molina: Just want to be interested to 1175 02:46:13.410 --> 02:46:13.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: Hear like 1176 02:46:14.250 --> 02:46:17.580 Javier Lopez-Molina: What their conversation is around the topic because 1177 02:46:17.640 --> 02:46:19.110 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know about 1178 02:46:19.290 --> 02:46:22.950 Javier Lopez-Molina: Making another material revision, for example, for our charter. I want to know like 1179 02:46:22.980 --> 02:46:24.360 What are the things that they're thinking 1180 02:46:25.410 --> 02:46:29.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: So that we can incorporate that how we design and how we approach them. 1181 02:46:32.430 --> 02:46:33.090 Courtney's cell: Great for sure. 1182 02:46:39.900 --> 02:46:41.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: As well on the agenda. 1183 02:46:42.390 --> 02:46:48.690 Courtney's cell: Okay, wonderful. So I'd like to speak for a few minutes about the personnel handbook. 1184 02:46:49.710 --> 02:47:00.660 Courtney's cell: So as we do every year we prepare a personnel handbook for the board review consideration and approval. And so in the packet, you will see a very 1185 02:47:01.290 --> 02:47:12.990 Courtney's cell: Lengthy documents. But fortunately, you guys have given me some good feedback in the past to include a comparison table. So if you scroll throughout the packet towards my apologize. I don't have the page number pulled up, but I will just 1186 02:47:14.340 --> 02:47:16.590 Courtney's cell: share my screen for a moment so that you can 1187 02:47:18.420 --> 02:47:20.340 Courtney's cell: See that document directly. One moment. 1188 02:47:30.450 --> 02:47:41.130 Courtney's cell: Okay, great. So what is the best way to go through this, do you all want me to go line by line, or do you just want me to highlight like any major ones that I might call to your attention at pretty much everything 1189 02:47:41.580 --> 02:47:51.300 Courtney's cell: And that was changed from the handbook to this year's is in here. So it's pretty lengthy two pages and but however you prefer for me to approach this. I'm happy to do it that way. 1190 02:48:01.980 --> 02:48:04.830 Javier Lopez-Molina: Just scanning these and it looks like a lot of 1191 02:48:05.100 --> 02:48:08.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: Stuff. I'm looking at this correctly, a lot of these weren't in our previous year handbook. 1192 02:48:09.090 --> 02:48:14.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: And they are. That's sort of like a new description and the handbook, which I think is great sort of add 1193 02:48:16.140 --> 02:48:16.500 Courtney's cell: Add 1194 02:48:16.830 --> 02:48:19.230 Javier Lopez-Molina: More, More things here. So, 1195 02:48:20.400 --> 02:48:23.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: That's great. I think maybe just highlight anything that that's 1196 02:48:25.260 --> 02:48:29.340 Javier Lopez-Molina: That you think might be sensitive or or or require a little bit of 1197 02:48:29.400 --> 02:48:29.910 Discretion 1198 02:48:31.200 --> 02:48:40.560 Courtney's cell: Absolutely. I'll talk you through just a few major buckets, but enough to go through every little thing and and then if you have questions about these lines, let me know. But I think the biggest thing that you've 1199 02:48:41.340 --> 02:48:51.300 Courtney's cell: Somewhat said here heavier is with this first line. So, this this handbook is regularly reviewed by HR or excuse me, legal on the little bird HR 1200 02:48:52.050 --> 02:49:02.700 Courtney's cell: Team. And so we have the benefit of, you know, when you see things like really specific policies around New York State human rights law, your citizens rights law that just weren't included and national handbook before 1201 02:49:03.270 --> 02:49:11.760 Courtney's cell: We have the benefit of having this you know in house expertise, who's going to be making sure that these things are all up to speed on a similar note, TLC. 1202 02:49:12.660 --> 02:49:19.830 Courtney's cell: There's some things that we didn't have an error on like legally required minimum for part time employees for PTO and whatnot. So I think just in general. 1203 02:49:20.610 --> 02:49:26.160 Courtney's cell: Having the support system behind us to do that legal review and putting that forth Maria and I 1204 02:49:26.910 --> 02:49:33.720 Courtney's cell: Spent a lot of time working with the team members of little bird going back and forth, they did do a great job bringing over our policies from 1205 02:49:34.200 --> 02:49:43.110 Courtney's cell: Lighthouse handbook, but they were really key in highlighting some of those shifts that need to happen. And I think the second big bucket of things. 1206 02:49:43.620 --> 02:49:49.680 Courtney's cell: Is that document as a bit more comprehensive. So before I feel like we had a lot of standalone policy. So we had 1207 02:49:50.100 --> 02:50:05.160 Courtney's cell: You know the sexual harassment policy is somewhat of a standalone policy or thinking about the critical days where teachers, you know, are not able to take off because of a holiday coming up or critical state testing. So building those things into the template. So it's really 1208 02:50:06.240 --> 02:50:18.420 Courtney's cell: Even though it is a little bit like thing being able to go to that and say this is my goal to guide do a quick search or look at the table of contents that what you're trying to find and having it all there. So that's number two, and then 1209 02:50:20.070 --> 02:50:27.240 Courtney's cell: I think this is just an interesting one that I'll share. And I know that the board. It's somewhat related to some of the pieces around 1210 02:50:27.900 --> 02:50:35.580 Courtney's cell: employee satisfaction and retention that you all often think about and talk about and certainly Jennifer has referred to in her presentation but 1211 02:50:36.090 --> 02:50:48.990 Courtney's cell: I little bird suggested that the industry standard for paid parental leave is somewhere six weeks. Currently, the LCS and Lighthouse did not have any kind of offering 1212 02:50:49.470 --> 02:50:59.790 Courtney's cell: Of course, we were in line with the Family Medical Leave Act offering optional short term disability insurance, which in the past, used to be paid by the employee and that was a little bird. 1213 02:51:00.240 --> 02:51:06.930 Courtney's cell: The employee no longer and cause any class and certainly the the Paid Family Leave Act, but because of 1214 02:51:08.010 --> 02:51:19.050 Courtney's cell: Little bird really opening our eyes and pushing the school to think about a more progressive policy there Travis was in favor of adapting the six weeks of paid parental leave. 1215 02:51:19.710 --> 02:51:29.340 Courtney's cell: Where basically the school will work to make an employee whole. So let's just say for example with short term disability. Let's, let's say you're an employee who makes 1216 02:51:30.090 --> 02:51:40.800 Courtney's cell: 20 $500 a week and let's say your short term disability is only 1500 dollars a week, the school would make up that difference for a six week period so that a new parent, whether it's 1217 02:51:41.640 --> 02:51:55.920 Courtney's cell: A male or female has the opportunity to take that six week of six weeks of paid parental leave. So I know that one's a little bit specific but again I think it just speaks to some of the priorities that you all have emphasized in some of your conversations and meetings. 1218 02:51:58.650 --> 02:51:59.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: I could 1219 02:51:59.310 --> 02:52:08.040 Javier Lopez-Molina: I mean my comment is, I'm super excited to see that here when we're just having a conversation now about how do we keep them retain staff and 1220 02:52:08.550 --> 02:52:22.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: How do we stay competitive in a market that has 40% turnover, making sure that we're at the very minimum competitive with with our benefits it's it's a big deal. So I'm glad to see the US making that change. 1221 02:52:27.900 --> 02:52:32.130 Courtney's cell: Okay, thank you. Any other questions or comments about this and handball comparison. 1222 02:52:48.330 --> 02:52:48.810 Yes, please. 1223 02:52:49.980 --> 02:52:50.250 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright. 1224 02:52:52.560 --> 02:52:54.540 Javier Lopez-Molina: Motion to approve the PLC is 1225 02:52:54.690 --> 02:53:02.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: No handbook for 20 2020 22nd. 1226 02:53:05.040 --> 02:53:05.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: Ever 1227 02:53:13.080 --> 02:53:14.310 Javier Lopez-Molina: Personal handbook for 1228 02:53:14.310 --> 02:53:15.930 2021 1229 02:53:24.060 --> 02:53:28.830 Courtney's cell: I'll just keep going. Javier if that's okay with you if the next couple and I'll, I'll try and make these as brief as possible. 1230 02:53:29.550 --> 02:53:39.420 Courtney's cell: So the next item is just a heads up, I will be emailing all of you a Word document. It's the disclosure finance financial interests warm, it'll look very familiar. 1231 02:53:39.870 --> 02:53:48.420 Courtney's cell: And you all have filled this out in the past, but there is a new form effective June 2020 and so I would just ask within a month or so if you can fill that out. 1232 02:53:50.430 --> 02:53:59.760 Courtney's cell: Sign it and then PDF it back to me. I will include it as part of our annual report. It's just a state reporting requirement that we have each August 1233 02:54:00.210 --> 02:54:06.090 Courtney's cell: And so again, I'll get that to you guys in the next couple of days, but pretty straightforward. And if you have any questions, certainly, let me know. 1234 02:54:08.580 --> 02:54:15.570 Courtney's cell: Alright, so the next one we're going to move on to facilities, I have to voting items here. So I'm going to ask Maria had helped me out with the first one. 1235 02:54:16.260 --> 02:54:26.850 Courtney's cell: But it was brought to my attention and Monica from Lighthouse Academy's attention. A few months ago that there were some areas of opportunity with our current cleaning service. So in particular, 1236 02:54:28.140 --> 02:54:34.920 Courtney's cell: Things like cleaning supplies, perhaps, that should have been included not being some additional costs being heard. 1237 02:54:35.640 --> 02:54:41.310 Courtney's cell: Different points of feedback. And so, Monica issued an RFP to a number of potential vendors 1238 02:54:41.880 --> 02:54:51.270 Courtney's cell: We've got probably about I'd say eight or so strong proposals back and Maria and I met to discuss and evaluate and then eventually come back to Travis and recommend 1239 02:54:51.870 --> 02:55:01.680 Courtney's cell: The proposal that you'll see in the package so that recommended vendor is proclaimed management services their systems proclaim and essentially 1240 02:55:02.340 --> 02:55:09.540 Courtney's cell: I'll have Maria. Talk to us a little bit about the financial comparison document, you'll see in the package so you can understand. You know why this is 1241 02:55:11.310 --> 02:55:21.960 Courtney's cell: Important and logical shift for the school. I know that the board has certainly been thinking about transitions and a number of changes and really trying to be smart about those. But we do think 1242 02:55:22.560 --> 02:55:36.780 Courtney's cell: That this is a strategic move from an operations perspective and due to the cost of the contract. I think it's somewhere around 170 K and it would require a board book. So I'll turn it over to Maria to just briefly walk us through the I'm really helpful document, she prepared. 1243 02:55:40.710 --> 02:55:41.100 Okay. 1244 02:55:43.500 --> 02:55:43.950 Maria Dorsey: I'm 1245 02:55:45.810 --> 02:55:51.660 Maria Dorsey: A comparison that you will see. Does everyone see can you share it for me. Courtney, or would you like to do it. 1246 02:55:52.800 --> 02:55:59.010 Courtney's cell: No problem. I'll do that. Maria to definitely get started and i'll i'll get down there was taking a second but go ahead. 1247 02:56:00.090 --> 02:56:02.100 Maria Dorsey: Okay um propylene 1248 02:56:02.460 --> 02:56:20.400 Maria Dorsey: They're coming in monthly at 13,009 40 to 60 but with Pro clean that also includes all of the cleaning supplies. Okay. So currently, for the school year of FYI 20 we have been paying see but 9500 but that does not 1249 02:56:20.400 --> 02:56:21.030 Maria Dorsey: Include any 1250 02:56:21.090 --> 02:56:22.020 Courtney's cell: cleaning supplies. 1251 02:56:22.260 --> 02:56:23.400 Maria Dorsey: So therefore, 1252 02:56:23.760 --> 02:56:32.400 Maria Dorsey: You will see this column at the top, you'll see see but 9500 monthly you'll see the supplies that we've incurred over the year and 1253 02:56:33.330 --> 02:56:39.990 Maria Dorsey: When we needed extra workers there was an additional costs. So sometimes you know if carpet needed to be cleaned. If a scholar. 1254 02:56:40.290 --> 02:56:50.430 Maria Dorsey: Made a boo boo, there was something going on that needed extensive cleaning, they would charge us or if we needed extra workers. They would charge us for that when the kitchen needed to be cleaned it was always the additional 1255 02:56:50.460 --> 02:56:53.910 Maria Dorsey: wasn't part of the contract. So if you look at our total costs for 1256 02:56:53.910 --> 02:57:06.180 Maria Dorsey: The year and this is the actual actually what we've incurred it's 140 1056 84 to the dollar, which basically averages out to 11,007 5474 a month. 1257 02:57:07.080 --> 02:57:19.920 Maria Dorsey: So with the new school year when we did look at the various proposals proclaimed came in at 13,009 40 to 60 monthly. So I wanted to take a look at what's the buzz going to 1258 02:57:20.610 --> 02:57:30.120 Maria Dorsey: If we were to stay with them. They increased to 12,000 but the contract still remains the same. So with that 12,000 you've got you've got to add in all of this. 1259 02:57:30.330 --> 02:57:35.910 Maria Dorsey: cleaning supplies and I did an average of 25,000 but if you see the cleaning supplies stopped in March. 1260 02:57:36.120 --> 02:57:44.910 Maria Dorsey: Due to coven they weren't coming out is often so there was no need to purchase additional cleaning supplies so I added added it made it a little higher to 25,000 1261 02:57:45.450 --> 02:58:00.810 Maria Dorsey: For cleaning supplies and then extra work because if we should need them 5000 so just to take a projection. If we were if we were to keep Seba of the average cost, the total cost for the year. Let's say estimate would be about 1262 02:58:00.810 --> 02:58:02.250 Courtney's cell: 170 4000 1263 02:58:02.460 --> 02:58:03.630 Maria Dorsey: So then I decided to look 1264 02:58:03.630 --> 02:58:15.420 Maria Dorsey: At proclaim, which is going to be 13,009 40 to 60 monthly that's going to include cleaning supplies. So that's going to take away those additional items for cleaning supplies. 1265 02:58:16.470 --> 02:58:24.120 Maria Dorsey: And actual workers, I asked proclaiming. How does that work. I gave him various incidents, he said, that's all a part of 1266 02:58:24.810 --> 02:58:25.680 Maria Dorsey: The monthly fee. 1267 02:58:26.220 --> 02:58:37.140 Maria Dorsey: And I also added in paper products because the one thing that they do not providing their contract are the toilet paper towels garbage bags and that's something that I'm working 1268 02:58:37.140 --> 02:58:37.860 Courtney's cell: With you line. 1269 02:58:38.130 --> 02:58:38.910 Maria Dorsey: I'm putting in 1270 02:58:39.060 --> 02:58:42.570 Maria Dorsey: A proposal, a request for you like to give us some pricing. 1271 02:58:42.960 --> 02:58:54.360 Maria Dorsey: And what they do is they give us discounts. Once I asked for a particular pricing and then what I would do is just take a review of what what we did last year and then compare it, and then see how much 1272 02:58:55.110 --> 02:59:09.210 Maria Dorsey: Those paper products basically going to cost. And I came up to the average about 8000. So if you look at the two contracts. It would almost run. There's not much of a gap to look at. So let's say if we were to go with Pro clean will be 175 1273 02:59:09.240 --> 02:59:09.780 Courtney's cell: Roughly 1274 02:59:09.960 --> 02:59:11.070 Courtney's cell: For the entire year. 1275 02:59:11.820 --> 02:59:13.860 Maria Dorsey: And then if we were to say with CIBA 1276 02:59:14.010 --> 02:59:16.590 Maria Dorsey: I can say it's going to be about 170 6000 1277 02:59:17.730 --> 02:59:32.730 Maria Dorsey: Again, not much of a gap. But if we're going to move forward and and look at another company. Let's see what what the cost would be in there is no cost to go with Pro clean, it's going to be something that we wouldn't incur if you were to 1278 02:59:32.760 --> 02:59:33.450 Keep Seba 1279 02:59:35.820 --> 02:59:37.110 Maria Dorsey: Anybody have any questions. 1280 02:59:38.580 --> 02:59:45.120 Keyur Shah: Maria. Just a quick question. Why is the paper products cost so much less or SIVA 1281 02:59:46.680 --> 02:59:51.600 Maria Dorsey: Because they provide, they provide. That's part of their supplies. 1282 02:59:55.890 --> 02:59:59.940 Keyur Shah: Oh, okay. I don't have any supplies didn't provide any supplies. 1283 03:00:00.060 --> 03:00:13.740 Maria Dorsey: No, no, no. The paper products. The, the toilet paper and the paper towels is part of the supplies. OK, so the course that you see at the bottom for the 20 that 5000 is basically we by the 1284 03:00:14.010 --> 03:00:15.930 Maria Dorsey: Way by the large garbage. 1285 03:00:15.960 --> 03:00:24.120 Maria Dorsey: Bags FROM YOU LINE FOR THE CAFETERIA cleanup. So those are things that we buy because they're industrial they're big. They're 1286 03:00:24.120 --> 03:00:26.970 Maria Dorsey: Strong and that's what we need. When we have to clean up. 1287 03:00:27.060 --> 03:00:28.440 Maria Dorsey: The cafeteria for the scholars 1288 03:00:29.670 --> 03:00:30.660 Courtney's cell: Got it, okay. 1289 03:00:31.410 --> 03:00:31.830 Courtney's cell: Thanks. 1290 03:00:32.130 --> 03:00:34.410 Maria Dorsey: You're welcome. Any other questions. 1291 03:00:36.960 --> 03:00:39.420 Javier Lopez-Molina: Well questions I have this sort of like that. 1292 03:00:39.510 --> 03:00:40.080 Quality 1293 03:00:41.310 --> 03:00:46.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: Do we have, like, okay, so these are roughly the same price, but do we have a sense of the quality of the service would be 1294 03:00:46.890 --> 03:00:53.430 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any better with proclaim type, like, Have we talked to other vendor other clients those other schools that 1295 03:00:55.260 --> 03:00:56.160 Maria Dorsey: Yes, we have. 1296 03:00:56.940 --> 03:01:00.120 Courtney's cell: Importantly, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Yeah. 1297 03:01:00.750 --> 03:01:03.150 Maria Dorsey: I heard you about this, say something. So I do what 1298 03:01:03.810 --> 03:01:05.970 Maria Dorsey: School metropolitan has discussed 1299 03:01:06.420 --> 03:01:09.660 Maria Dorsey: Arm has told us about the 1300 03:01:09.690 --> 03:01:12.300 Maria Dorsey: Pro clean and the experiences they've had with the school. They're very 1301 03:01:12.300 --> 03:01:12.990 Courtney's cell: Satisfied. 1302 03:01:13.170 --> 03:01:14.970 Maria Dorsey: With the school and along with 1303 03:01:15.000 --> 03:01:26.460 Maria Dorsey: Proclaim and along with proclaim, we also will have a porter, which means there'll be someone at the school from seven to for assisting with the cleanup process, the cleaning process. 1304 03:01:27.450 --> 03:01:43.860 Maria Dorsey: Okay, we'll see. But we did not have that they were only coming in the evening proclaimed will also be coming in uniforms will know who they are and from what I'm understanding, even during the cold season and prior to that, there were no concerns or 1305 03:01:43.950 --> 03:01:45.780 Maria Dorsey: Complaints, they were highly recommended by our 1306 03:01:45.780 --> 03:01:46.500 Courtney's cell: Sister school 1307 03:01:47.310 --> 03:01:48.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: Her question which is 1308 03:01:48.780 --> 03:01:49.530 Courtney's cell: Given that 1309 03:01:50.370 --> 03:01:52.410 Javier Lopez-Molina: We have met are 1310 03:01:54.000 --> 03:01:57.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, in the eyes of the external world sister schools still 1311 03:01:57.420 --> 03:01:59.220 Javier Lopez-Molina: You. Is there any sort of like 1312 03:01:59.400 --> 03:02:01.860 Javier Lopez-Molina: Group discount that that we could 1313 03:02:01.950 --> 03:02:13.650 Javier Lopez-Molina: Talk to pro clean about getting so for example if we said okay, proclaiming like you sign a two year contract with you if you lower your price to XYZ there any sort of discussion like that that we can have with them. 1314 03:02:14.520 --> 03:02:21.390 Maria Dorsey: I'm quite sure that we can, because that is one thing that I did bring up to Courtney and principal Travis is that 1315 03:02:21.480 --> 03:02:24.960 Maria Dorsey: When, when we do after we speak to the board. 1316 03:02:25.290 --> 03:02:27.390 Maria Dorsey: We would like to sit down and discuss with 1317 03:02:27.390 --> 03:02:28.140 Proclaim 1318 03:02:30.000 --> 03:02:31.380 Maria Dorsey: The services and 1319 03:02:31.860 --> 03:02:34.110 Maria Dorsey: The options that we have available during 1320 03:02:34.170 --> 03:02:35.640 Maria Dorsey: The season. If there's something 1321 03:02:36.360 --> 03:02:37.560 Maria Dorsey: Were to go forward with Kobo 1322 03:02:37.590 --> 03:02:43.950 Maria Dorsey: Where the school is not going to be open at a certain time or certain certain situation where that Porter is not really, you know, 1323 03:02:44.400 --> 03:02:55.200 Maria Dorsey: Going not as effective. What are they going to be doing when there is no major activity at the school so I do know that there is a time where I'm going to be relying on Courtney and principal brown 1324 03:02:55.950 --> 03:03:02.190 Maria Dorsey: To clear some time, we can meet with proclaim to discuss further but we didn't want to do any discussions until we discussed with the board. 1325 03:03:02.550 --> 03:03:04.140 Maria Dorsey: what your thoughts are, because we don't want to 1326 03:03:04.170 --> 03:03:08.730 Maria Dorsey: Talk to a vendor get them all excited and then we meet with the board and it's not a go. 1327 03:03:08.730 --> 03:03:09.120 Maria Dorsey: So, 1328 03:03:09.270 --> 03:03:20.400 Maria Dorsey: Our first step was just first consult and show you the facts show you the numbers and then we can definitely speak with Pro clean and that's our choice and discuss what are the options are available. If we were to take them on. 1329 03:03:20.460 --> 03:03:21.570 Maria Dorsey: As our 1330 03:03:22.020 --> 03:03:22.650 cleaning company. 1331 03:03:26.940 --> 03:03:34.140 Courtney's cell: And so heavier, one way to consider. You might have already thought of this but you you all might consider if you're comfortable voting for this because we did 1332 03:03:35.220 --> 03:03:41.820 Courtney's cell: Start to discuss with people kind of what's the next steps might be. So we might ask the Lord to approve up to a certain amount, like maybe 1333 03:03:42.240 --> 03:03:56.250 Courtney's cell: Maybe you all don't feel comfortable with the 175 but you could give a negotiating power up to a certain amount and then Maria Travis and I could certainly go back and see what we can work out given you know that partnership in that discount you refer to. So 1334 03:03:58.500 --> 03:03:59.700 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think that there's 1335 03:03:59.790 --> 03:04:02.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know, there's a potential i'm not i'm not 1336 03:04:03.270 --> 03:04:04.050 Javier Lopez-Molina: a must for 1337 03:04:04.200 --> 03:04:04.410 Courtney's cell: Me. 1338 03:04:04.830 --> 03:04:06.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: It doesn't sound like we would 1339 03:04:07.830 --> 03:04:11.490 Javier Lopez-Molina: Doesn't sound like this huge quality problems with proclaim based on our relationship with Matt. 1340 03:04:11.550 --> 03:04:12.780 Courtney's cell: And that's experience with them. 1341 03:04:13.020 --> 03:04:22.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: And so I would be comfortable entering into a multi year agreement proclaim, especially if we could get a lower rate. That gives us a better quality. 1342 03:04:22.290 --> 03:04:25.380 Javier Lopez-Molina: And a lower price than we currently have. To me, that's a no brainer. Let's do it. 1343 03:04:26.940 --> 03:04:28.710 Javier Lopez-Molina: So the question. 1344 03:04:29.100 --> 03:04:30.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: Like what what what's the press that 1345 03:04:31.200 --> 03:04:36.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: We're comfortable with. For me, that's how I'm thinking I love to see how other people are thinking about it. 1346 03:04:43.020 --> 03:04:45.990 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: I agree with you, have you here. I think that that sounds 1347 03:04:45.990 --> 03:04:58.770 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Like a good idea. My only um I guess my only thought is whether or not we feel comfortable that school is definitely going to go live in the next year and like signing a multi contract. 1348 03:05:00.420 --> 03:05:09.780 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: A multi year contract under these conditions is a good idea. Just because I think you know I think everyone wants to go back to the live school, obviously, but 1349 03:05:10.470 --> 03:05:20.160 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Everything is really uncertain. So just how long we want to contract for knowing that there are some variables and maybe we won't need the same type of maintenance. 1350 03:05:21.300 --> 03:05:22.590 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: For the next few years. 1351 03:05:23.130 --> 03:05:24.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: So in my 1352 03:05:25.890 --> 03:05:35.430 Javier Lopez-Molina: My take on that is actually that gives us all the power in this negotiating relationships. If you think about this company is entirely dependent on school running forward. 1353 03:05:36.510 --> 03:05:46.980 Javier Lopez-Molina: And people entering into relationships. I think that needs to be part of the negotiation that if like schools are closed, then we don't pay for that model like we have to have some sort of 1354 03:05:48.300 --> 03:05:54.570 Javier Lopez-Molina: way of saying like, you can count on our revenues, but we're not going to pay you for work that that's not going to get done, or that doesn't need to get done. 1355 03:05:57.360 --> 03:06:05.760 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: I agree with that. And I think even if it's just negotiating a reduced amount for those months right like under understanding that we want them to stay in business because we 1356 03:06:06.180 --> 03:06:17.730 Sara Madavo Jean-Jacques: Do want them to continue providing services for us in general. Um, but I think I think that we just need to factor in cove it and whether we think whether we think live school is going to go forward in some way. 1357 03:06:30.150 --> 03:06:31.170 Javier Lopez-Molina: Considerations 1358 03:06:34.440 --> 03:06:36.690 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, I think I'm thinking about it. Similarly, 1359 03:06:37.350 --> 03:06:53.040 robb@commonbond.co: Heavier in terms of and and what are at in terms of us having opportunity for some getting some favorite pricing for a longer term, and then also having some provision around if school doesn't open 1360 03:06:54.630 --> 03:07:02.910 robb@commonbond.co: It just one question, Ray. He may have mentioned this, this ebook contract that that's set to expire, or we kind of a year to year with them. 1361 03:07:03.360 --> 03:07:06.270 Maria Dorsey: Yes that's set to expire June 30 yeah 1362 03:07:06.300 --> 03:07:12.660 robb@commonbond.co: Okay and and have they come back and kind of sharpen their pencils on price at all or 1363 03:07:13.680 --> 03:07:15.450 robb@commonbond.co: Have they given us a proposal for the next year. 1364 03:07:15.840 --> 03:07:18.060 Maria Dorsey: Yes, that is that proposal for next year 12,000 1365 03:07:18.570 --> 03:07:18.930 UK 1366 03:07:20.430 --> 03:07:32.880 robb@commonbond.co: So i see i think i i i'd be comfortable moving forward with yeah I think what we're doing is we're we'd have to approve, it's already just based on the size of the procurement here and then 1367 03:07:34.590 --> 03:07:49.890 robb@commonbond.co: I think provided providing the opportunity for for Maria and coordinate ago. I think there's probably another round of proposals that each kid provide based knowing that it's competitive and or just going, you know, into into a deeper negotiation with proclaim 1368 03:07:50.850 --> 03:07:59.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah, I think there's there's still I see 12,000 a month for CIBA. And I think to myself, gosh, that's an awfully around number 1369 03:08:01.290 --> 03:08:06.660 Javier Lopez-Molina: That there's room to negotiate on that 12,000 as well that they could potentially go down. 1370 03:08:08.220 --> 03:08:14.850 Javier Lopez-Molina: So, especially if we say hey listen we're thinking of going with another another vendor, you have to do here every year. 1371 03:08:15.120 --> 03:08:30.600 Javier Lopez-Molina: Meet meet what the other person is doing. I mean, Maria I trust you to do this negotiation. I think we just need to set the set the boundaries of what we're comfortable as a board willing to spend or have you negotiate to me that the two factors are 1372 03:08:31.620 --> 03:08:35.520 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. Well, if we're not if if schools are shut down. 1373 03:08:36.450 --> 03:08:46.500 Javier Lopez-Molina: And we are, we say that has to match whatever the deal, we have to do. He says, schools are shut down for that month or not in service for that month, and we don't pay for that month. It's just there's no cleaning that needs to be done. 1374 03:08:47.490 --> 03:08:56.460 Javier Lopez-Molina: There so or or we agreed to pay some minimal amount. So I don't know what everyone thinks is minimal amount 1375 03:08:57.660 --> 03:09:15.360 Javier Lopez-Molina: BUT THERE'S GOT TO BE IT CAN'T BE THE SAME ongoing amount. Yes. Um, I guess, Rob. This is a question for you, which is in terms of that final price on that last row, which is it not necessarily the price that we're negotiating with them. I guess the price that we're negotiating is the monthly 1376 03:09:17.730 --> 03:09:23.730 Javier Lopez-Molina: A monthly but with the press in the last row. What do we want to be down. What do we think we can get down to 1377 03:09:25.170 --> 03:09:39.270 Javier Lopez-Molina: Are we comfortable. Like, what's our comfort range because right now. You know, we've got 176 from Seba but I think we can do better from both Seba or proclaim, I just don't know how much better. 1378 03:09:42.030 --> 03:09:45.930 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah, I mean, to some degree, like the, this seems like the market. 1379 03:09:46.770 --> 03:10:05.010 robb@commonbond.co: And so I think this is like these are two independent bands that are coming very close to each other. It does seem like this is a fair price. And I think from here. It's a matter of optimizing terms and maybe getting you bought quote volume discount for a longer term. 1380 03:10:06.120 --> 03:10:13.440 robb@commonbond.co: So you know i would i would be I would be okay authorizing up to this amount and then just kind of saying whatever we can reduce the costs by 1381 03:10:14.850 --> 03:10:17.580 robb@commonbond.co: Is great. It's kind of how I would think about it. 1382 03:10:19.380 --> 03:10:29.610 robb@commonbond.co: And I think there are other terms in the contract that may we may want to be that may be beneficial to us. Maybe it's maybe there's termination language that effectively is a price reduction in the case of 1383 03:10:30.420 --> 03:10:37.200 robb@commonbond.co: You know, no school that that sort of thing. Um, but I would be okay authorizing up up to this amount and then 1384 03:10:38.760 --> 03:10:39.240 robb@commonbond.co: I'm 1385 03:10:40.410 --> 03:10:43.020 robb@commonbond.co: Kind of letting Maria and Courtney loose on them. 1386 03:10:45.660 --> 03:10:45.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: Yeah. 1387 03:10:52.410 --> 03:10:55.110 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think we do need to vote on that on the coordinator 1388 03:10:55.290 --> 03:10:56.370 Courtney's cell: Yeah, just because of this. 1389 03:10:57.810 --> 03:10:58.320 Courtney's cell: Slow 1390 03:10:58.890 --> 03:11:03.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: Motion to approve a Maria 1391 03:11:05.130 --> 03:11:05.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: The amount 1392 03:11:07.980 --> 03:11:08.190 Javier Lopez-Molina: OK. 1393 03:11:09.210 --> 03:11:09.480 Courtney's cell: OK. 1394 03:11:10.200 --> 03:11:17.910 Javier Lopez-Molina: Motion to approve. Courtney and Maria to negotiate with CIBA and proclaiming for contracts. 1395 03:11:19.590 --> 03:11:25.290 Javier Lopez-Molina: Are on cleaning up to 170 $6,500 1396 03:11:30.690 --> 03:11:31.230 robb@commonbond.co: Second, 1397 03:11:32.430 --> 03:11:33.480 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 1398 03:11:37.110 --> 03:11:37.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: Look, 1399 03:11:37.590 --> 03:11:45.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: Look for shopping for us again mostly approved the decision making and abilities of Maria and 1400 03:11:46.650 --> 03:11:46.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: For me, 1401 03:11:50.130 --> 03:12:00.870 Courtney's cell: Right, thank you all so the next piece is a lot smaller of a contract that and similarly, Travis came to me a few weeks ago, he brought to my attention. The 1402 03:12:01.500 --> 03:12:11.580 Courtney's cell: Names and the references to Lighthouse till on the outside of the building. So essentially, you've got outside of 1001 interval, you've got Bronx Lighthouse charter school 1403 03:12:11.970 --> 03:12:23.790 Courtney's cell: Over on the 1005 building, you have three components you have Bronx Lighthouse college prep Academy. You've got Lighthouse academies and then you have a local with Lighthouse academies on it and so 1404 03:12:24.870 --> 03:12:36.360 Courtney's cell: I created an RFP issued it to about 10 different vendors had a number of conversations and recently about specifications and questions that folks had. And so ultimately, this is the 1405 03:12:36.840 --> 03:12:42.360 Courtney's cell: Recommended proposal that I've come back with so company based out of Brooklyn. They've provided 1406 03:12:43.350 --> 03:12:52.470 Courtney's cell: You know, the, the general generic information that I've requested a number of references for other charter schools and do the schools that they've worked with 1407 03:12:52.980 --> 03:12:57.120 Courtney's cell: And essentially, again, this one is much smaller. There's two options here. 1408 03:12:57.750 --> 03:13:10.650 Courtney's cell: Both of them are really close. The one is really close to the $25,000 threshold that would require board approval. So I wanted to include it. The other ones at 34 just about we would need it for really either of these, but essentially 1409 03:13:11.790 --> 03:13:15.060 Courtney's cell: The project would be to remove all of these items. 1410 03:13:16.590 --> 03:13:22.920 Courtney's cell: Create replacement items they wouldn't be doing any kind of like logo design or anything like that. We'd be furnishing that to them. 1411 03:13:23.310 --> 03:13:32.640 Courtney's cell: And the biggest differences between the cost options would be this kind of Section A up top here is non eliminated a lot not illuminated lights. 1412 03:13:33.540 --> 03:13:43.800 Courtney's cell: On the letters or there is an illuminated option which I would generally tend to suggest, I was looking at the outside of the building with Travis and Maria and 1413 03:13:44.640 --> 03:13:56.820 Courtney's cell: Obviously the letters and everything stand out that I think the building stands out in general, but you've also got the Train passing by and thinking about people driving by and you know being interested in the school. I don't think the eliminated letters would be 1414 03:13:57.990 --> 03:14:02.250 Courtney's cell: You know too much of an expense on I think it could add a little bit more interest there and so 1415 03:14:04.110 --> 03:14:10.470 Courtney's cell: Yeah, this was just one more for the the board to consider and potentially approved so that we could get some of this done. 1416 03:14:10.920 --> 03:14:25.080 Courtney's cell: There's a little bit of a short runway. I think with our agreement with lighthouse, we do have to have all of the the wording down by a certain time. And so just like to present this to you all and see if you have any questions about the proposal from Paul science ain't 1417 03:14:40.620 --> 03:14:41.400 Javier Lopez-Molina: Have any 1418 03:14:43.590 --> 03:14:50.220 Javier Lopez-Molina: Comments, other than. Is this another question. Have we give you sort of the decision, but the authority to sort of make 1419 03:14:51.900 --> 03:14:53.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: Make the system. 1420 03:14:54.210 --> 03:14:55.680 Javier Lopez-Molina: Or is this one where you want us to 1421 03:14:55.680 --> 03:14:56.790 Javier Lopez-Molina: Pick an option. 1422 03:14:59.490 --> 03:15:02.970 Courtney's cell: And i don't think i think the apps in a way that you described would be great. I did. 1423 03:15:03.600 --> 03:15:15.240 Courtney's cell: Suggest to Travis that we go with eliminated. So I don't know if he's thought about that any further, but um I think of these as give us the option and then authority of about, you know, 33 895 would be certainly in good shape here. 1424 03:15:16.470 --> 03:15:23.700 Courtney's cell: One thing to mention they did talk about permits and the cost of that. And you can see it's quite expensive and will change the price significantly when I 1425 03:15:24.210 --> 03:15:39.750 Courtney's cell: Push the contact Jeff around the requirement of permits. He was like a little bit iffy. He said, You don't really need them. You should have them, but they, they don't really pursue this was school so I would want to have a further conversation with him about that recommendation there. 1426 03:15:42.270 --> 03:15:46.800 Courtney's cell: But essentially, that adds another like 10 K. So I just thought I should mention that as well. For 1427 03:15:50.820 --> 03:15:53.460 Javier Lopez-Molina: Me for input on this stuff because I'm looking 1428 03:15:54.630 --> 03:15:56.490 Courtney's cell: For someone like well what font. Are they going to 1429 03:15:56.490 --> 03:15:59.070 Javier Lopez-Molina: Use this, it kind of the italics, like what's the current 1430 03:15:59.730 --> 03:16:00.090 Courtney's cell: Like 1431 03:16:00.630 --> 03:16:01.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: I don't wanna 1432 03:16:01.560 --> 03:16:02.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: I feel like what 1433 03:16:03.990 --> 03:16:05.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: That stuff is still 1434 03:16:05.730 --> 03:16:12.210 Javier Lopez-Molina: To me very much even, even if it's just letters on on a wall. It's still very much brand and it 1435 03:16:12.990 --> 03:16:14.040 Javier Lopez-Molina: Is easy to read. 1436 03:16:14.040 --> 03:16:15.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: And, you know, so 1437 03:16:18.300 --> 03:16:21.390 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'm happy to delegate that decision making. 1438 03:16:25.020 --> 03:16:26.640 Courtney's cell: I don't know how everybody else feels 1439 03:16:26.940 --> 03:16:29.430 Javier Lopez-Molina: But it'd be great to other people have 1440 03:16:30.090 --> 03:16:31.560 Javier Lopez-Molina: Something to say your thoughts. 1441 03:16:39.210 --> 03:16:41.610 Javier Lopez-Molina: Well, we may all be fatigued. At this point, we're getting 1442 03:16:44.040 --> 03:16:47.010 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I'm motion to authorize Courtney 1443 03:16:47.130 --> 03:16:48.930 Javier Lopez-Molina: To make 1444 03:16:50.550 --> 03:16:52.200 Javier Lopez-Molina: A decision around 1445 03:16:53.460 --> 03:16:55.440 Javier Lopez-Molina: Without making offers coordinators. 1446 03:16:55.500 --> 03:16:55.920 To 1447 03:16:56.940 --> 03:17:00.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: How much was the talk about the limit here that's 1448 03:17:00.660 --> 03:17:04.530 Courtney's cell: 33 895 plus potentially permitting class. 1449 03:17:05.760 --> 03:17:06.150 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay. 1450 03:17:06.390 --> 03:17:07.860 Javier Lopez-Molina: So I authorize a 1451 03:17:07.890 --> 03:17:19.830 Javier Lopez-Molina: motion to authorize coordinating the to sign for 33 895 plus permitting costs for external signage around the school. 1452 03:17:23.820 --> 03:17:24.510 Javier Lopez-Molina: Any seconds. 1453 03:17:28.080 --> 03:17:29.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: All those in favor, 1454 03:17:33.420 --> 03:17:33.720 Maria Dorsey: That was 1455 03:17:34.830 --> 03:17:35.250 Maria Dorsey: Right. 1456 03:17:35.820 --> 03:17:37.980 Maria Dorsey: Sorry, second that Brian 1457 03:17:39.450 --> 03:17:41.010 Maria Dorsey: Yeah. Okay. Thank you. 1458 03:17:42.210 --> 03:17:46.680 Javier Lopez-Molina: All right. Let the record show that the board has unanimously approved that thing that I just said. 1459 03:17:50.610 --> 03:17:53.160 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think that's it. Yeah. And then we go into Executive Session. 1460 03:17:55.770 --> 03:18:03.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: Alright, so for Executive Session. I'm inviting Jennifer Clinton and then everybody else. 1461 03:18:04.320 --> 03:18:04.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: On the board. 1462 03:18:07.380 --> 03:18:14.130 Javier Lopez-Molina: Okay, so thank you guys. It's been a good meeting hopefully we'll get out before 11 I suspect we will 1463 03:18:15.300 --> 03:18:15.990 Maria Dorsey: Courtney 1464 03:18:17.520 --> 03:18:18.060 Maria Dorsey: Courtney 1465 03:18:19.560 --> 03:18:27.780 Courtney's cell: Yes, Javier. I don't know. Do you see that message that I sent to Sarah today about recording. I see. I think she might have had to jump off. I did. 1466 03:18:27.840 --> 03:18:33.690 Javier Lopez-Molina: Did you want me to record when we leave Executive Session. We're not voting on anything, we're just 1467 03:18:33.960 --> 03:18:34.800 Having a conversation 1468 03:18:37.140 --> 03:18:43.620 Courtney's cell: So, I'm so sorry I didn't see you on there. So yes, Sarah has a template. I think it's a little bit more. It's 1469 03:18:44.280 --> 03:18:54.660 Courtney's cell: Making the motion to go in and out of Executive Session, and then who. Second thing, and then if there's both. So if you have any questions there. Oh, certainly. Let me know. I hope that you got it. And it was clear. 1470 03:18:56.010 --> 03:18:56.340 Courtney's cell: Okay. 1471 03:19:00.810 --> 03:19:02.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: I must have social 1472 03:19:06.780 --> 03:19:08.310 Courtney's cell: I think you need 1473 03:19:08.370 --> 03:19:10.410 Maria Dorsey: I need somebody to second that hobby or 1474 03:19:13.680 --> 03:19:14.310 robb@commonbond.co: Second, 1475 03:19:16.020 --> 03:19:16.590 robb@commonbond.co: Yeah. 1476 03:19:17.460 --> 03:19:18.420 Maria Dorsey: Good night, everyone. 1477 03:19:18.840 --> 03:19:19.080 Today, 1478 03:19:24.930 --> 03:19:26.700 Courtney's cell: I'm just gonna send the meeting to heavier. 1479 03:19:31.980 --> 03:19:39.180 Javier Lopez-Molina: I'm the host. Awesome. Alright, so we now have just the board on with Jen and I wanted to give 1480 03:19:39.600 --> 03:19:47.550 Javier Lopez-Molina: Jennifer an opportunity to sort of talk more informally about her experience with the leadership team and her experience with Mr. Brown. 1481 03:19:47.940 --> 03:20:00.720 Javier Lopez-Molina: And also, if there's any more sensitive gaps that maybe you are thinking might exist, but my also not exist just some things that we might want to have a radar part of this I think is useful because 1482 03:20:01.950 --> 03:20:14.370 Javier Lopez-Molina: You know a lot we are as a board haven't been able to get in the weeds of the school and the way that you have over the past two months. And so Matt like on the ground experience I because it's going to be useful for us. 1483 03:20:16.080 --> 03:20:23.550 robb@commonbond.co: He have here, quick, quick note, I don't know if it matters that this is being recorded, along with the rest of the meeting. 1484 03:20:24.060 --> 03:20:25.230 Javier Lopez-Molina: Point. Let me turn it off. 1485 03:20:39.240 --> 03:20:40.680 robb@commonbond.co: Is that the bottom 1486 03:20:51.840 --> 03:20:53.880 robb@commonbond.co: Is that the button next to share screen. 1487 03:20:55.320 --> 03:20:56.730 robb@commonbond.co: Is that packed if 1488 03:20:58.680 --> 03:21:01.920 Javier Lopez-Molina: I have the button next to share screen is breakout rooms for me. 1489 03:21:07.620 --> 03:21:12.270 robb@commonbond.co: It says record, but then it says please request record permission from the meeting host 1490 03:21:12.990 --> 03:21:13.890 That's unfortunate. 1491 03:21:15.450 --> 03:21:17.970 Briar Thompson: Courtney efficiently. Right. 1492 03:21:19.440 --> 03:21:20.670 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let me text. Hey, 1493 03:21:24.660 --> 03:21:26.280 robb@commonbond.co: I could drop in a new link. 1494 03:21:26.280 --> 03:21:27.930 robb@commonbond.co: To if we wanted to go into a different 1495 03:21:29.310 --> 03:21:29.910 robb@commonbond.co: Zoom. 1496 03:21:34.800 --> 03:21:38.340 robb@commonbond.co: I don't know if it matters, but everyone will get the same recording if 1497 03:21:45.270 --> 03:21:45.570 You 1498 03:21:52.200 --> 03:21:52.890 Javier Lopez-Molina: Asked her 1499 03:21:54.810 --> 03:21:55.140 Javier Lopez-Molina: To come 1500 03:21:56.250 --> 03:21:58.590 Javier Lopez-Molina: Over so quickly. Hopefully she doesn't shut her laptop down 1501 03:22:03.840 --> 03:22:04.440 robb@commonbond.co: Maybe a 1502 03:22:05.040 --> 03:22:06.630 robb@commonbond.co: hobby or maybe doesn't matter, but 1503 03:22:07.110 --> 03:22:12.120 Javier Lopez-Molina: It says, I'm the host, but I'm surprised that I can turn off recording 1504 03:22:15.450 --> 03:22:16.740 Javier Lopez-Molina: Oh wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. 1505 03:22:29.370 --> 03:22:30.780 Javier Lopez-Molina: I think we may need to 1506 03:22:31.890 --> 03:22:33.630 Javier Lopez-Molina: hop into different call um 1507 03:22:34.740 --> 03:22:40.230 Javier Lopez-Molina: Can you guys will just, you don't need video, so I'm just gonna put the dial in number here. 1508 03:22:42.120 --> 03:22:42.960 Javier Lopez-Molina: doesn't know how to test 1509 03:22:48.990 --> 03:22:49.350 Javier Lopez-Molina: Number. 1510 03:23:14.220 --> 03:23:16.530 Javier Lopez-Molina: Let's just all dial in over the phone. 1511 03:23:21.390 --> 03:23:22.530 Jennifer Clayton: We're gonna hang up on zoom 1512 03:23:24.720 --> 03:23:25.260 Jennifer Clayton: Yeah, okay. 1513 03:23:25.410 --> 03:23:25.950 Briar Thompson: Thank you. 1514 03:23:26.370 --> 03:23:27.750 robb@commonbond.co: You have to keep the meeting up 1515 03:23:27.750 --> 03:23:28.050 Here. 1516 03:23:29.550 --> 03:23:30.960 Javier Lopez-Molina: I will. I won't, I won't go 1517 03:23:32.160 --> 03:23:33.120 Javier Lopez-Molina: I gotta find my phone. 1518 03:24:07.290 --> 03:24:10.500 robb@commonbond.co: Please record your first and last name after the tone.